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I never sleep well when dh travels.

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I know how you feel. I have to sleep on dh's side of the bed, with the tv on, and lots of 'stuff' where I would sleep- usually a book, my laptop, and a pillow. Been this way for 20+ years.

Hope your dh isn't gone too long- it can really wear you down to have multiple nights of poor sleep.

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I don't either. Can I tell you a secret (on the internet with millions of people "listening in")!? I get really frightened at night when dh is gone so I lock the bedroom door. My kids are unprotected (well, except for the lock on the front door!) but I feel safe enough to fall asleep.


Can I admit I sometimes do this too?


Or I go sleep in DD's room and lock HER door.

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My dh is going out of town this week and I already can't sleep just thinking about it.:tongue_smilie: I know I will spend most of the night on the computer or watching something on Netflix. I'm past being ashamed and have just accepted it.

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My dh is going out of town this week and I already can't sleep just thinking about it.:tongue_smilie: I know I will spend most of the night on the computer or watching something on Netflix. I'm past being ashamed and have just accepted it.


Yup! SyFy channel will hopefully lull me to sleep...although then I will have weird dreams ;).

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Yup! SyFy channel will hopefully lull me to sleep...although then I will have weird dreams ;).


I'm sitting here trying to remember those days when I was living by myself and could watch a horror flick and then go to sleep. Who was that girl?:D

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I don't either. DH left tonight and I know I will have to resort to taking 1/2 of a sleeping pill to have any hope of getting sleep.




Me to. :001_smile:

I don't sleep well either! I usually pull all the kids and put them in bed with me. :001_smile:


I used to do this, but now they all sleep sideways and it's completely miserable!!! :D

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I'm sitting here trying to remember those days when I was living by myself and could watch a horror flick and then go to sleep. Who was that girl?:D


Not me! Many years ago, I made the mistake of watching The Panic Room with a friend while dh was out of town. (it's not even a true horror movie - just suspense). Since then, if dh is traveling and I have to pee in the middle of the night...I don't flush.


Watch the movie to find out why.


Better yet, DON'T watch the movie if you have a dh who travels!

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It is only just recently that I am able to sleep when dh travels -- we arfe married almost 16 years. I totally understand.:)


It was bad the first 12 years or so when the kids were little. Now that they are all teens, he's done it for so long, we barely blink. Every once in a while I will get a little anxious, but usually I am too tired to put much energy into worrying. This week, he has the "six flights, four hotels in five days" trip. He is the one I feel sorry for.

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It was bad the first 12 years or so when the kids were little. Now that they are all teens, he's done it for so long, we barely blink. Every once in a while I will get a little anxious, but usually I am too tired to put much energy into worrying. This week, he has the "six flights, four hotels in five days" trip. He is the one I feel sorry for.



Dh just called to say that he was on the "city bus" of airplanes. He didn't realize it had multiple stops in different rural states!!! Now, he's somewhere in the boondocks of SD. :D


I feel kinda bad for him, I hate flying in puddle jumper planes!

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I don't either. Can I tell you a secret (on the internet with millions of people "listening in")!? I get really frightened at night when dh is gone so I lock the bedroom door. My kids are unprotected (well, except for the lock on the front door!) but I feel safe enough to fall asleep.


I do this too! I let the kids sleep in the bed with me though. I also bring in the dogs. They are suppose to sleep on the floor, but I usually wake up to discover the Goldens in bed with me as well.

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Dh just called to say that he was on the "city bus" of airplanes. He didn't realize it had multiple stops in different rural states!!! Now, he's somewhere in the boondocks of SD. :D


I feel kinda bad for him, I hate flying in puddle jumper planes!


Oh the poor guy! Those are the worst. :grouphug: I am sorry the traveling is hard. I had kind of forgotten those days. I used to envy my husband having a hotel room to himself and all that peace and quiet. Then one year, we flew back from a family reunion; he had the kids on one flight and I was by myself on another thanks to a variety of frequent flyer miles. I had the layover and got stranded in DFW due to a late connecting fight. That was quite the experience as I had never flown by myself before and certainly had never negotiated with the airlines for hotel and meal vouchers. I had a huge king suite all to myself and I really just wanted to go home. What a wuss!:tongue_smilie:

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Not to freak anyone out... but I'm so paranoid that I cannot post on this forum or on Facebook when my dh is gone. I think some weirdo will be able to track down my house when it's unmanned. :001_unsure: Then I'll never get to sleep! :scared:

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That's all really. I know....I'm horribly co-dependent and probably very sappy, but it is the truth.


That's all. :D


Mine is in Phoenix right now and, I should not even be up... But, I am because it will take me forever to fall asleep!:lol:

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I'm the same way.:grouphug:


Here's my paranoia:

I usually have the kids sleep with me and lock the bedroom door. I also put one of those door jam thingys you can buy from Lowes on the door to the basement. And I leave the tv on espn and turn the volume off. And I leave some random light on like the bathroom. Sometimes I just sleep on the couch because I keep thinking someone is in the basement when I'm upstairs.


Yes, I've got issues....

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Do you have a dog? Once I got a dog, I slept like a baby. Something about a big barky thing by the front door.


My sister's dh went away on work for one night (he doesn't usually travel) and my sister borrowed her neighbor's dog for the night! He sat next to the front door and she slept on the sofa.

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Do you have a dog? Once I got a dog, I slept like a baby. Something about a big barky thing by the front door.


I did better when we had our Great Dane, but we are not allowed dogs at our new rental :glare:. It's one of the reasons we are strongly considering finding a different rental.

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my hubby's work schedule changes frequently---when he works nights it really throws me out of whack...I grew up with the dad home every night and I HATE to be home alone at night....I sleep better now that we have an alarm system in the house- but whenever he works nights it takes me a few days to get into that routine again.....

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Yup, I'm the same way. We make a slumber party out of it - why I get less nervous when a child is sleeping with me, is beyond me :tongue_smilie:, but I do. I feel so run-down after one of dh's business trips that I could just use a day of sleep! You're not alone. :)

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Same thing here.


Plus, I've got crazy pregnant anxiety and I spend most of the evening sure as anything that he is going to die on the trip and I'll never see him again. I have to tap the Crazy Brakes pretty hard to keep sane. Thankfully, it's only when I'm pregnant and besides not sleeping well I normally handle the traveling okay.


On the bad side, I'm currently pregnant, which means I'm bringing the crazy pretty hard right now. :glare:

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