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I'm frustrated

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I've been wanting to get some (homeschooling related) advice from y'all here for a few weeks but I'm really struggling with being able to articulate what it is I want to say. :001_huh: I don't know if it's the lack of sleep or the loss of brain cells but either way, whenever I've started a post (numerous times now) it either ends up being far too long (and I'm sure nobody will read it all) or it's all over the place because I can't shorten my thoughts well enough. So, in the discard bin it goes. Sigh.


I'm really frustrated with myself for not being able to think clearly and am really wondering where my brain has gone. :confused: Plus, I could really use some advice and support but how can I expect that when y'all don't know what my problem is? :tongue_smilie:


I guess there's no real point to this post other than to say, "Hello, I'm Jane. I really need your help but since I can't seem to spit it out, can y'all just read my mind and give me some advice already?" :toetap05:

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Just spit it out. I get in trouble when I try to read minds. They're thinking pink and I give them puce. Or they want a hamster and I bring an emu.




Go ahead and type up a long post. Didn't you see the post about time suckers? Apparently we need more going on here at WTM if everyone is searching out new sites... :D

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Have you read the day in the life posts on SWB's blog? Have you watched the videos? Listened to the lectures? Because I find all of those things very helpful.


Day in the life of my homeschool:


7 am I get up and make breakfast, I tell eldest to get up

7:30 younger two eat breakfast with me, they get dressed in something wildly inappropriate for the day ahead, they do not comb their hair, I call eldest on her phone and tell her to get up


8:30 younger two start on math, middle dd uses 20 minutes crying, 2 seconds realizing it's easy and 9 1/2 minutes doing her math; youngest uses 25 minutes drawing pictures on his math paper (making it almost illegible) and 5 minutes doing his math. I repeatedly text eldest to get up until she yells "Gah! I am up! You are so mean!!!!"


9 am I go to put in laundry, I come back, I spend 5 minutes looking for the younger two, I discover them outside with a number of frogs they have caught in a flower pot, fighting over what to feed them. Eldest is now locked in the bathroom.


9:30 history time, hooray! I walk through the living room and know eldest has been down because her cereal bowl is on the coffee table. I holler for her, she yells from upstairs "gosh! I am doing my Latin!! I am working!!! Why don't you trust me!?! You are mean!!"


And so forth until tennis or guitar or clean up time or some other thing ends our school day between 2 pm and 7 pm.


Does that help? Make it worse?


My best advice: keep it mostly contained to one room to minimize mess and keep a checklist to make sure you are covering the basics.

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Hi Jane! Here is some support..:grouphug:. Here is my advice...relax, breath. There is still time. (This is what I keep telling myself regardng my dd being WAY behind in math.)


I know I've needed to ask advice before and have felt that the task of explaining was just to overwhelming. Maybe just give us a break down in list form instead of trying to wrap it all up in coherent, connected paragraphs. I know that it is hard to convey a lot that way but it would be a start.

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another nod to a long post.


as for not keeping a thought going..I don't know if you mean physically, but I was seriously scaring myself with my foggy thinking and forgetfulness, and it turned out I was severely anemic. It's a symptom, who knew??:001_huh: I wasn't slowly becoming an idiot!


maybe a checkup is in order for mom?



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p.s. Mrs. Mungo,


you really made me feel better, thanks! I loved your account of the day :lol:


I'm having trouble getting started at a decent hour in the morning lately, I can totally relate to your post!!



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How are your omega 3 levels?


(Hypocritical of me to ask. I'm convinced I'm getting dumber because I am omega 3 deficient, but there is a jar of chia seeds in the pantry that I theoretically see numerous times per day and don't remember to eat...)





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How are your omega 3 levels?


(Hypocritical of me to ask. I'm convinced I'm getting dumber because I am omega 3 deficient, but there is a jar of chia seeds in the pantry that I theoretically see numerous times per day and don't remember to eat...)






Last I saw my naturapath (ummmm, 3 weeks ago, I think :001_huh::lol:) I was told they were good. I take 8 capsules of a really high quality fish oil every day so I'm hoping they're good. Any more fish oil caps and I'm going to sprout gills. :tongue_smilie:


But, you're onto something here. I definitely feel like I'm getting dumber with each passing day lately. I really have no idea what is going on. :confused:

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as for not keeping a thought going..I don't know if you mean physically, but I was seriously scaring myself with my foggy thinking and forgetfulness, and it turned out I was severely anemic. It's a symptom, who knew??:001_huh: I wasn't slowly becoming an idiot!


I just had my iron levels checked and they were good. Thanks for the suggestion though.


As for me, I don't think I'm slowly becoming an idiot, I seem to be in quite the rush.


My thinking is so foggy lately and I've given up trying to remember anything- I write everything down. Of course, then I forget where I put my lists.:001_huh: I've been doing that all last week. :glare: And make a decision about something? Forget about it. I've had to pass that task over to dh. I can't even form a coherent thought let alone decide anything.

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How are your thyroid levels? When mine get crazy (which is often) I get awful brain fog. I have had very scary moments where the names of common objects just went right out of my head, and remembering day-to-day stuff seems just impossible. Definitely worth checking if you haven't already.

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I just had my iron levels checked and they were good. Thanks for the suggestion though.


As for me, I don't think I'm slowly becoming an idiot, I seem to be in quite the rush.


My thinking is so foggy lately and I've given up trying to remember anything- I write everything down. Of course, then I forget where I put my lists.:001_huh: I've been doing that all last week. :glare: And make a decision about something? Forget about it. I've had to pass that task over to dh. I can't even form a coherent thought let alone decide anything.


Are you...um...you know....pregnant?


Now don't throw anything at the computer screen - it won't hit me and will cause a mess.

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My thinking is so foggy lately and I've given up trying to remember anything- I write everything down. Of course, then I forget where I put my lists.:001_huh: I've been doing that all last week. :glare: And make a decision about something? Forget about it. I've had to pass that task over to dh. I can't even form a coherent thought let alone decide anything.


I completely relate to this. I have to use my planner or I totally drop the ball. Making decisions stops me in my tracks. I'd rather not.

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I think I am slowly becoming an idiot. But, I am not anemic. It happened around the 4 th child:lol:


Seriously though, I can only stretch my brain so much.


another nod to a long post.


as for not keeping a thought going..I don't know if you mean physically, but I was seriously scaring myself with my foggy thinking and forgetfulness, and it turned out I was severely anemic. It's a symptom, who knew??:001_huh: I wasn't slowly becoming an idiot!


maybe a checkup is in order for mom?



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Have you read the day in the life posts on SWB's blog? Have you watched the videos? Listened to the lectures? Because I find all of those things very helpful.


Day in the life of my homeschool:


7 am I get up and make breakfast, I tell eldest to get up

7:30 younger two eat breakfast with me, they get dressed in something wildly inappropriate for the day ahead, they do not comb their hair, I call eldest on her phone and tell her to get up


8:30 younger two start on math, middle dd uses 20 minutes crying, 2 seconds realizing it's easy and 9 1/2 minutes doing her math; youngest uses 25 minutes drawing pictures on his math paper (making it almost illegible) and 5 minutes doing his math. I repeatedly text eldest to get up until she yells "Gah! I am up! You are so mean!!!!"


9 am I go to put in laundry, I come back, I spend 5 minutes looking for the younger two, I discover them outside with a number of frogs they have caught in a flower pot, fighting over what to feed them. Eldest is now locked in the bathroom.


9:30 history time, hooray! I walk through the living room and know eldest has been down because her cereal bowl is on the coffee table. I holler for her, she yells from upstairs "gosh! I am doing my Latin!! I am working!!! Why don't you trust me!?! You are mean!!"


And so forth until tennis or guitar or clean up time or some other thing ends our school day between 2 pm and 7 pm.


Does that help? Make it worse?


My best advice: keep it mostly contained to one room to minimize mess and keep a checklist to make sure you are covering the basics.


Can I post this on my blog and give you credit? It's hilarious! :D

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I am having this issue as well...

What was I saying?


Faithe( who is not being sarcastic, but totally forgot my point...:grouphug:)


Oh, this is me...I finally explained to the kids that they MUST do what I tell them right *now* b/c Mommy has fluff where she used to have brains and she is prone to forgetting things like putting laundry in the dryer, finishing that copywork later, and putting the defrosted meat into the oven.


Paula (who forgets why she came to the living room, but found herself answering a thread...what WAS I doing?...)

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Oh, this is me...I finally explained to the kids that they MUST do what I tell them right *now* b/c Mommy has fluff where she used to have brains and she is prone to forgetting things like putting laundry in the dryer, finishing that copywork later, and putting the defrosted meat into the oven.


Paula (who forgets why she came to the living room, but found herself answering a thread...what WAS I doing?...)


This is totally me right now! It's so frustrating. And to top it off, it's making it very hard to homeschool when I can barely remember my name some days let alone school subjects. :( My dd is starting to teach me grammar. :001_huh:


I miss my brain. :tongue_smilie:

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Maybe that would help around here.....



I could threaten them with an emu if they don't do their math or quit bickering or or or or or...



You get the point.


Now, where can I get and emu? Will it fit in my van? :tongue_smilie::auto:



Mrs Mungo's post hit the spot this morning!

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putting the defrosted meat into the oven.


How do you remember to actually defrost the meat? I have nothing defrosted most nights and I make a weekly menu. This should not be difficult!


I went through major brain fog problems a few years ago when my third child was a baby. I think it was related to hormone levels, lack of sleep, and spreading myself too thin. Learning to say "no" has helped tremendously! I can tell when I am overcommitting because I find the milk in the pantry or the kitty litter in the fridge. :001_huh:

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Oh, oh, oh.....I can so totally relate!


I am driving myself (and dh) crazy. My two biggest frustrations right now:


a) picking/choosing curriculum for kids for next year and then forgetting why I liked it to begin with ... even though I know there's got to be a good reason why I picked it over something else

b) disciplining my 8yo and 12yo., usually the 8yo for not listening so well - and then forgetting what discipline I dished out (this is usually a two or three day no computer type-of-thing) - I constantly tell both kids that I know they remember and since they know what the right thing to do is, they better do it since mommy's left her brain somewhere else.

I've had serious concerns that I'm headed down the path toward Alzheimers.

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