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Anybody ever just want to get rid of it all!??

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Our house is small. There are 7 of us living in about 1400 square feet. Everywhere I look there are piles of stuff. Our homeschooling materials are overflowing on my kitchen counters. We school at our kitchen table so naturally our school stuff accumulates on the counters even though there is a table and bookcase downstair that is for that purpose. Toys and clothes are scattered everywhere. I joke that I used to be a tidy and organzined person before I had kids! It's not like we have a lot of stuff either it's just we have a lot of people.


I've started pruning down our stuff. Homeschool things that I've had for years with every intention of using but have not yet used I'm getting rid of. Books for kids of all ages that never get read but just sit on a shelf, I'm getting rid of. I'm seriously considering getting rid of a bunch of the kids clothes. They seem to wear the same things over and over again so why am I keeping what they don't wear? Don't get me started on the toys! My dd11 has the least. I've already gotten rid of a lot of the toys that the baby never plays with. Many days I wish a dumpster would just show up in my drive way, it would be a lot easier that way!


I'm just tired of looking at it! Anybody with me?

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Oh do I hear you there! We have an 1800 square foot house plus full basement and there is TOO MUCH STUFF in this house! I'm in a major decluttering mood and that's my big project for the summer. I have some smaller projects in mind too, but decluttering comes first!

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Yep...although it just the stuff in the attic that's driving me nuts! ;) We will spend a Saturday real soon going through it all and donating it to other kids. I'm only keeping what I know the grands will play with...otherwise it's gone. I've decluttered everything else...the house looks great.

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De-clutter! I am starting with the closets (hall and laundry room). The biggest challenge is getting DH to let go of stuff. He was a commercial fisherman for many years, and you don't throw anything out on a boat (you never know when you'll need something in the Bering Sea!!), so he has 500 million T-shirts, shoes and sweatshirts, plus the stuff we have been dragging around for ten years.


The quickest way to de-clutter is to move to a boat. Finite storage. :)

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Yes! I got rid of some furniture and the house is so much more spacious and uncluttered and it looks clean even when it isn't. I almost completely decluttered the office and was going to move on to my closet and the kids toys but got put on bedrest. But at least I got enough done that there is room for the new baby when he gets here.


Susan in TX

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We are a family of seven everyday and swelling up to nine for half the week. We have a single wide mobile home, about 1100 sq.ft. with no basement. I can feel your pain!


We did prune the clothes and toys pretty severely. I cut the clothes down to seven shirts that are seasonally appropriate plus one long sleeved shirt, and five shorts and two pants for each kid. Clothes that are not in season are in a storage bin with about the same amounts. I got rid of all the rest. I figured that there are kids in the world who only have one or two outfits, so mine would survive. This has made it a lot easier to get the clothes they do wear into their dressers since there is more room.


I got rid of a lot of toys I didn't see them playing with, and all of the ones that had broken or missing pieces. Then I asked them to fill up some bags of toys for donation and I found out that they were a lot more ruthless than I was! About all we have now for toys are about a dozen trucks for the boys and some dolls and stuffed animals for the seven year old and some baby toys for my nine month old granddaughter who lives with us. And legos. About a million legos.


Our big problem now is art supplies. I think I have more stacks of paper and crayons and glitter and all of that than the local Staples! I have an entire huge cupboard completely filled with this stuff and it is still trying to take over the table and the bookshelves.


Don't get me started on flash cards and math manipulatives. Where does all of this stuff even come from? I try to corral it all in plastic baskets on makeshift shelves made out of boxes, but it seems to outgrow the baskets all the time.


I don't have any counter space or I am sure there would be school stuff stacked there. We have several bookcases but of course not all of the books will fit on the bookcases and when we get another bookcase the books will split apart like aomebas and form new books so that we still can't get all of the books in bookcases. I try to sell whatever curriculum I can if I have a pretty strong feeling that we aren't going to use it again, but really it is a bit ridiculous.


I guess we look a bit less cluttered than some, since we have no piles of clothes or shoes. We are pretty good about keeping the legos off the floor because of the baby.......But you still have to clear a spot on the table to sit down and have a cup of coffee and chewed up pencils breed in the dark corners.


Good luck. Send the dumpster my way if you don't fill it all up.

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Being raised as I Navy brat, I go through this process every 2-3 years! I majorly declutter after getting sick of looking at the same things, i.e. toys, clothes they don't wear, books we don't read, movies we don't watch. I tell the boys to find a big box and they automatically know it's Goodwill time again! Glad to know I'm not alone.

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YES!!!!!! :auto:


We have four people in our family and we live in a 2-bedroom apartment... in about 600 square feet. Both DF and I are attending school, and we only have 1 small 3-shelf bookshelf to share between the two of us. We don't have a washer and dryer, so laundry is everywhere, we don't have enough space, so there is EVERYTHING... I keep stuff on windowsills, and on top of the hutch, and cabinets, stacked next to the door, and we have a storage unit full of stuff as well.


The worst part is DF won't let me parse anything down. I mean, we have gotten rid of SOME stuff, but not enough. Not nearly enough. DF wants to wait to get rid of stuff until we move into a bigger place. But how likely is that?!!?!


Oh man i am at my wits end!!

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Yes! I really wish I could let go of everything I don't like or need and start over. Some days I almost wish my house would just burn to the ground so we would be forced to start over. I keep asking DH if we can move mostly so we're forced to significantly purge the house. I have so many things that I don't really need but don't want to get rid of either because of sentimental value. Every few months I get in a mood and just start gutting the house. I did that back in April and had a garage sale and got rid of lots of stuff. I can feel the urge coming over me yet again. It happens every time there's a transition in my life--school being done is kicking in.


I tell the boys to find a big box and they automatically know it's Goodwill time again! Glad to know I'm not alone.


We do toy basket upset about every 2 months. I take their toy boxes, dump the contents on the floor, and they only put back what they play with and isn't broken. Just did this on Monday for the girls and they threw out a grocery store size bags so I was happy.

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There are six of us in about 1200 sq ft. Right now all of our belongings are covering our front lawn. (Long story!) I've already warned the kids that probably only half of that will come back in this house. We don't have a ton of stuff but imo it far exceeds that which is necessary! (For example, if you can't fit all of your t-shirts into your dresser than you better pick which ones you want to keep!) My dc have made numerous trips to the dumpster already.


I'm actually the packrat of the family. I get attached to stuff even if it isn't mine. To be able to throw something away is very freeing! Part of it is also determining not to collect stuff any more. I know clutter is getting to me when I realize I can't relax in my own home. It can make you start to feel claustrophobic!

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We did a Great Giveaway at church where we had a "free" garage sale for the community. I gave away a lot of stuff then.


We are moving in a few weeks and I am only taking a fraction of our stuff with us......even though our new home is slightly larger. This is going to be TOUGH as my girls are collectors and savers. Thankfully dh and I are not. My ds will be OK with me helping to reduce his stuff.


I am hoping to donate a lot to the Great Giveaway again and go from there.

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Um, yes, yes I do. And I have slowly started doing that with the easy things but there is so much that it is almost overwhelming. I don't even really know where to start. I want to cut my book collection by half but my hubby want to sell them. Where do I put them in the mean time? What about all of the activities, manipulatives, arts & crafts and other learning stuff that I no longer need? How do I thin games, puzzles, media and such? What about all the stuffies that my kids don't want to part with and their boxes of stuff? The overwhelming amount of clothing and shoes that they have and are older enough to claim as their own personal property? The musical equipment that is taking over the house? The pet supplies? Coats, sleeping bags, holiday decorations and other things we need once a year? Sports equipment? Where did all this stuff come from? How do I get kids to part with stuff they own but don't really need? IMO, it becomes much more complicated when you are dealing with other people and their stuff, especially as they get older. I mean how would you feel if someone else decided to come in and declutter you stuff based on their priorities? It's hard.

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I'm doing this now! I've gotten everything done but the basement (ugh), family room, and my bedroom. I have the guest room as my dumping ground for donations. That room is FULL of stuff to give away!!!


I'm a minimilist to begin with, so I don't have a lot of stuff. But, I'm always amazed at how much I can find to give away. I'd love to get rid of more books (gasp!!) and buy a Kindle for them. To me, those shelves look like clutter. But, dh isn't ready yet.


KidsHappen - For us, with stuff like that that belongs to the kids - we have a place for it. THEY are responsible for putting their stuff into the correct places. I won't get rid of it if they can keep it neat.


Sports stuff- it all goes in the garage - shoes and equipment. That way, they don't track in dirt after a game. We get rid of outgrown stuff and stuff we just don't need/use anymore after each season.


Shoes - We have a couple of bins in the front closet. EVERYONE had better put their shoes in there. If I find your shoes around the house, you owe me $0.50.


Christmas Decorations - I have 3 boxes of stuff. They are in my basement in Rubbermaid boxes and each is labeled. I also have a box of "party" stuff - extra cloth napkins, wine glass markers, extra silverware, etc. This way everything has a place. That definitely helps with the clutter!

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Guest momk2000

Yes, and we have gotten rid of quite a bit over the past year! If it were up to me we would get rid of A LOT more stuff! I hate clutter. :D

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Oh, yeah....we got rid of a bunch of stuff before we moved to MI about 1.5 yrs ago, but we still have too much for this small house. There are 5 of us in 1200 sf (we have a partially finished basement too), but hopefully we will be adding one more baby sometime soon.


I'm constantly tripping over things the kids have dropped. I really hate that. I've already purged and purged, but it never seems to help very much. I'll just keep at it, but it's hard when I am pretty much the only one in the house who hates the clutter!

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Yes, but when I get to agitated about it, I start to worry that I'm going to bring on a hurricane, tornado, house fire or flood with bad karma! :tongue_smilie: I think we are so blessed to be in a place and situation that equals having such abundance that we need to give it away. :001_smile:



Having said that, I really need to unload some "stuff".

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Trying over here....we've been telling the kids that for every new toy that comes in the house, one must leave. There is not enough room for all this stuff! Especially since the grandparents have started going to garage sales now.......I admit they find amazing stuff for ridiculous prices but we don't NEED it!! Why can't they find Saxon math or MCT materials? Why is it always toys?


Anyway, our DS10 got a little annoyed with the new rule today & asked when the rule would start to apply to me and all the Book Depository deliveries that are arriving on an almost daily basis :glare: Busted by my 10 year old.....

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I'm with ya...and I hear you loud and clear...copy that.


We are a family of 5 in 900 square feet (I thought I was the smallest house, but the 600 square feet apartment is pretty tight!). I have done lots of decluttering....but why does it never seem to really make a difference? I have basically paths through each room. Invite anyone over??? Forget it!!! A knock on the door?? PANIC ATTACK!!!! That's what's so sad to me....I can't even let the kids have anyone over. :sad:


It's a bit more crazy here this week with all the graduation food and party supplies all over the kitchen and living room. After this party this weekend....THAT'S IT!!!! I am going to super declutter each room. I can't tell you how many times I have gone to the grocery store and loaded up boxes (the apple boxes are the best!). Time to go there again and ask for more. They just look at me coming and know I want boxes again!


What I have noticed with me is that when my house is cluttered and a mess (it's not dirty....just overflowing!).....I can never take time to just sit and play a game with the kids or something like that. I feel like...I don't have time for that...the house is a wreck!! When I do have to do a super-clean-up (which usually involves boxing up stuff and sticking it in one of the kids rooms temporarily), when the inlaws come (2 times a year), I can't believe how wonderful it is....I feel I can sit and relax....play a card game....and I swear every.single.time. that it's going to stay.that.way.OR.ELSE!! :toetap05: But, it never happens. :crying:


I cut the clothes down to seven shirts that are seasonally appropriate plus one long sleeved shirt, and five shorts and two pants for each kid. Clothes that are not in season are in a storage bin with about the same amounts. I got rid of all the rest. I figured that there are kids in the world who only have one or two outfits, so mine would survive. This has made it a lot easier to get the clothes they do wear into their dressers since there is more room.



I like this idea. I'm going to seriously cosider something like this.

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YES! I'm right there with you! We've had 8 people in a small (1300 sq. ft) house for the last 3 1/2 years and the stuff has really been getting on my nerves! I am in the process of purging and flinging everything that isn't "nailed down"! I'm just tired of looking at it all! I really like the thought of having 4 pairs of clothes, 3 pans in the kitchen, 3 bath towels etc. Cleaning would be such a breeze...:D

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Yes! I have an enormous house with 3 people and I'm STILL sick of it. It's not that there isn't room for all the crud, it's just a ball and chain.


This. Our house is huge, there isn't stuff everywhere, but still, I know it's there.:glare: And it bothers me.


We don't have a ton of stuff but imo it far exceeds that which is necessary! It can make you start to feel claustrophobic!


Definitely feel the same way.


I have a large house but the clutter seems to just accumulate.

Everyone is out right now, and most of the next couple of days. Shhhh. Don't tell. They probably won't notice anything missing.


This is me, too. Where in the world does it all come from?! I prefer to declutter alone for the above reason! No one even notices the excess is gone. Well, except for DD4, who will, months later, request the toy that I gave away because she hadn't touched it in forever.:glare:


I'm currently reading 7 Layers of Organization, by Christopher Lowell. He says to go through each room with 2 black trash bags, one for give away and one for trash. There's no box or bag for "this goes somewhere else," or "I might need this someday." An average-sized room is supposed to take about a day. After the major decluttering comes the actual organization. I like his method, but I've yet to see whether I'll be able to put it into practice.;)

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The most impressive I have ever seen is 5 living in a "house bus." (the size of a bus, perhaps 250sq ft)


We are 4 in 600sq ft. We fit well because I have already gotten rid of it ALL when we moved. We have 2 door-width closets and 1 book shelf (floor to ceiling 6 ft wide). We have 2 dressers.


Just get rid of it. It takes you so much more time to move it around.


Clothing: 2 of everything except jackets (only 1) and undies (8).


Don't buy books. Go to the library.


Towels and sheets: 1 spare.


Kitchen items: 8 plates, 8 glasses etc. no gadgets.


Don't buy anything, and tell people to give you consumables (food, wine, soap, etc).


You will feel so good when it is gone.


Ruth in NZ

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We just moved so we did a major declutter. It took months and I couldn't believe how much stuff we got rid of. We donated SO MUCH STUFF. It was kind of horrifying. I'm trying to not bring as much in, but part of it is just that kids, especially when they are little, have such fast changing needs. I had many trash bags full of baby clothes that I got rid of. Many of them had been hand-me-downs from friends. We used them and outgrew them but I just hadn't gotten rid of them yet. We had a lot of out grown baby stuff to give away.

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I'm a minimilist to begin with, so I don't have a lot of stuff. But, I'm always amazed at how much I can find to give away.


Me too. I should have thought about that before having all these kids and getting all these pets. I had a private party when the last fish died and I could take the aquarium down. Shh! Don't tell anyone. ;)


KidsHappen - For us, with stuff like that that belongs to the kids - we have a place for it. THEY are responsible for putting their stuff into the correct places. I won't get rid of it if they can keep it neat.


Unfortunately, they have more stuff than space. One of them only has a 9X10 room and she is the pack rat. :glare:


Sports stuff- it all goes in the garage - shoes and equipment. That way, they don't track in dirt after a game. We get rid of outgrown stuff and stuff we just don't need/use anymore after each season.


Yep, all in the garage. I have a very large bin of just various balls - soccer balls, volley balls, four square balls, even a football I think. Four bikes, skates, skate boards, roller baldes, badmitton, crochet, tennis. There's more. My kids do love the sports.


Shoes - We have a couple of bins in the front closet. EVERYONE had better put their shoes in there. If I find your shoes around the house, you owe me $0.50.


Yep, bins by the front door, bins by the back door, bins by the garage, shelves in the closets. We just have a whole lot of feet here and I have one shoe hound.


Christmas Decorations - I have 3 boxes of stuff. They are in my basement in Rubbermaid boxes and each is labeled. I also have a box of "party" stuff - extra cloth napkins, wine glass markers, extra silverware, etc. This way everything has a place. That definitely helps with the clutter!


I have at least five boxes of Christmas, as many of Halloween, some Easter, some Thanksgiving some other stuff. One small attic dedicated to just seasonal and decorations. Personally, I don't like to decorate and as soon as the last kid leaves that stuff is out of here. We don't congregate here at the holidays anyhow. We go to my oldest dd's house. The last few years I told the kids that if they want to decorate, they have to do it themselves and put it away when they are done.


I have recently come to the conclusion that while Kids Happen they cause stuff to happen. ;)

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I'm probably not the best to comment as I tend to buy in bulk (cheaper). Its 3 of us in a 44 m2 (but I don't count the bathroom and the entrance hall since no-one actually spends that much time in any of these two places. I have some texts books which I am holding on until next year's used curricullum sale (to make a bit of money). When I went to the UK I bought tons of clothes from Primark for ds because they are a lot cheaper than in the Gulf and they actually fit ds' built. However:


I donated an old set of china we bought from an expat leaving, but the plates were square and huge, so I bought a smaller melamine set so ds can help set the table. I donate old toys and whatever clothes don't fit or don't use to the local charity shop. I also got into the habit of throwing bits and pieces because I used to keep them "in case I need them" (never could find the bits afterwards anyways!). What else? I get rid of things behind dh's back! :D He's never missed anything yet!

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Joining the clutter party!


:grouphug: to everyone dealing with this.


It drives me crazy too. We are 7 people living in 1200 poorly laid out sq ft. It's a raised ranch/split foyer/bi-level (whatever you call them!) so about 1000 sq feet upstairs and another 200 down is finished...we do have the rest of the downstairs for storage but it is a disaster. No garage, only .18 acre so hardly any space to run around. We are thinking of finishing off the rest of the basement for a bedroom but then we have no place to store stuff!!


I think having our son was *truly* the tipping point when I just couldn't take it here anymore. That necessitated him getting the small room (8x10) and my four DDs having to share the "big" room - LOL, it's only 9x11. That room is always a disaster. And my oldest two fight like cats and dogs. It's like always being stuck in a cage with them. :001_huh:


I've given away almost all that I can think of w/o harming the homeschooling experience - i.e. we probably have more books than the average American but my children learn oodles by picking a book off our shelves and reading it when the fancy strikes. With 5 kids 13 and under, the oldest being quite dyslexic and ADD, I need all the help teaching them stuff that I can get, lol! And I bet we have way fewer books than the average homeschooler! :lol:


I know I should be thankful for everything, and I am, but it's still HARD.

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We actually did hire a dumpster last fall---and filled the BIG one twice :-)


I hired a young lady (about 22) to help me. We went room by room and I had 3 tubs--1 for dump, 1 for donate and 1 for rehome to somewhere else in the house. I did the sorting/dejunking nad she emptied the bins, did the cleaning of the room, etc. It went SO much faster that way and since I was paying her I was HIGHLY motivated to stay on task and get it done.


We filled the dumpster twice, donated 12 HUGE black trash bags of stuff to our Great Giveaway (plus lots of other larger items), and even burned several batches of burnables. Sad thing is that we could do that again and still have too much stuff.

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One of my big problems is finding inexpensive creative storage.


Our house was built to be a vacation house, which means one closet is the laundry "room", one closet has been turned into a pantry/storage area, and then there are the two kids' bedroom closets (small-to-average), and the his/her closets in the master bedroom, which are also used for storage, in addition to our clothes.

We have no garage, no attic, and no real basement (stone-floored crawlspace holds lawn tools and bikes in the winter.) PLUS, it's an open floor plan with lots of windows, so we don't even have much wall space to speak of!


Oh, and we crate our two large dogs, so they take up a good amount of space in our loft.


We've tried so many "systems" in the past 6 years (in which 2 more surprise kids "moved in", lol), and none of them have worked well. It's incredibly frustrating.


We need to have less stuff, and I am working on that. But even a small amount of stuff times 7 seems like too much in +/-1100sf.


I am seriously considering saving up to get a big shed to turn into a school room. It wouldn't completely solve anything, but it sounds awfully dreamy!

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Wow! I'm amazed at the families living in smallers spaces then my own! I thought I had it bad. It's changed my perspective a bit! I've been reading Simplicity Parenting, it has really motivated me A LOT! Although I think it's added to my stress a bit! :lol: I highly recommended it. There is just so much overload that it gets overwhelming. I really don't think material possessions equal blessings. Sometimes I think the people with just enough to meet their basic needs are the ones who are truely blessed!

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