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Rupert Murdoch...Are Americans Paying Attention???

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This is absolutely amazing stuff. A news corporation with it's claws in the highest levels of government and the police, the possible downfall of tabloid journalism, the owner of Fox and the Wall Street Journal possibly facing charges of bribery...


Are you guys really not watching this unfold???

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Why do you assume we're not watching?


It's all the Canadian and British press seem to say. They keep wondering when the American public will sit up and get alarmed about what Murdoch's been up too.


It's less that I assume you're not watching and more that I have trouble believing their assertions that you're not are true.

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I have no clue what is going on (no tv & slow internet). Can someone give me a synopsis?


Or link me to non-video content?


Came out a couple of years ago that reporters at the News of the World, Britain's biggest tabloid, were tapping the phones of politicians and celebrities. People mostly shrugged. Police did little. Hugh Grant (yes, that Hugh Grant) pressed on with some nifty journalistic work of his own.


A few weeks ago it came out that they had tapped the cell phones and even erased voice mail messages of a young muder victim and folks who'd been victims of a terrorist attack. All h*ll broke loose.


The News of the World was shut down, it's former editor is now up on charges as is the former communications director of the PM David Cameron who used to be an editor. The head of the London police has resigned...Turns out bribes were being given to police. If that's true Murdoch could be facing charges in the US as it's illeagal in the US for an American citizen to bribe people in foreign countries. There are also allegations that News of the World may have bribed a NY officer and tapped the phone of 9/11 victims.


Here's a link...Phone hacking Scandal

A peek into who really holds power?

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This is absolutely amazing stuff. A news corporation with it's claws in the highest levels of government and the police, the possible downfall of tabloid journalism, the owner of Fox and the Wall Street Journal possibly facing charges of bribery...


Are you guys really not watching this unfold???



Uh - why are you assuming we aren't watching this??? It's all over the news here.

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A note. There's been a bit of coverage in the Wall Street journal and on Fox News that sort of hint the whole scandal is overblown and since Murdoch has apologized it should be allowed to blow over.


Of course, guess who owns both?

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Uh - why are you assuming we aren't watching this??? It's all over the news here.


Check post 5. I keep hearing that from Canadian media. It may be they're actually wondering when the US gets outraged to the degree Britain has about this?


I just had to check it because it seems to big a story for you guys NOT to be watching!

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News of the World Tabloid, owned by Rupert Murdoch, has closed due to evidence that they hacked into phones of victims of murder, kidnapping, or sometimes to simply find out where celebrities were. A couple of higher-ups in Scotland Yard have resigned due to rumours of bribery. A man that was a whistleblower about the phone hacking last year to the NYT was found died in his apartment this weekend. Many people are speculating that FOX News. Corp will somehow be implicated in all this too--Rupert Murdoch runs them as well as WSJ and Fox Sports and a few movie production businesses. Especially interesting due to a first cousin of Dubya's, working for FOX at the time, calling the 2000 election in Dubya's favour; Tony Snow going to work as WH Press Sect. It will be interesting (and scary) to see where all the connect the dots end up.


So far, it is reminding me of the beginning of the propaganda machines that the Nazi regime had set in place to "educate the sheep-eople".


NYT, Thom Hartmann, Randy Rhodes, The Hill, Huffington Post, The Nation, The Guardian...you can find info on it just about anywhere. And for info-tainment, give a look at how FOX News is explaining it all. Almost as sad as seeing Rupert Murdoch up on the stands basically claiming that the company was "too big to know" (e.g. Too Big to Fail?!?) what was going on.




Because anyone who runs a company doesn't really want to know exactly what is happening within the company.


Now i see what Aussie's meant when Rupert became a US citizen and they said we could have him. :)

Edited by MadSci Mama
to add AUS opinion
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I am because my daughter is a journalist and is keeping me updated. She linked the story about the shaving cream pie in the face today.


I don't see much outrage about the whole story but maybe I am just out of the general news loop.


Personally I am shocked and disgusted but not surprised because, see paragraph one. Journalism ain't what it used to be.

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I think we're not expressing outrage, because we are not really surprised. Phone tapping, bribes, etc. Of course it happens. I think journalistic integrity has long gone in the rush to be the next big thing. Instead of reporting on the next big story.


It still sickens me though.

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I think we're not expressing outrage, because we are not really surprised. Phone tapping, bribes, etc. Of course it happens. I think journalistic integrity has long gone in the rush to be the next big thing. Instead of reporting on the next big story.


It still sickens me though.


Excellent point. It really isn't shocking.

That is not to say that we are not absolutely disgusted with everyone involved.

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I am certainly paying attention but when I mentioned the phone hacking story two weeks ago on this board, few responded. Potentially political??


Maybe my provocative title that hinted that I was accusing you Americans of not paying attention helped this thread a bit. :D

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I honestly know very little about it. I generally only watch the news when I know something big is going on, so I guess I missed this. I know very little about Rupert Murdoch, although I did see a few links about it on Yahoo, I just didn't click on them. I will admit that if I do watch news it is either network news, local news, or FOX News.

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Of course I am watching . Why would I even bother to post that here??? Can you spell exercise in futility???:lol:



Well, I am surprised as I know you are such a fan and your sole source of news and information is Murdoch's Fox News. Right? ;) :lol:




FYI: Before anyone gets their panties in a wad, I am having a little joke with Elizabeth.

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I've been refraining from posting.


My level of schadenfreude is wayyy to high to be talking about it.


I'm bordering giddy.



:lol: I know EXACTLY what you mean!

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Check post 5. I keep hearing that from Canadian media. It may be they're actually wondering when the US gets outraged to the degree Britain has about this?


I just had to check it because it seems to big a story for you guys NOT to be watching!


We might be bored with being outraged at Murdoch.



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To answer the OP, I am finding that many Americans are too busy blaming Obama for Social Security problems to care about Murdoch.

I can't speak for anyone else but I have just been to busy doing school and chasing around 4 kids. Watching the news sure does not relax me in the few minutes of quite I get before I go to bed.;)

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"you Americans" Really? I have to say that's offensive.



Really? You find that offensive? What would you have her say instead? She was addressing the question TO Americans.



:chillpill: already. Sheesh.

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It's all the Canadian and British press seem to say. They keep wondering when the American public will sit up and get alarmed about what Murdoch's been up too.


It's less that I assume you're not watching and more that I have trouble believing their assertions that you're not are true.


Yes, we're watching, but the spin going on here is that this is a British problem. Like it could never happen here:glare:

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I'm sad to say that I'm not shocked. I honestly believe that most "news" organizations are run this way. News of the World got caught. Murdoch is not the only media tycoon, and he is not the only one who pushes for sensational in order to sell the news.


I've been reading the British press, and they are complaining that freedom of the press could be hurt. I think the press needs some limits on it's power. I'm for freedom of the press, but it should come with responsibility.

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I'm sorry, but this IS a British problem, and like the Casey Anthony is guilty crowd, there is certainly a "witch hunt" mentality forming----almost a rabid frothing at the mouth from the left to turn this into a Fox News problem.





Perhaps because there seems to BE a problem at Fox "news"? People thought others were crazy years ago for watching Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism. Funny. I saw it at church. It may be worth a listen. :001_huh:

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