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Calling Dr Moms....Urgent

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I am just amazed by the ER response. :glare:


I'm not really. They got a young lady who it sounds like didn't really want to be there to be checked out. I'm sure they took her vital signs and they were fine. While it is frustrating to be checked out for drugs and alcohol, the truth is that for many college students, that would be the problem. If she was not in the middle of an acute attack of some kind, an ER isn't really equipped to find the problem.


Hopefully a doctor will check her glucose history with a hemoglobin A1C test. That will show if her glucose levels have been elevated lately. It would probably be good to check her electrolyte levels (potassium and stuff like that) but if she's not actively dehydrated, those might be ok. I don't know enough about seizures to know if there is anything they can check for retroactively. I would want to ask the doctor if they can check for something like an aneurysm because of the pains in her head. Again - that's not something I know enough about.


The thing is, stress can do a number on a body. I know that I was in so much stress during college that I was having black-outs. I actually blacked out in the middle of talking to someone in class. In that case they checked me out neurologically but there really wasn't anything much they could do for me other than to recommend that I try to lower my stress levels. Exhaustion can do the same (and of course can be linked to stress).

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and I will also put in a complaint through our insurance.


DD asked for her medical records to be sent to her Drs here in Austin--she had the phone numbers with her last night-- and they told her that they were NOT able to do that! The office person I spoke with said that they (as in the ER) definitely made a mistake on this issue. They called me back with the correct information at 5:05pm and their medical records office closed at 5... so dd's Drs will not get the information until Tuesday sometime (at the earliest).


We cannot get her into another Dr in Corpus unless one of her Drs here will call around for an emergency referral-- if they do not we have to go the standard 3 weeks to 3 month 'new patient' wait period. Her Drs need to see the records for last night in order to make that call...


DD was nauseous off and on today- she says her head hurts (right side) but the numbness is not there this evening.


The GOOD news is that she made a 104% on her Chemistry test this morning!!!--but says her Bio test on Wednesday is the one that will truly suffer-- she missed a study group on Sunday...


I'm just praying that the passing out was just a fluke-- and that she does not have a head injury (she landed on her right side when she passed out and that is the side her concussion was on in March of 2010...).


She says if one of her Drs up here calls and asks her to go get a test done (like a CT) she will try to fit it in her schedule-- but since this is the first big week of tests it may not be until Friday afternoon-- I told her she could study in the waiting room and that she would have an appointment (as in not go back to the ER)....


She was ordered to e-mail me in the morning to let me know that she woke up!

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DD was nauseous off and on today- she says her head hurts (right side) but the numbness is not there this evening.


I'm just praying that the passing out was just a fluke-- and that she does not have a head injury (she landed on her right side when she passed out and that is the side her concussion was on in March of 2010...).


She was ordered to e-mail me in the morning to let me know that she woke up!


If I missed something elsewhere in the thread, I apologize, but after reading all of your posts, I can't understand why you haven't gone to be with your daughter so you can see her in person and find out what's going on. If you can't get an appointment with the right doctors near her college, couldn't you just bring her home to get medical attention (where you probably already know who the best doctors are?)


This situation would frighten me terribly, and perhaps I'm over-reacting, but in all honesty, I would have driven the four hours immediately if my child ever had an episode like your daughter had. I would have gone insane waiting by the phone while my child was in an ER in an unfamiliar hospital, and I know my dh would have been looking for the fastest way to get there, whatever the cost.


I can tell you're very worried and that your love your daughter very much, so I guess that's why it seems so unusual that you and your dh haven't gone to visit her. I keep thinking that maybe your dd is trying to be independent and you're doing your best to let her handle things, but in a potential medical emergency, wouldn't it be better to be safe than sorry and just go see her?


I'll pray that she's fine, and that it's nothing serious, but I truly think you're making a mistake by not being there with her to take charge of the situation. She may technically be an adult, but you're still her mom, and it sounds like she may need you (whether she realizes it or not.)


I hope I don't sound too harsh; I obviously don't know any of the details, so I'm just posting what I would do in a similar situation, and I'm certainly not suggesting that you're not a great mom or anything like that, just because you're handling things differently than I would. I'm just trying to understand the situation a bit better, and I'm worried about your daughter.



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This child has been ill her whole life. She was a preemie who had RSV before her lungs were developed. She was on breathing treatments around the clock for the first 3 years of her life---and most days until she turned 11 when she had her last (and her worst) asthma attack.


She was 'normal' for about 3 months then her behavior changed and she became violent. It took over a year for us to finally get an answer-- her thyroid had stopped working.


From age 12- present she has seen way too many specialists-- she has endocrinal issues besides thyroid. She now has full blown PCOS and is on a high dose of Metformin to control the insulin resistance.


She was in a car accident one year ago and had a pretty bad concussion (some permanent hearing loss). The concussion was on the right side-- the side she fell on when she passed out!


Driving there would not have helped her (or me). We were in constant cell phone contact. Me being there yesterday would not have made a difference-- we still have the paperwork issue before our Drs can make a referal to a DR near campus... hopefully this will be resolved today.


We are in a 'wait and see phase'.... it is a bummer and my mommy instincts are going crazy-- but we have been through a lot with this child and our skin is a bit tougher than most parent's would be.


She is an honors student at college-- if she comes home now it would kill her gpa and ruin her chances for med/dental school. She is the one bringing up this point-- I'd rather have her here or at least having better medical care.

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You know what's best for your own child. Sounds like maybe you've had some issues with getting her to take ownership of her health and being a little more hands off is what she needs. Navigating the ER and docs on your own when you are 18 and in college isn't the end of the world, and she's putting a priority on her studies too.


Did she let you know she's up yet? It's still early for a college kid I guess. Hope you get some answers today.

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Jann, it really could be that previous concussion.


I got a concussion in college playing intermural volleyball. I had numbness, tunnel vision, headaches, blurred vision, and passing out issues for two years after that, then a break with nothing for three years, and then another year of issues before it finally, permanently resolved itself. The neurologist said it had to do with the location of the injury to the brain and mine was a "not so quick to heal" spot.


Another friend got a concussion during a high school basketball game and had problems for five straight years. He lived through his college years always walking everywhere with a buddy in case he passed out suddenly and NEVER drove a car. He got the concussion when he 17 and he was 23 before he could drive a car safely.


I think a neurologist may be a good place to start.



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I hope everything starts falling in place for your dd soon. How scary! Faith mentioned that the nausea and other symptoms could be related to your dd's previous concussion. That is entirely possible. She also could have a contusion on the brain. I'm very surprised the ER didn't run at least a CT.


However, I will say (as a paramedic in TX for almost 14 years and one who regularly deals w/college aged kids) that many young people will minimize their symptoms when they don't want any type of treatment. As another poster mentioned the ER staff can only act on what information they're given. If (for example) a patient doesn't say that they were unconscious for 6 hours, but instead makes it seems like they just "passed out" for a few seconds/minutes the urgency lessens. Right or wrong it just does - especially in a busy ER. [Obviously, I don't know what Jann's dd said to the paramedics and ER staff.]


Jann, you might follow up on EMS "dropping off" your dd and just leaving. In TX the attending personnel (usually a paramedic, but possibly another certification level, depending on the type system) must give a patient report to a nurse or doctor. Sometimes the patient will be placed in the waiting room -- depending on the severity (or perceived severity) of the patient's condition and on how busy the ER is -- but never is a patient simply dropped off without at least a verbal hand-off to a nurse or doctor (NOT a tech). This is state law; so, every EMS system in TX must follow this rule. The only exception is during an MCI (mass casualty incident, i.e. plane crash).


The other thing I'd recommend you do very soon (if you haven't already) is have your daughter sign a waiver of HIPPA (or whatever those forms are called). As another poster said your dd is 18 and legally an adult. Health care personnel (doctors, nurses, EMS, hospital personnel, and sometimes even insurance companies) are prohibitied from handing out your dd's medical information without that waiver. Yes, even if she is on your medical insurance. If you choose to find out more about your dd's EMS care you'll need this waiver.


I do hope you and your dd find answers soon.

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I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. Her minimizing the situation makes more sense in light of her previous medical challenges - an attempt to maintain the idea of being independent and healthy despite evidence to the contrary. BUT, the brain doesn't know it is sick and could be affecting her ability to make decisions for herself.


She is an honors student at college-- if she comes home now it would kill her gpa and ruin her chances for med/dental school. She is the one bringing up this point-- I'd rather have her here or at least having better medical care.


Can she take a medical leave? She could take "incompletes" in her classes and make up the work. It happens all the time. People get sick. They deal with it and they pick right back up where they left off. One of my friends from college got very ill and had to go home to have surgery. The recovery was 6 months. She took incompletes, finished her course work and re-enrolled the following semester. She graduated with a perfect grade point average. Your dd should talk with the dean's office to discuss what her options may be for taking a leave to address this issue. Passing out for 6 hours is not normal and really needs to be checked out.


ETA: I meant taking medical leave if the situation warrants it. She still may be able to get a temporary extension on assignments/exams due to illness, but she will need documentation to show that it is warranted.

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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She had her prescriptions and supplements as well as Dr information and her DX with her. They did NOT want to look at them until the tox screen came back negative for alcohol and drugs.


We just found out that her university does NOT recommend this hospital because this is their 'standard' treatment of students.... grant it they DO see way too many drunk and drugged students-- but they should not assume!!!


We are trying to get her scheduled for an outpatient CT, although the time delay may make the reading not as valid as it would have been Sunday evening.


DD is willing to admit that something is not quite right-- but then she has NEVER been healthy and she has been worn down by being a 'medical mystery' her whole life (most of her Dx have taken YEARS to make)... She IS taking this seriously.


If she drops her classes this semester it will make it nearly impossible for her to get into medical or dental school-- they have a maximum number of dropped classes allowed--- even for medical reasons... sad but true!!!


If she NEEDS to drop out due to a medical condition she will just move on and find a PLAN B... her life is more important that some stupid rule for getting into medical school!

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If she drops her classes this semester it will make it nearly impossible for her to get into medical or dental school-- they have a maximum number of dropped classes allowed--- even for medical reasons... sad but true!!!



As a previous poster said, I'd talk to the school and see what her options are, especially as it is early in the semester. I"m guessing her options would include taking an incomplete - her grade typically would be listed as "I" until she completes the course, when the "I" would be replaced by her grade. It is NOT the same as dropping the course. There are usually a variety of other options as well (such as "withdraw without penalty"), and of course there are financial ramifications to each option. The earlier she/you looks into this, the more options will be available to her. Colleges deal with this kind of situation all the time, and they should be able to advise you as to her options and their possible effects on med school admissions.

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Jann, I just read all your updates since I last saw this thread. I'm wondering, do you know if her head hurts on the outside where she was hit, or is it on the inside? If it's on the inside, maybe she should go be seen in another ER, you could meet her there, and INSIST on an MRI or CT scan?


This concerns me. I've had too many knocks to my head, but I can tell when the pain is from the blow or if it's on the inside. If her pain is on the inside, from all you're telling me, I'm still very concerned.


I'm so sorry for all that your family is going through. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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she still has a headache.


The hospital is now pointing fingers at the ambulance driver who dropped her off instead of escorting her in-- they are in damage control mode-- but as of 5pm the have NOT faxed dd's Dr the medical forms so he can 'assume' (is that the word?) the case and get her the CT.


We cannot find a Dr down there that will take her without a referral-- and her Dr will do that as soon as he has the file-- since he cannot see her in person he NEEDS to have that.


If Dr does not have file in morning I'm raising cain at that hospital again!!!


DD has now signed several 'generic Hippa forms' == she is keeping one and made a copy. She is also mailing one to us.


She asked to sign the release info to parents (Hippa) form at the hospital and was DENIED-- they took a 'verbal' consent instead and spoke with us then but will NOT speak with us now. DD faxed them a release and gave them another verbal consent this afternoon-- the hospital director is supposed to call some time on Wednesday... she will probably call when I'm in a class...


I think DD now realizes how potentially serious her condition is...

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she still has a headache.


The hospital is now pointing fingers at the ambulance driver who dropped her off instead of escorting her in-- they are in damage control mode-- but as of 5pm the have NOT faxed dd's Dr the medical forms so he can 'assume' (is that the word?) the case and get her the CT.


We cannot find a Dr down there that will take her without a referral-- and her Dr will do that as soon as he has the file-- since he cannot see her in person he NEEDS to have that.


If Dr does not have file in morning I'm raising cain at that hospital again!!!


DD has now signed several 'generic Hippa forms' == she is keeping one and made a copy. She is also mailing one to us.


She asked to sign the release info to parents (Hippa) form at the hospital and was DENIED-- they took a 'verbal' consent instead and spoke with us then but will NOT speak with us now. DD faxed them a release and gave them another verbal consent this afternoon-- the hospital director is supposed to call some time on Wednesday... she will probably call when I'm in a class...


I think DD now realizes how potentially serious her condition is...


What a nightmare! Sounds like you are staying on top of things making sure they will be done though. And I am very glad to hear that she recognizes that this could be a serious matter.


Thanks for the update. You have been on my mind.

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I know you're trying to get the dr to have her seen, waiting on files to be faxed, etc........ but because of the insurance running out at the end of the month, I'd have her seen by another ER so that you can at least get quick answers. DEMAND a scan, but I think it's likely she would have one anyway. If it's serious, she will be admitted and all tests will be run right away. That could be very important for you.......... as she only has 9 more days of insurance coverage! I'd really be pushing on this to make sure everything is settled as much as possible before her insurance runs out.


Will her insurance run out even though she's a full time college student? I know private companies insure kids if they're full time students. States probably don't, but I thought I'd ask just in case maybe there's something you don't know??



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You have been on my mind and in my prayers. What a nightmare!


If you do not get better results from the hospital, I think I would threaten to report them to the Medical board or the Joint Comission and see if that generated more cooperation. If not, then I would report them. The treatment your dd received and the lack of cooperation is not acceptable.

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I know you're trying to get the dr to have her seen, waiting on files to be faxed, etc........ but because of the insurance running out at the end of the month, I'd have her seen by another ER so that you can at least get quick answers. DEMAND a scan, but I think it's likely she would have one anyway. If it's serious, she will be admitted and all tests will be run right away. That could be very important for you.......... as she only has 9 more days of insurance coverage! I'd really be pushing on this to make sure everything is settled as much as possible before her insurance runs out.
Good idea. At least get as many tests run as you can.
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