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Genetic Lottery Winner

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I just found out, via Facebook, that my first cousin and his Godchild, my second cousin or first cousin once removed, were shot this morning in what appears to be a drug deal gone wrong. My first cousin, Colby (only 3 years younger than I am) took his sister's son (Trey), age 14, to a seedy motel. Armed susppects broke into the room and shot Colby in the stomach with a shot gun. Trey hid in the bathroom and was shot in the jaw through the door with a pistol. Trey, the 14yo, is expected to be fine. Colby is is critical condition and may not make it. This is not the first time Colby has been shot. The last incident happened in front of his kids. You'd think he would have learned his lesson.


I'm sad and angry. I'm sad that a 14yo boy got caught up in all this crap. I'm angry that this kind of thing happens all too often in my family. I'm sad and angry that I had to find out about this on Facebook. I grew up with Colby and his twin sister. My Dad is Colby's Godfather. I am disgusted that there are far more trashy things that have happened in my family. I'd share, but you guys just would not believe the level of trashy.


Sorry. I just had to vent a bit. Please pray for physical and spiritual healing for Colby and Trey. Pray that Trey does not continue down this path. Pray that Colby wakes up and turns his life around. Pray that my family can heal. Thanks.

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Thank you all so very much. I am so wound up about this. My family, thrashy though it may be, is very close. (Grammar is low on my totem pole right now) We may treat each other like crap, but we do love each other. Colby and I were close once upon a time. Trey and I never really knew each other, but his Mom (my first cousin) and I adored one another. She is a raging drunk. Trey's Dad is a druggie. So many of my cousins, with whom I was raised, have fallen into similar lifestyles. It could have been me. There but for the Grace of God go I.

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I just found out, via Facebook, that my first cousin and his Godchild, my second cousin or first cousin once removed, were shot this morning in what appears to be a drug deal gone wrong. My first cousin, Colby (only 3 years younger than I am) took his sister's son (Trey), age 14, to a seedy motel. Armed susppects broke into the room and shot Colby in the stomach with a shot gun. Trey hid in the bathroom and was shot in the jaw through the door with a pistol. Trey, the 14yo, is expected to be fine. Colby is is critical condition and may not make it. This is not the first time Colby has been shot. The last incident happened in front of his kids. You'd think he would have learned his lesson.


I'm sad and angry. I'm sad that a 14yo boy got caught up in all this crap. I'm angry that this kind of thing happens all too often in my family. I'm sad and angry that I had to find out about this on Facebook. I grew up with Colby and his twin sister. My Dad is Colby's Godfather. I am disgusted that there are far more trashy things that have happened in my family. I'd share, but you guys just would not believe the level of trashy.


Sorry. I just had to vent a bit. Please pray for physical and spiritual healing for Colby and Trey. Pray that Trey does not continue down this path. Pray that Colby wakes up and turns his life around. Pray that my family can heal. Thanks.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry.

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