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droid or iphone?

iPhone or Droid  

  1. 1. iPhone or Droid

    • iPhone - like it
    • iPhone - don't like it
    • Droid - like it
    • Droid - don't like it
    • other smart phone

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I had a BlackBerry, which I liked a lot. But then it started acting a little dodgy, like it was going to die at some inopportune time in the near future, so I preemptively bought an iPhone. :biggrinjester: It's awesome.


My husband has a droid... meh, it's ok. (also, it is huge.)

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I love my I-phone and don't intend to switch.


dh loves his android. But, his last one, he rooted (removed all the factory installs) and did all this weird installing of custom rom's.....or something. And rambled about Froyo and Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich ( apparently they name updates alphabetically?????) and bloatware that AT&T installs and how he couldn't get the latest Google updates because AT&T wouldn't release them and on and on and on..... Hours and hours.:tongue_smilie:


Too much work for me. I calmly played my Words With Friends while he muttered.


BUT...He just bought a new one for his birthday and sold the old. He loves it and still insists that he won't go back to an I-Phone. We'll see.

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We are an Apple family through and through. But, when we went shopping for new phones, the plans for the iPhones were outrageously expensive! It was ridiculous. So, three of my family members got Evos and I got a cheaper phone. My boys absolutely love them and keep saying that they're better than the iPhones because they can individualize them. My husband still wants the iPHone because it's what he's used to.


I still want an iPhone!!

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I have a droid because US cellular doesn't offer iPhones. I like my droid and all the cool free apps. However, I would feel more secure with an iPhone because it is my understanding that they have much more control over app development and security. I am reluctant to do any banking over my phone because of malware and spyware concerns. I want to get a credit card reader for my phone since I have a small business, but I am afraid of compromised security.

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My son got some fancy phone that was supposed to be better than an iphone- don't know its name. I think he wanted to be a bit different. Now he wants an iphone.


Your poll might not be accurate if many more people have iphones than droids. I know many people with an iphone, none that I know with a droid.

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We've been with Verizon for years. The iPhone wasn't available when I wanted to upgrade to a smartphone, so I got a Droid. I'm pretty dumb when it comes to technology, but I had no problems at all learning how to use my Droid. I loved it! Just this weekend we went into Verizon because I was eligible for an upgrade (and my dh lost his phone for the 94th time). I seriously considered an iPhone, but I just loved my Droid so much I decided to stick with it. I got a Droid x2 and dh just got my old Droid. We couldn't be happier with them.

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My son got some fancy phone that was supposed to be better than an iphone- don't know its name. I think he wanted to be a bit different. Now he wants an iphone.


Your poll might not be accurate if many more people have iphones than droids. I know many people with an iphone, none that I know with a droid.


Actually, most people I know have droids as opposed to iPhones, and my friend and I are in a friendly debate over which is better...hence the poll. :DI want hard numbers and evidence.

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We have iphones. Had a Droid Charge for about a week and traded it back in. It was spiffier than the iphone in some ways, but it ate through batteries. Would only last a few hours and that was doing nothing. If you did anything whileit was plugged in, it wouldn't gain a charge. Only if it was plugged in and not used- and that still took forever. It also was bulkier, which I didn't like, but my man-hands DH didn't mind.

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I love my iPhone. Even though I consider it the best toy I ever had, it's much more than a toy. I really make use of so many functional apps.


That said, I'm trying to help my dh decide between a Droid and an iPhone. I think he could be happy with either one, but he's having trouble deciding.

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I didn't vote because I have a droid and while I do like it I wouldn't buy it again. I plan to get an iPhone as soon as my contract is up. There are apps I want that they have for the iPhone that aren't available for the droid. My son has an iPod touch and he's always getting cool apps. Sometimes I can get them and sometimes I can't, hence my iSystem envy.:D

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Actually, most people I know have droids as opposed to iPhones, and my friend and I are in a friendly debate over which is better...hence the poll. :DI want hard numbers and evidence.


Same in my area. I think it's because this is a big Verizon area; the AT&T towers (previously Cingular) in my area are privately owned and not well maintained. So, until Verizon got the iPhone, droid was the best thing going.

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I love my iPhone4. I got it for my birthday in February, after waiting months and months for Verizon to offer it. (We already had and were happy with Verizon, and AT&T users in my area complain about their service.)


I already had an iPod Touch, so it was super easy to learn to use the iPhone. (I think it would be pretty easy anyway.)


I highly recommend the iPhone4.



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I don't consider myself a techie person and this was a gift from dh. I voted droid, yes, I like it. I thought things were just fine with a no-frills cell phone but he liked the price of the phone and the monthly plan of $25 per month.

I don't know much about iphone so I can be satisfied with what I have for now.:001_smile:

I like my little android phone. I don't understand what I'm talking about.:lol:

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ha...scores aren't looking good for my friend. You know, a verizon guy tried to sell us a droid for a LONNNNG time one day--we were stuck at his booth for about an hour. We walked away saying, "nah, thanks--we'll wait for the iPhone." I don't regret waiting at all.

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I had 3 different windowsOS phones over about 8 years and loved them - but they got really glitchy over time and each time I needed to upgrade. I debated between staying with a Windows phone or switching to an Adroid or going with an iPhone. I ended up with an android and don't regret it one bit.


The reasons I didn't go with the others:

WindowOS - phones were more expensive, when I started with a Windows phone it was the only one available with a full QWERTY keyboard and a good calendar option, now the others have this so it wasn't worth the added expense, not as many cool apps available


iPhone - no real QWERTY keyboard with tactal feedback - I need to feel the click of a key b/c I cannot hear any auditory feedback, also I am no one to be a follower and in my area *everyone* has an iPhone


I have been very happy with my Droid and DH has the same phone. The only thing I think the iPhone has over the others is, since it is a standard design, there are so many cool cases and accessories. I really want a cool case for my android.


I do think the poll will be skewed b/c I do think there are more iPhone users than droid users in many areas (at least in mine, for sure).

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