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Book a week in 2012 - We're doing is all over again!

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I'm in (of course)! :D


You already know this is my absolute favorite thread on these boards.


Many thanks, Robin.




But putting this out there before I've finished 2011's 52 books? Just cruel!


I've benefited so much from participating this year: I've watched less TV (I often listen to a classic audiobook before going to bed), I've spent less mindless time online, I've persevered with books that I find challenging because I don't want to "waste" the pages I've already read, I've spent more time looking for things that I really think I'll enjoy reading and I've actually tackled more big jobs around the house (because I plug in an audiobook and the kids leave me alone as long as I am busy).



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I'm new to the board (having lurked for a few months) and would love to give this a shot. Though really, where do you all find so much time to read?? I currently consider myself to be doing well when I read 2 books in a month!



Welcome to the board and to the challenge. I don't watch a lot of tv. Only dvr a couple shows, so most evenings I read. I do read during breakfast and lunch. If it's a really interesting book, then when lessons are done for the day, I'll read for a couple hours. I'm a fast reader, can't read slow for the life of me. :)

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I've been waiting for the first of the year to join, since I joined the forums toward the end. I'm really looking forward to it. With our big move happening after the first of the year, it may be challenging to do it during some weeks, but I'm going to try.


My Kindle is going to be full by the time 2012 is finished.


I signed up on the site, too.

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Well, I'm a 2011 book a week slacker as I'm only on book 36 (hanging my head in shame), but I'm willing to try again in 2012! I'm hoping to hit "40 books" by the end of the year. Hoping....


The mini challenges look neat!! I don't blog, though.


My biggest problem is that I read in bed and I'm usually so tired, I can only get a few pages read before Mr. Sandman comes a' calling! Plus, in the winter, my hands freeze (and hurt), so I want them under the covers.... hard to read that way!!


However.... I will try again!!! :D

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A few questions...


What sort of books can you read? Like would Hunger Games count? (It's on my current list of books I want to read!).


When it says link a review, is that for people with blogs?


Will having baby number four give me some good sit down read while nursing time? Or will I be so sleep deprived that I forget how to read completely?

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What sort of books can you read? Like would Hunger Games count? (It's on my current list of books I want to read!).


This is my question too. I see people saying they don't want to read fluff, but I like fluff! I don't like to read something that is too challenging unless it is for school. I read for pleasure and anything that leaves me confused or upset is definitely NOT pleasurable. :tongue_smilie:


I also read many books geared towards children. I prefer their simpler story styles. When I do read books geared towards adults, I read cozy mysteries or fantasy. They are books I generally finish in a couple of days at most. So I never felt like I qualified for this challenge.

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As you probably know, due to mainly cost (no library here :glare:) and time limitations, mine will be 26 books per year. Hope that's okay. :tongue_smilie:

Likewise, except that it will be due to slow reading speed. And children who feel a Mommy reading a book to herself is a perfect waste of time which she could be using to read to them.


I loved doing the 2011 challenge. I think I've read more real books this year than in any other year since having children. Thank you so much for organizing this, and keeping it going week after week!

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So if i don't have a blog to link, do I just list my reading list in the weekly thread here?


I know I can read 52 books, reviewing them would be the challenge. I am like a little kid. I can't get past the minimalist book report: I liked it because it was about a family with a dog, and I like dogs. :D

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So if i don't have a blog to link, do I just list my reading list in the weekly thread here?


I know I can read 52 books, reviewing them would be the challenge. I am like a little kid. I can't get past the minimalist book report: I liked it because it was about a family with a dog, and I like dogs. :D


Yes, you can limit yourself to listing it here.


And you can go more minimalist in your report that that. You don't have to say anything about it at all unless someone asks and you feel like answering!


Really, there is no pressure here. :D



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Yes, you can limit yourself to listing it here.


And you can go more minimalist in your report that that. You don't have to say anything about it at all unless someone asks and you feel like answering!


Really, there is no pressure here. :D




Then I'm in! My DH is an avid reader so I'll probably post his reads too. I just read through some of the hugo nominee lists from Mind Voyages (I think that is what it is called) and he kept saying 'read it', 'read it'. On 2nd thought, I'm not sure I should list his stuff. He reads several books a week. I might feel bad. :tongue_smilie:

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Read whatever you want to read. What one person calls fluff another may consider literary. It all in the eyes of the beholder. I read all kinds of books from paranormal to cozies to fantasy to romance to mysteries with a few literary classics thrown in here and there. So, no worries about not feeling qualified to join in. Jump right in and see where the year takes you.



The only rule of thumb established this past year about kids books I posted on the blog. *in reference to children books. If it is a child whose reading it and involved in the challenge, then that's okay. If an adult is doing read aloud with kids, the book should be geared for the 9 - 12 age group and above and over 100 pages. If adult reading for own enjoyment, then a good rule of thumb to go by "is there some complexity to the story or is it too simple?" If it's too simple, then doesn't count."


Young adult books are absolutely fine and they aren't necessarily easy reads these days (ie The Hunger Games)


As far as making the goal, it's just that - a goal. The joy should be in the reading. However, major pats on the back for those who read more than they ever have before and surpassed themselves. Proud of you all! The weekly threads are to post what you are reading that week and if you want to discuss it or not, that's up to you. It's entirely up to you how much you want to say about a book. We've had a lot of interesting discussions occur around some of the books. My wishlist is a testament to all the books folks have talked about or mentioned reading.


I'm excited about the new year and happy to see so many folks continuing and more jumping on board.

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Then I'm in! My DH is an avid reader so I'll probably post his reads too. I just read through some of the hugo nominee lists from Mind Voyages (I think that is what it is called) and he kept saying 'read it', 'read it'. On 2nd thought, I'm not sure I should list his stuff. He reads several books a week. I might feel bad. :tongue_smilie:



Sounds like hubby needs to sign up for wtm so he can list his own reads! Or maybe he can start a blog about his reads. That's what a lot of folks did last year. So easy. And don't let his speed reading make you feel bad. It's the exact opposite with me and my hubby.

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Regarding reviews: Sometimes there's something I want to say about a book, but usually I prefer to quote a substantial and representative passage from it. In my experience, it's easier to get an idea of a book that way than from a review. Is 'sampling' allowed in place of a review? Or is that just putting a spanner in the works?

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Regarding reviews: Sometimes there's something I want to say about a book, but usually I prefer to quote a substantial and representative passage from it. In my experience, it's easier to get an idea of a book that way than from a review. Is 'sampling' allowed in place of a review? Or is that just putting a spanner in the works?


Perfectly acceptable. Many times it's the writing that convinces me to read the story so quote away.

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I know I can read 52 books, reviewing them would be the challenge. I am like a little kid. I can't get past the minimalist book report: I liked it because it was about a family with a dog, and I like dogs. :D


I relate to this! I tend to be minimalist, or tell you so much that you don't have to read it for yourself. LOL!


I have lurked this favorite thread of mine for a couple of years now and enjoyed many books as a result. I may try to actually participate this year!

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I just wanted to say that I'm in too! I've been waiting for this since I joined mid-year. It'll be motivation to get through books that I've been wanting to read for a while. I found this link which has a lot of good books on it. I'm going to try to read all of them chronologically, we'll see... I was a history major in college, but my American history knowledge is not so strong, so this will be fun! A few of the books come in audiobook format at my library, so it won't be too much history reading (which can be painful sometimes...)

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So if i don't have a blog to link, do I just list my reading list in the weekly thread here?


I know I can read 52 books, reviewing them would be the challenge. I am like a little kid. I can't get past the minimalist book report: I liked it because it was about a family with a dog, and I like dogs. :D


This is me. In fact, I think I stopped posting about what I was reading because it was so 'fluffy' and I had nothing to say about it. I figured I would save the board space for those who read "real books".


This year, I will *try* to read some books that I won't feel silly posting about. Maybe some classics. My own personal challenge, I guess.

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This is me. In fact, I think I stopped posting about what I was reading because it was so 'fluffy' and I had nothing to say about it. I figured I would save the board space for those who read "real books".


People on here admit to reading Twilight. You shouldn't worry. :tongue_smilie:


This year, I will *try* to read some books that I won't feel silly posting about. Maybe some classics. My own personal challenge, I guess.


We don't send sniggering pm's behind anyone's back even if they say they LIKED Twilight, so share your fluffy reading. Fluffy books are real books. Fluffy books are nice books. Fluffy books don't give a person a headache.


Your fluff reading is as worthy of board space as our fluff reading!




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This is me. In fact, I think I stopped posting about what I was reading because it was so 'fluffy' and I had nothing to say about it. I figured I would save the board space for those who read "real books".


This year, I will *try* to read some books that I won't feel silly posting about. Maybe some classics. My own personal challenge, I guess.


I do hope you read what you want to read. If you don't read what you want, it isn't likely that you'll finish the challenge or enjoy doing it if you did. If you post your fluff and share what you think about it, I'll post mine. It's a good way to find things to read.

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I intend to read some fluff and force myself to read something I'd rather not - like Moby Dick. HATE that book. But what I'm going to do to try and make myself like it more is reread Ahab's Wife first. I remember reading AW and thinking, "Ok, now I get what/why Melville was writing it that way." So I'm going to try to make peace with a book I've been fighting with for 20 years. :lol:

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I hope all of you that are thinking about participating actually jump in & participate! I always love to see what people pick (whether 'heavy' or 'fluff'), love getting ideas of new titles that I might find interesting, & it's just fun to have even more people participating! The more the merrier, you know! So, please join in, even if you don't think you have lots of time to read or have much (or anything) to say about the books. :001_smile:


Fwiw, I only read books I enjoy. I don't force myself to read stuff I don't like. Sometimes I'm up for heavy stuff, sometimes not. No biggie. There are plenty of books I ditch part way through because they just don't catch my interest or because life gets too busy.

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Thought I'd jump in here again as I have read so many posts about *fluff* reading, and feeling embarrassed to post it. I agree with what Rosie (and others said) - you're welcome here! No one will snicker behind your back! Reading is reading!!!


Another thought that kept recurring to me is that no one knows what another's life is like . . . so read what you enjoy, or what you need to read, or whatever! Life for my family and I has been hard over the past many years (ds' two successful battles with cancer being the hardest, plus death of parents, and much more). I don't want to read heavy stuff right now - life is heavy. When I read these days, I want enjoyment, relaxation, escape . . . Even when life wasn't so *challenging*, my mind still needed a break, not to mention that I just flat-out like lighter reading - now more than ever.


I've gotten lots of great ideas from this thread for all types of reading. I'm keeping a list and who knows - maybe someday I'll get to the heavier stuff on it. I'd personally like to get back to reading some classics, but I don't think my concentration right now is up to it - too many other things crowding my mind. This is the thread where I learned about Sarah Addison Allen - not only a new type of reading for me, but good escape, too!


I don't often put a critique of what I've read on here. Sometimes I put a short comment, but usually I just post the title and author. I am pleasantly surprised if anyone comments on a book I've mentioned because generally speaking, what I read doesn't often show up on others' posts. I get so tickled when someone quotes my post and says they read that, too, or they offer other suggestions.


If someone posts something that sounds good but they haven't put any comments, I check the reviews on Amazon to determine whether I'm really interested or not. I don't blog, so this is the only place I list what I've read.


It really is easy to be part of this 52 in 52 challenge! Minimal rules. Read what you want to. Read as much or as little as you wish. An accepting, non-judgmental group of people. A host of new reading ideas. What could be easier or more enjoyable!


I do hope everyone who is interested will participate! This is my favorite thread, and I look forward to seeing the old faces along with new ones, and seeing titles that catch my attention.

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Thought I'd jump in here again as I have read so many posts about *fluff* reading, and feeling embarrassed to post it. I agree with what Rosie (and others said) - you're welcome here! No one will snicker behind your back! Reading is reading!!!


Another thought that kept recurring to me is that no one knows what another's life is like . . . so read what you enjoy, or what you need to read, or whatever! Life for my family and I has been hard over the past many years (ds' two successful battles with cancer being the hardest, plus death of parents, and much more). I don't want to read heavy stuff right now - life is heavy. When I read these days, I want enjoyment, relaxation, escape . . . Even when life wasn't so *challenging*, my mind still needed a break, not to mention that I just flat-out like lighter reading - now more than ever.


I've gotten lots of great ideas from this thread for all types of reading. I'm keeping a list and who knows - maybe someday I'll get to the heavier stuff on it. I'd personally like to get back to reading some classics, but I don't think my concentration right now is up to it - too many other things crowding my mind. This is the thread where I learned about Sarah Addison Allen - not only a new type of reading for me, but good escape, too!


I don't often put a critique of what I've read on here. Sometimes I put a short comment, but usually I just post the title and author. I am pleasantly surprised if anyone comments on a book I've mentioned because generally speaking, what I read doesn't often show up on others' posts. I get so tickled when someone quotes my post and says they read that, too, or they offer other suggestions.


If someone posts something that sounds good but they haven't put any comments, I check the reviews on Amazon to determine whether I'm really interested or not. I don't blog, so this is the only place I list what I've read.


It really is easy to be part of this 52 in 52 challenge! Minimal rules. Read what you want to. Read as much or as little as you wish. An accepting, non-judgmental group of people. A host of new reading ideas. What could be easier or more enjoyable!


I do hope everyone who is interested will participate! This is my favorite thread, and I look forward to seeing the old faces along with new ones, and seeing titles that catch my attention.



Amen! What she said.

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Chiming in late to say I'm going to try again this year! I gave up after only a month the first time. Although at least 2/3 of the 18 inch stack of books at my bedside are "How to Go Gluten Free" type books - half advice, half recipes. I hope those count, because I need to scour every one of them to figure out how to make this work for us. :) I'll try to throw in a novel here and there. :tongue_smilie:

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We don't send sniggering pm's behind anyone's back even if they say they LIKED Twilight, so share your fluffy reading. Fluffy books are real books. Fluffy books are nice books. Fluffy books don't give a person a headache.


Your fluff reading is as worthy of board space as our fluff reading!





:iagree: We all need brain candy every once in a while! :D

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Let's just say all books are created equal. Whether it's Leo Tolstoy or Stephanie Meyer. Some are light and easy and some are hard and long winded. Like Francis Bacon said


"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few are to be chewed and digested."

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I'm going to give this a go in 2012. My biggest challenges are 1) I want to knit, too, but I'd much rather read a book myself than listen to an audiobook and 2) dh doesn't read, so if I'm reading, he sits and stares at me, occasionally asking, "What are you doing?" :banghead:


If I can get those two things figured out, I'm good to go!


I have the same problem! I wish dh would read - it would make it so much easier. :) Now, if he would knit, WOW! that would be even better. :D


I'd love to join in!

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I had really good intentions but I am only on book 36. :glare:


Next year I am going to reach that goal if it kills me!


Same thing happened to me last year. I can't remember what I ended up getting to, but it was disappointing whatever the number. I decided I really was going to do it this year and I'm now at book 50!

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Sometimes I just especially love you guys. :)


I'm in again this year too. This will be the 3rd year I've participated. The last 2 years I get so behind on posting what I've read that I just keep reading and don't post. This year (again) I'm committed to being involved in the community of readers (again). :)


I think it's very important not to get wrapped up in "what counts" and "what will they think about what I'm reading". What counts is good books that you enjoy that are higher than young-ish chapter book readers. :) After that it's important to read what you want. I can get intimidated when I glance at that week's thread and see someone list the enormous list of classics that I can't yet even comprehend reading. Do I really want to list all the Hunger Games books I've devoured in the last 8 days? LOL!! (I didn't :( )


This year I'll let your fluff suggest some fluff I might enjoy and I'll let your intimidating classics inspire me to read something I haven't tried. That's how I found I LOVE The Three Musketeers and Count of Monte Cristo. It's also how I admitted I just simply don't like Charles Dickens even though many do. :)


Let's have fun!

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Thought I'd jump in here again as I have read so many posts about *fluff* reading, and feeling embarrassed to post it. I agree with what Rosie (and others said) - you're welcome here! No one will snicker behind your back! Reading is reading!!!


Another thought that kept recurring to me is that no one knows what another's life is like . . . so read what you enjoy, or what you need to read, or whatever! Life for my family and I has been hard over the past many years (ds' two successful battles with cancer being the hardest, plus death of parents, and much more). I don't want to read heavy stuff right now - life is heavy. When I read these days, I want enjoyment, relaxation, escape . . . Even when life wasn't so *challenging*, my mind still needed a break, not to mention that I just flat-out like lighter reading - now more than ever.




And, big :grouphug:, eaglei.

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Thought I'd jump in here again as I have read so many posts about *fluff* reading, and feeling embarrassed to post it. I agree with what Rosie (and others said) - you're welcome here! No one will snicker behind your back! Reading is reading!!!


Another thought that kept recurring to me is that no one knows what another's life is like . . . so read what you enjoy, or what you need to read, or whatever! Life for my family and I has been hard over the past many years (ds' two successful battles with cancer being the hardest, plus death of parents, and much more). I don't want to read heavy stuff right now - life is heavy. When I read these days, I want enjoyment, relaxation, escape . . . Even when life wasn't so *challenging*, my mind still needed a break, not to mention that I just flat-out like lighter reading - now more than ever.


I've gotten lots of great ideas from this thread for all types of reading. I'm keeping a list and who knows - maybe someday I'll get to the heavier stuff on it. I'd personally like to get back to reading some classics, but I don't think my concentration right now is up to it - too many other things crowding my mind. This is the thread where I learned about Sarah Addison Allen - not only a new type of reading for me, but good escape, too!


I don't often put a critique of what I've read on here. Sometimes I put a short comment, but usually I just post the title and author. I am pleasantly surprised if anyone comments on a book I've mentioned because generally speaking, what I read doesn't often show up on others' posts. I get so tickled when someone quotes my post and says they read that, too, or they offer other suggestions.


If someone posts something that sounds good but they haven't put any comments, I check the reviews on Amazon to determine whether I'm really interested or not. I don't blog, so this is the only place I list what I've read.


It really is easy to be part of this 52 in 52 challenge! Minimal rules. Read what you want to. Read as much or as little as you wish. An accepting, non-judgmental group of people. A host of new reading ideas. What could be easier or more enjoyable!


I do hope everyone who is interested will participate! This is my favorite thread, and I look forward to seeing the old faces along with new ones, and seeing titles that catch my attention.


:iagree::iagree: me too. Life to just too heavy for heavy reading. I try to enjoy...this is my peace, my escape, my time to travel and dream.


I included books I read to my kids in my 52 when they inspire me, or take me to a new place. So what if they are kids books...we are all kids inside...and if a book can reach that kid inside me....all the better.


I a, looking forward to the new year and our new challenge. I think I just made 52 this year...IF I finish the 2 books I am reading now:D


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OK, I have a question. Can we only list books that we started and finished in the span of one week? Or, if it takes me three weeks to slog through something more difficult, would I list that in the week that I finished it? I'm thinking about how long it takes me to work my way through some more difficult books.

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OK, I have a question. Can we only list books that we started and finished in the span of one week? Or, if it takes me three weeks to slog through something more difficult, would I list that in the week that I finished it? I'm thinking about how long it takes me to work my way through some more difficult books.

In 2011 I took three months to slog through The Peloponnesian War. Not only did I count it, but I toyed with counting it twelve times. :D


I really like reading difficult books, but basically for the same reason everybody here likes reading whatever she happens to like reading. My oldest is with my husband all day, and I'm working with The Little Girls, and I feel like I spend all day paddling around in the shallow end of my brain. In the evenings we have a Family Reading Hour, and I get to plunge into the Diving Pit of The Mind. Then the next day, when I'm going out of my mind with tedium as we cover drop-the-e-and-add-ing for the fifteenth time, I have something in my head to think about.

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:iagree::iagree: me too. Life to just too heavy for heavy reading. I try to enjoy...this is my peace, my escape, my time to travel and dream.


I included books I read to my kids in my 52 when they inspire me, or take me to a new place. So what if they are kids books...we are all kids inside...and if a book can reach that kid inside me....all the better.


I a, looking forward to the new year and our new challenge. I think I just made 52 this year...IF I finish the 2 books I am reading now:D



To add to that, there are a lot of books I have seen in the kids section and the adult section at the bookstore. So which is it? If the experts can't decide...


ETA: And Ronia, the Robber's Daughter, a book I read to my kids, is one of the best books I read this year; its lexile level is higher than that of Twilight, The Hunger Games, or a Ray Bradbury book. (I'm sure I could find plenty more if I tried.)

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