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Seeking silly/fun April 1 jokes to play on kids!

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Nothing mean spirited, of course, just fun stuff. Example: I read about a mom who poured the child's cereal with milk into a bowl and then placed it in the freezer. . . so when the kid dug in on April 1 she hit ice!


Apparently she was so excited and said, "really Mom?? It's an real April Fools joke??" and was ecstatic that her mom was "playing."


This came from the Happiness Project.


Anyway, I'd love to hear more cute April 1 jokes -- I want to make it a fun day for my kids.





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A couple of years ago, dh and I woke up early on April 1 and cooked up some good ones.


For oldest dd, who woke up first, we feigned the end of a conversation as she came downstairs. I was saying "... so it's going to upset some people, but it's pretty revolutionary, isn't it?" Then I turned to her, said good morning, and told her the exciting news that there had been a historic agreement between the Catholic and Orthodox churches, that unification was at hand, and that as part of its conciliation, the Catholic Church was adopting the eastern calendar. Unfortunately, since Orthodox Easter had just occurred ... that meant there would be no Easter this year.


(Just reassuring people that she was a teenager, and I never would have tried to convince a small child that the Pope had canceled Easter!) She bought it completely, and was even thinking of a gentle way to break it to her little sister.


For middle dd, dh did a quick-and-dirty Photoshop of a penguin onto a photo of our birdfeeder, and convinced her that the Antarctic penguins have been making their annual migration from the south pole to the north pole, and that a flock stopped at our birdfeeder this morning. That was a successful one, too.


In retrospect these seem a little cruel; but we know our kids, and they thought it was hilarious. Middle dd still laughs at having bought dh's cock-and-bull story about migrating penguins.

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as long as it won't destroy your morning:

sew all underwear together...just one little tacking stitch to make one long line of underwear, KWIM? This way when the first pair is grabbed all the rest come with it. (depending on your set up you could probably do this with socks or t-shirts or whatever)


A pp mentioned Family Fun magazine...they usually have tons of ideas, especially fun food pranks.

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Every year my husband gets me with this. EVERY year, and do you think I would remember?


Put a rubber band around the sprayer next to your faucet. Make sure to point it directly where someone (who would be turning on the water) is standing.


Every April 1st I start my day with a nice hose-down thanks to my hubby.


This year I am marking my calendar. :o)



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April Fools day is big around here. My favorite one was making edible play-do like stuff, rolling them into balls and then rolling the balls in powdered sugar. They looked just like doughnut holes. Hubby bought real doughnut holes from Dunkin for he and I. It was hysterical.


We have dogs and one year we made fake poo out of a Snicker Bar. We put it on the floor and I proceeded to freak out. There was much debate about which dog had done the deed which ended with my husband and older son picking it up, sniffing it and them my son took a bite. It was fabulous!


Someone always get sprayed at the kitchen sink. Bedroom doors are plastic wrapped. I look forward to it every year.

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We love April fools here.

This year,

I am moving all the chairs into the garage the night before (the dining ones) and then I will act like nothing is amiss when I call them to breakfast.


For dinner (chairs are coming back in) I am getting a plastic table cloth. We are having spaghetti with meatballs, no plates or utensils. I am going to walk over with the bowl a plop a big old pile of pasta in front of sh and the kids, then some salad, and then ask if anyone would like some Parmesan and sit down and eat.


Last year I switched meals. We had soup and rolls for breakfast and pancakes and bacon for dinner. Oh, and I turned the couch upside down.



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I second Family Fun's website. One year they had an idea in the magazine for an April Fool's joke that involved substituting sweet treats for typical dinner foods. Something like ice cream for mashed potatoes, green fruit rollups rolled to resemble green beans, etc. I can't remember it all now but wanted to try that one year.

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A few years ago I switched all the bedding between my girls' room and my son's, so he had a purple fairy comforter and 10,000 stuffed animals and they had a manly green bedspread and NO animals. None of the kids remembered it was April Fools, so there was much carrying on when this was discovered. They didn't find Part 2 until the next morning - I'd switched the underwear drawers too. The HORROR!

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Last year we did food things. For lunch we had little baby bananas coated with peanut butter to look like hot dogs. I served them on a bun with some strawberry jelly dribbled on top to look like ketchup. Our side was apples sliced to look like french fries. I tossed them with cinnamon sugar and baked them for about 10 minutes. For supper, I made Jello with berries in glasses with straws. It looked just like a fruit punch. They managed to suck it all through the straw. I made meatloaf in two cake pans. I stacked them and frosted it with mashed potatoes tinted pink with beet juice. I think I found the ideas on that Family Fun website.

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I've been saving these links for a year. This is from the boards; here's an idea for meat cake.


Dd had a friend spend the night one April Fool's Eve. I snuck into dd's room in the middle of the night and moved her clock ahead two hours, along with all the clocks downstairs. I clued in dh and ds, and when the girls came down, they really believed they'd slept that late.


Meanwhile, dh found leftover Halloween makeup and put a giant cut on his face. He yelled for dd, shouting that he was hurt. But she refused to go to him, and instead came to get me, lol. She's not big on blood.


We finally told the girls that it was really two hours earlier.


I put a spool of thread in my pocket, then asked ds to help pull the "loose string" on my pants. He pulled and pulled. And pulled.


Dd used clear scotch tape on all of the toilet paper rolls in the house.


Ds switched the bags of cereal in the cereal boxes, so breakfast was a surprise.


That was a fun year. We're really not such fun people. I'm going to do something this year though.



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I second Family Fun's website. One year they had an idea in the magazine for an April Fool's joke that involved substituting sweet treats for typical dinner foods. Something like ice cream for mashed potatoes, green fruit rollups rolled to resemble green beans, etc. I can't remember it all now but wanted to try that one year.


Yes! I did this exact dinner a few years back and the kids still talk about it! I am planning to explore this again since it has been at least 3 years... It was chocolate rice krispy meatloaf, ice cream mashed potatoes and green fruit rollups shaped into balls for green peas. Thank you for the reminder!

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Every year my husband gets me with this. EVERY year, and do you think I would remember?


Put a rubber band around the sprayer next to your faucet. Make sure to point it directly where someone (who would be turning on the water) is standing.


Every April 1st I start my day with a nice hose-down thanks to my hubby.


This year I am marking my calendar. :o)





lol my husband got in BIG TROUBLE for doing that to me after he saw it on AFV LOL......

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The BEST yr we had I...


snuck into my eldest sons room and put Gymboree hair pretties in his hair, painted the nails on one hand and put make-up on him.


saran-wrapped my husband's oldest to his bed, around his torso.


gift wrapped the girls' bedroom door.


put a bunch of crickets in our mailbox and had one of the DC go get the mail for us.


I know there was one more, but I can't remember...


This year, though, I gotta come up with something good :D

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The BEST yr we had I...


snuck into my eldest sons room and put Gymboree hair pretties in his hair, painted the nails on one hand and put make-up on him.


saran-wrapped my husband's oldest to his bed, around his torso.


gift wrapped the girls' bedroom door.


put a bunch of crickets in our mailbox and had one of the DC go get the mail for us.


I know there was one more, but I can't remember...


This year, though, I gotta come up with something good :D


Um, I think you have already come up with some good ones!

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The BEST yr we had I...


snuck into my eldest sons room and put Gymboree hair pretties in his hair, painted the nails on one hand and put make-up on him.


saran-wrapped my husband's oldest to his bed, around his torso.


gift wrapped the girls' bedroom door.


put a bunch of crickets in our mailbox and had one of the DC go get the mail for us.


I know there was one more, but I can't remember...


This year, though, I gotta come up with something good :D


Wow!! Your kids must be really sound sleepers! LOL I could see myself trying to sneak in their room and hearing my dd calling out sternly, "What are you doing??" hehehehe :lol:

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When I was in Jr. High, my dad came to wake up my brother and me and he told us we could go back to sleep today because there was no school due to a fire at the school. I was a bit freaked out by that so he said it was only in the cafeteria, which was a separate building from the classrooms. He finally told us it was an April Fools joke.


Of course, that doesn't work for homeschoolers. :tongue_smilie:

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This yr I am planning to steal my husband's truck. If I find som broken glass, I will sprinkle that around the driveway, too, to make it seem truly authentic. Then I'll park it around the corner.


THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you -- I'll do it too! Easy and fun!



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Not near as fun as some of these, but very easy, but one I do w/milk in a container, not a jug, is to put food coloring in it. They don't notice it til it's on the way into their cereal.


My kids still pull the rubber band around the spray nozzle through out the year. Some come back to bite you.



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My kids' favorite was the time I said we were having meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner...


When they sat down to eat, dinner was meatloaf (rice crispy treat made with Koala Krisp, which is chocolate, with added chocolate and butterscotch chips and shaped like meatloaf -- until I sliced into it, they thought it was the real thing!), mashed potatoes (vanilla ice cream -- I let it soften a little and stirred it in the serving bowl a bit so it looked just like mashed potatoes), gravy (caramel sauce in a bowl with the gravy spoon), and a big bowl of fresh fruit.


I'd also promised pie for dessert. The pie ha a whole wheat crust, real meat loaf (with some extra veggies snuck in) and the topping was mashed potatoes dyed a lovely fuchsia by boiling a couple of pieces of beet in with the potatoes.


The children thought it was the best April Fools EVER. My husband still talks about it with terror in his eyes, lol.

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