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Want to shake your head and go ugh!!!...read inside

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So, I have posted before that I am in college (again!) and I am taking an online writing class. Every 2 weeks we read about someone else, find their claims, rhetorical devices, etc... This week we are doing Plato's Allegory of a Cave (BLAHHHHHH!!!)


Anyways, I just wanted to post a response from a fellow student that made me say "huh?" This is the typical kind of posting from this particular student and supposedly she was an honor student at her small high school and yes...English is her first language. :confused: Why are our public schools allowing this to pass 12th grade....heck, 3rd grade?

I didn't change anything...just copied and pasted...


for me i do not like the style. It makes it lease fluent, and the answers to Platos questions and short and it doesnt semm relivant.

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Is this really that common? Yikes. Don't get me wrong, I homeschool for academic reasons, but this is just horrible. I was in HP/AP classes, and those teachers were great. I felt my class mates were very intelligent, well spoken kids. Wow, have things gotten worse in the last 15 years?


Maybe they were a lot of typos.:confused:




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:001_huh: Honors student, huh? Hmm... and I was worried about doing a poor job with mine. Couldn't do any worse than her school, for sure! Geeze.


I know!!! This student isn't fresh out of high school, she is married and has 3 kids. There is another student in the class that has grammar and spelling that is just as bad. We are supposed to respond back to so many posts a week. Too bad "huh???" isn't an adequate response.:001_huh:

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Is this really that common? Yikes. Don't get me wrong, I homeschool for academic reasons, but this is just horrible. I was in HP/AP classes, and those teachers were great. I felt my class mates were very intelligent, well spoken kids. Wow, have things gotten worse in the last 15 years?


Maybe they were a lot of typos.:confused:




There are 2 students in this class that post like this every.single.post. This is just one that was really bad.

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Is, "You need to learn to spell and use correct capitalization and punctuation if you don't want everyone thinking you're an idiot," appropriate response?


DH had some doozies in his freshman English class last fall--none quite that bad, but close. He earned the appreciation of his professor by tutoring a large percentage of the class on their writing. The truly sad part was, he was in the class that rolls 2 semesters of freshman comp into 1 for English majors.

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Ohhhh yeah, I believe it.


When I was in graduate school at Vanderbilt in 1993, I had to take a PhD statistics course. I was in the audiology program, but the Stats course was taken jointly with the grad students in Education. I befriended a couple of the Education grad students because they wanted help from me because they claimed they “were not good at mathâ€. Ok, happy to help. Well, they asked me to read their final papers for the class so that I could check their math for the statistics they used, and I about fell out of my chair because the grammar was so horrendous. I sooooo wish I had thought to make photocopies of those papers. They were truly unbelievably bad.


Mind you, these were *experienced teachers*, getting *Master’s Degrees* from *Vanderbilt University*!!!!


(And ironically, if they are "not good at math", and obviously NOT good at English, what exactly are they teaching their students?!)

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I was absolutely despondent when I took an English class from our local college.

If I had been teaching the class, I think I would have thrown myself in front of a bus rather than face the spelling, grammar, and composition skills of the "college students" in the class. In my opinion, they were nearly illiterate. :glare::confused:

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So sad. I have a friend who tutors a new home schooler. She was a high honors student at the local high school. This kid can't string a decent sentence together, has no idea how to write a research paper and refuses to do draft and proofreading edits of her papers, most of which are plagiarized.

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I saw some really sorry stuff in my Eng Lit classes two years ago. I ended up not trying on my papers (for that or history), because I felt sorry for the other people in the class. My profs both had to make rules about using smilies in papers. Smilies... in PAPERS. I could not imagine doing that in school....


So Tom Sawyer was like omg! And Huck was like :) And it was just crazy n stuff!


I just hope it's the local CC and not something my kids will see elsewhere. It's a real bummer.

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My profs both had to make rules about using smilies in papers. Smilies... in PAPERS. I could not imagine doing that in school....


So Tom Sawyer was like omg! And Huck was like :) And it was just crazy n stuff!


I read your post quickly and initially thought, "Why wouldn't he want similies in papers?" Then I saw your example. :svengo:


To the OP, that really is frightening, that she could even get into college with such poor writing abilities.

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So sad. I have a friend who tutors a new home schooler. She was a high honors student at the local high school. This kid can't string a decent sentence together, has no idea how to write a research paper and refuses to do draft and proofreading edits of her papers, most of which are plagiarized.



To some extent, the need for such a high degree of remedial coursework can be traced to poor standards in high schools. A 2008 study by the nonprofit Strong American Schools found that nearly four out of five remedial students had a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. For these students, high schools failed to prepare them for college-level work and misled them about their abilities to succeed academically.
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My sister used to teach Remedial English at the local community college. Some of the things she saw would make your eyes bleed.


On the other hand, I have a friend that teaches English at another community college and she has mentioned on several occasions that her best students are always homeschoolers.

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I'm taking two online classes this semester and it's just sad. Most of the people in both of my classes submit essays and replies online just like your sample. My gov't professor sent me an email asking if she could tell the other students to read my essays and use them as an example. The very next week several of them didn't just use it as an example but plagiarised my most recent.:glare: Professor emailed me back she was giving them a pass on that week because she didn't think they understood.:001_huh:

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I'm sure that lady would feel wonderful if she knew that a fellow student was posting her stuff on a website so that other women could laugh and make fun of her. :(



You have a very kind heart.


But,....I just see this as a natural consequence. If a person is THAT unconcerned with spelling, grammar, etc....this sort of thing can happen. MY own typos have been quoted before. I wasn't angry. It HAS made me a bit more careful.

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I'm sure that lady would feel wonderful if she knew that a fellow student was posting her stuff on a website so that other women could laugh and make fun of her. :(


I didn't post it to make fun of her but to shake my head at the quality of students that can still get into college! I so wish I could post back to her "use spell check at least...please!!!!" but I don't want to get in trouble.

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