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CC: church blow-up

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My church is blowing up. Big meeting today: pastor ousted, half the elder board resigned, other half trying to pick up the pieces. Both sides right; both sides wrong. It's completely heartbreaking.


I just wanted to tell somebody--my husband and I feel completely broadsided and a little betrayed by both sides in this.


That's all. Thanks for listening, hive.

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We've been in this situation as well. It's miserable and painful. Our church is only now recovering from an ugly split. There are still hard feelings on both sides. I'm sorry this is happening in your church. We'll be praying for wisdom and grace for all.



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I have never had this happen but we had the survivors of a really ugly feud start coming to our base chapel. I can't say that what happened at their original church was of God but I do think that by their coming to our chapel, we ended up having a number of non believers start coming to our services. Why? Because they had some key people our chapel needed- music and hospitality and we had something they really wanted- Biblical teaching and a true Christian environment without bitter divisions and recriminations and secret squables. This providential merging created publicity and with more people, we had more outreach. What started as a small chapel with maybe 30 attendees was a large chapel with over 200 attending when we left three years later.

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I am so sorry that you are going through this. My DH & I (newlyweds at the time) went through that in the church I had been attending for 21 yrs ( was a baby!). We left and prayed for the LORD to lead us to the right church. After a lot of tears we found a place and have been there for almost 11 yrs! :grouphug:


Praying for healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

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I'm so sorry. I know how you're feeling (sort of) Our church went through heck for about 3 years (too complicated to get in to, but just say it had to do with power struggles) that ended with our pastor admitting to an affair last year the Sunday after Easter and resigning. It's been a tough year, but we're making it through and I think we're coming out on the other side. But in the time before he resigned there was so much garbage. It's tough going to church each Sunday and wondering who's on which side and which side is really the right side? (and this had nothing to do with our pastor's affair. That actually came out of left field, but was the straw that broke the camel's back)

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I'm sorry. :grouphug: We went through that about 4-5 years ago and I am STILL grieving the loss of that church family. There was a "mass exodus" where half the church or more left and scattered. I lost friendships that were near and dear to my heart, women I counted on for spiritual support daily. It was heartwrenching. It gets easier, but for me...it hasn't gone away completely. We've been attending a new church for about 3 years, but never really "settled" there. And now, we are considering leaving. I have never felt like I "belonged" anywhere after my old church "blew up". :grouphug: and prayers as you go through this hard process.

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My church is blowing up. Big meeting today: pastor ousted, half the elder board resigned, other half trying to pick up the pieces. Both sides right; both sides wrong. It's completely heartbreaking.


I just wanted to tell somebody--my husband and I feel completely broadsided and a little betrayed by both sides in this.


That's all. Thanks for listening, hive.


I'm sorry, it really hurts, doesn't it? Something similar happened at my church several years ago, before I joined it, and I know it was a skeleton congregation for a while; but thanks be to God, it has grown and become stronger, and is truly wonderful now. I hope some positive good comes out of the ashes :grouphug:

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BTDT and it took me 4 years to find another church


childhood church split (over women wearing dresses)

first church I attended as adult (Church split over pastor affair with deacon wife)


Most painful split was 4 years ago. Pastor comes from out of state with large home school family most of the Church were home schoolers we had so much support and a great coop, Sunday school, it was just wonderful


BUT Power struggle by the men and major gossip fest by the women and my dumb self didn't know about all the gossip, lying and stuff


Until a blow up during a women bible study were one of the moms got in my face (bully) and yelled. It was like high school all over again.


Since I left the at pastor has since lost all his dozen kids to foster care. There are several of the home school teens that have run away from home. The great group/church i thought i was in was all fake


I am glad in hindsight that the Lord got me out before the real destruction of so many lives. I have got closer with God and have grown with wise discernment that I didn't have years ago


But am struggling with trust I have never been hurt so badly and the damage it did to my kids faith just makes me so mad


I just see so much sin in the church and we wonder why people think all Christian are hypocrites


Sorry for high jacking your thread. I feel your pain and loss:grouphug:

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As a child, this happened at our church. I wasn't really aware of what was going on, but my mom talked to me about it in later years. My dad was an elder and it was very, very ugly. We left (along with many, many other people). That church was never the same.


It came very close to happening at our current church almost 20 years ago. DH and I were new enough that we didn't get caught up in it, but we could see that the church came close to falling apart. It didn't, though, and came through it stronger in the end. It took several years to recover.


:grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry you're going through this. It can be heartbreaking.

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