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What is YOUR favorite type of science?


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I would have to nature studies...animals, plants, the weather, ect.


DS7 & 5...nature studies...they loves collecting rocks too.


Really, I think they are interested in all types of science. They ask many questions about it and want to do experiments all the time. We just haven't studied the various areas of the sciences yet in a formal manner.

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It is physics or physical science. We just love those incline planes, wedge, screws, levers, wheels and axles, pulleys, and gears. We love magnets and learning about earth's gravity. There are sooo many super neat projects that you can do with physics. I never knew that it was fun because when I took it in high school we never learned it this way. I wrote a whole curriculum that I did in a co-op a few years ago. I still refer to it.


Unfortunately, we are doing biology next year which is our second go around. I do not how I will top the first time we did biology. My oldest son took a course at our science center for the entire month of June three years ago. He learned all the different systems of the human body and then at the end he dissected a cow's eye to learn how the eye functions. To this day, my son still remembers how the eye functions. So, I like physics because at least we can duplicate the lessons with that one.:biggrinjester:;)


Also, chemistry is a strong second. It might even tie with physics.;) The boys love it when things explode. Those chemical reactions.:D


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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We really really had a good time with Chemistry this year. That would be dd's favorite so far, but we haven't studies physics yet.


I am really fostering a love for nature study. Kinda what Plaid Dad said. Not necessarily parts of a flower or the makeup of a certain rock, but how the natural world interacts with itself. I'm having fun just learning the names of different flowers and bird watching. We've had fun identifying trees. I planted a butterfly bush in our yard this year in hopes of attracting them to my yard. I LOVE that kind of stuff! :)

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Hands-on science is our favorite type of science -- experiments, kits and anything where we get our hands in there and DO, or watch it fizz, burp, explode, shoot up! : ) Oh wait, did you mean actual science topics? (lol) Then physics, chemistry and earth sciences rule here! : )

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Mine - genetics


DD8 - wildlife (she's saying she wants to be a wildlife rehabilitator. . .now i just need to find out what one of those is!)


DD11 - used to be astronomy but now seems to be anything with hands on experimenting



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Mine's physics, not so much fundamental physics, unfortunately that doesn't hold my interest, but more theoretical physics esp. particle physics, relativity, cosmology, black holes, theories of time and space, that kinda stuff.

My kids love science of any kind, in particular biology, astronomy and geology. They haven't messed with chemistry or fund. physics yet, but I bet they will love it.

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... and what are your children's favorites when it comes to science?


My favorite is natural history. I could easily spend hours every day observing and sketching. DSS10 is not really a science kind of kid, but a theater buff, nor are DSS21 or my partner, both of whom pursued/are pursuing psychology degrees. DS7 was born a mechanic, pointing out wheels as soon as he could point. DS5 is into animals.

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I love Chemistry, ds 4.5 loves human anatomy and Botany. We are finishing up an animal study and he doesn't seem to get into it like he did our study of plants. When we were at the zoo recently, my dh commented that ds 4.5 was more interested in the plants growing in the habitats than the animals LOL We are about to study Human Anatomy and I'm sure he'll love it because he already carries around human anatomy books around the house.

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My B.S. is in Zoology, so I would definitely have to say that is my favorite. I especially like ethology. E.O. Wilson is my idol. :D I'm fond of ecology too, but anatomy and physiology were my weak points. I liked cytology and molecular biology though. Kind of a weird combination I guess.


My dd is clearly the product of my influence. Paleontology and herpetology are her favorite sciences. She likes Chemistry too, but hasn't been all that drawn to Earth Science, Astronomy, or Physics. But her father is a professional Physicist, so I'm sure his influence will start to assert itself some day.

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Science in our house has been the most fun I've had in a long time. Bioology was my minor in college, so reading the text and carrying out the labs are great. There are even some experiments that I have never done and I am finding that I am learning along with my kids.


Unfortunately, my enthusiasm is not shared. My ds is into computers, and my dd is into art. So I have to tone it down a bit. "That is sooooo cool!", "Look at that! Isn't that something!", or "Wow!"


I guess for me, science is better the second and third time around.


Claire in NM



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I really like biology, zoology, botany, and anatomy & physiology.

Emily likes anatomy & physiology (emphasis on nursing), Bear likes chemistry and biology, Otter likes anything and everything that is even associated with science. If it has a cool experiment to do...even better....;)

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