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How many days a week do you homeschool?


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We were doing 5 days a week so that we didn't have to do every subject every day (we do a lot of unit study work). I am thinking that I am going to switch to 4 days a week and have Wed be a more laid back day. Normally we will have library on Wed, but that doesn't start for a couple of weeks. Today we did reading lesson and played with Base Ten blocks for over an hour. He learned a lot about place value and then built a skyscraper. It was fun and relaxing. I am thinking that I will have Wed be a day to catch up if we missed another day due to illness or a field trip. Otherwise, we can just do a little bit of light school on Wed. It is so hard to get over the PS mentality that you need school 5 days a week though!

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5 days here, though last year in first grade we had 4 full days and one light day where we just had a few quick subjects. It was almost a freebie day. :) This year, the work load is a just a bit more, so it's better to do it 5 days.


You're doing K. Feel free to do 4 days and call it good. :D

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For the last 2 years we've done 4 days a week, leaving one day open for chores and errands.

This year we have commitments that take us out of the house 2 afternoons a week, so we've changed to 5 day a week school. Two of those days are light with only reading, writing, and math work to do.

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We average 4 full school days a week, sometimes more, rarely less. Our 2011-2012 year is scheduled to run from early July to early/mid May with a few week long breaks scattered throughout the year. It's not unusual for me to squeeze in an extra day or half day when the weather is bad (too hot, too cold, too rainy) so that we can take more time off when it is really nice out - like today!

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5 days, but I'll be honest with you, when my youngest was in Kindergarten last year it was really, really light. Many hours and even days where she just wandered off and did coloring/drawing/cutting. Enchantedlearning.com was my friend. My oldest went to public school Kindergarten, full day K, and there's no doubt my younger one learned more at home than my older did at public K, even accounting for learning differences.


Set yourself some goals. What do you want/expect of your Kindergartner by the end of the year? Usually these goals are simple - read fairly fluently at an early reader level and be prepared for a 1st grade math curriculum is pretty typical. That really doesn't take much time.

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We do lessons five days a week (M-F) and reading is daily, seven days a week with only a few exceptions. My son also goes to CCD on Sunday mornings, so that counts, but isn't me teaching. So my son really does something everyday. Definitely helps with the 1000 hours we have to log in a year!

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We do lessons five days a week (M-F) and reading is daily, seven days a week with only a few exceptions. My son also goes to CCD on Sunday mornings, so that counts, but isn't me teaching. So my son really does something everyday. Definitely helps with the 1000 hours we have to log in a year!


Which state do you live in that you have to have 1000 hours? I think it is crazy to set a time limit to learning. Some kids learn quickly and some don't! I am so glad that we don't have that law in WV mostly because that must be a pain in the butt to constantly keep track of!

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Which state do you live in that you have to have 1000 hours? I think it is crazy to set a time limit to learning. Some kids learn quickly and some don't! I am so glad that we don't have that law in WV mostly because that must be a pain in the butt to constantly keep track of!


Missouri requires a minimum of 1,000 hours a year; 600 minimum for core subjects and 400 additional hours for electives or more core time. Looking at where we are now, since starting in July, we'll easily exceed 1,000 hours.

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We do 4 mornings with what I consider the 'core' stuff (math, LA, gym and logic), leaving afternoons (save the one with homeschool drama class) and Fridays for everything else, which we tend to follow more 'rabbit trails' and 'unit study' style. It's working well for us so far; this is my first year following this rhythm.

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I prefer 5. Everything just goes more smoothly and then when something comes up, we still have 4 days, as opposed to planning 4, getting off track and then getting 3. That being said, we start our Thursday co-op tomorrow, so we'll have 4 full and 1 co-op. We will continue to do Spell to Write and Read the full 5 days, as well as XtraMath (which is more like a privilege. :001_rolleyes:)

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Usually 5:


Core is done 4 days a week

Science is done 1 day a week {fridays}


We don't have co-op and are not in sport at this time. We do plan to be back into it shortly as well as some outside lessons for a few other things. That may change us up a bit.


We also use Friday as "catch-up" day. Which generally means filing notebook stuff, getting geography caught up to date, & then the science. :)

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We shoot for four days/week (we school year-round). We don't always get it done in 4 calendar days--sometimes we end up doing 3 full days and two half days, or we'll have one or two things left over at the end of the week that we get done on Friday or even Saturday. I just recently started planning by the week, and as long as we get pretty much everything done by the end of the week, we're good. If we ever have a week where we get 4 days done M-Th and don't have anywhere to be on Friday, we'll probably do some fun/hands-on activities on Friday.

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In Oklahoma we are supposed to do 1080 hrs. They changed from 180 days a few years ago. We have no reporting requirement, however. It would be impossible for me to do 6 hours a day with a first grader! I count his dance and theatre all year, including summer. If we go to the zoo on Saturday, that counts.


I am tracking 180 days plus weekend educational activities. So we do 5 days a week.

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