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Should i take her to the hospital? Or Urgent Care?

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If you read my other posts my dd14 is having "girl" issues.

She has been taking Midol all day, i just went to go check on her and she's still crying her eyes out, she said that this is the worst pain she's been in her whole life. She's really scared and asked me if we should go to the hospital or 24 hour urgent care, and i really dont know.

She has a fever and is in horrible pain!



Should i take her too the hospital or Urgent Care or wait until tomorrow morning for a doctor appointment?



Im really scared :crying: What should i do?


Side note: If you couldnt tell im writing this post out of desperation, i dont know what to do to help her :(, and i have no one else to ask

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I would say er because they have the diagnostic equipment that might be needed. I would think they would at a minimum do an ultrasound, but I would also prepare her for the possibility that they may do a pelvic exam. I hope you get answers soon and she feels better. You are both in my prayers. :grouphug:

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The one thing that dh and I have always agreed on is if we need to get our kids to the doctor we take them! You know your dd....if she is not usually a complainer or drama queen, then I would take her immeditely to an ER or urgent care. Praying and :grouphug:

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The fact that she actually has a fever makes me think that she should go in to be seen. I would worry that she had some kind of an infection. Can you call Urgent care, describe her symptoms and ask her if it would be more appropriate to go there or the ER? I would rather take someone to Urgent care if possible, but at the same time, I would hate to take them to one place, wait and then be told you have to go to the ER.

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If you read my other posts my dd14 is having "girl" issues.

She has been taking Midol all day, i just went to go check on her and she's still crying her eyes out, she said that this is the worst pain she's been in her whole life. She's really scared and asked me if we should go to the hospital or 24 hour urgent care, and i really dont know.

She has a fever and is in horrible pain!



Should i take her too the hospital or Urgent Care or wait until tomorrow morning for a doctor appointment?



Im really scared :crying: What should i do?


Side note: If you couldnt tell im writing this post out of desperation, i dont know what to do to help her :(, and i have no one else to ask


In our area the wait to see the dr at an overnight urgent care is about 1 hour. The ER 4hrs. I would start with the urgent care and then go to the ER if needed. I would ask them either on the phone or before you check in at the urgent care if they have an ultrasound machine in case you need it. I would hate to go in and then find out it was broken/not available.


The fever and pain that can't be comforted away are why I would go in. Some times we hurt, but if some comforting from mom and some OTC meds, don't make it bearable, I would be concerned.

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Also, if you have been giving midol (which I think is usually ibuprofen) and that hasn't helped, something else could be going on. Ibuprofen should alleviate some of the pain and help with the fever.


Is she using tampons?

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i am an R.N. I don't have all the facts, but based on what you have written and the amount of pain she is having, i would go to er. hope all is okay!!




Yes, I wasn't being helpful playing guessing games. Better to get it checked out.

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No she isnt using tampons, but she was earlier for about an hour and a half to go swimming (she says the exercise somewhat helps the cramps)


It is on the left side not the right.



Please take her to the E.R. Pain and fever are two signs of infection. Do not waste time at the Urgent Care, because if it is septicemia or appendicitis, they can't do anything there for it, because it requires immediate and emergent care. Given the seriousness of her pain, and the bleeding, I'm worried there is something possibly really seriously wrong.

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fever isn't normal with periods...we have severe cramps in our family, but they don't cause fevers. I'd go to urgent care and ask them whether they can check her out adequately, or whther you should be seen in ER. It could very well be appendix even seeming to be on the opposite side, or could be several other seriously urgent things like a kidney infection (they use IV antibiotics for those because they can turn septic so fast before oral meds can work). Go to whichever one will take her seriously.


edit--posted while you were posting...good luck in the ER. Sounds like the best choice.

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I hope she is ok! I just responded to your other post before I saw this one. My parents took me to the ER twice when I was 14-15 for suspected appendicitis when it was just a horrible period. I was close to blacking out, felt the most miserable I ever had in my life, was feverish, etc. just like your daughter. I still think the ER is the right choice, given her symptoms!

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fever isn't normal with periods...we have severe cramps in our family, but they don't cause fevers. I'd go to urgent care and ask them whether they can check her out adequately, or whther you should be seen in ER. It could very well be appendix even seeming to be on the opposite side, or could be several other seriously urgent things like a kidney infection (they use IV antibiotics for those because they can turn septic so fast before oral meds can work). Go to whichever one will take her seriously.


edit--posted while you were posting...good luck in the ER. Sounds like the best choice.


yep, the fever thing is bothering me too. i'm relieved they are headed to er. folks at hospital will be able to rule out many things quickly that could be going on ---also, when she arrives they will assess her to see if medical attention is needed asap.

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Poor sweetie. She may have a ruptured ovarian cyst.


I always had horrific cramps when I was younger (actually until I had my first baby—and only successful pregnancy—when I was 32), so I greatly sympathize with her. I've also had a lot of ovarian cysts (I have had fever with cysts).


I'm glad you're taking her to the hospital. I hope everything turns out okay.

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:grouphug: My cousin suffered like this and the Dr put her on BC. It was in an effort to even out and better control her cycle.


I don't know if you're interested or not, but there's a gentler much more natural way to do it and that's via a lotion called Anna's Wild Yam Cream. You simply apply a small amount from day 14 until day 28 or something like that {instructions on bottle} and that's it. It's an Aussie product, but I do know it's sold in the US as well.


It helps regulate your cycle which was huge for me after a miscarriage. I also think they are more even tempered to be honest. I use to have pain and issues the first day or so, but now it's all pretty even.


:grouphug: As for your original question.. if I was in doubt I'd take her straight away. It's a hard call though as someone else mentioned. I have one child who can cry at the slightest pain and another child who had to get 4 stitches and didn't cry a wink from the injury!

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Poor sweetie. She may have a ruptured ovarian cyst.


I always had horrific cramps when I was younger (actually until I had my first baby—and only successful pregnancy—when I was 32), so I greatly sympathize with her. I've also had a lot of ovarian cysts (I have had fever with cysts).


I'm glad you're taking her to the hospital. I hope everything turns out okay.


Yes this. I had one at 22 and went into the ER. They did a bunch of tests and concluded that it must have ruptured and they couldn't find anything. It was sooo painful. I was on vicodin for a few days and then was fine.

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It's only on one side.


And ibuprofen makes her throw up/get sick to her stomache


I am hoping your DD is doing better now!


I don't know if you know this but ibuprofen should be taken with food or milk to lessen or prevent an upset stomach.

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She had a rupturing ovarian cyst, they kept her until about 7am this morning because she was also dehydrated, they gave her an iv to get her hydrated. They also gave her pain meds. They suspect she's had ovarian cysts for awhile, and this time it ruptured.



She's feeling much better this morning :)



Tomorrow we have a follow-up visit with a new doctor, The doctor at the hospital said she might have to go on birth control but when we go to the follow up doctor they will give us more information on this.


Thanks for all your concern and :grouphug:'s :)

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yep, ovarian cyst ruptures are very painful. this was one of the things (among several) i had suspected. being a nurse, i can only report symptoms and not diagnose. i also had not examined her myself. i am so glad you got it checked out last night. you are a good mom!! i'm glad your daughter is feeling better today, and you are getting this checked out further. hopefully, with what the doctor's recommendations, this can be avoided in the future. thanks so much for updating us. it takes a village, doesn't it?

angel :)

p.s. take a well deserved nap, if you can!!!

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