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Warning: barely mitigated whine ahead

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My kids are "processing" following their visit with their dad and his "friend." I'm learning about all KINDS of things that they do, that they say, things he's taken it upon himself to do since he left that were long term goals of mine that I never did because of $, yadda yadda.


Okay, rant over. I though it would be better to send out a virtual shriek than to watch my head roll across the kitchen floor when it popped off out of sheer frustration.


Pat me on the head and put me back in my little padded box.


Thanks for listening.

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Okay, rant over. I though it would be better to send out a virtual shriek than to watch my head roll across the kitchen floor when it popped off out of sheer frustration.


Pat me on the head and put me back in my little padded box.


Thanks for listening.


I've been amazed at all the things you had to handle and cope with. This must be so hard to hear!

Shriek away and know that you can always shriek here and rant and vent and be loved.


Here is a virtual hug after your virtual shriek!

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My kids are "processing" following their visit with their dad and his "friend." I'm learning about all KINDS of things that they do, that they say, things he's taken it upon himself to do since he left that were long term goals of mine that I never did because of $, yadda yadda.


Okay, rant over. I though it would be better to send out a virtual shriek than to watch my head roll across the kitchen floor when it popped off out of sheer frustration.


Pat me on the head and put me back in my little padded box.


Thanks for listening.


{{{Mama Bear}}}



*pat pat pat*


No time to go hunt a fancy emoticon for that!



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Pat me on the head and put me back in my little padded box.


Thanks for listening.



Oooh! That stinks!! free-mad-smileys-171.gif


You know, you're welcome to come over and use MY padded box anytime you please. It'll be a tight fit with both of us in there together, but I have the feeling we'd get quite a chuckle out of it.


I'm sending a bluebird of happiness to you, but it has a little fecal deposit to make on its way. I think I know just the spot!



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Oh goodness, I understand this one. My parents divorced after 29 years of marriage. My mother's ring barely had chips of diamonds in it so when my father re-married quickly it was difficult to see the HUGE rock on her finger!!! It's also so hard for me to hear them talking about trips that my mom would have LOVED to go on!


It stinks! There's no question about it! Don't let it get to you though! Get out there find a way to make all those things happen for you!

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Doran, could I fit in there as well.


Two's company, three's a crowd, I know . . . but we're women. We could make it work. Me, you and MamaBear.


While we're all in that room, I think we should do continuous play of Ozzy Osburne's hit:


"I'm going off the rails on the Crazy Train."


That's been our theme song here for a few days -- must be the Canadian cold that warping my brain.


MamaBear -- hang in.


Love, Tricia

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Humphh! Whine away dear! Don't get angry- we'll do that for you. As for your head popping off and rolling across the floor, well, it might entertain the littles for a minute or two, but then they would take it outside and play soccer with it and you'd never get it back. So I guess it is good that you didn't let that happen.



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I have a great idea! We need to form some sort of mutual revenge society. WTMafia. I'm sure there are lots of homeschoolers that would enjoy making "some people" have a "come to Jesus" moment! We wouldn't do anything too heinous, just minor annoyances to make life a bit more difficult for people who refuse to do the right thing.


Just kidding of course. (((Hugs)))

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WTMafia. I'm sure there are lots of homeschoolers that would enjoy making "some people" have a "come to Jesus" moment!


Yup. I'm there. Sister Hand Grenade of Completely Uncoerced Repentance is my name. I love Come-to-Jesus Time.


"You, sir, are going to have an appointment today. It can be with Jesus and your checkbook, or with me and a urologist named Lorena. You pick. Oh, and tell me: how do you like 'Pee-wee Hightones' as a nick-name?"


I'm sorry ((MB)).

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