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IPDI -- my new organization! Come and see if you are eligible to join!

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Irish Polish Daughters of the Immigration


Membership Requirements:


Eat a perogi.

Do a shot of Irish Whiskey (your choice of brand).


OK, you're in!


I may have to practice those membership requirements several times, preferably in a row. :D


I'm not Polish, but I have known people of Polish descent and thought they were nice. I figure that counts, right? ;)


I love being part of such an exclusive little club. ::001_wub:

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I am of mostly Polish ancestry and have eaten pierogies before. Can't drink Irish whiskey because of medications but have named my second kid with an Irish name- does this count? Oh and we are all redheads here too at least some time in our lives.


And, no, I don't think I qualify for DAR but if I did research I might find out otherwise. After all certain Polish gentry fought on the American side in the Revolution but didn't immigrate here. I have no idea if I am related only that gentry tends to be related to other gentry. But I don't have much interest in genealogy but do have interest in yummy food.

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I'm a Texan of Welsh descent, so no help there. However, I love a good Polish sausage grilled with saurkraut on the side.


Dh is a Texan of Scottish descent. I know we have some Scotch whiskey around here...for medicial purposes only, of course. That's close enough...


Both of our sons have Gaelic names, so I'm declaring myself IN!


Toasting to all, new members and those who've been in for hours and hours...

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:lol::lol: I'll join you....virtually. Maybe we can all do a 1,2,3 and pound those shots together? Solidarity!


:D :D :D


Works for me. It's all about the solidarity.


And the exclusivity.


And the way we'll be able to look down our noses at all of the non-members. (Not that they'll notice, since they're already too dumb to realize that anyone can qualify, but we'll still be able to do it, so at least that's something... ;))

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Toasting to all, new members and those who've been in for hours and hours...


Pretty soon (like maybe around 11:00 or so,) we'll all be able to sit around and reminisce about the good old times, back when the group was just getting started.


And probably we'll want to have some of that whiskey on-hand, what with it being a long-standing tradition and all.

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My dds would have to join IPIDI

Irish Polish Italian Daughters of the Immigration


Membership Requirements:


Eat a perogi.

Do a shot of Irish Whiskey (your choice of brand).

Finish with gelato.




My DD will have to join IPFCDI (Irish Polish French Canadian Daughters of the Immigration) but she does maintain her eligibility for IPDI...due to set theory, she qualifies...


IPFCDI requirements:


Eat a perogi.

Do a shot of Irish Whiskey (your choice of brand).

Drink a glass of champagne.

Eat a plate of poutine.

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There you go, rocking the boat again! You just can't be happy w/ your exclusive club membership. You have to start asking for changes right away. Sheesh! :lol:


Hey, you don't ask, you don't get. :D


Does this mean the free gym membership benefit is out, too? (I didn't really want that one, anyway.)

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What this party needs is a token Asian :tongue_smilie:!


My case for membership:


1. I married and mated with an Eastern European, and

2. know how to make pierogies by hand, and since

3. Irish Car Bombs are a huge hit at my house so the Jameson ... and Bailey's ... and Guinness ... never stop flowin'. All the Irish greats live here!


Mother, May I?

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