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What does your six year old love?

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I know this isn't what you're looking for... :blush: but I asked my 6.5 year old the other day, "What do you like?" Her answers were:



  • Playing in the sandbox
  • Playing in the little pool
  • Playing in the dirt
  • Finding sticks, rocks, and acorns for my nature collection
  • Watering my garden
  • Picking beans in my garden
  • Playing baby dolls
  • Playing baby dolls with Emily (cousin)!
  • Playing baby dolls with Emily at Grammy's house!!
  • Playing with Hannah & Mary (twin 4.5 year old sisters)... well, sometimes
  • Making things with paper, scissors, and a glue stick
  • Glittery beads, pipe cleaners, foam sheets, felt sheets, more glue
  • Burlap sewing
  • Playing dress up & costumes
  • Playing with the doll house
  • Sleeping in my bed


Those were her happy thoughts. She didn't fly, though. ;)

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I'm with you. I'm starting to think Christmas so I can sock things away, and there's nothing that she absolutely adores that I know she'll play with for ages. I think one of her gifts for Christmas will be either a beanbag or papasan chair since she's learning to read independently and wants to be in her room for that. Other than that, I don't know. She likes to cook right now, so I'm thinking about getting her some measuring cups and spoons and mixing bowls and a cookbook, and maybe finding a cute little apron to go with it. Happy Early Birthday to your sweet girl :)

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My almost 6 yr old loves Hello Kitty, books, crafty stuff, weaving on her potholder loom, and then whatever her brother is doing.


She likes but doesn't 'love' zhu zhu pets/furry frenzies, littlest pet shop, her doll (AG knockoff type)


She likes her brother legos but doesn't play with them enough for us to get her much of her own. Oh and lately dressup has been big again.

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DD's birthday is next weekend, and we still haven't gotten her anything. Every other year there was a big milestone toy that we got her, like her first bike last year. Now, we're both at a loss.


She loves crafty things. She's pretty proficient with those potholder looms, and she spends a lot of time coloring and making things. She's also rediscovered her feminine side, so she's really into wearing dresses and hair bows. But she also likes dirt and bugs.


So, what does your 6 year old love to play with?


Our 7yodd loves:


Yarn, knitting, and finger-knitting

Her sketchbook and prismacolors

Field guides

Pressing flowers

Nature journals


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My six year old loves her kidzoom camera.




The pictures aren't the best quality but she has a lot of fun with it. It also takes videos, has a few game options and a setting to take funny distorted pictures...which always make us laugh.

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It's very hard to shop specifically for Sylvia because she's only 2 years younger than Becca and they share 99% of their toys.


Sylvia loves dressing up, My Little Ponies, Barbies, Build a Bears... basically go into a store and find something girly and she'll love it.


I asked her directly and she said, "I love playing with my sister!" :001_wub: "And with Meow-Meow!" "And on the computer, and the DS!"



She has an AG Bitty Kid, but she hates it. It's so strange - Bitty Kid is always evil or a bully or something. Just plain weird.

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My dd was six when she got the Playmobil hospital as her gift. She loves it still almost 4 years later. LOVE IT. All her friends love it as well. I will hold on to it and save it for her children to play with. I love the idea of getting one big gift instead of lots of little stuff. Her grandparents bought her the ambulance and her aunt & uncle gave us $30 and we wrapped up the baby ward and said it was from them.

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My 6yo's great, all-consuming passion is Monopoly. He talks about it endlessly, reads about it constantly, creates his own boards, begs anyone and everyone to play with him, and if nobody is available he plays multiple positions himself. Oh, and he has already decided that he is going to be Mr. Monopoly for Halloween.

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Currently she loves her light bright and her bead jewelery making kit.


She's recently become very interested in sewing, so for her upcoming birthday (7) we're going to get her a sewing basket filled with needles, thread, buttons, other notions, scissors, and fabric.

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Legos, american girl stuff (the "make this for your doll" sets are a real win, as is anything AG sized that can be used with the dolls-it doesn't have to be real AG at all), books, paper and nice drawing supplies, crafts in general, and did I mention Legos? Also, neocash for her Neopets account so she can buy clothes and accessories for her virtual pets.


Barbie/Kelly, polly pocket, Littlest Pet shop, and My Little Pony are all ebbing a bit-they occasionally get played with, but mostly when another child is over to play with them. By herself, it's usually the things mentioned above.

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My 6 yo has a life size doll from Walmart. (I personally don't care for the face of the doll, but she doesn't mind it - it was $10) It can wear newborn/size 1 diapers and 3-9 month clothes and can fit in all of the baby equipment we have in the basement (swing, car seat, etc.) She and our 8 yo and 10 yo play with them a lot. She also likes Loving Family, sticker books, painting, dot to dot, early reading books... She plays a little bit with her Target brand "American Girl" 18" doll, but really prefers her "real" baby.

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