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Do you shop at independent bookstores?

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There is a cover story in this mornings NY Times about the author Ann Patchett opening up a bookstore. Apparently the independent bookstore in town closed and so did the Borders so she opened up a bookstore to fill the void.


I have fond memories of a kid of going to my local bookstore and leaving with shopping bags full of books (our library was the size of my computer screen).


There was no such thing as amazon.com or paperback swap or used booksellers online, etc.


An independent bookstore opened in the town next to mine last year and I have never been there. I feel kinda guilty because it is a local person who opened it and their is a really nice story behind it (the son is mentally disabled I believe and they opened the store so he would have a job and a business to support him as he gets older).


On the other hand I go into Barnes and Noble and look up the titles on amazon.com to see if I can get them chapter. 99% of the time they are significantly cheaper or I can buy a used copy for much less.


On the one hand I want to support my local shopkeepers but on the other hand I am struggling just like everyone else. And the money I save on books could be spent on something else.



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We've been going to a local used (like new!) book store about every two weeks. Each time we go, the children get to pick out a free book from their $1 shelf, and I buy a handful of early readers or chapter books from those shelves too. My husband picks out a science fiction book for himself, and I either pick up curricula or classics for our library.

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I do shop at our local little bookstore. The staff is fabulous. They will bend over backwards to find OOP and other things for me.


The owner knows I homeschool, and he gives me (and other teachers) a 20% discount. I had no hoops to jump through to get a "educator's discount." Very refreshing. :001_smile: In consideration of that, I do my best to give business to him, and not to Amazon or other big box stores. The owner is very intrigued by my wide selection of books for school...


The owner is very involved in local activities, charities, etc. He is helping to provide jobs and a positive atmosphere to our little downtown.


Times are tight; we don't have extra $ to throw around (who does?), but we know that local spending is helping our whole area, and not just some big corporation's bottom line.

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We go to a local bookstore almost weekly. They have a great selection of used books, plus a tiny set of new books. It also has uneven wooden floors and is a maze of overstuffed shelves. We stop by after dinner, and if we time it right, we can hear the jazzy band in the attached coffee/wine bar playing while we browse. It is a lovely place to spend an evening. We read books, browse and usually pick up a used book or two if we find something good.

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Only the huge, used bookstore. That place is great.


As for new books, no way. Higher prices, no reviews, no easy way to research, harder to find what I'm looking for... not gonna happen.


Two exceptions: I might go to one occasionally to let my kids browse for a new book. If I can't wait for shipping, I'll pop into a bookstore, but that rarely happens.

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no. i don't shop at bookstores at all.


if i can't get it at the library, i seriously evaluate if i need it. i might get it on amazon used if i can.


Same here. I love books, but I can't stand managing them in my home unless I already know them and truly love them, so I don't buy many for myself. For the kids, I tend to buy used.


The only exception is that we do very occasionally go to the local B&N when DD9 has money burning a hole in her pocket and can't wait for shipping. If we had an independent bookstore nearby, I might consider going there instead, but the nearest one I know of is in Princeton, and we're not there often enough to make that work.


I would, however, LOVE to have a local used bookstore! There was one on my way home when I lived in Hoboken, and that place had a magnetic pull :lol:

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If I lived near Niantic CT, I would be at the Book Barn used book store almost daily.


We don't have any independent bookstores left around here that I know of. There is one used bookstore but it carries more very old, antique type books than general used books. I usually shop Barnes & Noble or order online from Amazon.

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There's a massive used bookstore in town that I visit from time to time. They're amazing, have a huge selection, and also have great deals (BOGO kids' books, save the receipts and when you have $100 worth of purchases, you get a $15 credit, earn credit for bringing in books, etc.). There's an outlet bookstore in another city that I have also found to have wonderful deals. Generally, though, I'm an Amazon girl.

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I used to live near a very good independent bookstore and would buy books pretty regularly, especially children's books. At at B&N, I am much more likely to buy a magazine, if anything -- their prices are so much higher than amazon, and the one in my old 'hood used to give me a hard time about the educator's discount, which was extremely annoying.


I live in Nashville now and hit the used bookstores here with some regularity, mostly for kids' books. Like many others I know, I have been eagerly awaiting the opening of Parnassus Books, not least of all because I'm sure they will have a storytime :001_smile: And once I'm in a bookstore, well ....


Somebody was telling me that she is planning to offer book delivery in the city, but I'm not sure if that's true. The store is also located right across the street from where another large independent bookstore used to operate; apparently that individual store was profitable, although the (local) chain was not. I really hope she succeeds.

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if i can't get it at the library, i seriously evaluate if i need it. i might get it on amazon used if i can.


When I have some extra dollars to spend on books I will try to shop at my the independent book store a couple of towns away. They are really nice and helpful. However, I rarely have the $$ so I utilize my library as much as possible.

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If I lived near Niantic CT, I would be at the Book Barn used book store almost daily.


We don't have any independent bookstores left around here that I know of. There is one used bookstore but it carries more very old, antique type books than general used books. I usually shop Barnes & Noble or order online from Amazon.


The Book Barn is one fantastic store (or really set of stores)! Last time I was there they were in the process of setting up a special section for homeschoolers and teachers. And boy did wee Winston (my youngest) love the pirate ship!


I love to shop local for used books and I do like independent book stores. I tend to frequent them for gifts but do most of my new book buying on line. I wish I didn't have to let the economics force me into online buying. I have very fond memories of frequenting on local bookstores before there were places like B&N and Amazon and going to the original Borders before it went big box.

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After years of nasty behavior from independent bookstores, I had pretty much given up on them. There's a much beloved one here where they downright harassed me at one point and I refused to ever go back.


BUT... now I have finally found a good one. I adore the children's one in our independent toy store in part because I really value the woman who curates it. It's a large section - about the size of a small children's bookstore. And it really is so well curated. They have pointed me to many things I didn't know about, which is quite a feat because I'm a know-it-all about children's books. I'll pay a little extra for that any day. And they're always nice and respectful and have never been nasty or acting like I'm an idiot - unlike most of the independent bookstores I'm used to.

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Yes. I shop almost exclusively at independent bookshops.


I do pay more than I would if I bought online, but I figure it is worth paying a bit more to have this awesome little shop in my town. It is worth it to me to pay a bit more to keep them there. They suppost the community, don't stock trash, will order anything I want, and are friendly... All qualities that are not true of our local B&N.

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I used to love going to "new book" bookstores, all those books I could take home and KEEP! The problem was the cost, I just couldn't see paying that much. I Love Amazon, new books at a discount, used at decent prices. I haven't been to a "new book" bookstore in years. I do visit a local used bookstore (with GREAT prices) about 2-3 times a month.

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Yes. I shop almost exclusively at independent bookshops.


I do pay more than I would if I bought online, but I figure it is worth paying a bit more to have this awesome little shop in my town. It is worth it to me to pay a bit more to keep them there. They suppost the community, don't stock trash, will order anything I want, and are friendly... All qualities that are not true of our local B&N.


We are not wealthy. But our local bookshop owner really appreciates us. We are willing to pay for their service and hopefully contribute to keeping stores like his around. They sponsor wonderful events, too. We also shop at a local used bookstore and use the library frequently.


Now that I've found those stores, I've had no reason to go back to the chain stores. It's been worth it for us.

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I buy a lot of books. Some online, some at B&N and yes, some at my local bookstore. I like my local bookstore--the problem is that it is actually in the next tow over--I'm there all the time as my dc's dance studio is located there BUT I'm usually there late in the evenings and the bookstore is closed then.


I can order online at my local bookstore, which I do occasionally.

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Our independent bookstore gives homeschoolers a 25% storewide discount.


Overall, their children's selection is much nicer, and better stocked with classics, than Borders or B&N. They also host pajama storytimes for young kids and book clubs for older kids.


Because I want to support their business, I choose to buy there if what I want is in stock. I spend a little more than I would with Amazon, but I like having them in town. I don't buy new books very often though, so I'm not sure my business helps them much.

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The only independent bookstore I shop at is a used one. It's called McKay's. It's a very nice used bookstore (large too) and it's fun to peruse the aisles.

But even that store is an hour from me.


There are no bookstores, not chain or independent, closer than an hour from where I live (well, a small BAM is 45 minutes away but it feels like they have very few books).

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I LOVE our local bookstore. I also get a lot from our library and inter-library loan.... that's for free (unless I have a late fee? :glare: ) for really cheap for IL Loan... that way I have money to spend on books at our local store... it's more expensive, but they are wonderful! I feel strongly in supporting local businesses ( 3/50 project). If I didn't use the library to offset the cost of our book addiction I wouldn't be able to support them... so I do what I can!

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We have no local new bookstores, independent or otherwise.


We have walmart's horrible book selection, and a few stores with subject-specific books (fix-it books at the hardware store, that sort of thing). The library runs a small used bookstore, and the thrift stores have book sections.


But basically, if I'm looking to buy something specific, I have to go online. I generally order through Amazon or Better World Books, depending on whether I want new or used, who has the best price, and where my available funds happen to be.


I suppose I could order from an independent bookstore somewhere else that is willing to do online orders and shipping. There are a few I'm fond of and would be happy to support. However, we rarely buy books new anyways.


An independent new/used bookstore in the closest metro area is run by a member of one of my homeschooling groups. I need to get there!

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