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I'm having one of those days where I am glad to be alive....

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3 weeks ago, I went for a women's health check up with my doctor. She found a lump in my breast. She automatically sent me for a mammogram, with a possible ultrasound and biopsy.

I couldn't get an appointment for 3 weeks. 3 weeks.

I couldn't even find the lump, and neither could dh.

3 weeks of concern. 3 weeks of a health kick, too....no crap food, more exercise...juices...no chocolate :001_smile:

Of course, I knew that 99/100 are benign. But....what if.

Yesterday I only got 4 hours sleep.

This morning I woke up strangely calm and feeling like it was going to be fine. And, it was....my first ever mammogram (I'm only 41). Didn't even hurt as much as other women had said.The radiographer was very professional and caring. The mammogram picked up something, so I had an ultrasound. But, it was just a simple cyst, with no danger signs..just filled with fluid. The doctor, who apparently looks at breasts all day every day, :001_smile:,was not worried at all....so no biopsy.


Even though I knew it would be ok, I feel like I have been given a gift, and my appreciation for my body, my health, the beauty around me, everything, everyone, is renewed. I am walking on air. Life is beautiful. I am eating chocolate again :001_smile:

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I know medical advances are great, we live longer and all that. But, the stress of the waiting, not knowing, till they test and give you the all clear is so hard. I sometimes wonder if we were not better off before. Probably not. :confused:


Glad to here you are well. Have a chocolate!

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My Mom is going in for a 3rd recall mammogram at 1:00 today. We have had to wait 4 weeks! I have not let myself think about it. Her sister died of breast cancer. I do not know why they just didn't schedule an MRI and I am mad.

I can't do school today.


I am so very glad you can eat chocolate!

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I'm glad everything worked out ok for you. I know what that trauma is like! I have had numerous cysts as well as a couple of fibroids that the surgeon removed to be on the safe side. It was nerve-wracking waiting to see if they were just fibroids or if they were cancerous. One of them was the size of a walnut (very easy to detect when you wear an "A" cup) that I found when I was 17. The other was only the size of a pea. I had that one removed about ten years ago. Scary stuff. Fibrocystic Breast Disease runs in my family. I really should not drink caffeine, but what's life without tea! I've had mammograms for years now because of this. I'm more likely to develop cancer from the radiation than the fibroids!

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I can't imagine your anxiety. Well, no actually, I can because I've been through some scares of my own. But, 3 weeks! Goodness me!! I'm so glad for you that it's done and you can go back to breathing normally now.



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I read your post yesterday and I was incredibly thrilled for you. I had my drs appointment this morning. A couple of weeks ago I got the answer that it was "probably" nothing to worry about. The probably was driving me crazy. Today I have a clearer understanding and I feel like you! Praise the Lord, I feel like I can finally let go of the entire issue and move on. I have felt mentally immobile for the past several weeks. It is such a relief to think.....I can stop thinking about this!!


Rejoicing with you,


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I read your post yesterday and I was incredibly thrilled for you. I had my drs appointment this morning. A couple of weeks ago I got the answer that it was "probably" nothing to worry about. The probably was driving me crazy. Today I have a clearer understanding and I feel like you! Praise the Lord, I feel like I can finally let go of the entire issue and move on. I have felt mentally immobile for the past several weeks. It is such a relief to think.....I can stop thinking about this!!


Rejoicing with you,



Oh Karen, I am glad all is well for you too.

One of the things that I was annoyed about, if it was to be a positive diagnosis, was how much focus and attention this was going to put on me, both by me, trying to get well, and by my family and friends, and I just don't want that sort of attention....I just want to get on with my life!

Its just great to have a simple, ordinary life. I know what you mean by mentally immobile! It is such a sense of freedom to be able to let it go.

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