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Help! Snake loose in house (homeschool canceled)

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My snake, when he got out, liked bookshelves, behind the books, radiators, behind the refrigerator, chairs and sofas. good luck. ;)


Yeah, I am just looking through EVERYTHING in each room, tearing apart closets, pulling up mattresses... You would think I would find it.


I thought they liked electronics...?? Maybe behind the frig...


My son was crying hysterically.

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If you have it, turn the air conditioning up (temperature down) and set up something warm (maybe his tank heater/light) in a spot near where you think he might be. As it gets colder, he will probably move toward the heat source.


I used to volunteer at a zoo. That's what they would do to draw out a snake that was hiding or couldn't be reached.

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1. close all the heat vents after looking in them

2. close all the doors inside the house and put towels under them so that a snake can't change rooms.

3. methodically start looking in all the dark cozy places in the room it escaped in. and then move on to the next room.

4. if the snake had a piece of bark to hide under, take it out of the cage and put it in the middle of the room; it may find it itself

5. when did it last eat? if its hungry, you could try the mouse trick.




snakes mostly come out when they're ready and not before. its a corn snake... corn snakes like to climb, so look up, too.


hug your dc... its not easy to lose a pet : (.

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Nothing that an F-14 and a couple of sidewinder missles won't cure. How attached to your domicile are you!:D


I have heard, though I would not know this first hand because if it happened to me furniture would be lit on fire, that they like sofa cushions. Our former pastor's wife found her son's python in the sofa when she sat down to drink tea. Thankfully, she is not "former" because of the criminal intent of the snake, but just that her husband chose to move to a church closer to his ailing mother.


My normal philosophy is run. However, for those with the fortitude, I recommend seek and destroy.



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If you have it, turn the air conditioning up (temperature down) and set up something warm (maybe his tank heater/light) in a spot near where you think he might be. As it gets colder, he will probably move toward the heat source.


I used to volunteer at a zoo. That's what they would do to draw out a snake that was hiding or couldn't be reached.


this is good advice. it will also dissuade it from taking the heating duct root.... which is a good choice.

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1. close all the heat vents after looking in them

2. close all the doors inside the house and put towels under them so that a snake can't change rooms.

3. methodically start looking in all the dark cozy places in the room it escaped in. and then move on to the next room.

4. if the snake had a piece of bark to hide under, take it out of the cage and put it in the middle of the room; it may find it itself

5. when did it last eat? if its hungry, you could try the mouse trick.




snakes mostly come out when they're ready and not before. its a corn snake... corn snakes like to climb, so look up, too.


hug your dc... its not easy to lose a pet : (.



OK, it ate last weekend, so it was due to eat again. Darn its.


Thank-you, Everybody. I am trying all these suggestions. We're not afraid of it (we have several reptiles and my kids go to herp conventions), but we're upset because we have 3 dogs. I'm afraid one of the dogs will find it before we do.


On a side note: the Shih Tzu doesn't count as a dog. She would probably see the snake and run to tell us.

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I like your thinking, Faith.


I'd leave the house now, call a realtor and never look back.


There is NO WAY I could get an ounce of sleep in a house with a loose snake. Doubtful in a house with a caged snake, and I'd have to be heavily medicated first, but with a MIA snake?


No. Freaking. Way.


I do feel badly for the OP's kids, though--- it's a tough thing to lose a pet, and the worry is exhausting! :grouphug::grouphug:


astrid (and no, I"m not kidding!)

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OMG there are NO WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!


THAT is my worst nightmare---


FAITHMANOR!!! FAITHMANOR!!! Where are those sidewinder missiles?!:eek:



I've got to go find my nitrogylcerine pills.....:svengo:



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OK, I still can't find the snake. I have another problem. The 6 yro has a DJ Hamster. Where the heck should I put this thing tonight so it's safe??? Would it's cage be safe up on the shelf in a closet??


:confused: &^%$

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My cousin lost his Boa and couldn't find it for months. While he was moving some buddies and him got frisky and threw a trashed sofa off the balcony. It broke open and he found the still live snake in the armrest cavity. Apparently it had been living there happily for some time. :001_huh:

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OK! I FOUND THE SNAKE!!!! I was tearing the house apart looking for him and found him in the recycling bin in our laundry room. So, that snake had opened his cage in my son's bedroom upstairs, jumped off the dresser, slithered through the upstairs hallway and down the stairs, slithered thru the downstairs hallway and kitchen, went under the laundry room door and climbed up into the recycling bin.


Can you believe it???? The snake is about 1 yro, BTW. He was hiding under an empty gallon of milk. :lol:


:party: THANKS for all the suggestions!!!

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Astrid, I'm here, I'm here!


Okay, plan C. OP must take her children, dogs, and hamster to safety...preferably several hours away from home. Then, call the Department of Homeland Security and report that Muammar Gaddafi has been sighted drinking a beer and hanging out with Kim Jong Il at your address. This should bring at the least, a SWAT team to your house, and at most, a small nuclear device! :D


Now, to all of you tsk, tskers...just remember evil is as evil does. Snake, wicked despot, depraved dictator...it's all the same!


I woudl also like to take this opportunity to say that I am cheering for the health and welfare of the hamster...a benign, non-threatening species of adorability that does not go out of it's way to sneak up on innocent people and cause them grave, mental distress and grievous bodily harm!



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Nothing that an F-14 and a couple of sidewinder missles won't cure. How attached to your domicile are you!:D


I have heard, though I would not know this first hand because if it happened to me furniture would be lit on fire, that they like sofa cushions. Our former pastor's wife found her son's python in the sofa when she sat down to drink tea. Thankfully, she is not "former" because of the criminal intent of the snake, but just that her husband chose to move to a church closer to his ailing mother.


My normal philosophy is run. However, for those with the fortitude, I recommend seek and destroy.




I like your thinking, Faith.


I'd leave the house now, call a realtor and never look back.


There is NO WAY I could get an ounce of sleep in a house with a loose snake. Doubtful in a house with a caged snake, and I'd have to be heavily medicated first, but with a MIA snake?


No. Freaking. Way.


I do feel badly for the OP's kids, though--- it's a tough thing to lose a pet, and the worry is exhausting! :grouphug::grouphug:


astrid (and no, I"m not kidding!)


You did see this news story, right?





Oh. My. Word. *faint*

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I woudl also like to take this opportunity to say that I am cheering for the health and welfare of the hamster...a benign, non-threatening species of adorability that does not go out of it's way to sneak up on innocent people and cause them grave, mental distress and grievous bodily harm!




:smilielol5:The hamster IS awful darn cute.

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That's great, you don't have to move after all!


I think a margarita wouldn't be out of line though....


YES! The snake cried tears of joy when I pulled him out of the trash. :D He's back in his cage with his hide box and water dish.


We started looking for the snake at 8:30 this morning and it's about 1pm and I just found it. So, our day is completely shot. I don't even feel like working on school anymore today.

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OK! I FOUND THE SNAKE!!!! I was tearing the house apart looking for him and found him in the recycling bin in our laundry room. So, that snake had opened his cage in my son's bedroom upstairs, jumped off the dresser, slithered through the upstairs hallway and down the stairs, slithered thru the downstairs hallway and kitchen, went under the laundry room door and climbed up into the recycling bin.


Can you believe it???? The snake is about 1 yro, BTW. He was hiding under an empty gallon of milk. :lol:


:party: THANKS for all the suggestions!!!


See, this is proof positive of some supernatural power that lurks in reptiles...he can apparate (Harry Potter) like Voldemort!!!!


Personally, people are recommending marguerita's but too me that is just too frilly of a beverage for the occasion. I think a rum and coke is better! :biggrinjester:



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See, this is proof positive of some supernatural power that lurks in reptiles...he can apparate (Harry Potter) like Voldemort!!!!


Personally, people are recommending marguerita's but too me that is just too frilly of a beverage for the occasion. I think a rum and coke is better! :biggrinjester:




:lol: The DJ hamster sighed in relief when she saw the snake being carried back to its own habitat.

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I feel like I have this whole wildlife predatory chain going...the snake might eat the hamster, the dog might eat the snake... :cursing:



"Mutual of Omaha presents......."


(Sorry....couldn't resist! I sure hope you find a safe place for Hammy!)


Is it cold where you are? Could Hammy stay in the garage for a while?



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"Mutual of Omaha presents......."


(Sorry....couldn't resist! I sure hope you find a safe place for Hammy!)


Is it cold where you are? Could Hammy stay in the garage for a while?





I found the snake!! He was in the recycling bin in our laundry room. I was thinking we would have to switch off at night, guarding the hamster (and the Shih Tzu :tongue_smilie:).

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Astrid, I'm here, I'm here!


Okay, plan C. OP must take her children, dogs, and hamster to safety...preferably several hours away from home. Then, call the Department of Homeland Security and report that Muammar Gaddafi has been sighted drinking a beer and hanging out with Kim Jong Il at your address. This should bring at the least, a SWAT team to your house, and at most, a small nuclear device! :D


Now, to all of you tsk, tskers...just remember evil is as evil does. Snake, wicked despot, depraved dictator...it's all the same!


I woudl also like to take this opportunity to say that I am cheering for the health and welfare of the hamster...a benign, non-threatening species of adorability that does not go out of it's way to sneak up on innocent people and cause them grave, mental distress and grievous bodily harm!




I love you Faith. You always make me feel better when there's a snake-related crisis or security breach on the WTM board!


I love the idea of Quaddaffi and Little Kimmy Il tossing back a few with a snake. Birds of a feather....


Whew. Faith's image therapy and the nitro are working.....



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OK! I FOUND THE SNAKE!!!! I was tearing the house apart looking for him and found him in the recycling bin in our laundry room. So, that snake had opened his cage in my son's bedroom upstairs, jumped off the dresser, slithered through the upstairs hallway and down the stairs, slithered thru the downstairs hallway and kitchen, went under the laundry room door and climbed up into the recycling bin.


Can you believe it???? The snake is about 1 yro, BTW. He was hiding under an empty gallon of milk. :lol:


:party: THANKS for all the suggestions!!!


:blink: Not even gonna click on the link to the other article because this scary enough!

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OK! I FOUND THE SNAKE!!!! I was tearing the house apart looking for him and found him in the recycling bin in our laundry room. So, that snake had opened his cage in my son's bedroom upstairs, jumped off the dresser, slithered through the upstairs hallway and down the stairs, slithered thru the downstairs hallway and kitchen, went under the laundry room door and climbed up into the recycling bin.


Can you believe it???? The snake is about 1 yro, BTW. He was hiding under an empty gallon of milk. :lol:


:party: THANKS for all the suggestions!!!


Wow!!! :001_huh:

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Astrid, I'm here, I'm here!


Okay, plan C. OP must take her children, dogs, and hamster to safety...preferably several hours away from home. Then, call the Department of Homeland Security and report that Muammar Gaddafi has been sighted drinking a beer and hanging out with Kim Jong Il at your address. This should bring at the least, a SWAT team to your house, and at most, a small nuclear device! :D


Now, to all of you tsk, tskers...just remember evil is as evil does. Snake, wicked despot, depraved dictator...it's all the same!


I woudl also like to take this opportunity to say that I am cheering for the health and welfare of the hamster...a benign, non-threatening species of adorability that does not go out of it's way to sneak up on innocent people and cause them grave, mental distress and grievous bodily harm!






I wish you were my neighbor, I can tell there would never be a dull moment!

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Awww, snakes are sweet. My ex-boyfriend from college had a pet boa constrictor who was a magician at getting out of his cage. He loved getting under the bedcovers and curling up at the bottom of someone's bed. My bf or his roomies would usually find him at night when they crawled in bed at night....when he'd slither onto their feet. :lol:

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Awww, snakes are sweet. My ex-boyfriend from college had a pet boa constrictor who was a magician at getting out of his cage. He loved getting under the bedcovers and curling up at the bottom of someone's bed. My bf or his roomies would usually find him at night when they crawled in bed at night....when he'd slither onto their feet. :lol:



I think I would die from heart failure!

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My ds has been watching 3 DVD's of Jeff Corwin from Animal Planet as he looks for snakes in India, Australia, Louisiana, Arizona... phew, I had one break when he went to Alaska... :lol:. All I hear is how beautiful snakes are!!!! Ugh! :tongue_smilie: Everytime we went to the library when my ds was little, I had to pick up and read books about snakes... but we drew the line regarding having snakes come and live with us (on purpose :lol:). You are an amazing woman!! :D



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Awww, snakes are sweet. My ex-boyfriend from college had a pet boa constrictor who was a magician at getting out of his cage. He loved getting under the bedcovers and curling up at the bottom of someone's bed. My bf or his roomies would usually find him at night when they crawled in bed at night....when he'd slither onto their feet. :lol:



I don't even want snake skin shoes or boots.



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OK, I still can't find the snake. I have another problem. The 6 yro has a DJ Hamster. Where the heck should I put this thing tonight so it's safe??? Would it's cage be safe up on the shelf in a closet??


:confused: &^%$


There were a few times in my childhood when both my brother's hamster and snake got loose at the same time. Luckily, we always managed to find one or the other before it was too late.


ETA: By the way, my brother still has snakes only now they are large enough to eat the dogs. I don't visit his house.

Edited by KidsHappen
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