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Wedding Pictures Debacle!

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If you have a moment to pray over this situation, I'd appreciate it!


It's going on six months since my daughter's wedding and we are in a predicament with the photographer. :glare: She has not provided proofs, or anything else for that matter, (CD's, Wedding Album, etc.) and is not responding to phone calls, emails or texts.


This photographer was recommend by a reputable bridal shop, so we had no idea this would happen, but I did send her a strongly worded letter yesterday, contacted the bridal shop, and have every intention of filing suit if she does not come through and fulfill her end of the contract in 30 days.


Two other friends of my dd used this same person - one married in August 2010, one in April 2010 - neither of them have all of their contracted items, my daughter has none!



It's just sad to see these young girls taken advantage of and of course, they are all scared to say too much of anything to her because they want their wedding pictures.


Please pray this woman comes through and makes good on her end. Nobody wants to go down the hard road here, these precious gals just want their wedding memories preserved and delivered as promised!

Edited by *~Tina~*
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How very unprofessional:glare::glare:. Were there specific dates in your DD's contract to expect proofs, final ordering, etc? Also, did you buy a package (including prints & albums, CDs, etc...) or just pay her for the day with the print sales portion to be added after?


Also... does she have a website or a Facebook? Sometimes these can be more effective ways of getting attention. I know I wouldn't want negative feedback left on my website or FB page, and so (not that I would leave a customer hanging for 6 months) that could be a motivating factor to get her moving on your DD's stuff...

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How very unprofessional:glare::glare:. Were there specific dates in your DD's contract to expect proofs, final ordering, etc? Also, did you buy a package (including prints & albums, CDs, etc...) or just pay her for the day with the print sales portion to be added after?


Also... does she have a website or a Facebook? Sometimes these can be more effective ways of getting attention. I know I wouldn't want negative feedback left on my website or FB page, and so (not that I would leave a customer hanging for 6 months) that could be a motivating factor to get her moving on your DD's stuff...



She's been paid in full.


Yes, she has a website and what appears to be a rather new FB page. Should we start an email campaign encouraging her to conduct her business with integrity and professionalism? :glare:

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She's been paid in full.


Yes, she has a website and what appears to be a rather new FB page. Should we start an email campaign encouraging her to conduct her business with integrity and professionalism? :glare:


:grouphug:I'm sorry you're going through this. I would definitely try every possible way to contact her. I would send her a FB message, post a note on her wall asking her to get in touch with you (nothing negative yet-- just "Hi! Could you please contact me, Re: DD's Wedding? Thanks!"), and contact her through her website as well. In addition to letting her know that you will take legal steps if needed, I would also mention the possibility of contacting the media in your area about her lack of professionalism. You paid good money for your DD's wedding memories, and she needs to honor her contract.

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I sent her an email yesterday telling her she had 30 days to fulfil her end or I'd help all of the girls take her to court. I followed that up with a phone call (she never answers, so I left a message) then I also sent a text.


No response as of yet.


I cc'd the bridal shop on the email I sent and I think the district manager of the bridal shop was going to try and contact her as well. (but obviously, they are not doing business with her or recommending her anymore).

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We had a similar issue years ago when we were married. Luckily we had our proofs, but never got albums. The photographer just disappeared, closed up shop and could not be located. A few years ago, dh took the time to scan all the proofs and make a wedding album for my birthday on Shutterfly or a similar site. I would move quickly on this - by the time we realized something was going on, it was too late. Start asking friends and family members for photos of the event just in case.

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We had a similar issue years ago when we were married. Luckily we had our proofs, but never got albums. The photographer just disappeared, closed up shop and could not be located. A few years ago, dh took the time to scan all the proofs and make a wedding album for my birthday on Shutterfly or a similar site. I would move quickly on this - by the time we realized something was going on, it was too late. Start asking friends and family members for photos of the event just in case.


Funny thing. . .well actually. . .not funny at all. . .she requested that guest not take pictures when she was there because it interferred. :glare: I, being the MOM of the bride, said ummm. . . *I* will be taking pictures. So I'm the only one who took any. Several are on my blog, but I was in the ceremony, so missed those shots, and then my battery died at the beginning of the reception.


Small claims court would resolve the issue. HTH


On the radar! The girls really just want their pictures though, so I'm praying this lady comes through in a BIG way for them!


Have you thought about contacting local media? One of our local TV stations that has a trouble shooter segment. They've had several wedding photography situations similar to what you have described.


Also on the radar! She deserves the publicity :D


I did hear from the district manager of the bridal shop and she is going to be talking to corporate early next week to see what they can do to help us.

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Do you have a written contract? Assuming you do, I would look that over again and see if she provides a time frame of when prints, CDs, etc will be provided. It is certainly unacceptable and unprofessional for her to not return calls and emails. I think you have been more than gracious in dealing with her.


On another note is very common and generally expected that photographers request no other camera equipment be in use during the session/wedding. I have that stipulation in my contract.

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I would be full of anxiety around this if I were your dd. I pray that things will work out in the end. You just don't mess around with such an important day & it saddens me that there are those out there who do. :glare:

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Funny thing. . .well actually. . .not funny at all. . .she requested that guest not take pictures when she was there because it interferred. :glare: I, being the MOM of the bride, said ummm. . . *I* will be taking pictures. So I'm the only one who took any. Several are on my blog, but I was in the ceremony, so missed those shots, and then my battery died at the beginning of the reception.




On the radar! The girls really just want their pictures though, so I'm praying this lady comes through in a BIG way for them!




Also on the radar! She deserves the publicity :D


I did hear from the district manager of the bridal shop and she is going to be talking to corporate early next week to see what they can do to help us.


I am not 100% certain on this, but I do think before you can take any legal action, you should send a copy of the "fulfill your end of the contract within 30 days" letter via certified/registered mail (the kind that requires a signature receipt, whichever one that is).


Email, text, phone call are all well and good, but you might want proof she received the notice, not just that you sent it.


I would be upset, too; I will pray it works out and she provides the photos to your dd and the other 2 girls.

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Okay, it's worse than I thought and it looks like we will be filing court papers next week.


This lady has "issues" for sure. She called me tonight trying to tell me she mailed their CD and thought they were just taking their time as most of her clients do!! And then tried to tell me that she hadn't heard from my daughter! And blah, blah, blah.


I tell you I've NEVER heard someone spout so many lies in such a short time. OMGosh. Unbelievable.


Then she mentioned how she didn't work for the bridal shop anymore and couldn't stand them yada, yada. (Umm. . .pretty sure they feel the same.)


I could only take so much before reminding her we'd take her to court, so any further communication needed to take place in writing via email or snail mail.


She ain't right.


My daughter is beyond upset and my heart just breaks for her. Please pray she and the other girls get their pictures.

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Okay, it's worse than I thought and it looks like we will be filing court papers next week.


This lady has "issues" for sure. She called me tonight trying to tell me she mailed their CD and thought they were just taking their time as most of her clients do!! And then tried to tell me that she hadn't heard from my daughter! And blah, blah, blah.


I tell you I've NEVER heard someone spout so many lies in such a short time. OMGosh. Unbelievable.


Then she mentioned how she didn't work for the bridal shop anymore and couldn't stand them yada, yada. (Umm. . .pretty sure they feel the same.)


I could only take so much before reminding her we'd take her to court, so any further communication needed to take place in writing via email or snail mail.


She ain't right.


My daughter is beyond upset and my heart just breaks for her. Please pray she and the other girls get their pictures.



Good grief, Tina. What a mess. CDs themselves are very cheap, so it shouldn't be a problem for her to mail another one. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this girl doesn't sound like she has it together. I pray your dd gets her pictures!!!

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Okay, it's worse than I thought and it looks like we will be filing court papers next week.


This lady has "issues" for sure. She called me tonight trying to tell me she mailed their CD and thought they were just taking their time as most of her clients do!! And then tried to tell me that she hadn't heard from my daughter! And blah, blah, blah.


I tell you I've NEVER heard someone spout so many lies in such a short time. OMGosh. Unbelievable.


Then she mentioned how she didn't work for the bridal shop anymore and couldn't stand them yada, yada. (Umm. . .pretty sure they feel the same.)


I could only take so much before reminding her we'd take her to court, so any further communication needed to take place in writing via email or snail mail.


She ain't right.


My daughter is beyond upset and my heart just breaks for her. Please pray she and the other girls get their pictures.


Is she local?

Call her back and tell her you'll be at her door tomorrow morning to pick up a new CD since the original was obviously 'lost in the mail'.

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oh my word, how frustrating! Since your goal is the precious pictures, not a refund, I would just show up at her home, stick your foot in the door when she answers and politely but firmly let her know you are not leaving without all the images on CD or memory stick (bring one with you). Then have someone else edit them for printing.


Hopefully since she responded to your threat of legal action she will straighten up and fly right now. But if not, an in person visit might be quite effective!

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:grouphug: Praying she will come through with what was promised! :grouphug:


Oh, me too, me too.


I would be full of anxiety around this if I were your dd. I pray that things will work out in the end. You just don't mess around with such an important day & it saddens me that there are those out there who do. :glare:


We are - my stomach is in knots and my dd was sobbing tonight.


I am not 100% certain on this, but I do think before you can take any legal action, you should send a copy of the "fulfill your end of the contract within 30 days" letter via certified/registered mail (the kind that requires a signature receipt, whichever one that is).


Email, text, phone call are all well and good, but you might want proof she received the notice, not just that you sent it.


I would be upset, too; I will pray it works out and she provides the photos to your dd and the other 2 girls.


Great idea on the certified/registered mail! I will do that tomorrow.


One of the girls (my dd's best friend who's one of the other victims) met with her tonight. (she took her dh and Mom with her!) She said first thing the lady told her is that I was very upset with her.


Dd's BF said that her hand was shaking. So I hope she is shook up enough to make this right.


This part's kind of funny in a bizzare way. . .Dd's BF said the photographer showed her a "thank you" card with a gift card that she had been sent from another client telling her how fabulous she was, etc. But BF noticed there was no mailing info on the envelope and said she honestly believed she had picked it up from the Walgreens next to where they met and had written it herself to try and "prove" how great she was. :001_huh:


Good grief, Tina. What a mess. CDs themselves are very cheap, so it shouldn't be a problem for her to mail another one. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this girl doesn't sound like she has it together. I pray your dd gets her pictures!!!


I followed up with an email tonight asking her to mail it out certified priority mail in the next 3 business days.


Is she local?

Call her back and tell her you'll be at her door tomorrow morning to pick up a new CD since the original was obviously 'lost in the mail'.


I LOVE this idea, but after getting a feel for this lady's instability tonight, I don't trust her enough to show up at her door without a police officer by my side.


oh my word, how frustrating! Since your goal is the precious pictures, not a refund, I would just show up at her home, stick your foot in the door when she answers and politely but firmly let her know you are not leaving without all the images on CD or memory stick (bring one with you). Then have someone else edit them for printing.


Hopefully since she responded to your threat of legal action she will straighten up and fly right now. But if not, an in person visit might be quite effective!


Again, love the idea of showing up with memory stick or disk in hand, but we have the "not quite right" factor to consider here ;)


I do hope she makes this right - promptly! She's totally taken advantage of these girls and their kindness, and it makes me furious :mad:

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If you have a moment to pray over this situation, I'd appreciate it!


It's going on six months since my daughter's wedding and we are in a predicament with the photographer. :glare: She has not provided proofs, or anything else for that matter, (CD's, Wedding Album, etc.) and is not responding to phone calls, emails or texts.


This photographer was recommend by a reputable bridal shop, so we had no idea this would happen, but I did send her a strongly worded letter yesterday, contacted the bridal shop, and have every intention of filing suit if she does not come through and fulfill her end of the contract in 30 days.


Two other friends of my dd used this same person - one married in August 2010, one in April 2010 - neither of them have all of their contracted items, my daughter has none!



It's just sad to see these young girls taken advantage of and of course, they are all scared to say too much of anything to her because they want their wedding pictures.


Please pray this woman comes through and makes good on her end. Nobody wants to go down the hard road here, these precious gals just want their wedding memories preserved and delivered as promised!




We never got our wedding pictures. We got our video and proofs and were supposed to send the proofs back in a certain length of time or the price would essentially double. It sounds wacky but the photographer said he only did that to keep things moving and so brides stayed on top of things. :confused: He said it wouldn't apply to us because we were out of town (DH in AF).


We paid about 1000 upfront and owed about 500. When we came back into town 6 months later and called him he told us that we had missed our deadline and that we'd owe another 1200 to get our "package." Plus my FIL had had him come to a party he had for FIL's family while DH & I were on our honeymoon. FIL owed $800 and the photographer said we had to pay that, too, because it was all part of the wedding. Uh, no. It was days later and we were in Jamaica.


We didn't have the money and didn't trust the guy enough to give him anymore money at that point anyway. ILs didn't care b/c he had given them proofs and MIL said that was "enough" for her. They hadn't given the guy any money at all.


It's almost been 2 decades and I still feel achy inside when I think of it.

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She's been paid in full.


Yes, she has a website and what appears to be a rather new FB page. Should we start an email campaign encouraging her to conduct her business with integrity and professionalism? :glare:


There was a bad photographer around here (NOT the jerk who did our wedding, another one!) and some brides got together and made flyers about what had happened to them.


They put them under the windshield wipers of cars at bridal shows.


They got the photos pretty quickly after that.

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We had a similar issue years ago when we were married. Luckily we had our proofs, but never got albums. The photographer just disappeared, closed up shop and could not be located. A few years ago, dh took the time to scan all the proofs and make a wedding album for my birthday on Shutterfly or a similar site. I would move quickly on this - by the time we realized something was going on, it was too late. Start asking friends and family members for photos of the event just in case.




Read my story above.


Our proofs are awful...9 pics on a 8x11 page and super dark.


He told us he'd adjust that when he printed them.


I wonder if with the technology today a talented person could help me.

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Funny thing. . .well actually. . .not funny at all. . .she requested that guest not take pictures when she was there because it interferred. :glare: I, being the MOM of the bride, said ummm. . . *I* will be taking pictures. So I'm the only one who took any. Several are on my blog, but I was in the ceremony, so missed those shots, and then my battery died at the beginning of the reception.



On the radar! The girls really just want their pictures though, so I'm praying this lady comes through in a BIG way for them!




Also on the radar! She deserves the publicity :D


I did hear from the district manager of the bridal shop and she is going to be talking to corporate early next week to see what they can do to help us.


That is what our guy said too! :glare:

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We had a similar issue years ago when we were married. Luckily we had our proofs, but never got albums. The photographer just disappeared, closed up shop and could not be located.


Same thing happened to us. While we were on our honeymoon he closed up shop and took off for parts unknown. Fortunately my mother picked up the proofs the day before he took off.


We contacted the DA immediately. It took almost a year to track him down (he was in Pennsylvania) and claimed he was going to contact everyone once he was all set up in his new location.


We got our negatives and had our album made up from a local photography lab. It ended up costing us an additional $800 because we had to pay the lab (They certainly deserved to get paid for their work) and we were lucky. There were other couples who had not even gotten their proofs yet and they would have to pay for those as well.


It still churns my gut a little that my in-laws recommended this guy and that if my MIL had not called my mom to tell her the proofs were in we would not have gotten them. My MIL had told my mother she couldn't wait for us to get back and pick them up so she could see them. My mom asked her why she just didn't go pick them up for us. My in-laws did not want to pay the fee due. My mother went and paid him for the proofs (as stated in our contract) so the proofs would be waiting for us when we returned. We paid her back when we got home.

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Same thing happened to us. While we were on our honeymoon he closed up shop and took off for parts unknown. Fortunately my mother picked up the proofs the day before he took off.


We contacted the DA immediately. It took almost a year to track him down (he was in Pennsylvania) and claimed he was going to contact everyone once he was all set up in his new location.


We got our negatives and had our album made up from a local photography lab. It ended up costing us an additional $800 because we had to pay the lab (They certainly deserved to get paid for their work) and we were lucky. There were other couples who had not even gotten their proofs yet and they would have to pay for those as well.


It still churns my gut a little that my in-laws recommended this guy and that if my MIL had not called my mom to tell her the proofs were in we would not have gotten them. My MIL had told my mother she couldn't wait for us to get back and pick them up so she could see them. My mom asked her why she just didn't go pick them up for us. My in-laws did not want to pay the fee due. My mother went and paid him for the proofs (as stated in our contract) so the proofs would be waiting for us when we returned. We paid her back when we got home.


That's awful.


Did you get your negatives from the photographer?

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It's very standard for a photographer to ask for no one else to take photos. The extra flashes and such throw off the photographers lighting and it interferes with taking a good photo.


I can't believe they are just refusing to get back with you! I hope that you'll take any necessary steps to get those photos. Wedding photos are definitely important to any girl.

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Maybe you should send her the link to this article.





Oh wow! Thank you.


Ugh! How horrible. The scary thing is, you could sue and get your money back... but can you get pictures off of her camera? What if something happened to the pictures already?


Right, we just want the pictures:) She emailed me today, big, long, wordy, contradictory, pitiful email and then sent me 4 pictures via email. So she has them.




We never got our wedding pictures.

It's almost been 2 decades and I still feel achy inside when I think of it.


Oh, bless your heart. When my BF from childhood got married something went wrong with her photographer and she never got any pictures either. This is such a special time, I can't imagine why any human being would do that to another! I'm so sorry.


Oh no! I can certainly understand your DD being terribly upset and I really hope you can get the pictures from the "professional" photographer.


I agree with another poster to contact friends and family to gather any and all pictures you can of the event.


I was the only one who took any (because of the photographers request) and they are very limited.


There was a bad photographer around here (NOT the jerk who did our wedding, another one!) and some brides got together and made flyers about what had happened to them.


They put them under the windshield wipers of cars at bridal shows.


They got the photos pretty quickly after that.


Love it! This is good thinking. I'm know what they say about "a woman scorned", I imagine that's multiplied when you start jilting brides!

Edited by *~Tina~*
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All these stories break my heart. I was a professional (in every sense) wedding photographer for well over 20 years. I've heard stories like this over the years, but it seems worse in the digital age. Too easy to get into the biz, I think.


My contract used to state no other photographers, too. And I was paid in full before the wedding, too. (Because as bad as the bad photographer stories are, I also have a bucketfull of bad bride stories.) I worked my tushy off for my brides. Maybe I should go back into the biz and charge double. sigh.


If you don't get photos from her, don't settle for just your money back. I wonder if you can take her to court for 'emotional' trauma?


I suppose a public flogging is too much to ask?

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Obviously this won't fix the issue, but could you recreate some of the setting? Maybe get the wedding party together again in a more casual setting in casual outfits, maybe outside.


Or insist that you are compensated by the lousy "photographer" and rent the tuxes again and do some formal shots outside.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope she resolves this to your satisfaction and is scared off enough to stay out of the business.

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Maybe you should send her the link to this article.




Well, now she's claiming to be out of town until April 3rd. . .sigh.


I sent her this link for her traveling reading pleasure. Thank you Cindy!


Of course, I don't believe for one minute she's out of town, so I gave her this advice. . .


"I've made our expectations clear. Your other obligations are not our concern and if you want to "claim" to be out of town then I strongly suggest you keep track of any receipts (plane tickets, hotel expenses, gas purchases, etc. ) that will help you prove your week long "out of town" excursion, because you're going to need it if you don't produce the CD as I requested."


Geez, if you could read her deluded emails full of fabrications and excuses, you'd roll over. It's absurd. :tongue_smilie:


We've been beyond gracious and patient with this lady, but again it's hard to work with the "ain't quite right" factor in play. :glare:

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Obviously this won't fix the issue, but could you recreate some of the setting? Maybe get the wedding party together again in a more casual setting in casual outfits, maybe outside.


Or insist that you are compensated by the lousy "photographer" and rent the tuxes again and do some formal shots outside.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I hope she resolves this to your satisfaction and is scared off enough to stay out of the business.


I like this idea. It's what I would have done if a bride's wedding film had been destroyed. Not perfect, no, but could really be a fun time, too, and would give you some of those memories you are looking for.

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Update. . .


She became "available" ;)


We have plans to meet with her tonight to look at the pictures and get the CD so that my dd can then select the shots for her wedding book.


Please pray that all goes well. I'm a bit leery, as I've mentioned the "ain't quite right" factor we're dealing with. She's made a lot of fabrications and as well as some innuendos that I've not taken the bait on or responded to because we don't want to detract from the facts of the situation, we simply want to focus on a positive outcome and get this resolved so that my dd can have her pictures.


I have such a migrane over this. . .okay this and the pile of medical bills I was sorting through today. Ugh.


Serenity Now! :D

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This woman sounds like she will do almost anything to avoid getting these to you. She sounds like a flake! I am so happy that she has agreed to meet with you - I would hope that she would just give you the CD and you could have your own photographs made from it. Then you wouldn't have to worry about follow-through with the finished product.


Hope the meeting goes well and that the pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!

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This woman sounds like she will do almost anything to avoid getting these to you. She sounds like a flake! I am so happy that she has agreed to meet with you - I would hope that she would just give you the CD and you could have your own photographs made from it. Then you wouldn't have to worry about follow-through with the finished product.


Hope the meeting goes well and that the pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!


Just remember to get written permission from her to have them printed elsewhere. Most places will not print photos that appear to be copyrighted (professional) without a written release from the photographer. This is a pretty standard practice.

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Update. . .


She became "available" ;)


We have plans to meet with her tonight to look at the pictures and get the CD so that my dd can then select the shots for her wedding book.


Please pray that all goes well. I'm a bit leery, as I've mentioned the "ain't quite right" factor we're dealing with. She's made a lot of fabrications and as well as some innuendos that I've not taken the bait on or responded to because we don't want to detract from the facts of the situation, we simply want to focus on a positive outcome and get this resolved so that my dd can have her pictures.


I have such a migrane over this. . .okay this and the pile of medical bills I was sorting through today. Ugh.


Serenity Now! :D


Well, this is promising. Let us know how it goes. And if you get them, post a few! I want to see them.

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I wish you the best of luck! Please let us know how it goes.


So how did this go? Dare I ask?



I hope they got, at the very least, a disc with awesome proofs. It makes me sad that so many people throw around the term "photographer" now just because they can afford a little bit of decent equipment. :001_huh: A lack of professionalism on the part of one who is billing herself as such can make people wary of photographers as a whole.

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Update. . .


She became "available" ;)


We have plans to meet with her tonight to look at the pictures and get the CD so that my dd can then select the shots for her wedding book.


Please pray that all goes well. I'm a bit leery, as I've mentioned the "ain't quite right" factor we're dealing with. She's made a lot of fabrications and as well as some innuendos that I've not taken the bait on or responded to because we don't want to detract from the facts of the situation, we simply want to focus on a positive outcome and get this resolved so that my dd can have her pictures.


I have such a migrane over this. . .okay this and the pile of medical bills I was sorting through today. Ugh.


Serenity Now! :D

Phooey, I missed this until now. I was going to say to take someone along to video your meeting with her, for the record. And, with her previous actions, you have every right to do so! :glare:


How'd the meeting go? :001_huh: I certainly am hoping it went well, things can be resolved and your dd will get her pictures!

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Unfortunately I think it's become way too easy for someone to become a "photographer" and unless the person who is hiring them does a lot of homework, knows what to look for, and has plenty of references, this is going to start happening a lot. Considering how clueless she seems to be, I'll bet that she doesn't have good enough insurance, so she could be in a lot of financial trouble if you sue her (and I do think you'd have a good case to sue). Also, I'm hoping this isn't the case, but I'm also betting her work isn't of high quality. Sometimes I think people think "oh I just got this camera, now I'm a photographer" and don't realize the skill required to do such a thing.


I really do hope it all works out for you in the end, and hopefully others who are hiring photographers will see how important it is to really assess someone's ability before hiring. It's going to become harder and harder.

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Thank you all for asking! We met at Starbucks, very brief meeting. . .so brief we didn't sit down, but she brought the CD of photos and a written plan to complete the process from selection to wedding book, so hopefully all will go smooth from here on out.


What gets me is that this woman SEEMS very normal and honest when you talk to her, the problem is that she lies so sincerely that I truly believe she thinks she telling the truth. My dd said she "almost" felt sorry for her. :glare: I nipped that in the bud :lol:


It's just bizarre.


AND. . she lies when the truth can be validated, such as when she gave us the disc she stated there were 500 pictures on it, well when I got home and opened it, it only took me a single minute to figure out that there were 319.


I could also tell the disc had been put together in the past couple days, all you have to do is click on it, and look at the properties.


DD is not happy with the "shortage" of engagement shots, as the photographer had only put 14 on the disc and they spent 3 hours on this session.


So anywho, we are going to email about the difference between 319 and 500 along with the shortage of engagement shots to see if she made a mistake or didn't have time to finish adding them.


This disc contains untouched photos, a handful or so are very off-center, so she didn't put anytime into editing them as she was suppose to and I can transfer every picture on my SD card to a disc in minutes, ya know?


The thing is, beyond the lies and delays for us, we know at least two other brides she's done the same thing to. So it's not isolated or the result of some catastrophe in her life, however, it's way beyond my thinking to even fathon WHY on earth this has gone on like this.


Have you ever known someone who lies and makes up stories when it would be just as easy to tell the truth or do the right thing? Just SO weird. Not something I can comprehend.


She stood there looking at us lying about things we have documentation of otherwise, to the point of basically calling my daughter a liar, but she didn't bat an eye in doing it. :001_huh:




What I don't understand is what someone *gets* out of pulling stunts like this. Is it a power/control issue? I mean, seriously...


I'm completely baffled myself. :001_huh::001_huh: Geesh!

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