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Not that anyone cares, but ABC is cancelling some soaps

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I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I care.:blushing:


I've been watching One Life to Live off and on ever since my first child was born, eight years ago. It's my one TV-related vice.


I feel sorry for all the people that will be losing their jobs...and not just those on or working for the shows. I would assume that soap magazines, and Soap Network, to name a couple, will also suffer fallout. It's just sad news.

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I'm little sad about it. I remember my mom watching them when I was little. She stopped watching when she went back to work and by then I was in high school and watching them with my friends after school. I haven't watched regularly since college but it was nice knowing the residents of Pine Valley were there every day at 1pm.


At least I still have the Archers.

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I care. I think stating that it has ruined my life is an extreme, but I've been watching All My Children since I was born. My mom started watching it when she was pregnant with me and I grew up watching it. I Tivo it and do a bunch of my housework when I watch it. It's sort of my routine and motivates me to clean (which I despise doing). I'll miss watching it, and my routine will be all messed up now.

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Many, many years ago, we got the dean of our law school hooked on All My Children. A bunch of us would watch at lunchtime, and he wandered down occasionally to mock us (good-naturedly) for watching soaps. Then he started hanging out a bit longer, then sitting down with us, then bringing his own lunch. By the end of the semester, he knew the characters as well as we did.


I do feel bad for the people who care about these shows. If you get used to enjoying something every day, losing it can't feel good.

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All My Children and One Life to Live will bite the dust.

I was just watching a show where Susan Lucci (Erica Kane) said she will never retire--oh well.



Oh wow! I used to watch One Life to Live with my mom. I quit watching when they pulled that wild-west time travel stuff and the whole Lost City of Eterna plot... ugh!


Despite that, I think I'm a little sad. It's one of those things that you just assume will always be there. :sad:

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Hearing the theme music to AMC immediately takes me back to my childhood. My mother was glued to her "stories" every afternoon. "AMC", "Days of Our Lives" (even today, hearing MacDonald Carey's voice makes me a little misty), "Ryan's Hope", "Another World", "The Doctors"....yep, some of those are moldy oldies, but they were the background of my childhood. So, although I haven't watched a soap since college (ok, well, I admit to watching "Passions" when it was on, because it was SO over the top and never took itself very seriously), I'm feeling a little bittersweet over this. *sniff*

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I've watched AMC on and off since I was in jr. high, 30 years ago. I loved that show, although in recent years I haven't been all that thrilled with some of the story lines. Haven't watched it that much. I wonder what they'll replace it with.


They're replacing it with some stupid talk show about food called The Chew. OLTL is also being replaced with a talk show because we obviously don't have enough talk and reality shows on the air :glare:

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]Hearing the theme music to AMC immediately takes me back to my childhood.


It's very evocative, isn't it? My pal's boyfriend couldn't figure out why he felt so sleepy every time he heard the AMC theme until his mom pointed out that she used to put him down for a nap when the show came on so she could watch it while he slept. Apparently, it had quite a lasting effect.

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It's very evocative, isn't it? My pal's boyfriend couldn't figure out why he felt so sleepy every time he heard the AMC theme until his mom pointed out that she used to put him down for a nap when the show came on so she could watch it while he slept. Apparently, it had quite a lasting effect.




See, I think human beings are hardwired to need stories, and soaps play into something fundamental about who we are. Serial books are wildly popular for a reason.


What's the reasoning behind these cancellations?

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I am a reason they are cancelled. I used to watch - I would record it watch it later. I watched GH in middle school and high school - Luke and Laura... and then AMC in the summer and then thank goodness my sister figured out how to operate the VCR and then AMC from 8th grade on. But I stopped about 5 years ago. I didn't have the time. I still have such great memories of Tad, Erica, Stewart and all the craziness. Honestly, I think I stopped watching when the drama in my friends' lives started mirroring the soaps... a friend confessed to having a secret baby who was living as her pretend sister, all the cheating husbands, it just got to be too much; I expected to see people coming back from the dead. Sorry I stopped watching; I will watch the endings.

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I don't watch soaps any more, but, All My Children has been most, if not all my life. It's kind of sad really.


I suppose they will replace them with more of those stupid talk shows hosted by rich oblivious people.

:iagree: I watched AMC and OLTL with my mom. When the kids were toddlers, I would DVR my shows then watch while I was ironing or when I needed to sit down to nurse. It makes me sad.:crying:

I really thought AMC would be the last of the soaps to go.

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My GRANDFATHER watches these. Yes, my manly, sports-obsessed grandpa has watched soaps ever since I can remember. He would come home from work for lunch, eat at a TV tray, and enjoy his stories. He still watches them now that he is retired.


Those theme songs make me think of him and miss him (he lives about 800 miles away). I can remember sitting with him as a child, so amazed that he was letting me watch the "grown-up kissing show". :lol:


So girls, what WILL we watch now while eating our bon bons?? ;)

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