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Calling Dr. Hive.....

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Alright, so I know what I need to do and have just made the appointment for this afternoon....




DD, age 10 has had a fever for now 4 days. It tops around 102.5 and breaks with Tylenol or Motrin. The only other symptom is a VERY VERY swollen lymph node in her neck.


What could be causing this? She doesn't have any other pain. She is generally just fine, except when her fever peeks back up and she gets chills and tired.






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Mono? Are you sure it's just one node and not the whole chain?


That just screams annoyingly non-specific viral thing to me, if it's not mono. (which, of course, is a specific annoying viral thing)


Ya, I'm thinking non-specific and annoying viral thing too......


I checked her other lymph nodes last night and the only one swollen is in her neck, and only one of them. It is HUGE too.


She has an appointment right after lunch, so we'll see what the Doc says. I just can't see ignoring it after 4 days.




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Being very anemic could still be a virus or a bacteria, so try not to worry. The fact that the doc is comfortable waiting until Thursday is good too. My son had leukemia, and we were sent straight from the peds office to the children's hospital, and we knew that night what was going on.


He was 18 months off treatment this summer, and a virus caused his blood counts to go waaaayyyyyy down. We feared the worst, but the virus went away and things returned to normal.


:grouphug: Waiting is so hard.

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