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Tell me how to stay off the computer!

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Hi all,


Many times I have tried to limit my computer use, but am not being very successful. There always seems to be a legitimate reason for me to be using it (researching curriculum, organizing field trips, requesting library books, online billpay, etc.) but I know that it takes time away from my kids and I am setting a bad example for them. I'm sure I look like a hypocrite because we severely limit their screen-time.


HELP! I want to be a consistent model for them of giving the computer the appropriate place in our home as a tool - nothing more. I am ashamed to admit it, but it has gotten to where checking my email is the first thing I do in the morning - and then I seem to get "trapped" with more things that need to get done on the computer. To the detriment of my personal time with God and also time I certainly should be using exercising, caring for my home, or planning & preparing healthy meals.


Please don't tell me that I'm probably doing fine, I am feeling really convicted that my computer use is taking too much time so I want some strategies (or book recommendations) on successfully cutting my usage.


ETA: I will at least say for myself that I do not have trouble with facebook, twitter, youtube ,etc. Those sites don't really hold an attraction for me. Mostly, my problem involves checking & responding to email and doing homeschool related research and work.


Many blessings,


Edited by A.J. at J.A.
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Firefox has a browser add on appropriately named Leechblock. You can block out specific sites during specific times.



VERY interesting! I was trying to find something that would not allow access except for certain times of day, but couldn't find anything. Maybe this is the answer.


I am going to start using it again myself... tomorrow, of course :lol:


:iagree: LOL!

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Does anyone know of something that can close down your access to the internet & email for certain times of the day? I guess this would have to be Windows-based.


Windows 7 :) Hubby's a tech and has it installed on his computer and uses it for the kids.

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Firefox has a browser add on appropriately named Leechblock. You can block out specific sites during specific times.


I am going to start using it again myself... tomorrow, of course :lol:



I love this add on! I just started using it last week thanks to a post here. It has GREATLY helped me curtail my frivolous use of the computer. :)

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:lol: Yes - I know! Any good books on developing better self-discipline in this area??


ya know -- I have several books about organizing the house and decluttering. A good friend noticed them, off-handedly asked if I had read them, looked around, and promptly answered "apparently not...." w/ a big grin. ;)


so if there's a good book on self-discipline, i probably HAVE it, but likely haven't READ or APPLIED it. :D

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so if there's a good book on self-discipline, i probably HAVE it, but likely haven't READ or APPLIED it. :D


Too funny! I know where you are coming from. I ususally am good about reading such books and applying them - but have yet to find one that deals with this problem. UGH!

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I have the same problem. You are not alone. I'm trying to limit it to 30 minutes in the morning before we get started with the day (although it's been longer than that today because I'm shipping stuff I sold on eBay over the weekend) and 30 minutes at night.


I find that sometimes I use it as an escape from doing housekeeping. :glare:

I could use some more self discipline myself. I'll have to check into that blocking tool for me too.

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Parental controls and only give your DH the password with strict instructions not to give it to you. ;)


You can set it up for a specific amount of minutes per day or specific times per day - however you'd prefer. :)


Is this only with Windows 7? We don't have that - I think we have Windows NP.

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:lol::lol::lol: You're asking us?:lol::lol::lol:


I skipped facebook and twitter, because I simply don't have time to add one more time sucking thing.


My biggest limit is only allowing myself on when both kids are working or done with their lessons, and the house isn't a mess.

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I do my morning meditation before computer time.

I have my first cup of tea with computer though :)

Now that I have more time- some days I spend more time on the computer, some days less, but everything that needs to be done is being done.

I used to make myself get off to do things (such as homeschooling). A good day was when I did a lot of stuff before getting on the computer.

But the truth is I am hopelessly addicted. As are all my family. Yet we seem to be fine without it when we are not around them.

It does seem to take some self discipline. WHen I am not feeling so great, I tend to escape into the computer too.

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I've thought about sending the laptop (our only computer) to work my dh. :glare:


I've thought about doing this. If it's out of the house I can't get on "just to check one little thing."

Like I did just now. Okay...I'm turning OFF the computer until after the kids are in bed tonight.

I wonder if I can actually do it.

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I'm not supposed to be here right now! :D Leechblock on this site isn't working for me ... I mean, I added it to Leechblock, and I "tested" it out, and here I am! Does anyone know why it wouldn't be working?


The other day my computer randomly shut itself down and when it rebooted, I had to reset Leechblock for this site and FB. I don't know why. Did you recheck your settings? Are you settings for every day?

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I'm a big believer in reinforcers. . .


How about set yourself a schedule (certain hours each day when computer is OK to use), and post it prominently.


Then, fill a jar with candy bars or quarters (your pick). Tell your kids that if they catch you cheating. . . they get one. Every time. They'll catch you for sure.


Try it.

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I'm a big believer in reinforcers. . .


How about set yourself a schedule (certain hours each day when computer is OK to use), and post it prominently.


Then, fill a jar with candy bars or quarters (your pick). Tell your kids that if they catch you cheating. . . they get one. Every time. They'll catch you for sure.


Try it.


:w00t: OUCH!! - a good idea to consider!

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I just tried out that Freedom program and set it for 45 minutes. I couldn't believe how anxious I was not being able to check my email! It was almost a physical need to check. I think I am going to buy and use this every day. Hopefully it will get easier.

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I just tried out that Freedom program and set it for 45 minutes. I couldn't believe how anxious I was not being able to check my email! It was almost a physical need to check. I think I am going to buy and use this every day. Hopefully it will get easier.


Do you have a link? That sounds promising!

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I'm not supposed to be here right now! :D Leechblock on this site isn't working for me ... I mean, I added it to Leechblock, and I "tested" it out, and here I am! Does anyone know why it wouldn't be working?


It took a little figuring out going through all the steps. On the tools menu, under LeechBlock "options", enter the domain name in the main area on the "what to block" tab, (Skip the optional field--it really enters a bunch of code and doesn't seem to do anything.) enter the time/times and days on the "when to block" tab, then select "actively block pages...." on the "how to block" tab. I'm betting you forgot one of those.

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I just don't turn on the computer during the day and stay unplugged until 4:00 p.m. James isn't allowed technology either until 4:00 as well. For me it has been wonderful and I am getting more done. Plus we are getting lessons done without the "mom, can I" or the "just 15 more minutes, please." Friday's during lent I am unplugging the whole day. Except Monday and Thursday when I'm at our shop. This is my lunch break.


I've heard good things about freedom as well. So if you just can't stand the temptation, the software will help you.


Unplugging will make you feel anxious at first, but after a while, it will be refreshing and the need won't feel so urgent to check the email first thing in the morning. It'll all still be there later. Good luck!

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when you think of a question you want to look up online, write it down during the day. keep the computer turned off and even unplugged if that will help. get a timer, decide what time of day you want to use the computer and what length of time you want to use it for- schedule that into your day, writing down any 'oh, I just need to look up xyz' items knowing that you'll do it a x o'clock. don't forget to set the timer when you boot up.

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It took a little figuring out going through all the steps. On the tools menu, under LeechBlock "options", enter the domain name in the main area on the "what to block" tab, (Skip the optional field--it really enters a bunch of code and doesn't seem to do anything.) enter the time/times and days on the "when to block" tab, then select "actively block pages...." on the "how to block" tab. I'm betting you forgot one of those.


Thanks. I'll go back and try again.

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I'm a big believer in reinforcers. . .


How about set yourself a schedule (certain hours each day when computer is OK to use), and post it prominently.


Then, fill a jar with candy bars or quarters (your pick). Tell your kids that if they catch you cheating. . . they get one. Every time. They'll catch you for sure.


Try it.

That would work better than Leechblock for me, which I just turn off if I really want to do something.:001_rolleyes: I keep checking this thread.:tongue_smilie::lol:

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