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In light of a few recent threads I thought I should start a thread on lurkers. I am a lurker. I have read the forums religiously since the old boards (2005). I follow the general board, both curriculum boards, the accelerated learner board, the afterschooling board, I even occasionally pop over to the special needs board. I read your blogs. . . but I never post.


I have many reasons for not posting, but foremost I am just painfully shy. When I first starting lurking I was a 20 year old college student. I was public schooled, I had no children I had nothing of substance to add. Now I have graduated, I have a toddler son of my own, I will someday soon be a real homeschooler. Still I have nothing to say.


While years of lurking allow me to know the answers to most noobie posts, I have no practical experience homeschooling. While I have read curriculum samples and books on homeschooling, I have only held a few materials in my hands I have used only a fraction of those as a student in public schools or in my independent study, I have never touched them in a teacher role. I only recently gained parenting experience and then only the baby-toddler stage. There seems to be a climate on the board that advice is best given by veteran homeschoolers & moms of many older children. I don't disagree.


My question: Is it creepy? Is it improper for me to know so much about you, and you nothing about me?


Since I would hate to give up my dear boards, I see the only other option to be posting, but what to post. I have no business posting on most threads, should I then not read them? I have gathered useful information that has saved me from many of the costly mistakes of youth. I have learned things that have improved my marriage to my husband, my tricky relationship with my mother and in laws. Things that have helped me raise my little boy, and run a house. In a few years when I embark on my homeschooling journey, I will be prepared.


Often I see a thread and in excitement think "I have something really good to say, today I will post." Then my heart falls, as I see a sea of people saying exactly what I would have said but with more grace, clarity and brevity. Should I add my smiley to the endless string of I agrees & group hugs? Is that really any better?


Sometimes on a hot thread I want in on the action. I debated in high school & college, I am good at it. I might have something different to say or feel I could play devils advocate. If I only enter hot threads to argue controversial view points, I am a troll. Better lurker, than troll.


I apologize for writing a book and for being a creepy lurker. I would relish suggestions on how best to participate or reassurance that it is okay to lurk.

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Ananda, welcome formally to the boards. You are not creepy. Your wanting to use the board for one of it's purposes (gaining information) is not creepy. If you do want to post, it's not wrong to say "I agree" or to give your two cents even if it isn't eloquent. You'll notice that many of us "old posters" are not eloquent either - we're just loquacious. (I've wanted to use that vocabulary word for some time;))

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It is absolutely ok to lurk!


The internet is your tool. This forum is your tool. It isn't a weird social club with secret rules. It's a public forum to help people. WHat you do with it is up to you.


You don't have to comply to a list of someone else's rules for this forum; follow the actual forum rules, which are pretty non-demanding, and you're good to go.


Thanks for coming out of lurkdom to post!



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Ananda, I'm sure you (and other lurkers) have plenty to offer. You should be posting instead of hiding. We have any number of moms with toddlers.


Take me for instance (or maybe I'm a bad example...)... Anyway I'm sure I post entirely too much and I'm willing to bet over half of what I say is rubbish. This is the best place for shy people. We can talk and talk and no one ever knows it is us.


So all of you in Lurkdom use the :iagree: and come join the fun.

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Please, please, please do not feel like a creepy lurker. It frustrates me that somehow all of the sudden people are feeling like there are requirements to using the boards. Don't be afraid to post if you want to but don't feel like you have to, either. :grouphug:


ETA: I wanted to make sure you understood that I'm frustrated at the posts that have made it sound like there are requirements here (which I somehow missed :lol:), not at you for feeling that way :).

Edited by JudoMom
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I'm a mom of a toddler. I started lurking back when I was on bed rest with him. Eventually I joined in, not because I have anything interesting or helpful to say, but because I wanted to.


If you want to jump in, jump in. If you don't, it's not a big deal. At all. This is a large board with a ton of helpful and relevant information. Use it the way you see fit.

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The recent threads are tricky for those of us who are more introspect. While I understand that a blog and high post count don't make a better person, it is sometimes hard to shake the stigma of being a larva. Maybe people just need to realize that different people use the forums for different purposes. I have been conflicted about my lurking for a while now, this was just the catalyst for me coming out and asking.


I understand that everyone lurks sometimes, some more than others. It can be hard to dive in with the big fish, but I have decided to try. (I think . . . )

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Yep. I am an old time lurker as well (lurked on the old boards and continued here.) I am not shy, in fact loquacious (love that word, too!) IRL, but not so much on forums. There have been some immensely helpful threads over the years and I appreciate everyone who is willing to share in this way. Generally, I don't have anything to say that others have not said or will not say.


I do get that relationships are formed by active interaction so I do not mind being on the outside. Because I have been here a long time but no one knows me, it is harder to jump actively into conversations; it is like interrupting a discussion among friends. It is much easier to be a fly on the wall :)


It has only been recently that I've read that this is a negative. Long ago with more active and "colorful" trolls, no one ever assumed a newbie was up to no good just by virtue of having low post count. Perhaps the proliferation of cyber-friendships via blogs, FB, twitter, and forums has made these connections more important than they used to be.


So, though I cannot say that I will post more often nor share my blog (updates on my mother's cancer battle would not interest anyone here), after all these years, here is my intro:


Mom to 2 dc; homeschooling for 14 years; graduated one last year; starting HS again with the second. Classical education is my preference and the list of curriculum, materials and resources I use would fill pages and pages.

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Ananda, I think this may be what happened: We either discovered a nest of trolls or else one troll with multiple personalities. Or maybe both. Suddenly we're jumpy and everything looks like a troll. So we discuss among ourselves ways to spot fakers because, hey, we're sick of investing in people just to have them laugh at us. The only problem is, as we're having this conversation we forget that there are hundreds if not thousands of people out there listening to us and feeling hurt and intimidated because they fit the profile. It feels like a false accusation. There are no hard and fast rules, just chatter. Interestingly enough, one of the suspected trolls is one who repeatedly bemoans this need for a blog...she is stirring the pot with her backhand as she puts forth and injured front (you know who you are...don't think we don't notice).


Hang out with us. I'm looking forward to hearing your voice in the coming years as you gain confidence and experience. Or now, if you so desire :tongue_smilie:

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Hi I'm a lurker too! I check in and read the boards almost every day. I post occasionally but not on a regular basis.

:iagree:with the OP's comments.

Most of the time I hardly feel like someone to dispense advice, wisdom, etc. Mostly I feel like I'm just trying to make it through my day.:tongue_smilie:


I have been homeschooling my 11yr old for several years. Some days I feel more successful than others. However, as Janice in NJ said once said , "just when you get 5th grade writing figured out... then here comes 6th grade writing!" or in our case just as soon as you learn to calculate the area of a parallelogram then here comes word problems which ask dd to convert 6 gallons of lemonade to pints or 16 cups of chicken soup to quarts .:lol:

The main reason I don't post is lack of time. I have 4 kids- dd 11, ds 13 with cerebral palsy, dd 9 (high needs/ demanding child- won't go into details right now) and dd who just turned 4 last week. I also work out of the home on the weekends and do all he other stereotypical "mom" stuff. At least once during the day I enjoy coming here to relax. I should post more.... but there's dinner to be made, ds just left to go to his therapeutic horse riding lesson, dd 1 needs to be taken to running club in 40 minutes, and dd 2 must be taken to church this evening to get evaluated for the church basketball league. House upstairs is a disaster, papers need to be graded from earlier today, and I have to go by the grocery store before tomorrow and I need supplies for dd 1's history project.:D Plus I type slow!


All this just to say

1. Lurkers and those of us with low post counts are mostly real people and not trolls

2. I truly appreciate those who take the time to make thoughtful suggestions and share their hard earned wisdom. You make me a better teacher. THANK YOU!! Please don't stop and I hope to someday give back to the boards that which I have received.

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Ananda, I think this may be what happened: We either discovered a nest of trolls or else one troll with multiple personalities. Or maybe both. Suddenly we're jumpy and everything looks like a troll. So we discuss among ourselves ways to spot fakers because, hey, we're sick of investing in people just to have them laugh at us. The only problem is, as we're having this conversation we forget that there are hundreds if not thousands of people out there listening to us and feeling hurt and intimidated because they fit the profile. It feels like a false accusation. There are no hard and fast rules, just chatter. Interestingly enough, one of the suspected trolls is one who repeatedly bemoans this need for a blog...she is stirring the pot with her backhand as she puts forth and injured front (you know who you are...don't think we don't notice).


Hang out with us. I'm looking forward to hearing your voice in the coming years as you gain confidence and experience. Or now, if you so desire :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: Welcome to the boards, Ananda!

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The recent threads are tricky for those of us who are more introspect. While I understand that a blog and high post count don't make a better person, it is sometimes hard to shake the stigma of being a larva. Maybe people just need to realize that different people use the forums for different purposes. I have been conflicted about my lurking for a while now, this was just the catalyst for me coming out and asking.


I understand that everyone lurks sometimes, some more than others. It can be hard to dive in with the big fish, but I have decided to try. (I think . . . )


I do think people need to realize that. People lurk. Most lurkers are not creepy. I think most lurkers simply have more self-control than I do. :grouphug:

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I don't try to hide. Most of the time I feel like that person in the large group who just listens and occasionally makes that insightful comment. In real life I am the person. The difference is, in a real life setting, you could see me smiling and nodding. Here I am just invisible, and I never make my little comment because someone has already done it. You are right I should just join the chorus of I agrees sometimes.

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I wish I could say the reason I don't post is because I don't have time. I do think some people are more confident and willing to share their little bit of wisdom. Others are less sure and miss their openings so to speak. I hope you find what you need to tackle 6th grade writing and tricky word problems to to speak. But of course, I am no help. ;)

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:iagree: I don't really see the point in saying something for the 30th time that has been said 29 times before. I also agree about the fly on the wall, position. Most homeschoolers are introverts if I remember correctly. I also worry what the low-post-count hate will do the forums. If and when lurkers decide to stop lurking will it be safe for them to post? Will new members be able to become regulars? New blood is important to a forums vitality.

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:iagree: I don't really see the point in saying something for the 30th time that has been said 29 times before. I also agree about the fly on the wall, position. Most homeschoolers are introverts if I remember correctly. I also worry what the low-post-count hate will do the forums. If and when lurkers decide to stop lurking will it be safe for them to post? Will new members be able to become regulars? New blood is important to a forums vitality.


No one hates low post counts. It's just something one checks when something questionable or suspicious has been posted.

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I am a long time lurker too and have decided to finally jump in (although maybe my timing is a little off considering some of the recent posts). It's hard, though, not to feel like I'm interrupting whenever I reply (or at least think about replying). And I'm nervous about starting a post, because what if the only response is crickets? Anyway, best of luck to you! If I ever start a post, maybe you can reply and we'll both be off to a good start. :D

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I understand, people don't like trolls. I have lurked long enough to see many troll situations develop and the ensuing feelings of betrayal and paranoia among forum members who were played. I understand that you have no way of knowing whether I am trying to build a bit of credibility so I can be the great troll of 2012 or if I am a honest to goodness lurking, observing the party. I think it is probably best that I don't dive right in to the hot threads or post controversy of my own. I understand that people can't know my intentions and have been burned before. I just feel like there is such a chasm between noobie or lurker and supreme beekeeper overlord or whatever we are calling it now.


If you have any suggestions for those with a low post count, I would love to hear them. Obviously be kind to others and don't pick fights. But how can we appear less trollish and more "real"?

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So if I avoid being questionable or suspicious I can post freely? What exactly is questionable and suspicious? Low post count and . . . ? What behaviors shout troll? I understand it is improper to ask for money or other in real life support. I understand that I shouldn't tell sob story after sob story to illicit sympathy. I understand that I shouldn't lie or pick fights or be rude and deliberately offensive.

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I understand, people don't like trolls. I have lurked long enough to see many troll situations develop and the ensuing feelings of betrayal and paranoia among forum members who were played. I understand that you have no way of knowing whether I am trying to build a bit of credibility so I can be the great troll of 2012 or if I am a honest to goodness lurking, observing the party. I think it is probably best that I don't dive right in to the hot threads or post controversy of my own. I understand that people can't know my intentions and have been burned before. I just feel like there is such a chasm between noobie or lurker and supreme beekeeper overlord or whatever we are calling it now.


If you have any suggestions for those with a low post count, I would love to hear them. Obviously be kind to others and don't pick fights. But how can we appear less trollish and more "real"?


Eh, I think it's just a matter of not having a history of over-the-top scenarios to post. I say "a history of" because we all have some "over the top" things happen in our lives at times and our lives can seem so complicated when we type it all out, esp. when we're seeking advice. But the ones who give a weird vibe are the ones that would end up being interviewed for "The National Enquirer".


Honestly, when you look at the numbers of members on the board, the number of people suspected of being trolls over the years is quite small. I've said over and over but I dislike the troll hunters as much as the trolls at times. The moderators do a good job of having discernment if you flag them about questionable posts.


Please don't use this whole troll thing as a "put off" for normal everyday people to post on this forum.

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I don't try to hide. Most of the time I feel like that person in the large group who just listens and occasionally makes that insightful comment. In real life I am the person. The difference is, in a real life setting, you could see me smiling and nodding. Here I am just invisible, and I never make my little comment because someone has already done it. You are right I should just join the chorus of I agrees sometimes.


This is me too!


I've been lurking and occasionally posting since the old boards when my now 13yo was a K'er. Only very recently have I felt like I fit in more and am posting maybe once/twice day.


Smiling and nodding at you!

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If you have any suggestions for those with a low post count, I would love to hear them. Obviously be kind to others and don't pick fights. But how can we appear less trollish and more "real"?



I am coming out of my several-month-long lurkdom to say :iagree:.

I've been reluctant to jump in because most of the time I'd be agreeing with whatever the consensus is, or because I would be going against the grain and don't want to be accussed of 'stirring the pot'.


So, how do you recommend we jump in?


With that said, THANK YOU all for helping me find resources and entertaining me (kilts!) over the past few months I've been lurking. By way of introduction, I'm Jessica, yet to make a sig line, but I am an eclectic homeschooler of a 'gifted' 6.5 yo DS and 5 yo DD. I look forward to finding more opportunities toward jumping in around here. :001_smile:

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I understand, people don't like trolls. I have lurked long enough to see many troll situations develop and the ensuing feelings of betrayal and paranoia among forum members who were played. I understand that you have no way of knowing whether I am trying to build a bit of credibility so I can be the great troll of 2012 or if I am a honest to goodness lurking, observing the party. I think it is probably best that I don't dive right in to the hot threads or post controversy of my own. I understand that people can't know my intentions and have been burned before. I just feel like there is such a chasm between noobie or lurker and supreme beekeeper overlord or whatever we are calling it now.


If you have any suggestions for those with a low post count, I would love to hear them. Obviously be kind to others and don't pick fights. But how can we appear less trollish and more "real"?


Just be who you are. Don't post crazy crap. Generally that's all you need to do. LOL, you're making it sound like long time board members shout down and run off anyone with fewer than 500 posts.

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So if I avoid being questionable or suspicious I can post freely? What exactly is questionable and suspicious? Low post count and . . . ? What behaviors shout troll? I understand it is improper to ask for money or other in real life support. I understand that I shouldn't tell sob story after sob story to illicit sympathy. I understand that I shouldn't lie or pick fights or be rude and deliberately offensive.


Just be honest and kind, as I'm sure you are in real life. If you won't say something to a person's face, then don't type it, either.


The things that can blow up around here are crazy, as you've seen. There is no way to predict with 100% certainty what might go nuclear, so don't let it scare you off if something "innocent" goes another direction (remember the shoes in the house thread?).

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I am coming out of my several-month-long lurkdom to say :iagree:.

I've been reluctant to jump in because most of the time I'd be agreeing with whatever the consensus is, or because I would be going against the grain and don't want to be accussed of 'stirring the pot'.


So, how do you recommend we jump in?


With that said, THANK YOU all for helping me find resources and entertaining me (kilts!) over the past few months I've been lurking. By way of introduction, I'm Jessica, yet to make a sig line, but I am an eclectic homeschooler of a 'gifted' 6.5 yo DS and 5 yo DD. I look forward to finding more opportunities toward jumping in around here. :001_smile:


There are tons of threads that don't have any controversy. For example, there is the one today on what we're having for supper! No drama there. Join the Teacher's Lounge for some adult support and talk! I'm sure there are others but those are the main ones I've participated in today.

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Ananda, I'm sure you (and other lurkers) have plenty to offer. You should be posting instead of hiding. We have any number of moms with toddlers.


Take me for instance (or maybe I'm a bad example...)... Anyway I'm sure I post entirely too much and I'm willing to bet over half of what I say is rubbish. This is the best place for shy people. We can talk and talk and no one ever knows it is us.


So all of you in Lurkdom use the :iagree: and come join the fun.


I just want to point out that you have 13,000 posts!!!!!!

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I am coming out of my several-month-long lurkdom to say :iagree:.

I've been reluctant to jump in because most of the time I'd be agreeing with whatever the consensus is, or because I would be going against the grain and don't want to be accussed of 'stirring the pot'.


So, how do you recommend we jump in?


With that said, THANK YOU all for helping me find resources and entertaining me (kilts!) over the past few months I've been lurking. By way of introduction, I'm Jessica, yet to make a sig line, but I am an eclectic homeschooler of a 'gifted' 6.5 yo DS and 5 yo DD. I look forward to finding more opportunities toward jumping in around here. :001_smile:


Yes, and disagreeing isn't stirring the pot...really! I love anyone ready to jump into a spirited debate. Stirring the pot is accusing others of aggression when it doesn't exist. Or saying something inflammatory and then sitting back to watch the ensuing chaos. Or worse, saying something inflammatory, watching the chaos, waiting until it dies down, and then jumping in with hurt feelings and personal remarks after the fact.

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Ananda, welcome formally to the boards. You are not creepy. Your wanting to use the board for one of it's purposes (gaining information) is not creepy. If you do want to post, it's not wrong to say "I agree" or to give your two cents even if it isn't eloquent. You'll notice that many of us "old posters" are not eloquent either - we're just loquacious. (I've wanted to use that vocabulary word for some time;))


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I remember shoes in the house, shopping carts, crock pots, picky eaters . . . I guess everyone has their weird touchy thing. I of course would be honest and kind. I guess I will just do my best and if I get branded a troll go back to lurking.

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My question: Is it creepy? Is it improper for me to know so much about you, and you nothing about me?


If you're using that info to plan an attack on my house or bank account, yeah, it is!


You know what I think? I think if you are guilting over something like this, you must be feeling seriously hormonal and should rush out now for some emergency chocolate. :tongue_smilie: Or even if you are not hormonal, the chocolate won't hurt. :tongue_smilie:


I would relish suggestions on how best to participate or reassurance that it is okay to lurk.


Two options. Lurk, or talk anyway. Who cares what the best way to participate in a girly gossip scrum even is? Scrumming should not be over-thought! It should be observed and cheered on or experienced!


Will new members be able to become regulars?


:rofl: Yeah, you'll find my name on the first page of the biggest blabbermouths and I just jumped in here one day without ever bothering to introduce myself.



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No, no I think it is rare that someone is run off who doesn't deserve it. I think I side tracked into a discussion of troll hunting and intimidating people with low post counts. I don't think it is intentional. I agree with the previous poster who said that sometimes it feels like we are intruding on a gathering of old friends. I feel welcomed and encouraged in this thread and have started posting little bits here and there. I wanted to explore peoples thoughts on lurking, and on how to begin participating. I won't post crazy crap, and you won't accuse me of stirring the pot when I politely disagree with the hive mind in an exciting thread. Agree?

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No, no I think it is rare that someone is run off who doesn't deserve it. I think I side tracked into a discussion of troll hunting and intimidating people with low post counts. I don't think it is intentional. I agree with the previous poster who said that sometimes it feels like we are intruding on a gathering of old friends. I feel welcomed and encouraged in this thread and have started posting little bits here and there. I wanted to explore peoples thoughts on lurking, and on how to begin participating. I won't post crazy crap, and you won't accuse me of stirring the pot when I politely disagree with the hive mind in an exciting thread. Agree?


:lol: Deal.

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No, no I think it is rare that someone is run off who doesn't deserve it. I think I side tracked into a discussion of troll hunting and intimidating people with low post counts. I don't think it is intentional. I agree with the previous poster who said that sometimes it feels like we are intruding on a gathering of old friends. I feel welcomed and encouraged in this thread and have started posting little bits here and there. I wanted to explore peoples thoughts on lurking, and on how to begin participating. I won't post crazy crap, and you won't accuse me of stirring the pot when I politely disagree with the hive mind in an exciting thread. Agree?


Just so you know, I used to feel like I was intruding on a gathering of old friends. And while I can joke around with some people, that of course doesn't mean that I can or do have that same camaraderie with all the posters (even old timers) on this board.

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I'll play!

I have been lurking for a few months and just jumped in randomly last week.

I have 2 boys, 7 (an angelic looking, motor-mouthed boy's boy full of energy) and 9 (a quirky, gifted, anxiety-ridden Aspie) who go to a fabulous little K-6 private school where I also work as an administrator. I afterschool and summer-school for now. We are planning on homeschooling full time for middle school for older DS. Not sure about younger.

But in the meantime, I have learned so much from WTM and have even brought some of the resources and info to use at school. We are supplementing the Real Math they use in school with Math Mammoth for DS9. We created an elective program for our last period and I purchased a bunch of Intelligo Unit Studies for teachers to use. They LOVE them! I cannot wait to use MCT, maybe next summer.


So, thanks for letting me lurk, I will try to jump in more often but I read faster than I type :D

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I have lurked long enough to see many troll situations develop and the ensuing feelings of betrayal and paranoia among forum members who were played. I understand that you have no way of knowing whether I am trying to build a bit of credibility so I can be the great troll of 2012 or if I am a honest to goodness lurking, observing the party.


I understand this, but really, it's a risk people take when they join an online forum. It's just part of the deal. While it's very considerate of you to be mindful of what or how you post, I don't think you should spend too much time fretting. (I'm talking to myself here. Trying to take Rosie's advice and not worry so much about what a group of people on the other sides of their computers are thinking about me.)


Really, I think if you want to lurk, you should lurk - it's fine. But, really, judging from your op in this thread - you have a lot to contribute, and if you want to post you should.




ETA: Wow, I said "really" a LOT of times in this post. Sorry 'bout that.

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I have found everyone really inviting around here. I think us lurkers/newbies are just overly nervous. I do try not to post anything crazy or talk about my 3 sets of triplets or my 33 room "cottage" :lol: and everything goes fine.










(Said in my nervous voice)

You guys know I was kidding.....right? :leaving:

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