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Kids and adults yelling at my dog when he barks at them makes him bark more.

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So I have this dog who thinks he is the head of Homeland Security.


When he is in the house and dogs walk down our sidewalk, he barks at them until they are out of his sight. Same thing if he is in the driveway behind a fence. If the dogs (and their walkers) keep moving, it lasts about 5 seconds.


If adults or quiet kids walk down the street, he doesn't bark.


If kids are yelling or rough-housing or if they stop and rough-house on our lawn, he barks until they move on.


What I don't understand is when people literally stop in front of our house and yell at our dog, especially when he is in the house. They can see our dog in the window. Why in the world would they do that? He's not going to stop b/c random people are yelling at him! Why would people walking their dogs yell at another dog? Our dog is usually in the house (or in our driveway.) I just don't get it.




There are some kids who have decided to just start yelling at him in the morning when they walk past the house to go to school.


"Hey! Hey you! Stupid dog! Shut up! Shut up! Dumb dog! Shut up!"



(If a cat comes near our house, it is Threat-Level Midnight. The dog sounds like he is seriously going to choke b/c his bark is so strangled and high pitched.)

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We have neighbors behind us with a black lab who barks at my kids whenever they are in the back yard. My daughter (age 4) loves dogs and feels the need to talk to the dog and my son (age 8) likes animals too, but he starts yelling at it, in a playful way, to stop barking. I've tried and tried to convince them that the dog will probably stop barking if they just continue to play and don't acknowledge her barking, but so far they haven't been convinced.:glare:

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Kids and dogs are weird.


I can see them yelling at him when he's outside, because it's really annoying to have a dog barking at you, and I can see a bunch of kids yelling for the dog to stop.


But when he's in the house? :confused:


It reminds me of a kid I know who was bit by the next door neighbor's dog, and now whenever he sees the dog on its chain, will taunt the dog. His mom tells him, "Son, every time you taunt that dog you make it believe it's even more of an enemy to you." But the son keeps taunting.


And when I was a kid, we had a dog that barked itself into apoplexy (practically) every time kids walked past the house. This caused the kids to taunt and torment my dog, who ended up hating EVERYONE except my family and we had to lock him away whenever there were guests or he'd lunge for them. (He was a Jack Russell and they're high strung enough as it is.)



Kids are strange around dogs. I don't know how dogs ever became man's best friend, the way kids taunt them.

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Just so you know you are not alone, there are clueless folks everywhere. I talk to the clueless people. It amuses me.


My dog barks at anyone or anything on our lawn. I usually go out on the porch to see what's what. Yesterday's conversation went like this:


Man with dog: "Wow, your dog is really loud."

Me: "And your dog is standing on her lawn."

Man: "Oh." And he pulls his dog back to the sidewalk.


My dog shuts up.


Me: "Thank you. I can't stand when she's loud either." :) (When what I really want to do is give him the L on the forehead sign....)


And serious :grouphug: for that mix of dog. Sounds like a challenge.

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I have a yappy little security system myself. Kids, other dogs, cats, the occasional squirrel, etc. sets her into high alert. The kids around here like to taunt and yell at her too, which really doesn't help me fix her fearful behavior (this dog was a rescue and wasn't properly socialized as a pup). I have been known to stick my head out our door and tell the kids to move along and leave the dog alone. I've never had adults yell at her though. You'd think that an adult would know better. :glare: Yelling at a barking dog just escalates the barking.


The kids in our neighborhood just don't know any better. I don't think any of them have dogs at home. These are the same kids who have wanted to pet our dogs when we're out and about and get right in my dogs' faces. My dogs are pretty well trained, but a stranger getting into a dog's face, no matter how well trained the dog is, is just a recipe for getting snapped at or bit. I try to teach them how to behave around dogs, but I get attitude. It also doesn't help that we live in an apartment complex and the population is pretty transient, so it always seems like it's a new batch of kids.


I know he's going to bark (he's a Russel mix after all), but have you tried redirecting the behavior? Distracting him a bit? Is there a way to get his attention so that you can give him something else to do? There's only one thing I've found that distracts my Papillon from a high alert barking jag. I have to go up to her and very gently guide her head so that she's looking at me. Then I very firmly tell her quiet, make her sit, lie down and stay. After a little bit of quiet time she gets to roll over and get a belly rub (this dog's currency is belly rubs, my corgi prefers food). This has really helped us get the barking under control. She still barks and she'll always be the stereotypical little yippy dog, but now I can get her attention and not lose my sanity due to a dog that goes into high alert every time something moves within a two mile radius (did I mention we live in a pretty high traffic area? :tongue_smilie:).

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Just so you know you are not alone, there are clueless folks everywhere. I talk to the clueless people. It amuses me.


My dog barks at anyone or anything on our lawn. I usually go out on the porch to see what's what. Yesterday's conversation went like this:


Man with dog: "Wow, your dog is really loud."

Me: "And your dog is standing on her lawn."

Man: "Oh." And he pulls his dog back to the sidewalk.


My dog shuts up.


Me: "Thank you. I can't stand when she's loud either." :) (When what I really want to do is give him the L on the forehead sign....)




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People are weird.


Is there any way to prevent the dog from seeing the people going by for a few days? I know it's not the poor doggies fault, but sometimes, when kids get into the habit of doing something stupid like that, the easiest remedy is to take whatever the cue is that makes them do the dumb thing away.


Or you, yourself could go out there and yell at them...actually, that's what I would do...I'd go out and ask them what their problem was, politely ask them to stop, and if that didn't work, I'd yell at them.

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:lol: Our dogs do the same thing. Heaven forbide a bird lands in our yard. My Lab takes serious offense to that. My Lhasa cannot stand it if the farmers just north of our house are on the tractor. Seriously Lhasa? You're going to take on that tractor? Let me know how that turns out for you.:glare:


When we lived in town, our Lab would bark at anyone walking on our side of the street. I would just hold her and tel her it was ok. After a while ( a loooong while) she would only bark once or twice. Much more tolerable.


Sigh. Sorry you have to deal with stupid people.

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I don't understand it either. I've had the same thing happen to me. I'll have people walk their pint-sized kick-me dogs (on the same bark-threat level as cats in their opinion) and let it take a dump right in front of our house, then slowly, slowly pick it up, the whole time glaring at my dogs for barking. Hmmmm....how about dragging your dog past our house to do his business? We live on the curviest part of our cul-de-sac, so there is really only a very short section of street my dogs can see. And it's the same people every, single, day doing this. You'd think they'd learn. The big-dog owners on my street get it. Most of their dogs are friends with my dogs, and when my dogs see them, they're barking because they want to play. They'll hurry on by with a, "Leave it!," and I do the same thing when I walk by their houses and their dogs are barking like crazy.


Oh, and I have had both kids and adults yell at my dogs. I had one teen a couple years ago (he's a neighbor, and I really don't think he's right in the head. If there was a school shooting at our local high school, I would bet money he'd be involved) stand on the street outside my fence twirling large sticks and then pointing them at the dogs in a menacing way, which is going to set any dog off, let along a shepherd and the shepherd mix I had at the time. I had to go out there and yell at the moron.

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(If a cat comes near our house, it is Threat-Level Midnight. The dog sounds like he is seriously going to choke b/c his bark is so strangled and high pitched.)
I'm glad I don't live near you. This and the other behaviour you describe would be a horrible thing to be subjected to on a regular basis. I'd probably be yelling too, out of frustration.
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Agreed. I'm sorry people are yelling at your dog, but that sounds awful to live around.

We have 4 dogs in the house behind us (adjacent to our yard), and they bark and wail every single time a trash truck or a train goes by (so several times a day). They are always in the house, but the beagles wail is so loud that I have to shut all my windows until they stop. Usually it lasts 10 minutes or so. They also bark and wail when we are out on our porch swing. Trust me, if I thought for a second it would do any good, I'd be screaming at them all the time.

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I'm glad I don't live near you. This and the other behaviour you describe would be a horrible thing to be subjected to on a regular basis. I'd probably be yelling too, out of frustration.


I'm glad you don't live near me either. :lol:


If my dog barking for 5 seconds a few times a day would have you yelling...

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Agreed. I'm sorry people are yelling at your dog, but that sounds awful to live around.

We have 4 dogs in the house behind us (adjacent to our yard), and they bark and wail every single time a trash truck or a train goes by (so several times a day). They are always in the house, but the beagles wail is so loud that I have to shut all my windows until they stop. Usually it lasts 10 minutes or so. They also bark and wail when we are out on our porch swing. Trust me, if I thought for a second it would do any good, I'd be screaming at them all the time.


Like I wrote in the first post, it is about 5 seconds a few times a day.


Not 10 minutes. Not 4 dogs. Not when someone is sitting on a porch swing.



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Oh, what also gets me, is if my dogs start barking their heads off, I try to bring them right in so I don't disturb the neighbors. That's hard to do when kids from down the street decide to play ball right in front of my house (how about moving down the street in front of your OWN house to do that?). The dogs are strong, and there's too much of a chance if I open the gate to go in to leash them so I can bring them in that one of them will slip out. It's not that one of these dogs would hurt anyone (the mix who passed away had bitten people in the past, but the puppy and the 11 year-old are friendly) but anyone would be scared to see one or 2 big shepherds running at them full-tilt, and if they ran away, my dogs would chase them. It's just instinct. If you don't want my dogs to bark while you're playing, don't play in front of our house. Play down the street. Play at the community playground one street over. Play in your own, large yard (oh, that's right -- your parents don't want to deal with you.) Drives me nuts. I try to be a good dog neighbor, but not everyone makes that easy.

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I'm glad you don't live near me either. :lol


If my dog barking for 5 seconds a few times a day would have you yelling...[/QUOtE]


I'm only going by your description of the situation, and it sounds like more than "a few times a day." Have you asked your neighbors what they think? If they're fine, then there's obviously no problem.

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I don't understand it either. I've had the same thing happen to me. I'll have people walk their pint-sized kick-me dogs (on the same bark-threat level as cats in their opinion) and let it take a dump right in front of our house, then slowly, slowly pick it up, the whole time glaring at my dogs for barking. Hmmmm....how about dragging your dog past our house to do his business? We live on the curviest part of our cul-de-sac, so there is really only a very short section of street my dogs can see. And it's the same people every, single, day doing this. You'd think they'd learn. The big-dog owners on my street get it. Most of their dogs are friends with my dogs, and when my dogs see them, they're barking because they want to play. They'll hurry on by with a, "Leave it!," and I do the same thing when I walk by their houses and their dogs are barking like crazy.


Oh, and I have had both kids and adults yell at my dogs. I had one teen a couple years ago (he's a neighbor, and I really don't think he's right in the head. If there was a school shooting at our local high school, I would bet money he'd be involved) stand on the street outside my fence twirling large sticks and then pointing them at the dogs in a menacing way, which is going to set any dog off, let along a shepherd and the shepherd mix I had at the time. I had to go out there and yell at the moron.


That is why the walkers are stopped in front of the house...because their dogs are pooping on the lawn. So why look at my dog, in my house and yell at him for barking?

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I'm only going by your description of the situation, and it sounds like more than "a few times a day." Have you asked your neighbors what they think? If they're fine, then there's obviously no problem.




Read into my original post however many times you think I meant. It is a few times a day.


I truly think that your first sentence "I'm glad I don't live near you" says what I need to know about your opinion.


I don't mean that to sound snarky but saying something like "I'm glad I don't live near you" doesn't lead me to believe that I can say anything to placate you. Not that I need to.


Have a great day!

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Read into my original post however many times you think I meant. It is a few times a day.


I truly think that your first sentence "I'm glad I don't live near you" says what I need to know about your opinion.


I don't mean that to sound snarky but saying something like "I'm glad I don't live near you" doesn't lead me to believe that I can say anything to placate you. Not that I need to.


Have a great day!

How about, "I'm glad I don't live near your dog based on my interpretation of your post?" I'm not asking for placating, because I'm not in need of it.:001_smile:
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And for those of you who are glad you don't live near me (that is so funny! :lol:) our block has at least a dozen dogs in it and I'd estimate 80% of them do the same thing my dog does (barks at other dogs as they walk down the street) because they do it when I walk my dog down the street.


So PM me and I'll tell you where not to move! :lol:


ETA: The funniest house is the one that has 2 very large shepherd mixes and a very small pug-type mix. The shepherds go bananas and the pug just stares. I think the pug must be the boss.

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Kids and dogs are weird.




:iagree: :lol::lol:



I only yell at a dog if it charges at me while I'm walking my "pint-sized kick-me" dog! :D (loved that description! :lol:)


I never yell just because they are barking. I just try to move quickly by. But I live in a neighboorhood where some people leave their big dogs off leash and they are no where around to call off their dog. Sometimes, when me and my little chicken-dog are walking by, one of these big dogs will bark and charge at us. It really freaks me out. That's when I stamp my foot and yell at the dog to "go home." (and hope he doesn't call my bluff! I'm a big chicken too! Really! Shaking in my boots/slippers!) :tongue_smilie:

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And for those of you who are glad you don't live near me (that is so funny! :lol:) our block has at least a dozen dogs in it and I'd estimate 80% of them do the same thing my dog does (barks at other dogs as they walk down the street) because they do it when I walk my dog down the street.


So PM me and I'll tell you where not to move! :lol:


We live in the suburbs and there are tons of dogs. We have a lab who is mortally offended by my neighbor's free range cats. The cats aren't legally allowed to be free range, but she's a nice-ish neighbor so we overlook it.


The people behind us have 3 or 4 dogs that they leave out for hours and cause my dog to bark because they keep up a stream of yappiness all day. We overlook it because the owner is nice and recently had major head surgery. Her girlfriend is a twit though. If it was just the gf we wouldn't overlook it. :lol:


And so on. It's life in the suburbs. Dogs bark, particularly when other dogs walk down the street and in front of their yards. What has worked somewhat....every time our lab is in the backyard and barks excessively, she's called in. We used to crate whenever there was excessive barking, but that only worked to a point. I thought about getting a bark collar, but she's a great watch dog for real issues. Physically pulling her away from the window, holding her to the ground, and calmly saying, "quiet" or "no barking" is helping.


Other than that? She's a 3 year old lab, we're hoping her brain grows in soon. :D

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:iagree: :lol::lol:



I only yell at a dog if it charges at me while I'm walking my "pint-sized kick-me" dog! :D (loved that description! :lol:)



:lol::lol::lol: BTW, no offense meant by my, "pint-sized, kick-me dogs" comment. I love little dogs and would get a yorkie or a papillion in a heartbeat if DH would let me. He doesn't consider anything smaller than a beagle a "real dog." You should see the looks he gives my brother's dog -- a little Chinese Crested. If you don't know what they look like, one usually wins the ugliest dog contest. Mostly bald with tufts of hair, and most of them eventually lose a bunch of teeth so their tongues hang out of their mouths. I adore the little guy, but DH has nothing for disdain for my furry (not furry, but maybe tufty?) nephew.

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We live in the suburbs and there are tons of dogs. We have a lab who is mortally offended by my neighbor's free range cats. The cats aren't legally allowed to be free range, but she's a nice-ish neighbor so we overlook it.


The people behind us have 3 or 4 dogs that they leave out for hours and cause my dog to bark because they keep up a stream of yappiness all day. We overlook it because the owner is nice and recently had major head surgery. Her girlfriend is a twit though. If it was just the gf we wouldn't overlook it. :lol:


And so on. It's life in the suburbs. Dogs bark, particularly when other dogs walk down the street and in front of their yards. What has worked somewhat....every time our lab is in the backyard and barks excessively, she's called in. We used to crate whenever there was excessive barking, but that only worked to a point. I thought about getting a bark collar, but she's a great watch dog for real issues. Physically pulling her away from the window, holding her to the ground, and calmly saying, "quiet" or "no barking" is helping.


Other than that? She's a 3 year old lab, we're hoping her brain grows in soon. :D


That's funny. I had a lab for almost 14 years. He was my Very Good Boy.

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I should add:


I wish I could stop him from barking (so much!) when people walk in front of our house. One or two barks would be fine.


He is a Jack Russell mix. His pregnant JR mom was dropped off at a rescue. His dad was probably a beagle.



There are training methods (sane, non-violent ones) you can try to train him not to bark. It does take a good deal of time, consistency and patience, but it can be done. The Dog Whisperer book has some good advice on that. Or, you could google (I just did that) and it comes up with many suggestions. You have to wade through the garbage/mean ones a little bit, but there are some good suggestions out there, too.

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People are stupid. Yelling at a dog is basically the same thing as barking at it. Of course it is going to bark all the more. We have tons of dogs in our neighborhood (mostly hunting dogs), and we have 4 of our own. If you just keep walking, they shut up a lot faster. Besides which, dogs are supposed to bark if strangers are near their property and their people. That is one of the main reasons we always have dogs.

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That's when I stamp my foot and yell at the dog to "go home." (and hope he doesn't call my bluff! I'm a big chicken too! Really! Shaking in my boots/slippers!) :tongue_smilie:


Justified, and sensible yelling. :)


And I'm all for good, sensible yelling. Just ask my children. ;)

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There are training methods (sane, non-violent ones) you can try to train him not to bark. It does take a good deal of time, consistency and patience, but it can be done. The Dog Whisperer book has some good advice on that. Or, you could google (I just did that) and it comes up with many suggestions. You have to wade through the garbage/mean ones a little bit, but there are some good suggestions out there, too.


We've tried closing the curtains and redirecting him. I think we (the entire family) needs to decide on a strategy and stick with it.


Thanks. I really like the lady from It's Me or the Dog. I can't believe what she can accomplish!

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Sorry for the sort-of hi-jack, but I just have to tell you this story!


I used to walk very regularly, like almost everyday. There is this house on the route with a beautiful yard with a little pond and a bridge over it. When I frist started walking with my border collie and cow dog, we were surprised by 3 little dogs barking when we walked by. They were short haired, little dark brown dogs. The next day when we walked by, I was looking for these little guys, because they were really going to eat us the day before, lol! Much to my surprise, 3 boxers lunged at the fence and started barking at us! These people owned 6 dogs. My neighbor and I joke that they really only own 3 dogs and shrink or enlarge them as needed! :lol: It's the funniest thing I've encountered on a walk yet.


We walk across the street from these dogs so as not to entice them and my dogs didn't bark back. I even was able to get them to walk past without looking at those other dogs. OTOH, I can't figure why those people want such a beautiful yard, but then don't put a privacy fence around it. They live on the corner going into an affluent neighborhood. I'd want privacy back there, anyways.

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Sorry for the sort-of hi-jack, but I just have to tell you this story!


I used to walk very regularly, like almost everyday. There is this house on the route with a beautiful yard with a little pond and a bridge over it. When I frist started walking with my border collie and cow dog, we were surprised by 3 little dogs barking when we walked by. They were short haired, little dark brown dogs. The next day when we walked by, I was looking for these little guys, because they were really going to eat us the day before, lol! Much to my surprise, 3 boxers lunged at the fence and started barking at us! These people owned 6 dogs. My neighbor and I joke that they really only own 3 dogs and shrink or enlarge them as needed! :lol: It's the funniest thing I've encountered on a walk yet.


We walk across the street from these dogs so as not to entice them and my dogs didn't bark back. I even was able to get them to walk past without looking at those other dogs. OTOH, I can't figure why those people want such a beautiful yard, but then don't put a privacy fence around it. They live on the corner going into an affluent neighborhood. I'd want privacy back there, anyways.


That is funny! My son and I would have said something like that to explain it, too.

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There are training methods (sane, non-violent ones) you can try to train him not to bark. It does take a good deal of time, consistency and patience, but it can be done. The Dog Whisperer book has some good advice on that. Or, you could google (I just did that) and it comes up with many suggestions. You have to wade through the garbage/mean ones a little bit, but there are some good suggestions out there, too.


We have a "mutt" that barks at the window or outside when others drive by, walk by or come to the house. Our front yard fences the dogs out so people can come to the door unaccosted. She gets everyone else barking, but she's the culprit. Apparently, when we were gone once, one of our neighbors came down and threw a shovel at her when she didn't quit barking after he told her to. Every time he comes over she barks, hides and then barks from her hiding place. She absolutely hates this man.


What I've started doing is telling her to be quiet when she starts barking. If she doesn't (and she doesn't) I then tell her to come to me. At first she didn't and I'd go and stand over here. I'd tell her "no barking". If she went any length of time without barking I'd pet her and tell her "good girl". Now she comes when I call. I still have to be right on top of her telling her not to bark and praising her when she doesn't. She's better now and will quit barking and come to me when she's in the yard. It's a ton of work though. it's like Cesar Millan says, you can't just have a dog, expect it to behave and not work with it. I'm paraphrasing. lol Oh, and I'm not saying OP isn't working with her dog.

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There are training methods (sane, non-violent ones) you can try to train him not to bark. It does take a good deal of time, consistency and patience, but it can be done. The Dog Whisperer book has some good advice on that. Or, you could google (I just did that) and it comes up with many suggestions. You have to wade through the garbage/mean ones a little bit, but there are some good suggestions out there, too.


I was going to suggest this, too. I know some people don't care for him, but I think the Dog Whisperer/Cesar Milan is awesome!


My adults dds have a Jack Russell and Cesar's methods have worked beautifully with him. He is so well behaved - people with other JRs are amazed when they see how obedient their JR is. He really is a pleasure to be around.


Anyway, just a thought to throw out there for you.

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I can't imagine yelling at someone's dog when it is in their house. :confused:


I yell at the neighbor's dogs every once in a while, but they are out back, and they never shut up (and bark for no reason.) Sometimes they will quiet down, but it's more to let the neighbor know that his dogs bug me. :D

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Your dog is a cutie! We have one neighbor with 2 dogs that bark their heads off whenever anyone walks by on the street. It's annoying, but I just cross the street and walk fast. I bet it is much more annoying for them inside the house listening to it. Fortunately my dog doesn't bark back at them! If these people asked me for advice, which they of course haven't, I would suggest that they stop staking their dogs in the font yard (seriously, this is a nice neighborhood!) and train them not to bark.


In your case, I would probably go out and talk to the obnoxious kids and say hey, we're trying to train the dog not to bark, but you are making it worse by yelling at him. So please knock it off! And then continue with your plan of consistently working on the barking.

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Here is the Head of Homeland Security himself:


Oh, he's beautiful!


For what it's worth, what you're describing your dog doing wouldn't bother me a hoot. I have a dog. She barks. It's what they do. She doesn't bark often or a lot, but she certainly does bark if she perceives someone as trespassing on her territory.


I'm much more bothered by neighbors who play music loudly (especially if it's music I dislike) or have parties late at night or drive too quickly in the neighborhood or those kinds of things. Those are entirely preventable.


Of course your dog barks more when people yell at him. Idiots.

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Your dog wouldn't bother me a bit, :) nor would I expect you to train him more. It sounds like he is doing what dogs are supposed to do- protect you! We live in a neighborhood where EVERYONE has dogs. They all bark when we walk in front of their yard on our way to the park. The only dog that annoys me is the neighbor's dog directly next to us. He barks the. whole. time my kids play in our own backyard.

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Just so you know you are not alone, there are clueless folks everywhere. I talk to the clueless people. It amuses me.


My dog barks at anyone or anything on our lawn. I usually go out on the porch to see what's what. Yesterday's conversation went like this:


Man with dog: "Wow, your dog is really loud."

Me: "And your dog is standing on her lawn."

Man: "Oh." And he pulls his dog back to the sidewalk.


My dog shuts up.


Me: "Thank you. I can't stand when she's loud either." :) (When what I really want to do is give him the L on the forehead sign....)


And serious :grouphug: for that mix of dog. Sounds like a challenge.


HAHA!!! Love it. :lol::lol:

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I've got a dog like that, too. She's lab/pekingese. (no, I have no idea how that happens) She thinks she owns the world. Doesn't make a peep if she's out walking and other dogs bark at her, but if she can see anyone from her own yard she won't shut up.


I remember reading years ago to tell them "good boy/girl" when they do it and then change their mind. They are barking because they're guarding you, so let them know you heard them, they did a good job and then they'll move it. It actually works amazingly well!


Yeah, you sit out here and watch the kids and adults who yell at my dog (I do make her come in the second she starts barking) and it's a great motivation to homeschool. I've even had people bark back at her. Some smart cookies in my town, let me tell ya!

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Unsinkable- Your little Homeland Security Chief is adorable! I am in complete agreement with a PP who said that yelling at dogs is just like barking back at them. He's just trying to be polite and keep the "conversation" going!:D


I tell ya' what! Why don't I move in next to you? After 16 years of being in a multi-dog household, I am quite capable of tuning out background noise (read: barking dogs.) Actually, I like it when the neighborhood dogs bark. To me, they are the eyes and ears that keep our street safe. If you listen closely, you can tell the difference between an "OMG! Squirrel!" bark and a "Something's wrong here" bark. When I hear the latter- especially from the GSD down the street- I pay attention.


When my 3 get too noisy (for instance, when I go to answer the doorbell,) I have found that holding a cap gun in the air as if I'm about to fire usually gets them to take off quietly for another room. I did have to fire it once or twice in the beginning, just to get the idea across that whenever I hold up this cap gun, I mean business! But now all I have to do is hold it high in the air, and occasionally say, "BANG!" In fact, there have been times that I couldn't get to the cap gun, and had to stick my thumb and finger in the air. Works like a charm!

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I've got a dog like that, too. She's lab/pekingese. (no, I have no idea how that happens) She thinks she owns the world. Doesn't make a peep if she's out walking and other dogs bark at her, but if she can see anyone from her own yard she won't shut up.


I remember reading years ago to tell them "good boy/girl" when they do it and then change their mind. They are barking because they're guarding you, so let them know you heard them, they did a good job and then they'll move it. It actually works amazingly well!


Yeah, you sit out here and watch the kids and adults who yell at my dog (I do make her come in the second she starts barking) and it's a great motivation to homeschool. I've even had people bark back at her. Some smart cookies in my town, let me tell ya!


I'd love to see a picture of her.

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Thanks for everyone telling me how cute he is and the advice.


I love all the dog stories, too. It is funny what makes dogs bark. I don't think Patch even notices squirrels! And yet some dogs go nutso about them. He doesn't seem to notice birds either.


Once, my brother's Lab caught a Canadian goose and brought it to the back door of his house! DB made him drop it and it ran off then flew away. Unbelievable! We figure it must have already been hurt or something for his dog to be able to catch it.

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Awww, he is cute. You must live near me. ;) Seems like every 3rd house or so has a window/yard barker. Or two. Or three. Mine does it too to some degree. She's also a beagle mix. My neighbors don't yell at my dog, but call to her and cutesy talk her, which gets her more wound up. :glare: At least with them it's friendly greeting barking. There is a small dog that gets walked across the street multiple times a day. That dog barks at mine if she's out, but oddly, my girl doesn't bark back.

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