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I have a confession to make...

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Me too. :D



I judge by content. The prettiest book on the shelf is garbage if the content is nothing but twaddle. Conversely, the ugliest book on the shelf is a treasure if the content is a joy to experience.


When choosing from the thousands of books on a store's shelves that one hasn't read, how would one choose by content?

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I sooooooooo do not know how to take that! :confused: Obviously, I am choosing not to judge this thread by it's cover. ;)


LOL, I'm actually talking about books! I'm drawn to the cover first, content second. If I buy a book with a cover I hate I will often allow it to languish and avoid picking it up. Dumb, but there you have it.

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yeah, me too. Also by their titles. I hate that I do this, though. There are books I have read as an adult that I passed over for so long earlier in life because The cover/title just didn't do it for me. And they turn out to be amazing books. Enter my kindle. One reason I love it is because I can read a book non judgmentally. I'm not stressed because of how thick it is, or by any expectations based on the cover artwork or anything. It's been a very good experience.

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Me, too! I'm going through the Outlander series and all of the covers so far look like this (which I like).



So I go to pick up Voyager (#3) from the library and its cover is this:



Yuck! When dh saw the cover, I got an eyebrow raise. I had to swear that it wasn't as terrible as the cover seemed!

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Sometimes you have to read the TOC, the first few pages, some pages in the middle and the last few to get a better idea of whether the book is worth purchasing.


Yes. I will admit that while I do judge covers (NO movie tie-in covers, thankyouverymuch), I most often choose a book based on reviews or comments by friends and family.

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Ha. For a second I thought this was going to be a discussion about Victoria's Secret or some other type of fancy book covers. :lol:






I hadn't read the OP's signature when I replied, so I didn't realize *he* may be talking about booK covers, not book covers. :)

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