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Really, if you all were the RIGHT-kind-of-religion-of-my-choice, then you would understand.
Keep that up and I'll have to paste the Board Rules and/or inform everyone that you worse than Hitler. :glare:
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It's the government's fault, of course.:glare: This current administration has just led to the downfall of all that is good and decent in humanity. Thankfully next year is an election year and the people of America will vote for a return to the glory days of the Reagan and Bush eras. Then all will be well again and people will return to the Way That Is Correct.


(Whatever that is)

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...do things differently from me? Do you think they just don't understand that my way is easy and superior, or is it more that their values are corrupt?


I see people all the time when I'm out and about. Some of them make choices very similar to mine, and you can tell that those people have a special radiance that everyone is drawn to. It really makes me wonder about the ones who don't do the same things I do. Should I pity them or feel contemptuous?


Just looking for some input here... I genuinely want to understand.

Snort. :lol::lol::lol:

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I heard that Godwin was a socialist or a lawyer or worse. I'm surprised you'd have truck with that crowd.


As a lawyer and a socialist I have decided to sue you for slander. Also, I'm changing my username so that I can be snarky to you under a whole new name and it will take you several weeks to figure out why.


There are times I wander into a thread and wonder what the heck you all were up while I was mopping the floors. :D


Floor mopping is the devil's work. You are better served putting that time toward solving world hunger. That's what I'm doing in another window.

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As a lawyer and a socialist I have decided to sue you for slander. Also, I'm changing my username so that I can be snarky to you under a whole new name and it will take you several weeks to figure out why.
TROLL! (and not a terribly bright one, even for a troll...)
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Floor mopping is the devil's work. You are better served putting that time toward solving world hunger. That's what I'm doing in another window.
"Free" Rice is the devil's dandruff.
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I don't think the way you do because I am not selfish or full of myself.


My position is morally superior to yours. I just can't buy into your way of life because I am not a sheeple.






Um, I'm jumping in here on behalf of the people who self identify as sheep. They are already posting on this thread and they MAY be offended by your use of the term sheeple. I suggest you find another term to use, because I am offended for them, and since they haven't come back to this thread in the last two minutes I should speak up to defend them.


ETA: If you'll edit your post, I'll remove the quote and edit mine, so as to not offended those who might be offended.:tongue_smilie:



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GASP!!!!! You must belong to the tin-foil hat crowd.
I have an assortment of stylish tin-foil hat's. However, they are functional, and I remain humble.
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I am the devil. Wait. Should that be a statement or a question? :tongue_smilie:
Depends on whether or not you have dandruff. Check your shoulders. If they're clear, you're not the devil, merely a minion.
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I used my food stamps to buy my 3 sets of twin's lobster, cake and pop for their special birthday dinner today! Yes, they were all born on the same day! Sadie & Sasha were born 8/13/07, Cedar & Sequoia were born 8/13/09, and Arabella & Arnold were born (breech) unassisted at 1am this morning! We're so excited! The checker did ask, "Are the all yours?!" even though I was wearing both of the babies in a sling as they were nursing! Hello??

Edited by LibraryLover
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I used my food stamps to buy my 3 sets of twin's lobster, cake and pop for their special birthday dinner today! Yes, the were all born on the same day! Sadie & Sasha were born 8/13/07, Cedar & Sequoia were born 8/13/09, and Arabella & Arnold were born (breech) unassisted at 1am this morning! We're so excited! The checker did ask, "Are the all yours?!" even though I was wearing both of the babies in a sling as they were nursing! Hello??


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I have an assortment of stylish tin-foil hat's. However, they are functional, and I remain humble.


Tin foil hats are the very epitome of fashion in some circles, therefore not humble or modest. You are clearly drawing attention to yourself in an immodest manner.


Also, you killed a kitten.


I used my food stamps to buy my 3 sets of twin's lobster, cake and pop for their special birthday dinner today! Yes, the were all born on the same day! Sadie & Sasha were born 8/13/07, Cedar & Sequoia were born 8/13/09, and Arabella & Arnold were born (breech) unassisted at 1am this morning! We're so excited! The checker did ask, "Are the all yours?!" even though I was wearing both of the babies in a sling as they were nursing! Hello??


Appropriate given your own suckling from big brother's teat.


This thread is turning into a kittastrophe.

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...do things differently from me? Do you think they just don't understand that my way is easy and superior, or is it more that their values are corrupt?


I see people all the time when I'm out and about. Some of them make choices very similar to mine, and you can tell that those people have a special radiance that everyone is drawn to. It really makes me wonder about the ones who don't do the same things I do. Should I pity them or feel contemptuous?


Just looking for some input here... I genuinely want to understand.


:D:D:D:D. Love it. So sick of that stuff around here lately!

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You actually mop your floors? Your priorities are so messed-up. Could you be any more vain?



I think she is judging us for not mopping our floors!! :glare::eek:


Jennifer, don't impose your idea of cleanliness on me. There is nothing wrong with having cheerios stuck to your floors. It is a sign of maturity!




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I used my food stamps to buy my 3 sets of twin's lobster, cake and pop for their special birthday dinner today! Yes, the were all born on the same day! Sadie & Sasha were born 8/13/07, Cedar & Sequoia were born 8/13/09, and Arabella & Arnold were born (breech) unassisted at 1am this morning! We're so excited! The checker did ask, "Are the all yours?!" even though I was wearing both of the babies in a sling as they were nursing! Hello??





I have offered many times to solve all of the world's problems if they would only do it my way, aka the right way, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

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Tin foil hats are the very epitome of fashion in some circles, therefore not humble or modest. You are clearly drawing attention to yourself in an immodest manner.
I'm wearing one of my tin-foil tam's at the moment. Jaunty, but not in-your-face. Tinsel pom-pom. And I'm showing cleavage. But it's natural, not-at-all-immodest cleavage, and also not in-your-face. Well, except for the cat on my lap (not a kitten, so it's safe... nothing to fear, move along, move along).


Also, you killed a kitten.
And I did it in your name. Bwah ha ha ha!
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Um, I'm jumping in here on behalf of the people who self identify as sheep. They are already posting on this thread and they MAY be offended by your use of the term sheeple. I suggest you find another term to use, because I am offended for them, and since they haven't come back to this thread in the last two minutes I should speak up to defend them.


ETA: If you'll edit your post, I'll remove the quote and edit mine, so as to not offended those who might be offended.:tongue_smilie:


This made me laugh out loud! :lol:

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...do things differently from me? Do you think they just don't understand that my way is easy and superior, or is it more that their values are corrupt?


I see people all the time when I'm out and about. Some of them make choices very similar to mine, and you can tell that those people have a special radiance that everyone is drawn to. It really makes me wonder about the ones who don't do the same things I do. Should I pity them or feel contemptuous?


Just looking for some input here... I genuinely want to understand.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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I just did an LLBean order and bought sweat pants. I am going to give them another try! Maybe I will look better in them at 40++ than I did at 19. This thread has really motivated me!
Hey, now. How are you able to type with newborn twins strapped to your front? Something seems amiss here...
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I have also been trying not to say anything but for the future of your children I feel it is my duty to tell you. Unless you are using the same curriculum as I am your kids are getting a substandard education and will never make it in the real world. It feels good to get that off my chest. I hope I didn't offend anyone just stating the truth for your own good.

Edited by blessedmom4god
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