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Settlers of Catan?

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We have the game (at least some version of it) and I would think eight to ten would probably be a good age to start. DS started playing it when he was 7 or 8 but I think the official age recommendation is 10(?).


I like the game and do think it would be fun for girls as well but it isn't overly girly so it would depend on personal tastes.

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Ughh! What is wrong with my family? No one likes to play this game. They complain that it's too long, and even if it was shorter, I don't believe anyone of them would describe it as fun. Sometimes I wonder if we are playing wrong!! They will only play on my birthday or Mother's Day!


To answer the OP, my youngest is 8 and he can play the game just fine (if he wanted to...)

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I agree 8 is a good age to start playing. My favorite expansion (we own them all) is Cities and Knights. I highly recommend it!!

If you like Settlers (or even if you don't) I would also recommend the game Carcassonne. It's much faster, also has several expansion packs (skip the catapult :glare:) and works with tiles, not cards. Those of you who like Setters should love this as well and those that don't like Settlers might like it because it's faster and easier.



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My 7 year old just started playing on her own. It can get too long for her, especially if we play in the evening - but she loves the game. My 6 year old will sometimes play with someone for part of a game, but doesn't have the attention span for a full game or a good understanding of the rules of the game.

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Based on recommendations here, we finally played it with our dd6. DH and I love the game and went after each other, so our dd has a good chance of winning. She enjoyed it but isn't begging to play it.


I then got Catan for the PC and iPad. It was extremely addicting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have wanted to buy this game for a long time and I finally feel that my kids are old enough. How old do you think you need to be to understand and enjoy this game and do girls enjoy it as much as boys?




My 8 yo not only loves the game, but has won (which I've still failed to do). Of course, he also has strung along a table full of adults at poker, winning with a full house.

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Thank You everyone. Now, I have to decide if I throw it in to our curriculum order on Monday or save it for Christmas...I might save it as we will have so much new stuff to go through but I will def. be getting it.


If you save it for Christmas, it will get covered up in the rest of the Christmas stuff and sit, unopened, for nearly 2 years before anyone drags it out, only to find that the whole family immediately become addicted. Or at least that's what I hear might happen...


I do not play this game, but the rest of my family, including my 7 year old (with a little help), now adore it. My daughter found an app for her iphone called, I think, the Catanerator, that will tell you how to set up the board. They much prefer playing when the board's been set up with the Catanerator. Since I don't play with them, I'm not sure that I am using the correct terminology, but once you play, I am sure you'll get it.


I also hear that it is much easier to learn to play by watching the video on the website, or by having someone (a Catanucator?) teach you, rather than by reading the directions. After it sat in our closet for 2 years, my 13 yo played it at a friend's house and came home to teach her dad and siblings.



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I am a gamer-geek and have loved this game for a long time. I plan to introduce it to my kids (age 6 and 8) this year as part of our history studies. I have girls. We are a gaming family though, so our love of games may exceed normal reaction.

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When we first received this game for Christmas a year and a half ago, two of our daughters, my husband and I became addicted pretty quickly. We played almost every night for about three months. It was pretty funny! Sometimes my husband would come home on his lunch break from work and we'd play a game over lunch. :) So, I can't answer to age (mine are older), but I can certainly say that girls can enjoy it just as much as boys! Although one of my daughters did not care for it, and she usually stayed in the kitchen during that time and baked cookies for the rest of us. :)

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My boys love it and they are 11 and 6


One problem with it, it is difficult for two people to play. You really need more than that for it to work. This is only a problem for us because I am not a game player and we need games the 2 boys can play together.


Carcassone is one they can play together. I have no idea about that game, because I don't play it.


If you get Settlers, you should pick up the expansion pack that allows more players. My kids love to play it when they have friends over and we use it all the time. I think it allows up to 7 players?


There is also 'kids of cattan' but, again, I have no idea what it is about.

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I have wanted to buy this game for a long time and I finally feel that my kids are old enough. How old do you think you need to be to understand and enjoy this game and do girls enjoy it as much as boys?




My daughter started playing with help at young 6 and holds her own at this point. I think your kids are a great age for this game and both my kids love it. It's a winter standard around here. :)

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The box says it is for three people. Is it possible to change things somehow to play it with two?


Yes, my girls play it with just two people all the time. :001_smile:


There's also a dice game (card game?) for two people, but we've never played that.

Edited by angela in ohio
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