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S/O Facebook - What annoys you?

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I go a little nuts when people post:


"polls" that entice people to reveal too much about themselves to the internet universe (many of those seemingly innocuous questions are routinely used as security questions for online banking and such . . . why would you post the answers on Facebook??)


Diatribes about, say, atheism, on a Christian friend's wall, or the other way around. If you wish to have a meaningful discussion, sit down over a cup of tea or a bottle of beer; you don't post back and forth on FB and play internet tag.


Extremely crude or raunchy stuff, either in photos or language. I have actually lost friends over things others posted on my wall when I was away on vacation and not available to censor it fast enough, because those posts were popping up on THEIR computers in front of their children, and they (people I hadn't seen in a few years, but was eager to start getting to know again, and maybe even go visit in person) figured maybe I wasn't the same person they knew from before if that's who I was hanging out with :(. Thanks, guys, for dropping the you-know-what bomb and the nice pics on my wall.


People who post on my wall about me being away from home while I'm away from home. I'm not particularly paranoid, but I generally don't advertise that my home is empty. Probably nothing will go wrong (I think those fears are overstated) but why court trouble? I can talk about my wonderful trip when I get back.


SHeesh, I better quit, I'm starting to sound kind of grouchy, and I'm really not :) I just think some folks don't use a lot of common sense; when they aren't face to face with a person, they think more free license to forget their manners is okay!

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Okay, I hated it when there was a literal war going on on my wall over the "post the colour of your bra" crusade. I had those that were "gasp! I can't believe anyone would be soooo immodest and ungodly" to those that were "oh stick it!" And I was caught in the middle. I finally blocked one woman (total stranger to me...we had met through a FB group). I realised how much I loved my redneck kin at that point, because they went to bat for me.

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Okay, I hated it when there was a literal war going on on my wall over the "post the colour of your bra" crusade. I had those that were "gasp! I can't believe anyone would be soooo immodest and ungodly" to those that were "oh stick it!" And I was caught in the middle. I finally blocked one woman (total stranger to me...we had met through a FB group).


I remember that. I posted "chain mail".

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Maybe the same principle that prevents me from reading Twilight. Ever.


Are you sure? I've got my set on the For Sale board. :lol:


Wishing I would have been aware of this principle ahead of time. Of course once I read the first one on the advice of 80 million of my closest friends , I had to read the others, for that unwritten principle. Once.was.more.than.enough. :D

ducking, running away now...

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I LOVE facebook! I love hearing what's going on in my friends' lives. I especially love the cute things kids do/say. That's what most of my posts are. I love knowing daily things that I wouldn't have kept up without fb. Friends that I have moved away from or have moved away from me. Or friends that we didn't used to have much in common (classmates, for example) but now have kids exactly the same as my kids and they're homeschooling! I also find misspellings hilarious. Recently, someone said (jokingly) that someone else was being 'conceded' and then several other people repeated the misspelling in their responses. I almost died laughing.


I do have to admit that I HATE those "repost if..." things. And people who say things like "I just love that I have so many wonderful friends who are ready to help me launch my business." Blech. But, to be honest, it's the person that's irritating and facebook is just the vehicle they're using.

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I think it's horribly rude to say things that are clearly against God. Non-religious folks who try to convince you that you are wrong on fb, or mocking/be sarcastic about any religious posts on your wall.


I can't stand the "bragging about being drunk" status updates. :confused:


Status updates that are full of profanities.


Photos where the person is showing of their BooKs or half-nude bodies.


Wow, I should delete some people, shouldn't I?

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I LOVE facebook! I love hearing what's going on in my friends' lives. I especially love the cute things kids do/say. That's what most of my posts are. I love knowing daily things that I wouldn't have kept up without fb. Friends that I have moved away from or have moved away from me. Or friends that we didn't used to have much in common (classmates' date=' for example) but now have kids exactly the same as my kids and they're homeschooling! I also find misspellings hilarious. Recently, someone said (jokingly) that someone else was being 'conceded' and then several other people repeated the misspelling in their responses. I almost died laughing.



Me too. I have cousins in NJ (I am in AR) and I knew virtually nothing about them until FB. Now I can keep up with them and interact as much or little as I want.


I also am back in touch with a girl I haven't seen since 9th grade....she left the area and in college joined my religion..she remembered me from high school so she looked me up. Now we share history and our faith and it is just fun. She recently moved from NJ to AZ where another of my good friends lives and I got them together (in person). That has been so much fun.


AND my long lost sister (we had not seen each other in 28 years) found me via FB. It has been almost 3 years since she found me and we have developed a very close and special bond. We've met in person 6 times now!

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Things that annoy me on facebook:


1. Vaguebooking is my new favorite word. It really gets my knickers in a twist. Either say what it is or don't post it. I hate when people are begging for comments.


2. All slactivism 80% of you won't repost this nonsense.


3. Whining


Sometimes, I want to remind my friends that it is a status update, not a diary.


Other then those few things, I love keeping up with friends and family and getting a little glimpse into their lives.

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Things that annoy me on facebook:


1. Vaguebooking is my new favorite word. It really gets my knickers in a twist. Either say what it is or don't post it. I hate when people are begging for comments.


:iagree: I used to fall for this one. Not anymore. If a friend can't SAY what is going on then I don't comment. If someone says, 'Ugh, having a horrible day! My cat died, the car is broken and my dh lost his job.' THEN I respond with sympathy. But I am NOT going to beg someone for details on a public forum.



Other then those few things, I love keeping up with friends and family and getting a little glimpse into their lives.
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I think it's horribly rude to say things that are clearly against God. Non-religious folks who try to convince you that you are wrong on fb, or mocking/be sarcastic about any religious posts on your wall.



I don't post in response to atheist posts of my friends. I don't post in response to religious posts by my friends who are far more conservative than I am. If they aren't willing to give me the same respect, they aren't my friends.

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Things that annoy me on facebook:


1. Vaguebooking is my new favorite word. It really gets my knickers in a twist. Either say what it is or don't post it. I hate when people are begging for comments.


2. All slactivism 80% of you won't repost this nonsense.


3. Whining


Sometimes, I want to remind my friends that it is a status update, not a diary.


Other then those few things, I love keeping up with friends and family and getting a little glimpse into their lives.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: You summed it up nicely. It's great for what it's great for, other than a few annoyances. I would also be annoyed by games, but I can hide those, so I am happily oblivious now. :D


:iagree: I used to fall for this one. Not anymore. If a friend can't SAY what is going on then I don't comment. If someone says, 'Ugh, having a horrible day! My cat died, the car is broken and my dh lost his job.' THEN I respond with sympathy. But I am NOT going to beg someone for details on a public forum.


Right, and then if you do post sympathy or ask what's going on they say "Ugh. I don't even want to talk about it!" :001_rolleyes:

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That's another one. Facebook only wants me to "like" things. I'm a bit more complicated than that. :tongue_smilie:


I posted about Joe Paterno's injury the other day, and someone "Liked" it. I went, . . . huh?


This drives me crazy also. I posted an update for a prayer request last week, stating that my friend had passed away. I had people "like" the post. I'm not sure how to take that. Do they "like" that my friend passed away?


I do like being able to keep up easily with friends from college and family that live across the country.

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I like the 'What's for supper tonight?' status updates.


I dislike all of the religious status updates -- random scriptures and such. They annoy me to no end, honestly.


I have one friend who constantly refers to her children as her 'loves' and posts a dozen status updates a day using that word...'Making pancakes for my loves', 'Shopping with my loves', 'Picking my loves up from school', etc. and she punctuates each one with one of those little hearts. Gag.

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Right, and then if you do post sympathy or ask what's going on they say "Ugh. I don't even want to talk about it!" :001_rolleyes:


Seriously. "I'll txt you ASAP. Don't want to post it here on FB. Too many nosy people!" Then why did you bring it up in the first place??? And are you aware that you can edit the privacy settings on your page, or are you referring to your friends as being nosy...?

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Checking in. I mean, do you really want other people know about every place you go throughout the day?


"Checking in the gym"


"Checking in the Starbucks"


"Checking in a **** retail store"


I mean, seriously?!


A friend of mine had created a check-in point "Back of my closet" as a response to this craziness. That was great. :D

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Politics is a given, but I have a theory that there is nothing that can be posted in a status update that isn't annoying to someone. About 80% of my status updates have something to do with my DH and kids. Most of my family members have told me to keep it up, because they love seeing how our kids are growing through pictures and the funny things they do or say. However, I was completely deleted by two cousins who don't have and don't like children. Oh well!


So what annoys you? And what do you actually enjoy reading on a friend's status? I think it would be interesting to see how many things fall in both categories.


In no particular order, these things annoy me:


1. People who incessantly post about their extreme political views (whether my views are similar or not).


2. People who never post about *anything at all* in their personal lives or post *every single detail* about their personal lives.


3. People who only show up on my feed b/c they play games.


4. People who argue with their boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse via posts or criticize their significant other on FB.


5. Teenagers who post about a group activity, tagging all their friends who attended, forgetting that other friends are hurt by being shown publicly that they were left out.


In no particular order, these things make me glad to check FB:


1. People who share simple things about their daily lives.


2. People who are supportive and kind to their friends. ("What a beautiful baby!" "How was the wedding?", etc.)


3. Seeing dozens of "Happy Birthday!" or "Congratulations!" posts on a friend's wall.


4. Letting Grandma and Grandpa see dd's prom dress/graduation photo, or read about ds's most recent fishing adventure or football game.


5. Re-connecting with people I haven't talked to in 30 years (or more).


6. "Meeting" my second cousin, who lives in another state, and getting to see how charming, adorable and smart she is. :)

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Politics is a given, but I have a theory that there is nothing that can be posted in a status update that isn't annoying to someone. About 80% of my status updates have something to do with my DH and kids. Most of my family members have told me to keep it up, because they love seeing how our kids are growing through pictures and the funny things they do or say. However, I was completely deleted by two cousins who don't have and don't like children. Oh well!


So what annoys you? And what do you actually enjoy reading on a friend's status? I think it would be interesting to see how many things fall in both categories.


Nothing actually. I know waaay too many people 'annoyed' by this or that on FB---and I just don't understand why. Why stay on if everything annoys you :confused: My brother and his wife are ALWAYS complaining about annoying things on FB---and I find that more annoying than what he complains about. I LIKE the variety of posting styles of everyone on my friend list. Perhaps my life is just a bit boring though----because I enjoy even whiny and political posts :tongue_smilie:

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I forgot one more. My uncle posting in great detail about his recent stomach bug.:ack2:


LOL!! My mother is a nurse and my dad is a plumber. I tend to forget that other people haven't had as much exposure to certain topics as I have. :D

There have been times when I have stopped myself from sharing what would have been TMI for my dear nieces and nephews.


I resisted Facebook for a long time, but I'm glad I joined. It has allowed me to reconnect with many of my cousins and their kids which would not have happened otherwise with me living on the opposite side of the country from them.

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I love reconnecting with close friends who I haven't heard from in decades. Some of them, once we "connected" it was nice to see what they're up to, but I don't need to know every detail of their lives. I did find one best friend, and when I read her updates it always warms my heart because she sounds just like the girl she was in 6th grade. I have a few friends that have the same fb personality as me and it's fun to share the little ins and outs of life that we find interesting.


A bad moment can be redeemed by fb: Like your toddler empties all your cereal boxes on the floor. Normally quite frustrating. But with fb I can post a picture of the crime scene and I can get some laughs and sympathy out of it.





I have a few hubby/wife friends that well, it's too much PDA. It's just too much gushing and hugs and kisses and I can't wait for you to come home's. I think well, if their marriage is that loving and affectionate that's not a bad thing...



People whose statuses are a constant crisis. I start to feel bad that so many tragedies have visited them. It's sick kids, family dramas, work troubles, neighbor troubles, and after a while I just feel bad because I can't help in any way.


People who use profanity and crude language. More than one instance and I have to block it- I often have a kid or two peeking over my shoulder as I read fb.



It's can be a hard medium to communicate with- like most people, I have a wide variety of friends from various circles and backgrounds. So I try to post things that most of my friends can relate to or something that will put a smile on their faces. But I think fb can be a no-win situation. You post all happy/positive things, people think you have a perfect life. You post the negatives, people think you're whiny and complaining. oh well.

Edited by breadnbutter
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Ugh, those stupid games...farmville, mafia wars, etc.




And I think it was the source of this s/o thread...those posts where it says:


"If your Mom is someone you admire...(or you know someone with cancer, or your Dad passed away, or you have a special needs child, etc.)...then post this as your status!"


I can't stand those either.


Bandwagon crusades drive me nuts.


You can block the endless Mafia Wars and Farmville ones, BUT the "if you have a terrific mother or wonderful sister or care about the mentally handicapped....." ones DRIVE ME NUTS!!!!!!!


I hate them and if this is the only thing someone posts, they get ignored very, very fast!

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Stupid stuff like, "I ran today". "I'm tired." "I bought cool shoes today!"


Who cares?


The thing is, someone in that person's life probably DOES care. I care when my niece who lives 1 1/2 hours away posts who she went to lunch with that day. My weird cousins? Not so much interested that he walked 3 miles at the hospital track today.




It is much like this board...I just scroll past threads that don't interest me or that annoy me.

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Yeah, whats up with that? I thought it was on accident until I saw it for the 100th time.



I did, too!


And, re: the short, quick, "I ran today" updates.....I've been VERY guilty of those. For a long time just about the only updates I posted were about triathlon training. "I swam this much in this amount of time." or "Riding the bike 6 miles tonight. Perhaps learning to shift the gears would help?" or "Running blah, blah, blah..."


But, I have had a few people tell me by PM or in person that they started working out because they found the updates inspiring. I am not, by nature a sporty/fitness type so I think they thought, "Hey, if SHE can do it, maybe I can, too!"


Just a thought....

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Comments like: "I honestly dont think this cud have been said this any better from educated anlysis on the overall scenerio. Sadely enough though, we humans find attunement from the prefabricated disposition that allures us into thinkin we have found solace...."

And then someone will agree with the author of that gibberish and reinforce his mistaken notion that this makes him sound smart and clever.

Edited by WordGirl
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Comments like


"I honestly dont think this cud have been said this any better from educated anlysis on the overall scenerio. Sadely enough though, we humans find attunement from the prefabricated disposition that allures us into thinkin we have found solace...."



Did they write that after some jello shots? :lol:

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I have some friends who do sales type posts almost exclusively. Maybe they are trying to network. I don't really get it. I just hide their statuses. The ones I'm thinking of are men. I'm NOT thinking of the girlfriends who sell jewelry or makeup and mention that every once in a while. That doesn't bother me at all.


I had another friend who updated her statues almost every hour with the most mundane things. We were never that close IRL and it got really old so I hid her statuses too.

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Foul Language in posts - those posts get deleted from my page, and if it happens often the person will be blocked


Copy This... Posts - can't anyone ever think for themselves, even if it is a good statement or even one that I agree with I will not repost it and it is annoying seeing the same post from so many people


One Track Mind Posts - I really don't mind hearing about your favorite songs, but your top-twenty all in the span of about 5 minutes... I really don't wanna be inside your head quite that far. Same thing goes for links, it's nice to see what is making news from all around the country... but I don't need to see the entirety of the fox news homepage on facebook (especially not in just a few minutes time.)

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Comments like: "I honestly dont think this cud have been said this any better from educated anlysis on the overall scenerio. Sadely enough though, we humans find attunement from the prefabricated disposition that allures us into thinkin we have found solace...."

And then someone will agree with the author of that gibberish and reinforce his mistaken notion that this makes him sound smart and clever.






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All this talk about facebook made me want to go check up on my peeps. :D


Then I remembered another really irritating thing that no one has mentioned yet. Maybe I"m the only one who hates it. I hate it when I like or comment on a status that becomes wildly popular to comment on and I end up with a gazillion e-mails - so and so commented on so and so's status. AAAARRRGGGHHH!! That really drives me up the wall. Perhaps there is a setting that would change that. However, I find it useful to know when there is an actual conversation I'm in. But Congrats on this or that...not so much.


Just for the record I'm not irritated at any of my friends or their friends, just the way that the facebook powers have set it up. I wish there were a better way to handle that. I just go through my e-mail and delete delete delete. :glare:

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I have some friends who do sales type posts almost exclusively. Maybe they are trying to network. I don't really get it. I just hide their statuses. The ones I'm thinking of are men. I'm NOT thinking of the girlfriends who sell jewelry or makeup and mention that every once in a while. That doesn't bother me at all.


I had another friend who updated her statues almost every hour with the most mundane things. We were never that close IRL and it got really old so I hid her statuses too.

I have a cousin that does this. His FB is exclusively sales networking and is big on MLM's. He has some family on there and we check in on him from time to time.

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I block all the game results.


Mostly, people I know post inane things or political comments. I hardly ever go on FB any more because no one posts anything interesting. I don't either -- if it is interesting, it is private information that I'm not going to spew around on FB.


I block people who post sayings or quotations that are supposed to be uplifting: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! I pretend the person who posted that is a lemon.

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