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Sitting by the pool, do you...

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If you're sitting by a pool, don't you expect that you just might get splashed by children swimming in that same pool? Sheesh! I got so annoyed by a relative who "corrected" my kids last night for splashing too much and getting said person wet. Ummm, we're in the POOL!!! Swimming and splashing and jumping and shrieking and laughing!!!


I guess, on the other hand, the child didn't have to make such a big jump, but still... it's a pool. I've not wanted to get splashed while I've been sitting on the side before, but this person was like "Uhh, look, you got me wet" He called out my son and made him look at how he splashed water on his clothes. I didn't think it needed to be like that. I think I'm more annoyed at the way the reaction was rather than the person not wanting to get wet. But if I'm sitting next to a pool I expect that it could possibly happen that I get wet. :tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, I'd expect to get a little wet, but I'd probably be annoyed if it was excessive. 'Course, that's in the eye of the beholder! lol I don't like it when kids jump in near those sitting by the side--there's usually plenty of spots of them to go and be a little more respectful of those not in the pool.

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Last year when we went on vacation, they had an "over 18" pool (a whole big pool, deck, everything!) and a "family" pool. It was so great because I could let the kids play without stressing over who they were bothering!! Wish I could always banish the grumpies to the grown up pool, lol!

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My policy regarding 'sitting by the pool' and complaining if one gets wet is that the complainer needs to move further from the pool. It's a POOL for crying out loud --splash-pool-smiley.gif If someone doesn't want to get wet, they need to be far away enough that they don't -- I have never thought that (with the exception of massive, purposeful splashing that gets out of control -- you know: 'let's empty the pool') the kids should stand in the water and not splash at all.

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If I'm sitting by the pool, I expect to be a little wet. However, when I'm sitting in the shallow-end with the baby (we're talking BABY pool, 1-ft deep... I find it a bit rude for the 8-and ups to run and jump in right by me and the baby (this is a HUGE pool area... and I positioned myself and the baby to be away from the "active" play areas).

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If you're sitting by a pool, don't you expect that you just might get splashed by children swimming in that same pool? Sheesh! I got so annoyed by a relative who "corrected" my kids last night for splashing too much and getting said person wet. Ummm, we're in the POOL!!! Swimming and splashing and jumping and shrieking and laughing!!!


I guess, on the other hand, the child didn't have to make such a big jump, but still... it's a pool. I've not wanted to get splashed while I've been sitting on the side before, but this person was like "Uhh, look, you got me wet" He called out my son and made him look at how he splashed water on his clothes. I didn't think it needed to be like that. I think I'm more annoyed at the way the reaction was rather than the person not wanting to get wet. But if I'm sitting next to a pool I expect that it could possibly happen that I get wet. :tongue_smilie:


I would have loudly proclaimed him a FUNSUCKER and encouraged him to get up and move if he didn't want to get wet! :D Alternatively, I might have considered shouting, "Hey, let's all splash _________!" :lol::lol:


Makes me think of people who sit by families with small children in church and then have the audacity to keep looking over their shoulder because the children wiggle and make a little noise. :001_huh::glare:

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If you're within 4 feet of the edge, you will get wet. Expect it. I would object to "aimed" splashing, but jumping in? Normal.


I once had someone tell me that it wasn't nice to make "so many waves!" Both the complainer and I were in the "swimmer" area of the pool and I was using normal, legal swim strokes - not intentional splashing.


Some people just think they own the whole pool. :glare:

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I'll go ahead and say that kids should not jump in a pool right by a person sitting by the pool. I think it's just manners to not do so when there are plenty of other places to jump in. There is no reason to jump in at the exact spot where a person is sitting.


I have to sit by the pool when my kids are in it. They do not swim well. I do not always want to get wet, but I have to be there. So, the rule is do not jump into the pool right by me.

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I expect my kids to be aware of others at the pool. No belly-flopping splashes that soak grandma because she is reading a book. No screaming at the top of their lungs. I don't know. If no one else is around, go for it. But with babies, adults, and non-swimmers around I expect them to tap down their exuberance a bit.

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I tell my DS not to splash because I know it really, really bothers some adults and I want to be respectful of them and teach him to be respectful.


I think those adults are big old party-poopers, though.


I generally don't like getting splashed, but I figure that if I'm near the pool, it's going to happen. However, now that I'm due in less than a month and insanely hot all the time, all of DS's friends know that if they want to splash somebody (or squirt their water guns at somebody, or throw water balloons at somebody), it is open season on me, with my blessing. ;)

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I'll go ahead and say that kids should not jump in a pool right by a person sitting by the pool. I think it's just manners to not do so when there are plenty of other places to jump in. There is no reason to jump in at the exact spot where a person is sitting.


I have to sit by the pool when my kids are in it. They do not swim well. I do not always want to get wet, but I have to be there. So, the rule is do not jump into the pool right by me.


:iagree:I dislike being wet, but if I take the kids to the pool I have to be in or near the water. I've never said anything to kids, but it does annoy me when big kids splash me and the baby (who also doesn't like to be splashed.) Thinking you own the pool goes both ways. Kids should always be aware of who they are splashing when rough housing or jumping in. People getting splashed, including me!, should :chillpill:.

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I dislike being wet, but if I take the kids to the pool I have to be in or near the water. I've never said anything to kids, but it does annoy me when big kids splash me and the baby (who also doesn't like to be splashed.) Thinking you own the pool goes both ways. Kids should always be aware of who they are splashing when rough housing or jumping in. People getting splashed, including me!, should .


I agree. Courtesy should go both ways. I expect them to watch out for others. But, when they are playing, incidental splashing will happen. I take my book, not my I-pad, to sit at the edge of the pool. And I often keep a towel in my lap, since you can often do a quick cover to protect it.


Sidenote: We were at a neighborhood pool last year. Apparently, arm/waist floaties and life jackets on the toddlers mean that mom gets to sit at the beach table on dry land. But, don't complain when they stray down to slightly deeper water and get incidentally splashed by the older kids playing Marco Polo.

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My mom and I were at a hotel pool with my son a few weeks ago. A group of rowdy boys (a baseball youth team) came in without any adults. There was splashing from jumping and cannonballs so we moved to different seats--problem solved. I just watched well to be sure they weren't going to bother my son and eventually some adults with the group showed up.


A grown man making a kid look at the water splashed on his clothes sounds like an immature one to me. Possibly one who thinks the world revolves around him as well. :glare:


I do teach my son to be aware of others though. I am not saying that anything goes in the pool--what's acceptable can depend on who is where, how crowded the pool is, whether there are lots of little ones to be careful of, etc. But an adult by the side of the pool can just move back a little, no? :confused:

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I am of the mind, that you are at the pool, you should expect to get wet, and dress appropriately, perhaps not read a book in the wet zone, etc.


Most kids can not control their splash. So if the child jumped in, and water splashed out, umm, kinda out of their control.


Now, that being said, after it happens once, said child should realize and perhaps not jump there anymore out of courtesy.


I normally never complain about getting wet from splashers (I don't usually get in as my children are all great swimmers). Just the way it works at a pool.


BUT last week, two boys were playing with squirters, shooting each other. Got me a few times...okay, I'm in the wet zone, no harm. But then one stood right in from of my chair, out of the pool, while the other, in the pool, was aiming at the one next to me. That meant I was repeatedly squirted. So I DID say something then....could ya maybe move to a different spot!?!?

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I'll go ahead and say that kids should not jump in a pool right by a person sitting by the pool. I think it's just manners to not do so when there are plenty of other places to jump in. There is no reason to jump in at the exact spot where a person is sitting.


I have to sit by the pool when my kids are in it. They do not swim well. I do not always want to get wet, but I have to be there. So, the rule is do not jump into the pool right by me.




I hate being splashed -- even when I'm in the pool! I've been this way since childhood.

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Interesting points of view. This was a home pool with just my kids and my dad and his wife there. The area my dad was sitting was near the steps that lead into the pool where they kids always go in and out from. So one splash came from that entry jump. I didn't like how my dad pointed it out and made my son stop and look at how wet his shirt was (he wasn't soaked btw, just wet) It was the way he did it paired with the fact that he IS sitting right by the pool. It's not like someone walked up to him while he was watching tv and dumped water on his lap!

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And apparently some kids expect to be yelled at for doing it. The other day I didn't have my swim clothes so I just stuck my feet in. I got splashed. The boy looked at me like "uh oh" and I didn't say anything .


That might have been my son! :lol: Seriously, I can not believe the lack of manners my children, who have been raised since I've known them around an ocean, bay, pool and hot tub, possess. They're a couple of maroons! Other kids actions? Nope, doesn't bother me, 'cause most of them don't live in the water. But mine? Yeah, I expect some manners at this point.

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I don't let my kid's intentionally splash anyone who cannot splash back. That being said, there is common courtesy. If you're jumping in an empty pool, it's nice not to jump next to the only clothed adult. But if you're next to a full pool with a bunch of kids, sorry - expect to get wet!


My mom never wanted to get wet or swim with us, so I go overboard swimming and splashing and being wild in the water with my kids.

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Personally, I don't mind getting wet, but I think commonsense courtesy should prevail. A lot of folks just want to sit or stand near the side to cool off with out being constantly splashed in the face. Our pool, which has plenty of room for all, will whistle kids who constantly gravitate to a side where adults are trying to relax.

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One lady in our neighborhood had a leak in a hose; it dripped undetected for a couple of months, and she ended up with a $17,000 water bill for the summer.


Just proposing some possibilities.


Surely, she didn't have to pay that! :svengo:


Party pooper here. I do. not. like. to. be. splashed.


At. all.


I get the whole splash zone thing. I don't complain. Promise.


BUT I take 9 children of various ages to the pool. Alone. I have to sit close by and watch the water like a hawk. Incidental splashing is one thing. Purposeful splashing is another beast all together.

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This thread made me laugh! I was in the pool with our daughter yesterday. As the only other person in the pool, I was fair game. But I was on a float and relaxing. And kept getting water in my eyes. So, I ended up floating and relaxing, with goggles on. Problem Solved :D

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This is only tangientially related:


Once while vacationing in San Diego, I took my kids to meet up with some old friends. We met up at their apartment and were planning on heading out to dinner--however, we decided to take our visit to a nearby beach. Well, my kids were not attired in beach attire, so I kept calling out to them, "Just chase the waves! Don't get wet!)" After several warnings hollered out to them, my friend turned to me and said, "Sheesh! They're at the beach! Why don't you just take them to the library!" :lol:


In my defense, I would like to reiterate that we were heading out to a restaurant and my kids had never been known to moderate themselves by the ocean. They're all a bunch of otters. :D

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