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Anyone have brown interior walls?


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We don't have brown walls but I did paint the hallway a dark red once. I have to admit it made the hallway seem much smaller. We have painted it light yellow/beige since then and it looks much nicer that way. But we do have kind of a narrow hallway, so it depends on that and on the light you get in there.

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Our living room here was VERY dark brown, and I loved it. We had a light creamy trim color.

When we re-did everything, we went with bamboo floors and brown carpet, and most of the furniture was way too brown - so I repainted the wall.

We also had dark brown in another house in the dining room. In this case it was bright white trim - looked fantastic.

Both rooms have/had great natural light - I woulnd't want to use the color in a room or hall with only artificial light.

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I am BIG into color so I would love it! I think it could look really elegant, classy. The only danger being the fact that it could make a space look dark and smaller. In my last house I painted the library a really dark green and loved it! The TV room was a very dark blue and various other rooms were yellow, green, purple, etc. In this house I had to tone it down (a bit) but I still have one wall that is gold and another wall that is teal and a marroon entry way!


Go for the color!

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DD has a deep brown on her walls in her bedroom and bath (with white trim, doors, etc.) We remodeled when she was 12 and that is what she picked. She wanted an Asian theme and has Korean wall hangings on the wall.


It isn't what I would have picked, but now that it is up I do like it. She does get a good deal of natural light in the room.

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My new rental has brown walls in the family room. There is a stone fireplace and a large patio door that lets in tons of light, and the carpet is cream. The cafe au lait color looks stunning, especially with my blue couch and blues/greens painting. I also plan to hang flower photos matted in white along one wall (dh's hobby is nature photography).


A friend of mine painted her "front room" a dark espresso brown. "Front room" is a Chicago term for the living room in the front of the house. My friend's room has a big bay of windows (3 sides of a square) in the front and a pretty fireplace. With the white woodwork and nifty art and light from the windows, the dark brown looks stunning.


I think brown can look beautiful if there's enough light--both in terms of natural sunlight, but also it needs lighter colors in the room for contrast.

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I really appreciate everyone's comments here!


We did a test last night, and now think we need to go darker! The floor first floor hallway is wide, open, and high, with a chalked oak wood floors. So, mostly pale, but lots of color variations to pick up as a complimentary color. Both stairways (up to the 3rd floor attic) have huge double windows in them. The carpeting on the stairs and upstairs hallway is a mid-toned blue/green. We live a couple blocks from the ocean and it's BRIGHT around here. Moreso in the winter with the angle of the sun. All the rooms touching both halls are decorated brightly with typical coastal colors (which in the dead of winter feels a bit too summery).


Right now, as I am typing this, the sun has just risen and is streaming past me into the hallway, and yeah, it's too "matchy" to the floor. The color is Benjamin Moore "Guesthouse" and it's coming up yellower than we would have thought. So, we're thinking of trying two deeper on the same color swatch. A "Fort Sumner Tan." I'm also going to ask the paint guy for something in a different color family similar to "Guesthouse" that perhaps has more black in it. (To get that hint of gray undertone).



I called in sick for today (so my husband has to deal with the kids all day, and I have the day off -- no school), so I'll be getting new colors today. I'll keep you informed. And, yes, I literally picked up my phone last night, and called his phone. Hey, in the last 6 years, I've had 1 day off. I'm fraying badly. I figured if calling in sick didn't get through to him, nothing would. ;) He got it. I go "back on duty" tonight at 6 p.m.

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I like brown, all colors of brown but if the hall and stairs are not well lit you're just begging for some stubbed toes. Dark colors suck the light from a room and make it seem smaller. It would be good for a room that is expected to be small (bathroom?) or a room with lots of natural light, kitchens maybe? Also bedrooms where you want a cozy cuddle up feel?

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Our guest bathroom has dark brown walls, lighter brown marble walls around the lower part of one wall and throughout the shower, and white trim - it looks amazing!


In our rec room we did one wall the same dark brown and the other walls are a red (cottage red I think is the color) that's pretty dark too - it works really well since we wanted a really dark wall behind the TV and the red, well, I just loved it! Again, we have white trim in that room too.

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I love all of the earth toned colors. With the right lighting, I think a rich shade of brown would be beautiful. I would be careful of going too dark though. We had a very dark olive green color in a room without enough natural light. It started to feel too cave-like to me and it was very depressing over long winter days. We ended up repainting in a lighter shade. Have fun picking out colors!!

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I have a medium brown LR connected to a deep cranberry colored DR. I LOVE the richer, earthier colors but I don't really get enough light to pull it off. My windows are ALL about 3" x 6", but we're in the woods so it's always just a bit to dark for me. DH loves the cave-like look, and I've been ignoring it for 10 years. It's awesome when there are no leaves on the trees :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well we did it. It took forever to get to the right brown. We ended up with Benjamin Moore Dark Taupe -- think Hershey's Special Dark chocolate! ;)


We finished it earlier today and simply LOVE it. Thanks to all who responded here with their thoughts. It was quite helpful. :)

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My hallway is painted in dirt brown, semi-gloss paint. I actually really like the color (the shine, not so much) but I did it because...well...I have five boys.


My carpet is also the color of mud...variegated mud at that! It's great for hiding spots! We picked this color a year ago when we redid the carpet and paint...it's been the best!


Just do it!

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