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How many days a week

In an average week, how many days do your kids interact with other children?  

  1. 1. In an average week, how many days do your kids interact with other children?

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Monday dd(6) has music class for an hour, but it's fairly focused.


Tuesday, choir, also fairly focused.


About once a week we get together with another family for an outing.


Saturday she does ballet, but again it is a busy class.


Sunday is Sunday school, and she plays with the other kids after.


She has a pre-school sister and a toddler brother home with her all the time.

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How old is she? DS10 goes out every day of the week, either to activities or to play with neighbour children. DS4 and DS7 only go out to activities 3 three days a week. I'm not comfortable with them going away from the house to play with other children in the neighbourhood at their age (it would involve them crossing roads and I wouldn't be able to see them from the house).

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M - swim team

T - cub scouts

W - swim team and art class

TH - play with friends

F - swim team and/or play with friends


Saturday and Sunday are wild cards, sometimes DS will get together with friends to play, sometimes not, so I voted 5 days a week since that's about average since sometimes he skips swim on Mondays.

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My son's regular schedule currently is:



-- Choir (two hours, including a 20-minute snack break during which they chat and play)

-- Tap dance (one hour)



-- Show rehearsal (four hours, with a fair amount of down time when they are not working on their scenes). When that ends in a few weeks, he'll pick up another couple of hours of dance classes on Wednesday evenings.



-- Lego robotics team (five or more hours, with lots of interaction while they are working and an hour-long lunch break with chatting and running and generally goofing off together)



-- More show rehearsal (three and a half hours, including lunch break)


So, I voted four days a week. However, this is the basics. He also volunteers at the science museum a couple of afternoons a month, usually on Sundays, during which time he is paired with another youth volunteer. They also take a dinner break, during which there is socializing.


He's not participating in religious education at our church this year, but he still sees his friends from church fairly regularly. They come over one or two Sunday afternoons a month (when he's not at the science museum) and hang out for a few hours. We just had a group of them spend the night last Saturday.


And, of course, if he ends up doing any community theatre next semester, all bets are off. They frequently rehearse four or five evenings a week.

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I said three. I should have put four. LOL.


Sun - church, Jr. High Awana

Wed - Awana club

Fri - Homeschool park day

Sat - fencing lessons


And at least 2-3 times during the week the kids will get outside and play with the neighborhood children (riding bikes, etc.) and we'll probably hit the park at least once.


Probably 3x during the month there will be a field trip with other kids.

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I voted 7, but it wasn't always that way. The family across the street has a daughter my son's age and a son a year older. Everyday, at least one of them comes over, and ds will go outside and toss a football, play basketball in the cul-de-sac, or take a bike ride. They've been there about 2 years. Before they moved in, I would have said anywhere between 2 and 4 days a week.

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Varies with the time of year.

During the traditional school year we have scheduled activities (church and sports) three days a week and other things fill in - field trips, library story time, playing at the park or with cousins. Mondays and Thursdays we are often home all day and it is lovely!


During the summer we are at the pool 4-5x a week and church on Sunday.

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I voted 6. It's usually anywhere from 5-7.


We have kids ranging from age 4 through teens living on our street and cousins who live right on our street, and my kids play with their friends and cousins most days after school, in addition to scheduled activities throughout the year, and field trips and gatherings with our homeschool group, etc.

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I voted 7. We have a ton of kids in our neighborhood and it is very rare for a day to go by without my dc playing outside with a group of other kids. I would say the only days they don't see other kids are days with inclement weather.


Good grief, I forgot about the neighborhood kids who are always here. I'm chaning my vote to 7, lol.

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Depends on the kid, but they're usually with other kids most days.

Oldest has structured activities with other kids Sunday-Wednesday and Friday, second on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday (I'd love to find her one more, but the right fit has yet to appear). Neither of them have close neighborhood friends.


Little guy has a homeschool religion class most weekdays down the street, and is often out with neighbor boys, as the block is heavy with boys in his age group. (He's an introvert, though, and will usually take a day or two and choose not to go out.) The little ones both have things on Wed-Thursday, and the littlest has a class on Monday nights. She also has a close friend (psed) a few doors down, who she plays with a couple of afternoons per week.

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My kids play with the neighbors almost every day, which would make the number 7 days a week.


Other than that, we have:


Church on Sunday

Co op and Cub Scouts on Monday

and Church again on Thursday


We also meet random kids through out the week at the library, park, zoo, or museums. We go to at least one of those a week.

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2. Wednesday night is youth group, sunday is sunday school/church.


Probably on average every other week we'll also do one of park day/visit/play-date/library story time/group violin practice etc.


I do not think my children are deprived at all, they're normal happy kids. :)

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