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I could use some help on my homework, if any of you are willing.

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My PSYC class is on a death and bereavement unit. My assignment is to survey a few people about their preference for who is to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. I need about ten responses. Here are the questions:


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).


In all fairness, here are my own responses:

1) I do not currently have an Advance Directive.

2) I believe decisions regarding my end of life care should be made by my spouse with information but no pressure from medical personnel, or later by my adult children in the absence of my spouse.

3) Jean, married, mom of four ages 6 to 16, no chronic health issues.


Thanks so much, I only need a few responses for my assignment but knew I'd get great feedback here!

Edited by AuntieM
Forgot my age but can't edit right on my phone, I'm 48.
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My PSYC class is on a death and bereavement unit. My assignment is to survey a few people about their preference for who is to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. I need about ten responses. Here are the questions:


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).




1. No advance directive

2. My spouse or my son (if he is an adult).

3. Married, age 44, mother of 1, cancer survivor (permanently suppressed immune system)


This issue has come up in our family. On dh's side there are many people in the medical field. Because of their careers and the way dh's father died his side feels strongly about advance directives. My side of the family tends to have casual conversations about it, but there is no written directive. Avoidance seems to be their strategy when dealing with end of life issues.

Edited by elegantlion
adding age
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My PSYC class is on a death and bereavement unit. My assignment is to survey a few people about their preference for who is to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. I need about ten responses. Here are the questions:


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).


In all fairness, here are my own responses:

1) I do not currently have an Advance Directive.

2) I believe decisions regarding my end of life care should be made by my spouse with information but no pressure from medical personnel, or later by my adult children in the absence of my spouse.

3) Jean, married, mom of four ages 6 to 16, no chronic health issues.


Thanks so much, I only need a few responses for my assignment but knew I'd get great feedback here!


1) No advance directive

2) My end of life decision should be made by my husband first, parents second, children last (in order of surviving)

3)Meagan, 25 year old, married, mom of two ages 2 and a half and 8 months, with no health issues

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1. No but it's on my list to do soon.

2. Consult with medical team but final decision by spouse and son.

3. Ag: 59 One son. No chronic health problems


Having gone through this with my parents, I learned that making these basic decisions when one is in the midst of the dying process does work. I think that my own feelings about the specifics might change from what I would say now vs. what I would say later, if you get my drift. Also, discovered that the medical groups can often just ignore your wishes! And who is in the frame of mind to fight them during these difficult times? My goal is to die outside of a hospital ;)

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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?


2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?



3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).

Chucki, married, mom of one pre-teen, with 7 health issues two of which are related

Hope that helps.

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1) No advance directive, although I know I should.

2) My dh should make those choices with advice from healthcare providers. Also, my db and sil are both physician assistants so I would expect them to offer their opinions too. If my dh is no longer living, then my kids if they are adults, otherwise my brother. My parents would never pull the plug on me.

3) Krista, married, mother of 2 teenagers, no health issues affecting my decisions.

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My PSYC class is on a death and bereavement unit. My assignment is to survey a few people about their preference for who is to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. I need about ten responses. Here are the questions:


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care? Yes

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)? Spouse, followed by parents.

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before). 27, family snapshot? Married, one child..., no big health issues. When we did our will with our family lawyer, the health directive was a portion that was available and recommended to complete along with it. This is why, at 24 years old with no health issues, we had one made. I wouldn't have thought to otherwise.


In all fairness, here are my own responses:

1) I do not currently have an Advance Directive.

2) I believe decisions regarding my end of life care should be made by my spouse with information but no pressure from medical personnel, or later by my adult children in the absence of my spouse.

3) Jean, married, mom of four ages 6 to 16, no chronic health issues.


Thanks so much, I only need a few responses for my assignment but knew I'd get great feedback here!


Hope that helps :)

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just spent last veek at 2 funeral Masses and 2 pray services, so this is on all of our minds.


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?


no put i did spell it out in my birth plans for both hospital births and give my OB a vritten doc signed stating my vishes and who was to make decsions. Dh and I need to re-do our will and advanced Directives will be done them. He know, and BFF know what i vant.



2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?


Husband with advice of Mother if still alive and BFF. I think BFF shall be more rational if it is a emergency (say car vreck or something) because Dh does like his planning. I would like them to have honest medical advice, but i do not need a hosptial making choices for us.



3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).


I am pushing 40 (39) DH is 45. I have Clinical Depression, DH is a FELO. 2 boys 3 and 5 currently. Fam hisstory of parkenis on both sides of my family.


ve have discussed this many many times, DH is a LEO BIL is a LEO -- and I have excating opionions about death and how all should be addressed.

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My PSYC class is on a death and bereavement unit. My assignment is to survey a few people about their preference for who is to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. I need about ten responses. Here are the questions:


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?

No2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

Spouse, children, in-laws, medical team, (in that order) 3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).

40s, no medical issues, have considered widowhood more than my end of life



I would not want my parents to make these choices, because I think they would choose what they want rather than thinking of what would be best for me or my family (they are good people, we just look at a lot of things from differing perspectives.)

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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care? No.

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)? Spouse at this point. After him, if something happened and he wasn't around to make decisions, I'd choose my kids if they were old enough.

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before). Well, I have a chronic pain disability that shortens my life expectancy. Married, kids, whole shebang. We've been so busy dealing with day to day chaos that planning for the future has taken a back seat. Also, here, my dh would be the automatic default for any health care decisions if I were unable to make them for myself.




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My PSYC class is on a death and bereavement unit. My assignment is to survey a few people about their preference for who is to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. I need about ten responses. Here are the questions:


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).



1. I'm not exactly sure what that is.. is it the thing that says if you want to be on life support or stuff? If it is, then no - we don't have anything like that.


2. Husband & kids, I guess. Haven't thought much about it… thinking about death stuff creeps me out.


3. 34, married, dd14, ds12, and a little ds on the way. no major health issues.

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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?


Yes, my husband and I both do.


2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?


Spouse and then sisters if spouse is unable.


3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).


I'm 38 (husband just turned 40), married with 3 kids. We have no chronic health issues. We have thought about it for two reasons: 1) hubby's job can be risky at times and 2) we've had people in our extended family have their life extended way beyond what we would like to happen to us.

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1. No advance directive.

2. My family...mother and sisters or children. Dh knows what I want but can't make these kinds of decisions. He just can't. After a friend's dh was severely injured, my girlfriends and I had a very frank talk about our wishes, and they know what I want, as do my mom and sister. They will help my dh make a decision. (He knows this.)

3. 44, married, 5 children 6 through 18). No health issues.

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You folks are hands-down the fastest, most reliable, most reasoned people I know. I feel bad for my classmates, having this unfair advantage...


This is enough feedback, I tremendously appreciate all you shared. After class this afternoon I'll update you on the discussion.


Thanks again!


TWTM Forum.... Faster than google, less judgmental than your MIL....

(please remind me who said that first? i love it!)

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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?

No. (Dh and I both should.)


2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

Spouse, then children if adults, then parents.

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).

Married, age 39, 3 children. I am obese and it does give me reason to think about this.

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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?


2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

Dh with input from docs, then kids (if/when they are old enough and dh can't do it)

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).

We've considered this because dh is military and he had to do all this before he deployed to Iraq the first time.

Jen, 37, married mom of 4, ages in siggy.

No current health issues but serious family history of cancer/diabetes/obesity



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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?





2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?


My spouse has that legal authority. He has been privately advised that I would prefer he err on the side of less intervention, but that he is also to give respect to the concerns of other people who love me. So if, as an example, my mother or one of my sisters or children has a major problem with taking me off a feeding tube or artificial respiration, it's okay to take longer to make that decision so that everyone is closer to comfortable with it. My priority is that there be no heart breaking arguments, and I would rather have a prolonged demise then have my mother never forgive my husband for a decision.


But all of those people also know that I err on the side of less intervention, so hopefully they will remember that.



3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).


In my 40s, no major health problems. One adult child, two teens. Close marriage, close to my sisters, close to my mother. Had to make difficult end of life decisions regarding my father, so we have had the opportunity to discuss these matters.

Edited by Danestress
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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).



1. Yes. I have a living will and power of attorney for health care.

2. Primarily my mother if she is still around. She is an RN who worked in a hospital for many years and has the same philosophy as I do about end of life care. If she's not around, my husband, but I think he'd listen to the doctors more than he would take into account my wishes.

3. 42, married mom of two ages 6 and 8. No chronic issues.

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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care? no. My mother had a living will, but it was lost in her medical files. If it had been found, then she would have died 7 years before she did.

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)? my dh.

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before). perfectly healthy person, but it is hard to make a decision hypothetically when you cannot forsee the possible scenarios. My dh and I have discussed this and we both know the others preferences. I have 4 kids, am happily married.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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My PSYC class is on a death and bereavement unit. My assignment is to survey a few people about their preference for who is to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. I need about ten responses. Here are the questions:


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care? Yes - dh and I both do.

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)? My spouse.

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before). 56 yrs of age; no chronic health issues; 5 children; happily married; coming from a family of doctors and having had to deal with this when my dad (at age 60) was in the CICU and a decision had to made as to whether or not we could issue a DNR, this is something discussed calmly in our family.

In all fairness, here are my own responses:

1) I do not currently have an Advance Directive.

2) I believe decisions regarding my end of life care should be made by my spouse with information but no pressure from medical personnel, or later by my adult children in the absence of my spouse.

3) Jean, married, mom of four ages 6 to 16, no chronic health issues.


Thanks so much, I only need a few responses for my assignment but knew I'd get great feedback here!



Of course I have a funny story to go along with this.......when don't I? Anyway, about 18 years ago, I was rushed to the ER for emergency hernia surgery -- the hernia had incarcerated. My sister was with me and she called in her A team of surgeons and anesthesiologist. I had eaten a full meal a few hours earlier so I was going to get an epidural and a twilight shot. As i rushed from my sister's house to the ER, I did not have my handbag or insurance card with me.


We are in the OR waiting for the epidural to take place. My sister had written 'NO CARD' in her crappy handwriting on my chart...meaning 'no insurance card.' The surgeon we wanted came in - we all knew each other, in fact, he lived a couple of doors away from me.


He is looking at the chart and he looks at us and he says in shock: 'NO CODE????' My sister and I start laughing and we explain that it says 'no card' as I did not have my insurance card with me. He responds: 'Boy, I knew you were a tough group, but I was thinking, man, this family is tougher than tough!.' :lol:

Edited by MariannNOVA
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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).



1. No, I don't. My husband is required to have one for work.


2. My family of origin (parents, siblings) in close proximity with my eldest child, once he becomes an adult. They are intimately familiar with my wishes, religious beliefs, and collectively have always acted well on my behalf and true to my wishes. My husband and younger child both act on emotion, so I wouldn't want either acting on my behalf; my wishes tend to go against survivor sensibilities. DH is in 100% agreement with this. We both know that his input would be actively solicited and heard by my family, which helps.


3. I am 34, married, and suffer a chronic health issue.

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1. No, but my dh and my parents know that I don't want to be kept alive on machines.


2. Spouse (my kids are too little). I'm sure he would consult my parents as well, since my mom is a nurse and we are very close to my parents.


3. 40. Married. No health issues.

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My PSYC class is on a death and bereavement unit. My assignment is to survey a few people about their preference for who is to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. I need about ten responses. Here are the questions:


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?Yes

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?My spouse with input from our family doctor, who is also our neighbor and good friend and all-around vastly intelligent doctor. If dh is incapacitated in some way I have designated my best friend. Dh (or best friend as the back-up) make final decisions, but I want them to make decisions having heard our dr's perspective.

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before). Age 39, two children. I do not have major chronic issues, though I struggle with minor chronic inconveniences. I felt it important to specifically designate who can make decisions for me both because I did not want dysfunctional family members to have that power over me, and also because I wanted someone to make decisions for me whose beliefs and medical philosophy matches mine.


In all fairness, here are my own responses:

1) I do not currently have an Advance Directive.

2) I believe decisions regarding my end of life care should be made by my spouse with information but no pressure from medical personnel, or later by my adult children in the absence of my spouse.

3) Jean, married, mom of four ages 6 to 16, no chronic health issues.


Thanks so much, I only need a few responses for my assignment but knew I'd get great feedback here!


Answers above.

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My PSYC class is on a death and bereavement unit. My assignment is to survey a few people about their preference for who is to make decisions regarding their end-of-life care. I need about ten responses. Here are the questions:


1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?

2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?

3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).


Thanks so much, I only need a few responses for my assignment but knew I'd get great feedback here!


1. Yes I have an advance directive.

2. Spouse

3. 44, only DD12, no chronic illness

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1) No, no advance directive. It's on the list of things we need to get done.

2) I would like my children's father to make these decisions for me because I have discussed with him what my wishes are. We are not married...so that advanced directive is more important. Better get on that!

3) Age: 40yo. Live with Loverboy and two dds aged 6m and 4y. Health issues: morbid obesity (over 100lbs overweight). No complicating issues from obesity YET, but I know all of the risks.....

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1) Do you have an Advance Directive in place for your own end of life care?


No, although I keep meaning to get one in place.


2) Who would you like to make decisions regarding your end of life care - a medical team, or those close to you (ie, your spouse, life partner, parents, children, siblings, religious advisor/pastor, etc)?


My husband, then my children, provided they are adults.


3) Briefly state your age, family snapshot and whether you have any chronic health issues that affect your decisions (no details necessary, just trying to know whether or not you have a reason to have considered this issue before).


I'm 32, married with 6 kids between 9 and 5 months, and no chronic illnesses.

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