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Don't You Just Hate It When....

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Don't you just hate it when people find out that you homeschool and then they decide to drill your kids....this happen to me at the doctor the other day. My dd had a very bad cold and we were going out of town so I took her to the doctor to make sure it wasn't anything else. The doctor said it was just a cold and then ask my dd where she went to school. She told him that she was homeschooled so he then proceded to ask her about the food pyrimid and what she was suppose to eat when she was sick. She kinda looked at me and looked at him and told him she hadn't really studied that yet to which he said that your mom should have already taught you that. I kept my cool and ask him if he was through with us so we could leave.

What I wish I would have told him was to ask her about her take on why Pluto should be considered a planet or what makes up a cell and how all that works or even her take on the subject of courage and what it takes to be courageous.

Sorry but I just had to vent....I hate it when people DRILL my kids!!!!

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That is frustrating! Your poor DD, even if you had studied it, she was sick and out of it. He shouldn't be drilling anyone when they don't feel well.


For us, my mom is always drilling me! It's like she doesn't quite trust that I'm smart enough to teach my kids. I just laugh her off.

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I'd be steamed, I don't even believe the food pyramid is healthy!:mad:


Seriously!!! And why would a kid know that? I hardly think that's anything more than trivial knowledge for a child. Idiotic.


Of course, I was embarrassed at the ER a few weeks ago when the ped ER doc doing intake on DD5 asked her her grade (we said we HSed, of course). The she asked her address, then what town she lived in, then what state, and DD couldn't answer any of the questions :banghead: It was just a regular part of the intake (to determine lucidity, I imagine), but the TV was on in the background and DD was completely focused on that. I felt like such a jerk though!

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Generally I like it when people choose to grill my kids as my kids have always impressed others and it is a tally in the "plus side" for homeschoolers.


However, in this situation, I think he was a bit out of line as there are several different beliefs in what constitutes healthy eating. The food pyramid is something I never, personally, embraced, but my (a bit older that yours) kids know some things to eat and do when they are sick even if they wouldn't necessarily be able to accurately draw the food pyramid.

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Seriously!!! And why would a kid know that? I hardly think that's anything more than trivial knowledge for a child. Idiotic.


Of course, I was embarrassed at the ER a few weeks ago when the ped ER doc doing intake on DD5 asked her her grade (we said we HSed, of course). The she asked her address, then what town she lived in, then what state, and DD couldn't answer any of the questions :banghead: It was just a regular part of the intake (to determine lucidity, I imagine), but the TV was on in the background and DD was completely focused on that. I felt like such a jerk though!


don't feel bad. my friend sent hers to PS, but when she took her dd to meet her K teacher for the first time, the teacher asked the child a number of questions to determine reading readiness. the teacher was VERY concerned because she had no readiness skills. . . . .


Yeah. real accurate assessment there. this is the kid that taught herself to read at four.


I think I'll have my kids ask them where they went to school, and then quiz them in Latin. :tongue_smilie:(Of course a doctor might actually know some :glare:)

I doubt the doc would know much latin outside the names of body parts and disesases. asking them about astronomy or physics . . . . or history . . . .


it's probably good to have a few of those questions prepared. how about do you support banning dihydrogen monoxide? (scary how many college CHEMISTRY students voted yes. :svengo:) it's water in case you were wondering . . . . hysterical website. or sign a petition to support ending women's suffrage . . . . (one group of college students in VT? set up a table on their college quad to see how well students were educated civics wise - even feminist students signed the petition -they reported being called on it by only a very small handful of people.)


and people want us to send our kids to public school why?

Edited by gardenmom5
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Seriously!!! And why would a kid know that? I hardly think that's anything more than trivial knowledge for a child. Idiotic.


Of course, I was embarrassed at the ER a few weeks ago when the ped ER doc doing intake on DD5 asked her her grade (we said we HSed, of course). The she asked her address, then what town she lived in, then what state, and DD couldn't answer any of the questions :banghead: It was just a regular part of the intake (to determine lucidity, I imagine), but the TV was on in the background and DD was completely focused on that. I felt like such a jerk though!



I wouldn't expect a 5 year old to be able to answer all the questions when quized and certainly not at the emergency room. My husband could barely answer those questions when I had to take him in the other day. After all aren't you there because you're sick and maybe not in the best frame of mind?

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Don't you just hate it when people find out that you homeschool and then they decide to drill your kids....this happen to me at the doctor the other day. My dd had a very bad cold and we were going out of town so I took her to the doctor to make sure it wasn't anything else. The doctor said it was just a cold and then ask my dd where she went to school. She told him that she was homeschooled so he then proceded to ask her about the food pyrimid and what she was suppose to eat when she was sick. She kinda looked at me and looked at him and told him she hadn't really studied that yet to which he said that your mom should have already taught you that. I kept my cool and ask him if he was through with us so we could leave.

What I wish I would have told him was to ask her about her take on why Pluto should be considered a planet or what makes up a cell and how all that works or even her take on the subject of courage and what it takes to be courageous.

Sorry but I just had to vent....I hate it when people DRILL my kids!!!!


Drilling aside, the bolded part above would have me looking for another doctor. It was quite disrespectful to put down a parent in front of a child.

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I read it as him trying to educate her as any other patient.

I do the same with my kids, introducing a topic. Say for instance-Do you know who Columbus was? (This is when I get the head shakes or blank stares.) And then I proceed to explain to them who he was.

Hopefully, it was just that-he was trying to help her know what to do to help her. If not, that does stink.


Edit:Nevermind-I was hoping for the best-but just saw the part where the doctor said the mom should have taught that. I'm sorry!

Edited by smstjohn
I saw something I didn't notice before.:(
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I think some doctors think it's their duty to check up on their patients -- just in case CPS needs to be called. I had a new doctor quiz my kids one time on how they were disciplined when they did something wrong :glare: Maybe he just wanted to check on you :tongue_smilie:



Sure, because everyone knows that during medical school doctors get classes in what kids are supposed to be learning..........:lol:


My doctor was incredulous when we told him we were homeschooling. He had five kids in the local public school system. Of course, he believed that no matter how bad the school was, HIS kids were getting a good education because they were all in honors classes. Then he walked in to the exam room one day when my daughter was reading aloud to her brother.......she was six years old and reading at about a ninth grade level. He doesn't question our decision anymore.

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Drilling aside, the bolded part above would have me looking for another doctor. It was quite disrespectful to put down a parent in front of a child.


that wasn't in front of the child, but directly TO the child.


time for a new doctor, but do let him know you found it inappropriate and disrespectful and why.


Does he grill other five-year olds who are public schooled in that fashion? probably not. would he think it appropriate for someone else to grill his children in that fashion? or to tell HIS children he should have taught them things by now?

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that wasn't in front of the child, but directly TO the child.


time for a new doctor, but do let him know you found it inappropriate and disrespectful and why.


Does he grill other five-year olds who are public schooled in that fashion? probably not. would he think it appropriate for someone else to grill his children in that fashion? or to tell HIS children he should have taught them things by now?



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"Honey, you don't have to answer that."


"Doctor so-and-so, I'd like to stick to the topic at hand. Let's get back to little Jane's cold."

Love it. This is perfect. :)


I failed to put that I do not see him anymore...he is in the practice that we go to but I will not see him...and I've also been grilled for years on the discipline thing...my children answer that one great!!!

Good for you. :)

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