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What is something your kids have done lately that you

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have been pleased with?


My son, on his own, decided he was going to buy his sister a snowglobe.

My daughter, bless her heart, went around the house wrapping up items that we already own to give to people. I guess I won't have to worry about not liking my gift and it will decrease the clutter :D

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The Sponge is also wrapping up household items for gifts. There are several under the "tree" (long story :lol:) and she gave some to her grandma already. She's also been crocheting on her own.


The Love learned the word and sign for "HOT!" He also uses it for any pot, on the stove or not, and other cooking things he knows he's not supposed to touch, like the big knife.


The Drama has been doing cute things all week and now I can't remember any. :(

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Ariel recently wrote a letter to her penpal. She did the rough draft, final copy, and addressed the envelope in one sitting, an ordeal that would not have been imaginable a few months ago. She also mentioned that what she was looking most forward to at Christmas was visiting her grandmother, not at opening gifts. I was so proud!

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My ds11 recently told his father that he does not want to be around father's girlfriend and that a continued relationship with said girlfriend would jeopordize ds's relationship with him. (ds's dad). It was a long conversation too many details and too personal to report here, but I am VERY proud of my son's ability to articulate his feelings, state his morals and values and set personal boundaries.


He rocks. :001_smile:

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My 8year old has been vacuuming the house and washing the table for me everyday without me telling him to do it. They don't necessarily have chores so it's a pleasant surprise.


My 4year old is wearing pants around the house. Yep, I am definetely pleased about that.


My 2year old is learning to talk about his feelings without whining. Of course, it ended with him calling his brother a "Carebear (said with much emphasis)" and "because he is mean to me". I always though Carebears were nice. Silly child.


The baby...the baby...She's awfully cute...Sometimes even holds her own bottle. I'm pleased with her every morning. It's nighttime that we argue about watching another episode of Murder She Wrote (or one of the Star Treks) so she can fall asleep. :tongue_smilie:

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Ariel recently wrote a letter to her penpal. She did the rough draft, final copy, and addressed the envelope in one sitting, an ordeal that would not have been imaginable a few months ago. She also mentioned that what she was looking most forward to at Christmas was visiting her grandmother, not at opening gifts. I was so proud!




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My ds11 recently told his father that he does not want to be around father's girlfriend and that a continued relationship with said girlfriend would jeopordize ds's relationship with him. (ds's dad). It was a long conversation too many details and too personal to report here, but I am VERY proud of my son's ability to articulate his feelings, state his morals and values and set personal boundaries.


He rocks. :001_smile:



Good for him! Conversations that are tricky with parents even when you are an adult are difficult.

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have been pleased with?


My son, on his own, decided he was going to buy his sister a snowglobe.

My daughter, bless her heart, went around the house wrapping up items that we already own to give to people. I guess I won't have to worry about not liking my gift and it will decrease the clutter :D


How old is your ds?

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We were at a McD's playplace the other day and another little boy was hitting (playfully, but the kind that could escalate into NOT playing) my 4 year old. Before I could intervene, my son put his hands on his hips and said "You are NOT supposed to hit people". And the other boy stopped and they played happily together for another 30 minutes or so!

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Funny this thread should come up now-- I just finished a neat converstaion with dd:


Molly is in public school for the first time since second grade. She's a freshman. There's a boy in all of her AP classes who is being picked on mercilessly by a "mean girl." Rude, derogatory remarks, cruel nicknames, the usual crap.


Molly sits next to him and defends him daily. She tells "Mean Girl" that her comments are not nice, and today she said to her, "Julie, you must be a really insecure person if you have to keep putting Owen down to make yourself look cool. Oh, and FYI, it doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look mean and cruel."


Now she's worried about repercussions from Julie, but knows she did the right thing.


On the other hand, she thinks she flunked an Algebra II test today, so I"m not pleased with that, but yeah-- I'm pleased she stood up for the victim.



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My 8year old has been vacuuming the house and washing the table for me everyday without me telling him to do it. They don't necessarily have chores so it's a pleasant surprise.



Ah, there's one for The Drama, as I couldn't remember any previously. She has decided she LOVES vacuuming (used to be terrified of it) and will basically vacuum on her own. It's hilarious and adorable as the vacuum is taller than she is, but she will maneuver it around to get the proper overlapping-edge pattern, will stand on the couch to get the leverage to turn it around, etc. She's big on "I can do it MYSELF!"

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Molly sits next to him and defends him daily. She tells "Mean Girl" that her comments are not nice, and today she said to her, "Julie, you must be a really insecure person if you have to keep putting Owen down to make yourself look cool. Oh, and FYI, it doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look mean and cruel."


Now she's worried about repercussions from Julie, but knows she did the right thing.


On the other hand, she thinks she flunked an Algebra II test today, so I"m not pleased with that, but yeah-- I'm pleased she stood up for the victim.




Very cool.


And my ds just failed a Grammar test. :glare:

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Funny this thread should come up now-- I just finished a neat converstaion with dd:


Molly is in public school for the first time since second grade. She's a freshman. There's a boy in all of her AP classes who is being picked on mercilessly by a "mean girl." Rude, derogatory remarks, cruel nicknames, the usual crap.


Molly sits next to him and defends him daily. She tells "Mean Girl" that her comments are not nice, and today she said to her, "Julie, you must be a really insecure person if you have to keep putting Owen down to make yourself look cool. Oh, and FYI, it doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look mean and cruel."


Now she's worried about repercussions from Julie, but knows she did the right thing.




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Funny this thread should come up now-- I just finished a neat converstaion with dd:


Molly is in public school for the first time since second grade. She's a freshman. There's a boy in all of her AP classes who is being picked on mercilessly by a "mean girl." Rude, derogatory remarks, cruel nicknames, the usual crap.


Molly sits next to him and defends him daily. She tells "Mean Girl" that her comments are not nice, and today she said to her, "Julie, you must be a really insecure person if you have to keep putting Owen down to make yourself look cool. Oh, and FYI, it doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look mean and cruel."


Now she's worried about repercussions from Julie, but knows she did the right thing.


On the other hand, she thinks she flunked an Algebra II test today, so I"m not pleased with that, but yeah-- I'm pleased she stood up for the victim.





Way to go! Wow- I bet you are proud of your DD.

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I am not sure exactly what to do either. One thing I do is to take every opportunity given to point out a situation where kindness could be shown. If I hear or see a situation where kindess isn't being shown, I talk with them about it is too bad that such and such happened. What do you think could have been done? I also will instruct my kids to be kind. For example, if someone is being left out of playing with other kids. "Hey, why don't you include so and so they look lonely?"

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I am not sure exactly what to do either. One thing I do is to take every opportunity given to point out a situation where kindness could be shown. If I hear or see a situation where kindess isn't being shown, I talk with them about it is too bad that such and such happened. What do you think could have been done? I also will instruct my kids to be kind. For example, if someone is being left out of playing with other kids. "Hey, why don't you include so and so they look lonely?"


I feel like I model it. But it doesn't 'take' with ds.


My dss10 is extrembly helpful. Always thinking of others. Dh says it is because he modeled it. I said, 'well, so do I!' We then decided that it might be a combination of personality and the fact that boys need the model of their fathers in some areas....it is what I tell myself to make myself feel better. :tongue_smilie:

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I feel like I model it. But it doesn't 'take' with ds.


My dss10 is extrembly helpful. Always thinking of others. Dh says it is because he modeled it. I said, 'well, so do I!' We then decided that it might be a combination of personality and the fact that boys need the model of their fathers in some areas....it is what I tell myself to make myself feel better. :tongue_smilie:



Actually, that is one thing I was thinking when I was saying one thing I do. Personality has a lot to do with it. It is far easier for my son to walk over and include someone and be kind than my daughter. She is more introverted and so it causes more anxiety. Really, I think that I should just try and catch my kids in the act of being kind more and record it. That way I could go back and remember, hey they really are pretty good kids. I could also talk about it. Remember the time when....I was so proud of you.. I know my daughter used to tell me she loved me over 15 times a day. I often said I should record all those I love You's for when she is a teenager. That way if she starts saying I hate you, I can just cross off one of the I love you's and remember that there are over 200 more on the list ;)

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My 9yodd spent many evenings in her playroom with craft materials strewn all over the place, making gifts for everyone in the family. She made them and wrapped them then put them under the tree. I am glad she's done her Christmas "shopping" because I'm not.


My 14yo ds has been saving for a bouzouki for months and months...it arrived yesterday and he has spent every spare moment picking out tunes he knows on it.


My 16yo ds was being talked into cutting a lot of weight to wrestle by one of his coaches. He started cutting the junk from his diet and running every morning before school. I tried not to say anything because making it a battle just would not have been the best way to approach him but he just does not have enough body fat to weigh what his coach was suggesting. After about 4 days of eating healthier ds decided on his own that cutting that much weight was not going to be healthy for him and he stood up to his coach and told him so.

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My 4yo was reading a book with the 2yo - one of those toddler books that are just basically pictures of random items. 2yo was pointing them out and naming them and every time he did it 4yo would say "Oh that's great - you got it -you are so smart" :001_wub:

Edited by sewingmama
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My 4yo was reading a book with the 2yo - one of those toddler books that are just basically pictures of random items. 2yo was pointing them out and naming them them and every time he did it 4yo would say "Oh that's great - you got it -you are so smart" :001_wub:


Like. :)

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My ds, who hasn't sketched in a long time, drew 3 versions of a picture from the show Naruto. His drawings used to be very basic, but these are really good. He was so proud as he thought he didn't have a lot of artistic talent, but he does.


I still have some of the drawings I did as a kid, so it was a proud mommy moment.

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Funny this thread should come up now-- I just finished a neat converstaion with dd:


Molly is in public school for the first time since second grade. She's a freshman. There's a boy in all of her AP classes who is being picked on mercilessly by a "mean girl." Rude, derogatory remarks, cruel nicknames, the usual crap.


Molly sits next to him and defends him daily. She tells "Mean Girl" that her comments are not nice, and today she said to her, "Julie, you must be a really insecure person if you have to keep putting Owen down to make yourself look cool. Oh, and FYI, it doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look mean and cruel."


Now she's worried about repercussions from Julie, but knows she did the right thing.


On the other hand, she thinks she flunked an Algebra II test today, so I"m not pleased with that, but yeah-- I'm pleased she stood up for the victim.




Oh Astrid, I know I'm a stranger to you and Molly, but would you tell her just how proud that makes me?


She is one fantastic young lady. Just think how touched that boy's mom would be if she knew the situation.


Seriously. If only everyone watched out for each other that way...

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Ds12 chose a book to read to his toddler sister and invited her over. He then spent 10 minutes giving her "horseback rides" around the house. She wrapped her little arms around his neck and smiled so big! At one point she fell off and hit her head on the floor. Dh and I came running at the cries, but she stood up and hugged her big brother for comfort. I am so proud of him. He doesn't normally play with her much -- too interested in his own stuff I guess. And she doesn't normally go to him for comfort. I LOVE seeing sibling relationships blossom. :001_smile:


Dd9 jammed her finger in basketball practice yesterday. It was swollen and painful last night and this morning. She played her entire viola lesson today and didn't complain about it, though she did *tell* her teacher about it. I was so proud of her -- strong girl and all that.


Ds5 sat down to do some math with me today. He finished the half-workbook-page I had planned and then *asked* me if he could do the next page. He proceeded to spend about 30 minutes on it, did it all himself, totally focussed the *whole* time, and was having FUN! :svengo:(I'm fainting like that b/c he was totally focussed the whole time!)

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Tell your dd that she just helped me SO much for Christmas!! I think that's a fabulous idea.


We don't have a lot of money and our oldest 3 kids get that. But we still have not unpacked everything from our move a year ago and our basement is probably brimming with things that our kids forget we even have!! Just little things, but I think it would be totally fun to wrap some of them up and our little guy won't remember them at all anyhow!


I'm excited now. Thanks!! What sweet kids. :)

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My ds, who has his first "crush" on a girl, decided on his own that, before letting this girl know that he "likes" her, he should ask her parent's permission first.


They are in the states and we are here and it really only involves them chatting on FB but he still felt like he should be honest about his feelings so he emailed them. It was such a mature thing to do and I was very proud of him.


And I am glad she lives on the other side of the world as I am NOT ready for this stage yet. :svengo:

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have been pleased with?


My son, on his own, decided he was going to buy his sister a snowglobe.

My daughter, bless her heart, went around the house wrapping up items that we already own to give to people. I guess I won't have to worry about not liking my gift and it will decrease the clutter :D


That's sweet! When my kids my little before they ever really had any money of their own to spend they would wrap up a little toy or stuffed animal and present them to me. So sweet.

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Sweet! :001_smile:


Like your dd, a couple of years ago, when I was working at a pizza restaurant, I came home to find that my youngest had spent quite a bit of the evening wrapping a box for me. Each side was wrapped & taped separately (she cut 6 large squares) with gift wrap and there was a bow. Inside.....was one of my pizza work shirts. :001_huh: She said she looked all around the room to find something that I needed & could use. :lol:



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Sweet! :001_smile:


Like your dd, a couple of years ago, when I was working at a pizza restaurant, I came home to find that my youngest had spent quite a bit of the evening wrapping a box for me. Each side was wrapped & taped separately (she cut 6 large squares) with gift wrap and there was a bow. Inside.....was one of my pizza work shirts. :001_huh: She said she looked all around the room to find something that I needed & could use. :lol:






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Tell your dd that she just helped me SO much for Christmas!! I think that's a fabulous idea.


We don't have a lot of money and our oldest 3 kids get that. But we still have not unpacked everything from our move a year ago and our basement is probably brimming with things that our kids forget we even have!! Just little things, but I think it would be totally fun to wrap some of them up and our little guy won't remember them at all anyhow!


I'm excited now. Thanks!! What sweet kids. :)



I will tell her!

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