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s/o Wilson thread: What do you put on your popcorn?

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We made bags of this as treats for the cousins last Christmas, and let me tell you, that stuff is CRACK. Everyone kept calling me and asking me for more, and I was never able to keep enough of it in the house!


It is tasty and full of all kinds of bad stuff. Both are good reasons to only make it 1-2 times per year. :tongue_smilie:

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Forgive my englishness- it has to be sweet .Air popped with a dash of melted butter and a sprinkling of icing sugar.


When we encountered sweet popcorn at the movies in Belgium, I thought, yuck...but...it grew on me. I find myself craving it from time to time these days.

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We are air popped w/ butter/oil & sea salt. However, Greek seasoning is a really nice add in (although too salty for my kiddos). :)


Candy-coated popcorn. You can use any flavor of Jell-O. My kids like cherry and lemon the best.




Thank you for posting this!!! My grandma used to make this when I was little, but she passed away a few years ago and I never knew how she made it. I thought it was a corn syrup/food coloring base, but this makes so much more sense.

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DH's family actually likes to pour milk over their fresh popped popcorn, no salt, no butter, in a bowl and eat it with a spoon. Blech!


I know someone who does this - they make extra popcorn in the evening and then eat it as cereal the next morning.

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Coconut oil and/or real butter to cook the corn in the pan, but not added afterward. I do not like soggy corn!


A sprinkle of sea salt.

Several of Penzys spices have flavored our corn...can't say I have a favorite...it is more of a mood thing. Mural of Flavor, Tuscan, Herbs de Provence...

Penzys Chipotle pepper is a regular go-to.

Seasoning salts..usually spicy versions. Penzys 4S with Chiptole is a good combo.



We make kettle corn on occasion. Brown sugar gives it a bit of a carmel flavor.


For chocolate pairings....

TJs Sea Salt carmel with Dark Chocolate Bar and popcorn is divine (not in it just along side). In a pinch mini Snickers bites are yummmmy.

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and semi-sweet chocolate chips on hers. She says the hot popcorn melts the chocolate chips to just the right consistency.


I've never tried it, but she says it's amazing :D


A few people have mentioned chocolate chips. Am I the only one cringing in horror at what my carpet would look like after letting my children eat chocolate chip popcorn while watching a movie? :tongue_smilie:

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A few people have mentioned chocolate chips. Am I the only one cringing in horror at what my carpet would look like after letting my children eat chocolate chip popcorn while watching a movie? :tongue_smilie:



No, you are not the only one. So far my children have managed to keep the chocolatey popcorn in the bowl and not the carpet. They seem to be extra careful because they know it will never be allowed again if I find chocolate on the carpet. Although, they do manage to get it on their clothes.

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But, there is a divine concoction...1/2 stick butter,2 tsp honey, 2 tbsp of carmel sauce, melt together pour over popcorn and stir well.


Very, very yummy. It's a holiday cheat treat so I don't have to make popcorn balls, which for a person who does not like to cook - IS TORTURE. The natives are generally happy and quiet after such an offering.




That sounds really good!


m&m's. :D


Here's a second vote for M&Ms.


I third the vote and offer up Reese's Pieces, too.


Typically, it's just butter and salt, though.

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We have popcorn everyday! Anyone who comes to our house, always asks my DH to make popcorn. It is amazing how many people do not realize that you can make popcorn outside of a microwave :lol:


Dh always makes it with sea salt, and cracked pepper. It is divine! Sometimes he puts butter on it, but not often.

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My goodness, I feel like a real party-pooper. We use spray butter to mimic butter taste and allow me to eat large, large bowls of popcorn without gaining large, large amounts of weight! I've taught my husband to like it and my kids to tolerate it. One of the jokes around here is that my oldest daughter says, "When I move out...I will never again have 'diet' popcorn!"


lisaj, mom to 5

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I know someone who does this - they make extra popcorn in the evening and then eat it as cereal the next morning.


Now that I could never understand. As a kid, I read in Farmer Boy that Almanzo (and his siblings?) would fill a cup with popcorn, and then add milk and eat/drink it - the point being that you could add milk without causing the popcorn to "overflow". I tried it once and only managed a mouthful :ack2:

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I have a whirley pop. One of our favorite things to mix in with the corn and oil is red hots. I also make kettle corn and sometimes add some food coloring to the sugar. Other times I put chocolate in there. Sometimes we go plain salt and butter. And still others we go with some kind of savory recipe. There are some recipes here.


Ok, I just went to Amazon and put that in my cart...

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Ok, I think this is one of my favorite threads ever and I'm suddenly super-excited about popcorn, Whirley-Pops, Jello Popcorn, Dill Popcorn, BACON popcorn and more! I've got it in my head that I'm going to give everyone I know a Whirley-Pop for Christmas. And hey - the price is right!


And for some reason, "Mrs. Spy-Car" is cracking me up!


Thanks for this great thread. Just what I needed after a day of wading through a pit of a house, then trying to make spinach popsicles (while the kids were outside so they wouldn't know) and having frozen spinach flying everywhere!

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