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Poll: how many here have lived overseas?

Poll (check the post if you have a question): Have you lived overseas?  

  1. 1. Poll (check the post if you have a question): Have you lived overseas?

    • Yes, for short time
    • Yes, for more than a couple of years
    • No
    • Other
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Was an exchange student in Germany and then spent a year there after graduation working and traveling.


Came back to the U.S. but spent almost every summer over there.


Married German dh and moved to Germany in 1996.


Moved back to the U.S. at the end of 2005 and have been here ever since.


Would like to live in Europe again at some point, probably after the kids are finished with school though.

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We've lived in Germany a total of 10 years now (out of the last 15 that James Bond has been in the Army). We're going to find out at the end of this month if we get to stay another 3 years. We're really hoping we do because I've got a lot more traveling I'd like to do.


I would live to live there - bigger community and more (face to face) college courses!

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If study abroad for a semester counts, then yes. Fall of 1995 in Mexico. Summer of 1990 in Spain.


My DH travels a lot so it comes up that we have the opportunity to live aboard for a few years such as London but I'd really miss my home so we haven't done that yet. I can barely stand to leave for two weeks even. He's in Chile now for a few weeks.

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We lived in Ecuador for 7 months when my oldest was a baby. Before I got married I spent months at a time overseas several times. We plan to move overseas in the not so distant future...


ETA: saw others included summers abroad :)

I spent a summers in Mexico, and 2 in Peru, and a winter term in Guatemala.

Edited by ByGrace3
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I am South African and spent a gap year in Europe after my studies.


The longest stint was 3 months working on a research project at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. For the rest of the year I used family in the Netherlands as my base and did various part-time jobs in between travelling all over Europe.


My sisters currently live in Ireland and the UK and a brother lives in Taiwan.

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