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Oh boy, not cool.

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I purchased some gift cards to a local restaurant from dd's neighborhood friend who was selling them as a fundraiser for her school. The information advertised them as great Christmas gifts. I paid cash.


The little girl just showed up to play in my yard after her last day of school until after the new year. She says that the school did not get the cards in time and will give them out in the new year.


I felt weird about it so I called the school. They verified that all the cards were given out today.

Edited by tadbhoward
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Wow, that's....strange! I wonder why the girl would lie about it?! What would she possibly have to gain by that?


Do you think you should call the girl over if she's still in the yard and give her a chance to fess up? Something like, "Honey, I just called the school to ask about when the gift cards were going to be in and they said that they DID all get sent home today, including the ones you ordered. What's going on?"


Or would you be more comfortable just going to the parents and bringing it to their attention?

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Wow, that's....strange! I wonder why the girl would lie about it?! What would she possibly have to gain by that?


Do you think you should call the girl over if she's still in the yard and give her a chance to fess up? Something like, "Honey, I just called the school to ask about when the gift cards were going to be in and they said that they DID all get sent home today, including the ones you ordered. What's going on?"


Or would you be more comfortable just going to the parents and bringing it to their attention?


This is what I was going to do, but my dd heard me on the phone and ran out to tell her. The little girl ran home.


I am not excited about talking to her parents because I have actually never met them before.

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Maybe she forgot to bring them home from school and decided to say she didn't get them. I hope you get this worked out!!


That would make the most sense! If that's the case, and if someone's still at the school, it might not be too late to get them, if you mean for them to be gifts for people and need them before the holidays!

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Did the teacher not pass them out?


Perhaps not. The girl told me that they had an assembly to announce that they would not be able to give them out until the new year because one little boy had sold over 300 cards and the restaurant had to order more. That is a rather elaborate cover story for not receiving them though.


This sounds very likely to me unless she took your cash and didn't order your cards.


Unfortunately this is what I am thinking but I would be pleased to be proved otherwise.


Now I have to be honest and say that I actually did that as a child which is why my mind is going there. Only my crime involved chocolate bars for the band. I think I ate $70 worth. :001_huh: Kids!

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But you said that the school confirmed that she received cards. So she did order at least some cards. Either way, you will need to address this with the parents.


I know I need to address the parents. My 2yo is sick so I have to wait for my dh to get home before I can walk over there. It is a few blocks over.


I am just posting here as a way to vent my feelings and gain some perspective. Initially I was quite angry but instead of stewing in that I have now recalled that I have done something similar (though worse financially).

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Yes. I will do this in person. I do not know her number.


The lady on the phone did verify that this girl received her cards.


I agree with previous posters - I would go to her house and ask about the cards with her mother. she needs to produce the cards, especially since the girl got hers from the school. I'd also check with the school about her actual order to make sure your name - and the correct amount - was on it.


sadly, I've had experience with this years ago in my dd's brownie troop. the cookie mom (or someone in her house) kept all the cash. I felt really weird as I was putting together the collection/payment envelops between both dd's to give to their respective cookie moms, and had a strong feeling to ONLY give checks to this woman. (so I know it wasn't the little girl)

Edited by gardenmom5
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I know I need to address the parents. My 2yo is sick so I have to wait for my dh to get home before I can walk over there. It is a few blocks over.


I am just posting here as a way to vent my feelings and gain some perspective. Initially I was quite angry but instead of stewing in that I have now recalled that I have done something similar (though worse financially).


I didn't mean to hound you! I know you'll get to it when you can.

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Get off my back woman!


Seriously, I didn't feel hounded. I was just making conversation. I have been a long time lurker and suddenly have jumped in. Might as well make the most of it. :001_smile:


Well, if you could hurry up, I'd appreciate it. I'm sort of bored and plus I'm intrigued and want to know how this will play out! :P (And of course I am hoping you get your gift cards)!

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Well, if you could hurry up, I'd appreciate it. I'm sort of bored and plus I'm intrigued and want to know how this will play out! :P (And of course I am hoping you get your gift cards)!



I will grant your wish.


She just showed up at my door with the gift card. Her dad drove her over but he didn't get out and I was too much a wimp to ask what happened. I just smiled and said, "Oh, thank you very much." She did not say anything.

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I will grant your wish.


She just showed up at my door with the gift card. Her dad drove her over but he didn't get out and I was too much a wimp to ask what happened. I just smiled and said, "Oh, thank you very much." She did not say anything.


Oh, my! How odd. I'm so glad you got it, but I wish we knew what happened! Maybe she forgot them school and the parents ran her over to get them. I can't imagine she just decided to hold onto them, what would a kid do with restaurant gift cards on her own?

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Oh, my! How odd. I'm so glad you got it, but I wish we knew what happened! Maybe she forgot them school and the parents ran her over to get them. I can't imagine she just decided to hold onto them, what would a kid do with restaurant gift cards on her own?


Yes this is what I am thinking now as well. Though my 7yo went through a pretty rough stage of taking things that didn't belong to her. Once I found her baby sister's bottle in her hiding spot. :confused: Like I said earlier, "Kids!"

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Well, if you could hurry up, I'd appreciate it. I'm sort of bored and plus I'm intrigued and want to know how this will play out! :P (And of course I am hoping you get your gift cards)!



:lol: :iagree:


ETA: Glad to hear you got the cards.

Note to self: Read to end of thread before posting! :tongue_smilie:

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My dh said that maybe the school called her family and so they went to go and buy it. For some reason that makes me feel really bad. I am weird.


I wouldn't feel bad. You paid for something and should get it.


I would make a point of thanking the girl again, telling her how much the gift was appreciated. At least after Christmas.


Even if she did something wrong, assume the best out of her. Sounds like the parents dealt with/are dealing with it. If you believe the best, she might just rise to the occasion, if there was anything amiss. :D


I would also make a note not to pay cash for anything else you buy from this child.

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My dh said that maybe the school called her family and so they went to go and buy it. For some reason that makes me feel really bad. I am weird.


Don't feel bad. It's hard to say what happened. If the girl kept the money or the parents did, it is their responsibility. Maybe she left it at school. Maybe the parents kept the money and they got caught. Maybe she brought them home but didn't want to go home and get them. Lots of maybes, but none of any of this is your fault. You handled it well.


I'm glad you got the card, and I'm thankful that it was so quick to be resolved. No need to deal with it during the weekend is nice.

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I initially would have guessed that they were given to her and she shoved them into her backpack and just didn't realize what they were. Many an item/note has been lost in my boys' backpacks. However, if she told you that the school SAID they never came in and that they would have them after the holidays then that's another story. Sounds very fishy to me.

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When my son was in ps he didn't bring his report card home. I was rather mad at him, but he insisted he didn't get it. I called the school and was told that they did hand them out that day. After he continued to insist he hadn't received one, I called the school and actually spoke with the teacher. She had forgotten to give them to her class. - Many, many things were forgotten that year, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were sitting at the school and the parents had to go get them.


(My continued pestering of said child was due to a past of too much use of creativity when telling the "truth!")

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I will grant your wish.


She just showed up at my door with the gift card. Her dad drove her over but he didn't get out and I was too much a wimp to ask what happened. I just smiled and said, "Oh, thank you very much." She did not say anything.


glad you got your card. was it just the one?

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Glad you got your card. The explanation could be any number of things, but it's up to her parents to deal with that now- they evidently were brought into the loop either by the girl or the school. If you're nice and cheerful to her the next time you see her, she'll probably appreciate it.

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How old is the little girl? If she was young and didn't want to run home, but wanted to play instead maybe she invented the story. When your dd told her the gig was up, she decided that going home was worth it?


Wonder what she told her parents so that her dad drove her over......inquiring minds want to know.......or are just avoiding other work that needs to be done! Like me.......;)

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Can you contact the school and have her teacher call her? I know that it would be easier to go talk to the mom, except that you have a sick child. I hate that this happened. I hope you get the cards (or money) back soon. :grouphug:


This is what I would do. I would call school back and let them handle it.


edit--oops, I kept reading and see it's resolved. Glad it worked out.

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