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Help with poll on meat for project?

The meat we eat most frequently in our household is:  

  1. 1. The meat we eat most frequently in our household is:

    • Beef
    • Chicken
    • Turkey
    • Pork (including pork products)
    • Fish
    • Shellfish and/or other seafood that is not fish
    • We do not eat meat.

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My son is doing a project for 4-H. It would help a lot if you could vote in this poll. It asks what is the meat you eat most frequently in your household. You can only pick one. There is no "other" option, as that would make his data collection too wide spread.


Thank you!

Edited by Audrey
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You forgot Lamb. We live in New Zealand, and it is cheaper than chicken. Edited: Ah, I see that there was not supposed to be an other.


Ruth in NZ



Sorry about that. Ds is trying to narrow it down to the most popular and he's going to trace that product from farm gate to plate.

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Our most frequent is chicken, closely followed by beef, with occasional lamb and fish. We would eat much more fresh fish if we could afford it, but the ones that are lowest in lead etc are the most expensive. We try to avoid anything intensively farmed but I do occasionally succumb to the temptation of farmed Atlantic salmon. We currently avoid pork because we don't have access to free range, but we will be getting a whole pig next year so we'll probably eat that about once a week. Turkey is very rare, it's just not eaten that much in Australia and likewise I haven't found a source of free range turkey either.

Edited by Hotdrink
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I voted pork, because that is primarily what we have been eating fro the last 2 months ( we grow our own) we have just had 2 cows done, so we will be eating mostly beef from this week on.

Our meet doesn't really leave the farm gate. we do take it to the abattoirs to be killed, but mostly chop it up ourselves.

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I wish that was the case here... :sad:

We get free range organic bird the most, then lamb, free range beef/bison, fish, and finally pork.


And I sit here wishing I could find a source of organic chicken. lol Fish is almost free it's so cheap. We can get organic veggies straight from the growers here, but nobody does organic meat. I don't like the chicken we can get and I don't trust the way it was raised and handled at all. We have it on occasion just for the sake of variety, but I'd love to have more if it were better quality.


Crab is crazy cheap, too. I got the biggest crab I've ever seen for 5 dollars. It had just been pulled out of the ocean a few hours before.

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I voted, and may I just say how happily surprised I was to see a "We don't eat meat" option in the poll?


I think he wants to use those numbers as a jumping off point for talking about grain and produce markets. Everyone has to eat something. He wants to trace where the food farmers grow is going.


It's one of the self-created projects through 4-H and I think it's a pretty neat one he's developing. But, I'm a little biased. :001_smile:

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