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Please help me stop worrying about dd

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ETA: Update #47


You'll have to cut me some slack here, I only have one child, and she's never really been sick with more than a sniffle or an ear infection, so naturally I'm freaking out now, lol.


Dd has had a fever and a horrid cough for four days now. Her temp has been going up and down from normal to 101, and the cough is of the yucky, phlegmy variety. Her appetite has been pretty poor, and she's had a runny nose for days now.


I took her to the doctor today because the cough has gotten so bad that she's had coughing spells that end in her gagging and her lips turning blue. Extremely scary for us both. The doctor said that dd's lungs sound fine, but her glands are swollen and she seems pretty sick. She gave us prescriptions for cough syrup with codeine, and an antibiotic, and told us to give her a tsp of kid's benadryl to stop the mucus waterfall.


I gave dd the cough syrup and benadryl at four this afternoon, and another dose of the cough syrup and the antibiotic at quarter after eight. Dd has been sleeping nearly constantly, except for the dosing and some fluids, since five. She had to get up to pee just a bit ago, and she was walking and talking like she was drunk and saying she just wants to sleep.


Is this all normal for a sick three-year-old? Please tell me this is all normal and I don't have to freak out. Dd has never been much for sleeping, so hearing her say she just wants to sleep after she's been in bed for seven hours is making me really :sad:. Her face is all red and blotchy and the poor thing looks like she's on death's doorstep. Some reassurance would be greatly appreciated tonight.



Edited by Mergath
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When you are so sick, sleeping is the only good thing.

I cannot tell you that everything is fine but you did see a dr and received advice and meds. When I was a kid, I never wanted to sleep but when I had the measles, all I wanted to do was lie in bed in a dark room. It was so unusual for me that my mother still talks about it today. :001_smile:

If you are in doubt, call an advice nurse at your ped's office or sometimes insurance companies also offer the services of an advice nurse.

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:grouphug: Doesn't Benadryl make one sleepy?

Hope she gets better soon.


It does. She hasn't had any in seven hours, though.


I analyze everything way too much. Can you tell? And I have OCD. Which is why I've been lying here next to dd since five to make sure she doesn't stop breathing or something. :rolleyes:

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If you are in doubt, call an advice nurse at your ped's office or sometimes insurance companies also offer the services of an advice nurse.


Our insurance does offer one of those nurse-line things, but I learned long ago that calling it does not help me, because they invariably say, "In cases of [pretty much anything under the sun] we recommend that you go to the ER." Dh got really sick of me saying, "But they told me that my leg pain/headache/funny rash could be a blood clot/aneurism/flesh-eating bacteria and I need to go right now!!!" and forbid me to ever call them again. :tongue_smilie:

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Benadryl will make most children sleepy, and the codeine will also make them sleepy/loopy.


Be sure to alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofren as long as the fever is high. Make sure, even though she is sleepy, she stays hydrated.


Personally I would ease up on either the cough med or the Benadryl - probably the Benadryl for now. Once the cough lightens up some, maybe in the morning, then I'd do Benadryl. I would want to keep fluids in her so wouldn't keep her too sedated.


Try not to worry. Stay on schedule with the antibiotics, even if you have to wake her. Fluids! Helps with the cough and fever and general healing. A humidifier may help, so put that by her bed, if you have one. Room temp, wet cloths put on her forehead and neck will help reduce fevers too.


Benadryl knocks me out, and codeine makes me loopy. I'd probably look like her too.



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I think that you're wise to sleep with her. It consoles both of you, and you are right on top of everything. Benedryl can make you extremely sleepy for a long time. I wonder whether she has pertussis? It's rampant out here, and the coughing sounds like that. I know a boy who has it chronically, despite being vaccinated for it. The swollen glands should be addressed by the Benedryl. If they swell any more, given how badly she is already coughing, it could be bad, so I would check to see if the swelling has gone down, and then keep checking for that.

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The codeine and benadryl will both make her sleepy, I think. Not to mention, kids are just sleepy in general when sick.


But I'm surprised the doc didn't have you get a chest x-ray. Four days of fever, combined with all that coughing and phlegm, make me think pneumonia.


Hope she is on the mend soon, Mergath. I always think it's *almost as hard for Mommy as it is for the dc when they're sick. :grouphug:

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I would attribute the walking and talking like a drunk to the benedryl and codeine. I am actually surprised they did not prescribe any sort of breathing treatment based on her lips turning blue during the coughing spells.



I found this about side effects of codeine:


What to Look For: Codeine Side Effects Could Be Serious


Less serious side effects reported with codeine use include headache, sweating, nausea, vomiting, constipation, feelings of dizziness or drowsiness, sleeping problems, blurred vision, dry mouth, mild skin rash and loss of interest in sex. Patients should get emergency medical help immediately if they experience one or more symptoms considered to be more severe. This includes signs of an allergic reaction including swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, hives or difficult, labored breathing. Other serious side effects could include slowed heartbeat, shallow breathing, fainting, lightheadedness, unusual thoughts or behavior, confusion, agitation, hallucinations, convulsions, seizures or problems with urination. Vitamins, herbal supplements and minerals could also interact with codeine, heightening side effects. Patients should always tell their doctors if theyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re taking any of these.





So maybe she is light headed or dizzy which is adding to this?? I wouldn't be super worried because she is young and sounds very sick. Plus the medications are affecting her behaviors.




None the less I would give the doctor a call. Better safe than sorry, ya know? Especially with her being so little! :grouphug:

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Figures, doesn't it? :001_smile: Check on her often. Make sure fluids are taken and stay down. Monitor how often she pees (fluid level indicator) and if you are still worried, call the ped. They are used to calls at all hours and won't bat an eye.

Hope she recovers fast and all will be well!

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I think that you're wise to sleep with her. It consoles both of you, and you are right on top of everything. Benedryl can make you extremely sleepy for a long time. I wonder whether she has pertussis? It's rampant out here, and the coughing sounds like that. I know a boy who has it chronically, despite being vaccinated for it. The swollen glands should be addressed by the Benedryl. If they swell any more, given how badly she is already coughing, it could be bad, so I would check to see if the swelling has gone down, and then keep checking for that.


We co-sleep normally, so it's not unusual for us. I just don't normally lay in bed from five o'clock onward. I'm starting to go a little stir crazy.


I had mentally ruled out pertussis because she doesn't make that whooping sound when she's breathing in, but looking at the symptom list, it does match her symptoms otherwise. The timeline looks right, too. And that would explain why the doc prescribed the antibiotic. I'd been wondering about that, tbh. Oh, dear. :crying:


From what I'm reading, though, it says that cough mixtures aren't helpful and shouldn't be used, but it seems to be helping dd quite a bit. Last night she was coughing all night long, but tonight it's quieted down quite a bit.

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The codeine and benadryl will both make her sleepy, I think. Not to mention, kids are just sleepy in general when sick.


But I'm surprised the doc didn't have you get a chest x-ray. Four days of fever, combined with all that coughing and phlegm, make me think pneumonia.


Hope she is on the mend soon, Mergath. I always think it's *almost as hard for Mommy as it is for the dc when they're sick. :grouphug:


She listened to her breathing for a long time and said her lungs sounded fine, so I think she ruled out pneumonia that way. Though now I'm wondering where all the phlegm is coming from, if her lungs sounded good... Ugh, my brain is going to explode.

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Is the blotchiness on her face a rash? Or is she flushed from the fever?


Codeine knocks me out. Benadryl also makes you super sleepy. Once you stop the meds, she'll wake up! But it's good to sleep when you're sick.


Hope she's on the mend soon!




I'm pretty sure it's just from the fever. She's extremely pale, and it doesn't take much to make her look like that. I have to use a steroid cream on the back of her neck in the summer because she's so sensitive she breaks out from her own sweat.

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She listened to her breathing for a long time and said her lungs sounded fine, so I think she ruled out pneumonia that way. Though now I'm wondering where all the phlegm is coming from, if her lungs sounded good... Ugh, my brain is going to explode.


Phlegm is produced by our bodies to flush out the virus/bacteria. It does not necessarily come from the lungs. A lot of mucus is produced in the sinuses and bronchial areas when something "needs to go."

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Sounds very normal for a sick 3-year old, especially with an influx of strong meds. The only thing about your description that struck me as potentially unusual is that you mentioned she had a red, blotchy face. Not sure what would be causing that (doesn't seem to fit with the other symptoms).


Hope she feels better soon and that you're both able to get some rest tonight!:grouphug:

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I had mentally ruled out pertussis because she doesn't make that whooping sound when she's breathing in, but looking at the symptom list, it does match her symptoms otherwise. The timeline looks right, too. And that would explain why the doc prescribed the antibiotic. I'd been wondering about that, tbh. Oh, dear. :crying:



Whooping cough was the first thing I thought of because of the coughing and then gagging. It doesn't have to have the whoop.

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I'll spare you the scary story, but it's contraindicated in kids under 6 because it can cause respiratory depression.


I'm sorry to freak you out more, but I would want to know that if I was in your shoes.


Thanks for letting me know. From what I've been reading, I shouldn't be giving it to dd anyway if she does in fact have pertussis. And her coughing sounds an awful lot like the example pertussis coughs you can listen to on different websites. So I think we'll just stick with the antibiotic, and I'll be giving the clinic a call in the morning.

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What was the doctor's diagnosis? Giving abx means he/she thinks it's a bacterial infection.


Both of those drugs will absolutely knock her out cold, so don't worry about the sleepiness unless she's completely unresponsive and can't be roused. I don't know if I would give them together again...it's not dangerous, just probably not all that helpful at her age, and the side effects can be dramatic.


I'd save the cough medicine for bedtime only.


Her fever is actually low-grade...especially for a young child. They tend to run high fevers. Most fevers will go up in the evening...again nothing to worry about.


If it is pertussis, there's not much you can do except wait it out. If she's been vaxed, chances are it'll be less severe...not foolproof for that, but generally it is.


If she just has an upper respiratory infection, you should begin to see improvement after 48 hours on abx (provided it's a bacterial infection). If she's not ANY better by Monday, I'd have the doc check her again.


It's hard when little ones are sick, but they're very resilient and bounce back quickly from most crud. Try not to worry.

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What was the doctor's diagnosis? Giving abx means he/she thinks it's a bacterial infection.


Both of those drugs will absolutely knock her out cold, so don't worry about the sleepiness unless she's completely unresponsive and can't be roused. I don't know if I would give them together again...it's not dangerous, just probably not all that helpful at her age, and the side effects can be dramatic.


I'd save the cough medicine for bedtime only.


Her fever is actually low-grade...especially for a young child. They tend to run high fevers. Most fevers will go up in the evening...again nothing to worry about.


If it is pertussis, there's not much you can do except wait it out. If she's been vaxed, chances are it'll be less severe...not foolproof for that, but generally it is.


If she just has an upper respiratory infection, you should begin to see improvement after 48 hours on abx (provided it's a bacterial infection). If she's not ANY better by Monday, I'd have the doc check her again.


It's hard when little ones are sick, but they're very resilient and bounce back quickly from most crud. Try not to worry.


Her diagnosis was, "Yup, she's sick." I should have asked more, but I was up all night last night with dd trying to keep her calm between coughing fits, so I'm a little slow today. :glare:


Yeah, I'm definitely thinking we'll cut back on the meds. I asked the doc if it was okay to give them together and she said it was, but I didn't realize they would knock her out to this extent. I'm not giving the cough syrup again anyway, at least not until I've talked to the doctor.


She's had all her vaccines, something for which I've spent the last hour thanking each and every one of my lucky stars, in case it is pertussis.


Thanks for the info, I'm slightly more calm now after reading your post. :001_smile:

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I'd save the cough medicine for bedtime only.


Her fever is actually low-grade...especially for a young child. They tend to run high fevers. Most fevers will go up in the evening...again nothing to worry about.


If it is pertussis, there's not much you can do except wait it out. If she's been vaxed, chances are it'll be less severe...not foolproof for that, but generally it is.


If she just has an upper respiratory infection, you should begin to see improvement after 48 hours on abx (provided it's a bacterial infection). If she's not ANY better by Monday, I'd have the doc check her again.


It's hard when little ones are sick, but they're very resilient and bounce back quickly from most crud. Try not to worry.


:iagree: All of this.



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No worries. If your doc isn't thinking pertussis (and honestly, if he was he would have brought it up because of the contagiousness factor), I'm suspecting he might think it's her sinuses. Causes a ton of mucus, which in turn causes the coughing. It also responds very nicely to a course of abx.

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Heads up:


It may last up to 4 weeks.

My son and I just had this (minus the fever).

No energy, just wanted to be in bed, runny nose,

and above all the constant debilitating super violent

coughing day and night. Phleghmy, nasty, can't-

get- it- out sort of coughing.

It gets better after 4 weeks.

We drank lots of medicinal tea.

Keep her hydrated, give her soup.

Let her sleep.

Watch the fever though! If it gets too high, run to the ER!


Hang in there and trust your instincts!

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If it is pertussis I highly recommend a vitamin called ascorbic acid- it is vitamin c buffered with salt. It tastes awful but it works. We had pertussis in August 2010, my youngest had it worst and had several very frightening spells where he coughed till he was purple, we were back and forth at the ER but they never heard his episodes. Ester c and a whole bunch of other vitamins did nothing, but the ascorbic acid was amazing. I can't remember the dosage, but was suggested to dose the patient to bowel tolerance- meaning if they get diarrhea you lower the dose by a tsp until it stops. There is a lot more info regarding this on mothering.com on the health boards.

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Awwww. Poor girl. And poor you! i understand. I'm OCD when it comes to my kids' health. When they're sick, I don't sleep.


That said, I agree with the others - codine is strong stuff. It wiped her out. Benadryl will make her sleepy and the sleep you get on it isn't good sleep. You wake up tired. She's sleeping it off and I bet it will help!


As for the pertussis - when my kids had it, it definitely was NOT a loose cough like your dd's. They never really felt sick. But, when they coughed, they turned blue. I hope that isn't what she has! I just wanted to reassure you that it doesn't sound at all like my kids' WC.



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The codeine and benadryl will both make her sleepy, I think. Not to mention, kids are just sleepy in general when sick.


But I'm surprised the doc didn't have you get a chest x-ray. Four days of fever, combined with all that coughing and phlegm, make me think pneumonia.


Hope she is on the mend soon, Mergath. I always think it's *almost as hard for Mommy as it is for the dc when they're sick. :grouphug:


He did listen to the lungs and said they sounded clear. Not to say it couldn't develop into pneumonia.

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He did listen to the lungs and said they sounded clear. Not to say it couldn't develop into pneumonia.


:iagree: I had a doctor that would shy away from intervention if he could. Blood tests, xrays, strep tests, etc. BUT, he'd only do it if the treatment he'd recommend were the same whether we had the tests or not. So, if ds came in with a sore throat and fever and white spots on his tonsils, he'd treat with an antibiotic. So, why put him through a strep test? Make sense?


Pneumonia would be treated with an antibiotic and cough syrup with codine (probably). So, did she really need the exposure to an xray? Treatment was the same either way.

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:iagree: I had a doctor that would shy away from intervention if he could. Blood tests, xrays, strep tests, etc. BUT, he'd only do it if the treatment he'd recommend were the same whether we had the tests or not. So, if ds came in with a sore throat and fever and white spots on his tonsils, he'd treat with an antibiotic. So, why put him through a strep test? Make sense?


Pneumonia would be treated with an antibiotic and cough syrup with codine (probably). So, did she really need the exposure to an xray? Treatment was the same either way.


very true. if it is pneumonia the abx would be prescribed anyway. skip the radiation. :001_smile:

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:grouphug: I hope your little one feels better soon! It's never easy to watch them be so sick, regardless of how many kids you have or how many times you've been through it.


I never giver OTC cough syrup because of a horrifying episode when my oldest was 3.5. She went into respiratory distress, retracting and lips turning blue. She could hardly speak, and when she did, it was to gasp and beg, "Mama, help!" Terrifying.


That said, I have given her prescription cough syrup with codeine, because I've read that codeine is pretty much the only thing that can effectively stop a cough. When I've had to give it, I only do it at night so she can sleep, and we treat the symptoms with OTC meds/abx during the day. I had to take liquid codeine once after jaw surgery, and it was a QUICK fade to black, let me tell you. The doctor told me to be sure I took the meds in the bedroom, and he wasn't kidding. I was out for a LONG time, but it was a merciful rest.

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Actually, the fact that you are worried makes me think there is a problem. When my dd was 3, she was sick, and I took her to the doctor, who gave me an antibiotic. The next day, my alarm bells were just going off, and I called the doctor (who was also a friend) and said, "I think I need to bring her in. There's something wrong." And she said, "No, it's ok, you don't want to expose her to the office." Finally the next morning, I said, "My gut is screaming. I'm taking her back in." She had bacterial pneumonia. She was on an antibiotic, but she needed a shot with antibiotic and a different one. It's not that the first doctor was irresponsible or anything. But, I'm a HUGE believer in Mommy gut. If you think there is something wrong, I'd take her back in and say that. And keep repeating.


However, as others have said,the fever isn't terribly high, and the meds would cause the sleepiness. I would cut back. It's not the symptoms that sound ominous; it's the Mommy gut.



Edited by Terabith
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Poor little thing -- good advice here.


I would also be sleeping with her (which you say you do anyway) -- ds11 has Reactive Airways and when there is an issue I am right there beside him. :)


DianeW88 (I may have that wrong) and Jennifer MI are my go to people for kids health stuff -- they have given sond advice - as has everyone else.


I would just repeat what was said here........if you are concerned, call the peds office and ask when you should begin to see improvement -- with abx, it should be 48 hours. Gauge things on that -- she probably desperately needs her rest.



You should try to rest as well. Hang in there -- keep us updated.:grouphug:


fwiw, my granddaughter 5 had something that sounds similar at Thanksgiving -- it did develop into pneumonia, but then, she bounced back quickly. :grouphug:

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Thank you all so much for the advice! You guys really do know everything. :D


I fell asleep last night at about the same time I stopped replying, lol, and dd and I both slept until eleven this morning. Which means dd got eighteen hours of sleep. Apparently, she needed it.


I'm pretty sure it's not pertussis now, because she seems much, much better this morning. She leaped out of bed and ran into the kitchen demanding breakfast, and I've only heard a couple little coughs, no more of those scary coughing spells. Her nose isn't running, and the fever is gone.


Anyway, thanks again everyone for putting my mind at ease. I wouldn't have gotten any sleep last night if you hadn't all talked me down. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm pretty sure it's not pertussis now, because she seems much, much better this morning. She leaped out of bed and ran into the kitchen demanding breakfast, and I've only heard a couple little coughs, no more of those scary coughing spells. Her nose isn't running, and the fever is gone.



Either that, or the antibiotics have finally kicked in, which is what it sounds like to me. My feeling is that either she had pertussis or the beginning of pneumonia, and the antibiotics cleared it up largely.


I would suggest, though, that the idea of combining codeine and benedryl be regarded with great caution in the future for this child. They both depress breathing, and coupled with swollen glands and/or bad coughing, would be pretty bad.


PS ETA: So glad you are enjoying better health all around! Sleep is wonderful, and I'm glad you both got so much!

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Either that, or the antibiotics have finally kicked in, which is what it sounds like to me. My feeling is that either she had pertussis or the beginning of pneumonia, and the antibiotics cleared it up largely.


I would suggest, though, that the idea of combining codeine and benedryl be regarded with great caution in the future for this child. They both depress breathing, and coupled with swollen glands and/or bad coughing, would be pretty bad.


PS ETA: So glad you are enjoying better health all around! Sleep is wonderful, and I'm glad you both got so much!


But would the antibiotics have helped that quickly? She had her first dose last night.


Oh yeah, not going there again with those. I doubt she'll even need the benadryl again- the mucus factory seems to have stopped production. I honestly didn't realize how much the cough medicine was going to knock her out. If she does get to the point where her coughing is keeping her awake all night again, we might consider trying a half dose, but that's it. And I'm calling her doctor today for more info.

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