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All the Pregnant Ladies...Names?

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Have you decided on names yet? If so, why those names?


If our little one is a boy he will be Lauchlin (lock-lin) James. It's a Gaelic name, a family name and the name of my father and of my brother who died last year. James is my FIL's name.


If she's a girl then it will be Elizabeth Ann. Ann has been a favourite of mine forever and is my SIL's middle name. Elizabeth is just a name both my husband and I like.

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Have you decided on names yet? If so, why those names?


If our little one is a boy he will be Lauchlin (lock-lin) James. It's a Gaelic name, a family name and the name of my father and of my brother who died last year. James is my FIL's name.


If she's a girl then it will be Elizabeth Ann. Ann has been a favourite of mine forever and is my SIL's middle name. Elizabeth is just a name both my husband and I like.


I'm only four weeks (and still unsure as to whether things are even going to work out with this one) so we haven't talked about it yet, but when I think of how much trouble we had naming a kitten, I just know it's going to be hard agreeing on baby names haha.


With that said...when I was pregnant with my 5 y/o son, Ben, we had decided that he'd be Elizabeth if he was a girl...so if we have a girl this time around, we will probably still use that!! (ETA: I like Claire for the middle name but that's not definite yet).


If we had a boy... who knows. We'll need all nine months to find and agree on something, I'm sure! :D

Edited by NanceXToo
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We haven't 'officially' decided, mainly cause Wolf's being a tool and not giving in...He just smirks at me when I push for him to agree to the boy name.


He will give in though. Just like with Tazzie. :D


Matthew 'Wolf' for a boy. ('Wolf' to be subbed in w/his actual first name :tongue_smilie:)


Rebekah Karyn ____ for a girl. Need another middle name. Our girls have 2 middle names, boys one. Since Princess has 'Grace' as her 2nd middle, I'm thinking 'Faith'.


But, we'll see. Hopefully next wk will show if I even need a girl name or not :lol:

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For a girl, I like Esther (the rest of my family doesn't but hubby promised if we had another girl, I could name her that :)), we also like Claire (or some form of Clarissa after dhs great grandmother) possible paired with Frances for a mn (after my ggm) or Rebekah.


For a boy, we are coming up with NOTHING. ugh. Anything I like, dh doesn't. And well, there isn't much he likes! :) So I'm guessing we are having a boy lol


I do like Gideon for a boy, but like I said, dh not so much.

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I should know this by now, being due in a week and all......


George for a boy. It started out as a joke, and eventually turned serious. I love the strory of St. george and the Dragon.

No middle names yet....help??!!! All of our kids have two middle names.

I really like George Sequoia; my husband is a tree guy.......but don't know for sure....and it is only 1 middle name, but I figured a big enough one, maybe.

For a girl

Loretta Rae...and need help with another name...suggestions????

Loretta after my grandmother, Rae after his mother.


We have a friend Locklin that is the dearest, most unique boy!!! The only one I know, until now.

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I'm not pregnant yet, but should be soon, and one of the names we're going with now is Asher James for a boy. My husband is trying to convince me of Atticus James or maybe even Sherlock James (James is non-negotiable). I'm not sure I'm brave enough for either of those. I've loved the name Asher since I was a teen, but my sister does too and will probably name her son Asher whether I do or not, so that's a point against it (name stealing in our family is no big deal).


As for a girl, we might go with Charlotte Grace, but that's all we've got so far. We might decide something totally different, but that's what we've got now!

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Gabriella Mae for a girl. For a boy... I like Nathaniel Phillip and DH is fine with that but he's thrown out Daniel Phillip as an alternative. I'm okay with it, but it isn't my favorite - mainly because DS's name starts with a "D" and I just know that everyone is going to go straight to the "Are you going to use all "D" names?". For some reason that bugs me, I'm not sure why, but it does.


So, definitely have a girl name. For a boy, well, we'll take a good long look if one shows up and decide from there :lol:

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Oh man...I wish we had a name!! If we were having a girl, it would be easy-peasy. Every time I bring up boy names to DH he scrunches his face up and whinges. There has been absolutely NO boy name he will even begin to consider, either b/c he's related to someone w/that name (huge family), knows someone w/that name, or thinks it's too effeminate.

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I will be finding out today whether I'm having a boy or girl...can't wait!!!

We've tossed around the names Miles Brandon for a boy, and Ellen Levina for a girl. Both middle names are names of family members (we've done that for all of our children).

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Well, we've had girl names picked out four times now...we never know what we're having...so, IF it's a girl, we'll go with some variation of Rachel Elizabeth, or Elizabeth ????....


If it's a boy, we have no idea. So far all our boys names happen to begin with "j"....don't know if we'll continue the accidental theme or not....



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lol! We couldn't come up with a name for my ds until about a month AFTER he was born. He has always fit his name perfectly.


With my dd, we gave her a name a few weeks after she was born, only to change it when she was about 3mo since the original did not fit her at all.


It's awesome people can pick a name before the baby is born, but for us, we just can't decide until after we've met the baby, although we sure do try different names out the entire pregnancy.

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Baby names are so hard! Well, DD and DS1 were easy. It took us five days to name DS2, and the name we chose wasn't even on any of our original lists, but we love it, and it fits him so well.


We ended up choosing names for our first two boys that were Biblical (intentional) and also names of US Presidents (not intentional), so now I kind of feel like we need to continue that. The possibilities are few though -- we've used two, my brother has one, and we're not big fans of some of the others. Zachary Paul (Paul being DH's middle name) is a big contender though. I also love Daniel, with Steven (my dad's name) as the middle name.


However, most everyone here is hoping for a pink baby to round out the bunch, so we shall see. The girl's name is even harder. We had no problem choosing DD's name, and then we never agreed on a girl's name for either of the boys. We also inadvertently gave DD the name of a First Lady, so now I really feel the pressure to continue that trend! I love Abigail, but I'm not sure DH does. (And it's Biblical, whereas DD's name isn't, so that might make her feel left out.) My other top choice is Katherine, and that's what I keep picturing the baby as, so who knows? If this one is a girl, I really want her to have my middle name, Joy, for her middle name. I also love Elizabeth and Caroline and am flip-floppy about Alice. I think Alice Joy is very sweet, but I don't know if I love it enough to use it every day. (And we already have one A name in the crew, so do I want to use another one? IDK.)

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I'm not pregnant yet, but should be soon, and one of the names we're going with now is Asher James for a boy. My husband is trying to convince me of Atticus James or maybe even Sherlock James (James is non-negotiable). I'm not sure I'm brave enough for either of those. I've loved the name Asher since I was a teen, but my sister does too and will probably name her son Asher whether I do or not, so that's a point against it (name stealing in our family is no big deal).


As for a girl, we might go with Charlotte Grace, but that's all we've got so far. We might decide something totally different, but that's what we've got now!


I have a friend who named her baby boy Atticus John. I think Atticus is a great name!

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I've decided on Ten and Eleven. No middle names. :D My brain is weary of trying to come up with just one set of first/middle names for each gender so I quit! Had I known we'd end up with this many dc I would have done # names from the start because as it is we go through every name except the one we're trying to say, lol.

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If it's a girl, we'll probably name her Laurel Aletha. I really love that name, & we agreed on it a long time ago for someone who ended up not getting it. That said, I've SO fallen in love w/ the name Margaret. Dh won't even consider it. We also like Aletha Anne, Anne being another favorite of mine. Dh wanted Laurena for our 1st--a name he'd always loved, & Laurel was our compromise. So a girl name is very...up in the air.


I thought we'd agreed to Peter for a boy, but dh says I imagined that. :glare: And beyond that, he'll mostly only tell me boy names he *doesn't* like. No, I take that back--he did mention 2 he likes ok: Matthew & Luke, Luke being his favorite, which I can't do because a) it's too Star Wars, & b) my bro's best friend is Luke, & has been for nearly 20 years. Can't dissociate the name. Nothing wrong w/ the guy--I like him a lot--just don't need a baby named after him! ;)


I also like William, which dh talked me out of for our 1st. That was my dad's dad's name, & our 1st is the only one he lived long enough to see. Now that dh is ok w/ the name (for some reason, he thought I wanted it because of a kid I babysat in college :confused:), I'm completely annoyed that we didn't use it w/ our 1st, whose middle name is a bland "Michael" for no good reason! :lol:


I've also found myself wishing we hadn't used 2 favorite names for some of them: #2 is Elizabeth Grace, & we had the hardest time deciding whether to call her Beth or Grace. I wish I had BOTH now that I think of it. LOL And #4 is Caedmon Paul--I'd love to have a Caedmon AND a Paul.


Funny side story: dh mentioned liking Matthew & #2 thought about it & said, "Nah, that's too common." :lol: Coming from someone whose name is EG, that cracked me up.

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For a girl, I like Esther (the rest of my family doesn't but hubby promised if we had another girl, I could name her that :)), we also like Claire (or some form of Clarissa after dhs great grandmother) possible paired with Frances for a mn (after my ggm) or Rebekah.


For a boy, we are coming up with NOTHING. ugh. Anything I like, dh doesn't. And well, there isn't much he likes! :) So I'm guessing we are having a boy lol


I do like Gideon for a boy, but like I said, dh not so much.


Gideon is my youngest DS' name!:D

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I'm not even pregnant right now, but we are always talking about baby names.


I love Katherine Mary for a girl. Katherine was my nana's name and Mary is MIL's middle name. SIL's daughter is Kathryn and dh doesn't want to give them the same names, but we hardly ever see his niece, the girls would have different last names and different spellings, and we would call our dd Kate. If dh won't bend on that, we would go with Caitlin Mary.


If we had another boy, he would be Jason or William. And no my choices are not influenced by a certain recent royal wedding ;) William was my grandfather's name. I just worry that Catherine/Katherine is about to become super popular.

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Ruth Abigail for a girl (which is what we are expecting from our ultrasound)

Daniel Isaiah for a boy


We also like Lydia Ruth for a girl so I keep wanting to give her three names


Ruth is my mom's name, my husband's grandmother (mom's mom) -- and my mom was named after a favorite sister of my grandfather (Margaret Ruth). Plus there's an aunt. So it has strong family ties


Abigail for the woman in the Bible who keeps David from sinning even when her own husband was in the wrong.


Isaiah is a family name -- and a prophetic book of the Bible


Daniel is a favorite character of the Bible, and my grandfather's middle name.

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DH and DD are pushing hard for Emily Grace. I like the name, but I'm just not sure about using a name that's so popular. DS has a popular name too (it was the ONLY boy's name we could agree on) and I'm not sure that I'm up for another kid with a super popular name.

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I have a friend who named her baby boy Atticus John. I think Atticus is a great name!


Oh great. Don't tell my hubby. :lol: He has loved the name ever since he read To Kill a Mockingbird, which is still one of his favorite books. Atticus is one of his life heroes. I actually used Atticus as an argument for homeschooling when I was trying to convince dh to let us homeschool. Atticus' way of looking at education seemed to help my dh think outside the box. Atticus is a great character, but I'm still not sure if I like the name or not.:001_smile:

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Ruth Abigail for a girl (which is what we are expecting from our ultrasound)


We also like Lydia Ruth for a girl so I keep wanting to give her three names




Great names! We have a Ruth, an Abigail, and a Lydia!


According to the ultrasound, baby #10 is a boy. The name we have chosen is William Celeborn. I have always liked the name William but DH wasn't so crazy about it. He wanted the name Celeborn (from Lord of the Rings). I thought it was a bit too unusual. I told him he could have Celeborn as a middle name if we had William as a first name. So we compromised. Our other son's name is Charles Edgar and I really wanted the other boy's name to fit. We have thought of giving the new baby two middle names: William Eustace Celeborn, but one of our older daughters really doesn't like the name Eustace.


If the ultrasound is wrong and we have a girl, we will name her Beatrice Elinor.


Susan in TX

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Great names! We have a Ruth, an Abigail, and a Lydia!


According to the ultrasound, baby #10 is a boy.


I do not think we will have the opportunity to name 10 kids. (I'm turning 38 this year and feeling it)


In fact, a great deal of me believes this is our last (though I'm willing to be wrong)


Except then, if it were a girl, we'd need to find another middle name that sounds good with Lydia


I'm not sure Lydia Vivian sounds right together.

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We're pretty settled on Emilie for the middle name if we have a girl. It's the name of DH's beloved godmother who passed away last November. Laura, Caroline, Brigitte, Martha, and Theresa are all in the running for the first name.

If we have a boy DH and I've agreed on a French first name and possibly an English middle name. We both love Christophe right now, so we're thinking about Christophe Martin or Christophe Henri.

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We are really having trouble with names this time. The others seemed so easy!


For a girl, we like Rowan, Willow, Viviane, and Layla. DD12's name means "queen of the open meadow" so it would be nice to have a tree name like Rowan or Willow to go with it... except we have a "W" last name, so maybe Willow would be too much..



For a boy, of course, I like Wyatt (but the W thing comes up again) - plus Dh is not all that enthused about it. I also like Zack, but we have a Z name and he is usually called "Z" for short. Other than that, we are at a loss.. my SIL took some of the names I like... Gunnar, Mason, Grant

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Our boy's name is Jack after my grandfather who passed away shortly after our 3rd child was born (Jack was also our name choice for #2 and #3, but they are both girls). We haven't decided on a middle name.


For a girl, I like McKenna, and DH likes Sarah. I'm sure we'll end up somewhere in between if it's a girl.

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I'm not pregnant yet, but should be soon, and one of the names we're going with now is Asher James for a boy. My husband is trying to convince me of Atticus James or maybe even Sherlock James (James is non-negotiable). I'm not sure I'm brave enough for either of those. I've loved the name Asher since I was a teen, but my sister does too and will probably name her son Asher whether I do or not, so that's a point against it (name stealing in our family is no big deal).


As for a girl, we might go with Charlotte Grace, but that's all we've got so far. We might decide something totally different, but that's what we've got now!


If my last had been a boy he'd have been Asher James. Love that name.

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I'm not pregnant, but I have a baby name story that I just have to share! My dh is a triplet and when his mom was pregnant, they didn't know if they were boys or girls so they came up with 3 boy names and 3 girl names. They were all boys. So far, they have 2 granddaughters (Lauryn and Abigail) Both of those names were on their girl list! My MIL won't say what the other name was until they're not expecting any more grandbabies! And to her credit, she didn't exclaim "That was one of our girl names!" until months after they were born.

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Well it's still early yet, but i'll be surprised if it's not a boy. That said girl names are esy for us, it's boy names that are difficult to agree on. Right now, a girl would be Ronia...everyone fell in love with it after reading the book, plus it's full scadinavian on dh's grandmothr's side.

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Mae is a popular middle name right now!





Yes it is :) it's my mn also - named after my grandmother and we gave it to our 2nd dd, Abigail, as a mn also :) I love it.


I think Esther is a great name. Our 2nd daughter is Esther Rose.





Esther has always been a favorite Bible story of mine and I just love the name. However it's one that my family groans over :glare: One of the not so fun things about having older kids when you are pregnant LOL - they are very vocal in their name opinions! They weren't too happy when they found out Mommy's vote trumps all of theirs :lol: lol My oldest dd has come around on the name Esther after watching "A Daughter of the King" for her modern day princess program. It was really cute how she came to me and told me she finally understands why I like that name :) Plus I just tend to like classic, Biblical names. :)


DH and DD are pushing hard for Emily Grace. I like the name, but I'm just not sure about using a name that's so popular.



I know what you mean - at the time I chose my 3dd's names, they were not popular (I thought!) but now they are. We did try to avoid the Emily craze by naming dd1 Emelyn. She still gets called Eme for short but her name is unique. I wish I had spelled it Emmalyn now but... It's very similar to Evelyn, but with the 'm'.



So yesterday dh finally told me a name he really likes: Jefrey - named for his stepfather. (Our first ds is named after my dh, my dad, my dh's dad, and my dh's grandpa - all with just 2 names :)) I think I like Jefrey - I've never disliked it. I'm thinking it will be dh's call b/c I pretty much chose ds1's name.


For the middle name - do you all think it would be weird to give both our boys the same middle name? It is a family name on my dh's side - "Garr" (his first name, and his father's and grandfather's - they all have different mns.) I just don't think it's right that the first son gets to carry on the name, but not the others. Maybe I'm crazy :001_huh:? It's a very uncommon name and we considered using it as a first name, but dh gets tired of answering all the questions that go along with it lol. Another thought is to use it as first name, and call son by middle name. Any thoughts?

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We don't share names until after baby is born. My husband is especially picky about this and would likely rule a name out if he ever found me sharing it with anyone. He's not picky about much, so this is his hill I guess. :)


My kids are Fallon Rose, Eamonn Grey and Declan Knight. I would like any name we choose to follow a similar pattern -- Irish in origin, two syllable first name ending in 'n' sound, one syllable middle name. However, my husband picked a girl name very early on (and he's being stubborn about it!) that doesn't fit the pattern and it's starting to really grow on me, so we'll see. :D

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For the middle name - do you all think it would be weird to give both our boys the same middle name? It is a family name on my dh's side - "Garr" (his first name, and his father's and grandfather's - they all have different mns.) I just don't think it's right that the first son gets to carry on the name, but not the others. Maybe I'm crazy :001_huh:? It's a very uncommon name and we considered using it as a first name, but dh gets tired of answering all the questions that go along with it lol. Another thought is to use it as first name, and call son by middle name. Any thoughts?


Do your daughters share a middle name?


i LOVED my middle name growing up and always felt sorry my sister was stuck with such a lame one. (I don't know what my sister thought of her middle name) I don't think I could make my kids share a middle name


OTOH my son got stuck with the family name (my maiden name) -- and I am a bit afraid growing up he's going to be jealous of our daughter's having a proper middle name. So there is still inequality

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Do your daughters share a middle name?





No they don't - they each have names we liked - only one is a family name. Maybe boys wouldn't care either way? I guess I'm kind of attached to it and would like both my boys to have it. But when I've mentioned the idea of them having the same mn - others have looked at me like i'm crazy :tongue_smilie:

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My BIL is James Matthew, but goes by Matthew. Great name!




We are having a girl, Maggie Katherine.


That's funny! My step daughters are Margaret (Maggie) and Katherine (Katie)

I do have to say that your child's whole life people will think... and call... her something longer than Maggie... Cute name though :)

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