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Did your baby "drop" before birth?

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I've never known the baby has dropped. I don't know if I'm just oblivious or if it always happens during labor or what the difference is, but I've never been able to pinpoint even one pregnancy and say, "Wow! The baby has definitely dropped."


Last night, later in the evening, I am telling you this baby dropped. It's like waddling with a bowling ball between the knees. The difference between yesterday and today is UNbelievable.


I am feeling VERY motivated to get everything done all of a sudden, lol.

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None of my 4 did. In fact, I was pushing from a +2 or some such with both Littles. The nurse w/Tazzie had me push 'just to see', and then freaked, "Stop! Stop!" and ran for the Dr. Dr took one look and gave her crap, saying I'd be hrs yet. She told me to push. He then yelled, "Stop! Stop!" while frantically gowning and gloving up. :lol:

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I've never known the baby has dropped. I don't know if I'm just oblivious or if it always happens during labor or what the difference is, but I've never been able to pinpoint even one pregnancy and say, "Wow! The baby has definitely dropped."


Last night, later in the evening, I am telling you this baby dropped. It's like waddling with a bowling ball between the knees. The difference between yesterday and today is UNbelievable.


I am feeling VERY motivated to get everything done all of a sudden, lol.


Yep, every single one of my babies dropped WEEKS before birth... and then kept dropping. :glare: I think the dropping varies woman to woman. I have friends whose babies never dropped.



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Sometimes they drop weeks before.

Sometimes they drop seconds before.

Sometimes it seemed they didn't drop, which likely means they had been in a dropped position for some time already and I was just used to it.

Sometimes they don't. 2 of mine were not head down and couldn't drop bc of that.

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my babies all dropped. I am fairly tall though, so there is plenty of space in my pelvis for that. It was amazing though that I could breathe more easily for the first time in weeks.


I also walk around dilated to 2 and 3 cm in most of my last trimester.


Yes, that is usually the deal with me too. Suddenly I can breathe again!


And yes, I have walked around dilated up to 7 for weeks with several of mine too. It freaks other people out.:tongue_smilie:

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My first did....and she dropped at 30 weeks!!! I went to the doctor that week and I said "Umm...it feels like baby is really low." She did an internal check and said "Baby's head is RIGHT there!" So I walked around for 10 weeks feeling like something (someone) was falling out!


My second baby did not drop.

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We've been battling preterm labor this last week. I have a cerclage in place and we're trying NOT to remove it. After an episode of contracting and bleeding last week, I was feeling so calm and just wonderful this weekend. :) The steroids went on board last week (two doses) for her lungs and we hit 34 weeks on Saturday so we're feeling good. Obviously not *quite* as good as if we were 36 weeks but this is still a very pleasant place to be at. Contracted a lot last night with a lot of pressure and I'm spotting a little again this morning, but not a huge amount so I can be pretty sure that stitch is still in place.


But this whole dropping thing - ALL new to me!

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My son did not, though everyone who looked at me swore that he must have. Problem is, since he was tilted in the opposite direction, I carried way, way forward, so it *looked* like he was lower than he actually was. People were amazed that I wasn't waddling.


My daughter did drop, months early. She then proceeded to sit on my sciatic nerve for the remainder of the pregnancy. By the time she was born, I was lucky to walk anywhere. :lol:

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Only my first one - it wasn't so much of a "drop" as a "deep settling." I had hip pain, I was waddling and I was in the bathroom every 5 minutes. I swear, my bladder was the size of a thimble.


With the other two, I don't really remember the baby being as low - or maybe I was just more used to that feeling that it wasn't as uncomfortable.

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I've never known the baby has dropped. I don't know if I'm just oblivious or if it always happens during labor or what the difference is, but I've never been able to pinpoint even one pregnancy and say, "Wow! The baby has definitely dropped."


Last night, later in the evening, I am telling you this baby dropped. It's like waddling with a bowling ball between the knees. The difference between yesterday and today is UNbelievable.


I am feeling VERY motivated to get everything done all of a sudden, lol.

Dd7 came 4 weeks early, so I don't think she dropped. I certainly didn't feel anything until my water broke. It didn't feel any different between then and when she was born (baby-dropping-wise, that is).


Dd5 was born 1 week early, induced, and it didn't feel like she dropped, either.

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I also walk around dilated to 2 and 3 cm in most of my last trimester.


And yes, I have walked around dilated up to 7 for weeks with several of mine too. It freaks other people out.:tongue_smilie:

With dd5, I was dilated 2 cm and 60% 3 weeks before her due date. 2 weeks before I was at 3 cm and (maybe?) 70%.

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My son dropped about three weeks before he was born. I could definitely tell, because all of the sudden I could breath easily again, and I was in the bathroom constantly. My daughter (second baby) didn't drop until the last minute. The nurse told me I was at ten, but would probably push for a long time because she was so high. She was actually born about ten minutes later after only one push.

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LOL, I was like that with my first. I even described it the same way--walking around a bowling ball. I could feel her little head every time I walked. I had no stretch marks until she dropped, but it happened so quickly it was like getting a run in nylons. Several runs. :glare:


Can't wait to hear about your new arrival!



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With Rebecca, I carried her so low that I have no idea if she ever dropped. Seriously, she never kicked me in the ribs. Ever. She was a low, low baby.


With Sylvia, I only made it to 36 weeks, and that last month was spent in a hospital bed. So I don't think she ever dropped. Plus, she was transverse up to a week/few days before the C-section! :001_huh:

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My first baby definitely did not drop. I carried him high until my water broke, nothing happened and they had to induce. My second baby definitely dropped. I felt it happen the night before I went into labor. I made my DH check to make sure it wasn't crowning. My third baby dropped about 2 months before I went into labor and I was already on bedrest. It was miserable. I hope that your baby comes soon!!!!!!

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I don't think this last one did drop much. But the other three did. Does she have a name yet? :D


Bwa Ha Ha. :D Um, no. Actually we just checked into how much time we have to settle on a name after birth, apparently we have a grace period of another twelve months. This one is coming home without a name, I'm fairly certain. But I also am sure we can get it figured out in less than a year. Well, pretty sure.


It doesn't mean anything other than the baby has settled down into your pelvis.

It can mean labor is soon but not always.


Oh, no, that I knew. ;) I just think it's fascinating that this hasn't ever happened to me and this time it has. It's so odd to be very differently pregnant today than yesterday. Every bit of her is in a different location I think. The sensations and movements are so much lower, the pressure from walking is entirely different. It's just amazing to me!

Edited by BlsdMama
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My niece "dropped" ten minutes before she was born after hours of labor. She went into natural labor at 41 weeks. Good thing my SIL had a homebirth with a midwife-at that time (13 years ago) OBs usually scheduled c-sections or inductions for babies that didn't drop by their due dates or when they went into labor.

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My babies didn't really drop late in labor (babies 2 - 4, anyway). Then they shot out like a horse in a race.:lol: The doctor missed my last birth because the nurse refused to call her since the baby "was still very high up". She was born 10 minutes later.

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So far, none of mine have dropped before labor at all. In fact, obviously DD must have dropped, but I didn't really notice it, probably because by the end of labor with her, I wasn't walking around much. I distinctly remember, though, with DS1 that when I went to walk upstairs after several hours of labor, I had the "bowling ball between the legs" feeling for the first time ever and thought that was kind of cool, to have something be new, even though it was the second labor.


However, I apparently carry ridiculously low. Every. Single. Pregnancy. Someone has said, "oh, you've definitely dropped -- you'll never make it to your due date." So far, every single time, I've gone at least five days past my due date, and they're nowhere near engaged before labor. I've started hearing it already this pregnancy, and I'm only 33.5 weeks. While it would be a pleasant surprise to be done in 4 or 5 weeks, I'm not expecting the baby to appear for another 7 weeks.

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I've only had one full-term pregnancy. Ds certainly did drop several weeks before birth. He was breech (and low) for awhile, but after being turned over at 37 weeks, he stayed low in his new position. It was rather uncomfortable, I suppose, but it was my first time, so I didn't have anything to compare it to. Although I did have friends who were pregnant at the same time, and it was funny how "high" their babies were compared to mine.



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I have never dropped. I've had four natural children and never went into labor by myself at all. One they finally induced at 39 weeks - he was 23 inches long when he was born and I'm only 5'1". My first was induced because I had toxemia and two were scheduled C-sections.

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#3 plummeted. One day he was high and fine, the next day kaboom! And shot my stomach so full of stretch marks so fast I was miserable and scratching like I had the chicken pox. loling at the waddle. Yup, you fell like you're walking with your feet 4 feet apart.


Stay, baby, stay!

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Her sweet little head on my cervix bought me one ripped cervix, a cerclage removal two weeks early, two steroid shots, and five days in the hospital...


BTW, the irony of all of it?


She went back up. I'm not remotely kidding, lol.


So, here I sit. I'm officially 35 weeks, they released me yesterday, and she is up nice & high in my ribs. The cerclage has been removed and I feel a bit like a ticking time bomb, lol.


Oh. And STILL no name. :001_huh: But I feel great. That counts for a lot, right? :tongue_smilie:

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Her sweet little head on my cervix bought me one ripped cervix, a cerclage removal two weeks early, two steroid shots, and five days in the hospital...


BTW, the irony of all of it?


She went back up. I'm not remotely kidding, lol.


So, here I sit. I'm officially 35 weeks, they released me yesterday, and she is up nice & high in my ribs. The cerclage has been removed and I feel a bit like a ticking time bomb, lol.


Oh. And STILL no name. :001_huh: But I feel great. That counts for a lot, right? :tongue_smilie:


OW. :grouphug:


If it's any consolation, my youngest left the birth center with no name. We called him "Baby" for three days.


Glad you're feeling great now. I can't wait to find out what you name her! :)



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