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Dd's periods still irregular after two years

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Is this normal? Dd goes 5 weeks, sometimes 6 between periods. This time she went over 7. She was very "hormonal" before starting this one, too.


She is not very active, so I feel that this could affect it some, but maybe I'm wrong. Everything dd loves to do is sitting (reading, writing, etc.). After Christmas she and I are starting a walking plan that will help you get ready to walk a 5k.


Any advice or anything that would help balance her hormones?

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I don't know if it's "normal" scientifically, but I have a handful of daughters and two of them were irregular for years. One was in her early twenties before it settled down to "somewhere between 25-35 days." If she had serious cramping that wasn't helped by Advil or very heavy periods, I would take her in otherwise I would give her more time. If you take her in they will very likely recommend the pill and that has so many problems associated with it that you just don't want to go there. I know this is stressful. Best wishes.

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I don't think it's unusual, especially at her age, though if she has other symptoms of PCOS or hypothyroidism, I'd consider taking her to an endocrinologist. The follicular phase of the cycle (the first part) is pretty sensitive to stress and such, and it can vary for each woman and from cycle to cycle. (The second part of the cycle, post-ovulation, the luteal phase, is almost always the same for each woman, absent a problem, and it's right around 14 days.) I would suggest she try taking her temperatures every morning for a few cycles to see if the cycles are ovulatory or not; if they are, then she at least will be able to predict when her period should start.

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Mine have been like that for 21yrs! I was thin but not athletic. I'm not as bad as I was before kids but it's still every 4-10 weeks on average. My gyn told me when I was a teen that it can take years before girls actually ovulate with each menstrual cycle and that will make things very irregular. I went on the pill as a teen because they were so irregular and I always started with a flood back then. I kept getting embarrassed in school with bloody pants. When my cycles go really long I find I experience worse PMS. It's like it builds up from when it should start on a 30day cycle until it finally really does start.


ETA- I don't have PCOS or any hormone problems.

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Is this normal? Dd goes 5 weeks, sometimes 6 between periods. This time she went over 7. She was very "hormonal" before starting this one, too.


She is not very active, so I feel that this could affect it some, but maybe I'm wrong. Everything dd loves to do is sitting (reading, writing, etc.). After Christmas she and I are starting a walking plan that will help you get ready to walk a 5k.


Any advice or anything that would help balance her hormones?


I've never had regular periods. I was very active as a kid. Gymnastics, swimming, volleyball. Less so now. But I'll go anywhere from 6 weeks to 4 months. Suits me fine. Had to do clomid for first kid, but my body seemed to get the hint after that and I managed another couple in addition without the clomid help, and I was more regular during those 6 or so years I was cranking out the babies.


Anyway, I've just started mine after a 3 month haitus. Like I said, I like it. I'm not particularly crampy or hormonal, (though I do realize I get bluesy the first couple of days, but that helps me to anticipate). If I were her, I'd count my blessings :)

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My almost 17yr old is still not every "28" days. She did not start until she was over 13 yrs old, and she only had a handful the first year. Now they go 5-7 weeks. When we moved and she started public high school, she was stressed and not getting enough sleep and went months.


I was early getting a period and very regular but they were painful. My sister was 13 yr old and was very irregular.


I think that it can be years before some girls become regular. I would not worry about it -


Merry Christmas,


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Any signs of PCOS? I had irregular cycles, and was a long distance runner, so my irreg. cycles were always chalked up to that. I was put on BCP to regulate my periods. I didn't get a PCOS diagnosis until 10 years later when I was married and ttc. I didn't have a lot of external symptoms, but those irregular, long, sometimes absent cycles were the major symptom I had.


Soulcysters.com is a great resource if you have any suspicions.


Some docs expect women w/ PCOS to "look" a certain way (unwanted hair, overweight, etc) but the reality is many women w/ PCOS do not have those signs. PCOS is a syndrome and the symptoms are very mix and match in a way.


I also had bloodwork and was told I didn't have PCOS. THat bloodwork was done by an ob/gyn who was in over his head. He didn't do a full panel, and didn't test everything he should have. I also had some bloodwork that was "normal" but "higher end of normal" and that should have clued him in (it was *my* big clue...symptoms plus higher end of normal=not so normal!). If you decide to have PCOS and thyroid ruled in or out, just tread cautiously because unfortunately not all docs know what they are doing in this domain (general practitioners and gyns vs. an endocrinologist).

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Normal. I would not worry about it right now based on what you describe, unless she literally goes entire months between cycles, or has suspicious bleeding in-between cycles, or something of the kind which would be more alarming. Being "off" for a week or even a few at a time is typically normal at that age - if she does not experience any other difficulties, of course.

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It might be normal, might not be. I was like that, with very heavy, painful periods. The only thing that helped the horrible moods and getting regular was going on the "pill", even though I didn't need it for birth control. That was 30 years ago so I have no idea what other options might exist (I only have boys).

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Thanks for all the comments. It seems this is fairly normal. I think she had her thyroid checked a year or two ago because she was having night sweats and I took her in to check for diabetes, but the dr felt it was hormonal. I believe they did a full blood work test including the thyroid.


I will continue to keep an eye out for other symptoms and make sure there's nothing else I see going on.

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