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Why? Why would someone park in front of another's driveway?

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I don't care if it is the middle of the day and most people are at work. I'm not most freaking people. He put me out because I had to go over to the work zone next door, find the inconsiderate jerk and ask him to move his truck. Don't get mad at me as if I've done something wrong just because you don't want to walk 10 feet further and park on the other side of the driveway.


To be honest, he did jump up and run to his truck to move it. His companion (a woman) was the one making noise as she walked to the truck and I walked back to my house.

Edited by Parrothead
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I used to live on a side street near an elementary school. Every single day in the afternoon the same inconsiderate jerks would not only park all along the street including in front of my driveway but they would literally PARK in a line in the one way street too! No way I could ever get out during those times, even in an emergency. And those parents were RUDE about it, too. And they were the first to complain if my sidewalks weren't shoveled by 7:30 am too. We complained to the school and the police department for years before something was finally done.

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Yeah....I would have been ticked off that I had to go search the person out.


I didn't know you couldn't block your own driveway. I wonder if that's the law here? Sometimes I park my van across the end of our driveway when the kids are playing out there, so that I can discourage accidentally running into the street.

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We live off a very narrow lane and people are constantly parking right next to the "no parking at any time" sign. And it's always right behind our car, because we are at the end. We can not get out, and if there were an emergency the responding vehicles would not be able to get through (there used to be "fire lane, no parking" signs, but someone illegally removed them, and neither the fire department nor the HOA will do anything about it :banghead:


I feel your pain.

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It happens here all the time - for our alley. I do have some sympathy to it. It's hard to unload things and so forth so I get it and have done it before a few times. But never leaving the car there. There used to be an illegal poker game in one of the buildings across the alley from us and those guys would park in front of our drive, blocking our cars in. Dh works nights and it was a huge issue. He has to leave for work around midnight. These idiots think "oh, it'll be fine because it's the middle of the night." Ugh. Also, there's an illegal club now a couple doors down run by these dopey early 20-somethings. They did it a couple of times. One time, I went out there and was literally standing on my back porch looking at the guy and he was so lacking in neighborhood manners that he looked right at me AND DIDN'T SAY A THING. I had to be like, "Ahem. Excuse me. Hi. I live here. That's my car you're blocking in." At which point he looked surprised that I was addressing him! But he muttered he would move soon. And he did. He was moving band equipment. Good grief. That's all he had to say. And if as soon as I had come out he had said it nice and friendly and promptly it wouldn't have been a big deal. Oy.

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We have a condo in another city still and I swear, our adjoining neighbor is now married to the stupidest man on the planet. I get that we're not there often but it's MY driveway. I have the right to come into MY driveway and pull into MY garage.


After about the third time of the, DH just blocked him in. And then we went out with friends. And we called a cab. Just for fun. :D


We got home several hours later and I guess he was pretty darn frustated. How sad.


And he doesn't park in our driveway anymore. :001_smile:

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It happens here all the time - for our alley. I do have some sympathy to it. It's hard to unload things and so forth so I get it and have done it before a few times. But never leaving the car there. There used to be an illegal poker game in one of the buildings across the alley from us and those guys would park in front of our drive, blocking our cars in. Dh works nights and it was a huge issue. He has to leave for work around midnight. These idiots think "oh, it'll be fine because it's the middle of the night." Ugh. Also, there's an illegal club now a couple doors down run by these dopey early 20-somethings. They did it a couple of times. One time, I went out there and was literally standing on my back porch looking at the guy and he was so lacking in neighborhood manners that he looked right at me AND DIDN'T SAY A THING. I had to be like, "Ahem. Excuse me. Hi. I live here. That's my car you're blocking in." At which point he looked surprised that I was addressing him! But he muttered he would move soon. And he did. He was moving band equipment. Good grief. That's all he had to say. And if as soon as I had come out he had said it nice and friendly and promptly it wouldn't have been a big deal. Oy.


I have this problem, too. My driveway is off the alley. The previous tenants next door also had a driveway, but for some reason, found it preferable to just park in the middle of the alley. A couple of times I had to drive over the lawn to park my car in my drive. They were finally evicted, so it's not a problem now. But, whenever the utility company comes out to fix something, it blocks the alley, which is a pain sometimes. I don't mind people moving and their trucks blocking the alley, as long as it doesn't block my driveway!

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You can't even legally block your OWN driveway.



Yesterday, our CASA volunteer blocked the driveway. I'm glad she did! Her other choice is to park in front of the house which means blocking the mailbox. We've already (since April) received two citations because of therapists or caseworkers parking too close to the mailbox <sigh>.

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LOL Rainefox. I got into an altercation with a man who thought I was blocking his driveway at school pickup time. Poor fella was so blind he could't see my backup lights in pouring rain. Thankfully he didn't hit any kids. I took a pic of his ranting and shaking his fist (as well as blocking me in so I couldn't get out of my legal parking space) and let the kindly officer deal with him. He realistically has two solutions: move or vote that students that live within the walking zone can ride the bus, b/c their mamas are not going to have them walk 2 miles in pouring rain just to get hit by people like himself.




Our local schools always had courtesy busing. Even if you lived across the street or right next to the school, your kids could take the bus. And many did because most of the streets (including the one the school is on) are not at all pedestrian friendly and definitely not for children - narrow, winding, no sidewalks, no shoulders. No parent would let their kids walk them even on a bright sunny day, much less in bad weather with low visibility (not to mention its still dark in the winter when these kids would have to walk).


Then, last year it was cut because of the state budget. What a disaster. The school is at the intersection of three main roadways. For about 30 minutes in the morning and about an hour in the afternoon, these roads were inpassable with cars lined up in the street waiting to turn into the school lot - from all three directions. Driveways were definitely blocked but it didn't matter because the cars in the road couldn't go anywhere anyway. I got stuck sitting in it driving my oldest to school (her bus picked up at 6:45 in the morning and was a 20 minute walk from our house - wasn't happening).


I am so glad they brought back the busing this year. My oldest will be driving herself to school at least some of the time this year and would have to go right by that mess. As a very new driver, I would hate for her to be dealing with that and inattentive kids walking in the road.

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When the house across the street from us was for sale, the realtors all came to caravan and one guy parked right in front of my driveway! Now, this was a simple residential development. Plenty of parking!

I opened my front door as he walked across the street and yelled, "Excuse me! Would you please move your car???" He looked at me like I was insane.

People are so weird.

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A police car once blocked me in my driveway. He was talking to the people next door (never did find out why), but I have no idea why he didn't just pull up a few feet more so he wasn't blocking me. It was about 7pm. I had to interrupt him to get him to move his car. He did do it immediately, but I thought it was weird that he'd done it in the first place.

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I don't care if it is the middle of the day and most people are at work. I'm not most freaking people. He put me out because I had to go over to the work zone next door, find the inconsiderate jerk and ask him to move his truck. Don't get mad at me as if I've done something wrong just because you don't want to walk 10 feet further and park on the other side of the driveway.


To be honest, he did jump up and run to his truck to move it. His companion (a woman) was the one making noise as she walked to the truck and I walked back to my house.


For the past 12 years, people have driven from out of state to park in front of my driveway. Usually, to visit someone in the houses around us that have been converted to apartments. And every.single.time have pitched a hussy fit at the cop writing the ticket. I had one woman harrass me for weeks, pulling into my driveway, screaming obscenities, peeling out and spraying the house and cars with gravel... One of the town cops had to walk onto her place of business and tell her to cease and desist or be prosecuted.


People are moron enough to not see a driveway with cars parked in it also seem to have a huge sense of entitlement. If they travel to Annapolis, they should be aware that they are "entitled" to coming out and finding their vehicle just gone.

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We usually have issues with people parking in our "spot". Here, you can either find on street parking, or rent a spot in a parking lot. We rent two spots, for two vehicles, catty corner from us. My husband has come home some nights to find someone else in his spot. We've had a couple of people towed. One time, we sat out in the parking lot, waiting for the tow truck when a couple came RUNNING out to get to their car right before he came. Sheesh. There are signs posted. If you don't rent the spot, don't park in it...or expect to get towed!

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Our neigbours have friends over every day and they park so close to our driveway it's difficult to get in and out - I have no idea why - there is plenty of space to park in our street. They also park on the footpath right in front of our house so if I am taking the kids for a walk we have to walk out onto the road (the opposite side of the footpath is a huge garden we can't walk through).


One day the neighbours friend parked right across our driveway. I was coming home from the store and couldn't get in (we have gardens and mailbox on either side). Our driveway is on a hill so it's not like you can't see it. I was so ticked that I had to park down the street and unload my kids and the shopping and walk up the steep drive to get in the house. I ended up leaving a note on their windshield (our neighbours are not the kind you confront :001_huh:). When they came out they roared off like they were angry or something - hello- you are the ones who parked us out of our own driveway.


Oh and in case you are interested - the note I left was polite - even though I was so tempted to write something that was not :glare:

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About 12 years ago, I lived near an elementary school. During school meetings, our residential street was filled. On one occasion, someone actually parked IN my driveway. Not in front of it. IN IT! I called the police. When the officer arrived, he said he couldn't do anything about it because the car was on private property. I had 2 options. I could have a tow truck remove it at my expense, or I could try to understand that parking around the school was limited in the area and be gracious to this person who wanted to attend his/her child's school meeting. I was so upset that I was shaking. Unfortunately, I loathed confrontation so I stayed inside the house. I've always asked myself the same question as you... what kind of person does something like that? And why couldn't the police do anything about it? :confused:

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