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Being nickle and dimed at a restaurant -- any good stories?

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Wow, we eat out fairly often. I can't ever remember being charged incorrectly except once I believe a restaurant forgot to bring something out but still charged us for it. When we brought it to their attention, they apologized and removed the bill.


I have experienced the surprise upgrade. We went into a restaurant which is one of a local group of restaurants. We had to wait a long time for seating and then they had to sit us seperately (There were five of us). For that, they gave us free appetizers although we hadn't complained. Then it turned out that they had run out of two entrees and two of the party had to switch choices- this happened while we were ordering and didn;t cause any delay. They then comped us dessert. Again we hadn't complained. Well, they did themselves a good business idea since we have visited several of their restaurants a number of times more and will go again at least once before we move.


That's good!

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I must go to really good restaurants but I haven't had any of this stuff happen to me! I do always ask though if something comes with the meal or not. I've had a few things comped me but it was always by the owner and they were rewarded by my repeat business and recommendations to others.


That's cool! You and Chris must be lucky! :)

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One of our favorite food stories involves ordering Pizza Hut for delivery. It came with a large stick, as in a branch of a tree, a few inches long and probably 1/4 thick, baked under the cheese and toppings. We called, and all they did was bring us a new pizza 20 minutes later. No refunds or anything...just the extra wait while the kids went hungry. They couldn't explain where the stick had come from either, or how they didn't notice it while they made the pizza.


Recently, I took my son on a date in our old town. We waited forever for our food. I didn't time it but it was something like 45 minutes or so. And when we got it, his sliders were raw...completely uncooked/cold in the middle. I also didn't get my side of rings with my sandwich. It came out later, and they were nasty, cooking oil pouring out of them when you bit into them. We didn't hang around to get his free ice cream with kids meal because we had to catch the last bus to our parking garage before they switched to an infrequent schedule.


Uggghhhhh. A stick?


It sounds like the oil wasn't hot enough for the onion rings to cook correctly.

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We eat out ALL the time. I've not had too many issues. One big reason for it, I can think of, is that I try to ONLY go to places that have good reviews on Yelp or Tripadvisor, etc. We don't eat at places like Chilis, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, etc. anymore.... we eat at places where there are REAL cooks, cooking REAL food.... There are a few exceptions, like, Chipotle, Noodles and Company, Baja Fresh, Chick-Fil-A...


It always surprises me when people complain about chains not cooking foods a certain way, ie. leave this out, add this, substitute this, etc. They get their food frozen, or make stuff from powder mixes (VAST majority of it), and have people (who have NO cooking experience) just reheating it.... it's not like everything is made to order... there are not a bunch of cooks back there cooking all this food from fresh vegetables and such. The soups, etc. sit around all day waiting on you to eat it... it probably arrived in a 5 gallon bucket. The sauces are all pre-made from powder mixes... all they do is add water...


I remember reading an article that said that a vast majority of food borne illnesses/food poisoning occurred at chains like Applebees, Chilis, etc. because the kitchens are full of barely minimum wage "cooks" and dishwashers who can't afford to miss work b/c they are sick and managers who don't care.... a well run, decent kitchen will not allow sick workers to be there. *Sorry, rabbit trail.....


There are a few local restaurants we love...but we do also go to chains.

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A friend and I went to a restaurant one day. I have 4 kiddos and she has three (two of whom were 10 month old twins at the time). We were told we would be seated as soon as a table was ready, probably 10 to 20 mins. We opted to wait, but I was getting anxious because I could see where they had place to push a couple tables together for us. Finally, 30 mins later, they drag us to the absolute back of the restaurant. We promptly order (having had plenty of time to go over the menu). My friend and I both opt for salad bar with our meal and get ourselves something to eat. 40 mins later they come out to tell us that they do not have the Mac and Cheese all the kids order, so we place a new order. By this time we have been in the restaurant for over and hour and the kids have no food. 3 hours into this ordeal my friend goes ballistic - the kids have been absolutely angelic up to this point, but enough was enough, then when the food comes, the order is incorrect. The manager comes over and hands us coupons for 1/2 price breakfasts, which my friend laughs at and insists that our meal be comped in full. He agrees, and then the waiter asks us if we would like pie for all out trouble. The kids had dessert with their meals, so my friend and I say okay, and he brings it to us and then tries to bill us for it (it was very clear in his offer that the pie would be "free"). Needless to say we refused to pay for the pie, and refuse to go back.


WOW! Three hours! that's crazy! The whole experience sounds awful!

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We recently tried out a new restaurant. My husband and I both ordered the same thing which included a combo deal with salad and free slice of pie. I ordered the salad, but my husband didn't want salad. At the end, we both ordered our pie, but when the bill came his pie had a charge of $3.95 and mine was free. When we asked about it, they said it's because he did not order the salad, so his pie was not free. WHAT? They refused to remove the $3.95 charge. Obviously we'll not be back.


So the salad and the entree were priced together but your DH passed on the salad?


if that's the way it was, the restaurant was saving money by him not eating the salad!

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Hmmmm....this hasn't happened to me though at OG. They always told me if I would like a complimentary wine while waiting. I was never charged. Sometime they would come to our table and offer house wine. I always ask is it complimentary or will I be charged? They always told me complimentary. Could be different management.....




I remember years ago, OG was starting to serve new-to-them wines and they'd offer a tasting glass for free.

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The worst.....getting a dinner at an inexpensive Chinese restaurant, and when I asked for an an extra plastic fork (the very cheap white ones that have sharp edges) for dd and I to share the dinner, the server had to ask permission from the cook/owner to give me one more fork. I had just spent $10 there, and apparently was only rationed one fork, and one thin napkin. The server then had to ask him, if he was supposed to charge me for it. This wasn't a new server, they were honestly, that cheap!


Beside the register there was a list of how many condiments each meal came with (very, very few) and then the charge list for extras like a single soy sauce packet.


They solved the soda issue, buy only selling cans of soda.


It makes me wonder if their profit margins are so close or if they don't want people taking extra for home.

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My better experiences have been with chain restaurants, and my worst experiences have been with privately owned places. There's the "upscale" restaurant that has been around for 50 years that had the cockroaches all over the curtains; there's the little local place where we sometimes get cheesesteaks that screws my dang cheesesteak up every single time (NO onions, people! how hard is that?!); there was the family-owned pancake restaurant that stank of cheap cleaning solution where the waitresses were smoking behind the counter and the pancakes tasted like they came right out of a box.


If I've had a negative experience at a chain restaurant, the server (I've never had to escalate to a manager) has always been responsive and eager to make it right. I hate tomatoes on my sandwiches too, and I've never had an errant one scraped off--I've always gotten a new sandwich. Maybe it's regional, but I tend to stick to chains these days. IME, the quality of the service is usually better, and the quality of the food is likely to be as good or better as many of the privately owned places I've been to--and I'm not easy to please (as my DH can tell you :lol:).


I wrote in another post that we eat at both.


But it really seems like the consistency is better at chains.


We could go to a local rest. and have a great meal, then go back and it'll be terrible.


Our favorite local restaurants are special ethnic foods... the Greek place, the Lebanese place, the Indian place, the Irish place :lol: The local places that just serve "American" tend not to be so good.


ETA: I forgot the Mexican place! Yum.

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This reminds me of my last trip to pick up pizza. They had a special for 2 large, 2-topping pizzas. I ordered one with 2 toppings and one just cheese. The employee told me he would have to charge me more, because the special was just for pizzas with 2 toppings. I said, "OK, make them both ham and mushroom then, but leave the ham and mushrooms off of one of them". Surprisingly, it worked :lol:


That happens at Wegman's here. You can get $2 off a 1-topping pizza. But if you get a 1/2 topping or a plain pizza, they have to override something and manually deduct the $2. It's something to do with the shopper's club program.

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I forgot about this. I took dd9 to subway a few months back. Get got a kids meal. the bread was so stale and falling apart. I took it back up and the girl had to call her boss to see if she could make a new sandwich or refund me. She was on the phone for at least 10 mins explaining every last possible detail about the sandwich. They figured it was bread that was over cooked and that it was "crispy" and was fine to eat. I was like IT IS A PILE OF CRUMBS. She called he boss back again and he said to make a new sandwich but to use flat bread so it wasn't "too crumby" for me. I could hear him on the phone. I was so mad.. I was like REALLY? all this for a 3 inch sandwich with 2 pieces of salami and 8 black olives. I came home and complained on the subway FB page :lol:






This was over 20 years ago. My parents apparently had not been to a restaurant that didn't have free refills. I know at least 1 place that does have free juice refills Eat n' park (at least on kids drinks I never ordered an adult juice)


You should have screamed that loud enough for the manager to here thru the phone. :lol:


(But to be honest, I could see my DD making that call if she worked at Subway. She's like that.)

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I have a story that still ticks me off to think about! My DH and I took a large group of family and friends out to dinner when my DD was baptized. It was a nice restaurant and DH paid for everyone (we're talking $150 tab several years ago). The waitress asks the entire table, not DH who was paying if she minded if she kept the change. :cursing::mad::banghead: Not only did they not know how much DH had given her, but she knew they were going to be polite and say okay. DH was in the bathroom at the time and I was taking care of my DS so we were completely left out. He was a student at the time ( so of course money was very tight), so it was a really big deal to us. He complained to the manager, but let her keep the tip...he's way too nice. It really ticks me off, because we would have left her a nice tip (DH always tips 20%) and she stole quite a bit more money than that! She probably blew it all on hair and nails while my DC ate mac and cheese for the week. :rant:edit.gif


I hate when servers ask, "Do you need change?" :glare: Uh, yeah.

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My friends and I have a tradition of going out to dinner for Christmas every year - nice restaurant, no kids. We went to a local restaurant that we had all been to many times before. The entire evening was a disaster from beginning to end. Starting with cocktails, 2 were wrong, one had lipstick on the glass and they kept switching two beers. Appetizers were wrong. Entrees were wrong. Desserts were wrong. We ended up being there for four hours just to get through dinner. Fortunately, we were all resolved to have a good time and after a while, we had to laugh about it because it was just so ridiculous. Then, when it was all said and done, they switched up the credit cards and charged us for the wrong meals. Shortly, after this, they went out of business. None of us were surprised but it still makes us all laugh several years later.


I have two good restaurant stories though. First, dh and I were at Don Pablo's mexican restaurant one night for dinner. We had left the kids with my brother and were just enjoying a dinner out. We were in no hurry but dinner did take a very long time to get to us. We did not complain but the manager came to our table and he gave us our entire dinner including dessert for free. It was a pleasant surprise.


For the other story, we were in NYC. I was pregnant with dd9 and we had been walking all day. I was exhausted. Dh and I went into Hard Rock Cafe, noticed all of the people waiting and went to inquire about the wait since I really didn't want to wait a long time. The hostess looked at me, asked, "Ma'am, are you pregnant?". When I said yes, she said that we could go right in and she seated us immediately. It was such an act of kindness to me that day and so appreciated. I find it interesting that people talk about rude New Yorkers but I can honestly say that for the week we were there, we only encountered the nicest people, especially in the restaurants.

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I hate when servers ask, "Do you need change?" :glare: Uh, yeah.


I have never been asked this! I have always had servers say I'll bring you your change.


I have had servers who act like they're are too busy to be our waiter/waitress or have had them disappear for a ridiculously long time. If it's not a food issue I don't tip at that point.


The nice thing about chains us that if the store messes u and the manager on duty refuses to hel it make it better, you can go straight to the corporate office. A strongly worded letter, but still polite, to them complaining about lack of quality and lack of helpful customer service tends to work. I've gotten written apologies from the managers who initially refused to help and good coupons. I don't constantly complain, but if it's warranted I will.

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I've had a few winners!


The one that sticks out recently was a small chain - DS orders grilled chicken and broccoli. We wait. He gets his and starts eating it - and it's R.A.W. in the middle. I was ticked. Called the waiter over - he takes it back and was unconcerned about the health risk. The manager comes over... "Oh so sorry... blah." Then much later SAME chicken returns, though cooked. And we get charged for it. We were all tired, I was late for a meeting, and we live in a super small town so complaining sometimes backfires so we paid and left. DS ate at home. We won't go back.


I won't eat at one chain - food poisoning landed me in the hospital for 3 days while 6 months pregnant. I tried a few years later - ordered chicken wraps - chicken on the bottom was cold and raw in the middle. Fearing food poisoning again, I set up a plan for when I got sick (DH was traveling). I did not get sick - but I will NEVER eat there again.


Pet peeve - getting drinks wrong in the drive-through. When I order "unsweet tea" I would really like to get that not sugar-laden-syrup-tea. Or if I order "coke" I'd like a coke - not diet and not Dr. Pepper. I HATE having to drive back or being hamstrung with a drink I have to toss. Then, if you do go back, they act all irritated and I feel like a jerk. Yes, I am sweet and polite but to me it's really annoying.

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This isn't a nickel and dimed story (although I want to mention there is a great book by that name about trying to make a living in that industry).


Years back, when I was a single mom, my dd and I went to Florida to see family. We were there with my Dad, my sisters, their husbands and my niece who was in the army at the time.


We had breakfast at a chain known for breakfasts (it wasn't Denny's but something similar).


Our waiter "got into it" with the cook. It had something to do with our order, but as you'll see, clearly there was history already. ;) We heard a mighty crash in the kitchen and yelling and our waiter appeared like magic at our table seemingly escaping something.


A few minutes later, our waiter was delivering food at our table when the cook came out after our waiter sporting a whisk/whip. This was not a whisk you have in your kitchen. This whisk was the size of a baseball bat. The waiter turned, my dd's breakfast went flying onto the lap of a patron at another table.


Now, keep in mind my family's demographics. My neice had recently served a tour in Iraq. She said "Oh *h*t, a whisk!" and began reaching for her gun (which was not there). My BIL was a retired corrections officer. He used to take life-time inmates into the woods with power tools to chop trees! He kept eating as this was going on; it was his normal.


The waiter drops the rest of our food on the floor and runs from the cook who chases him with the whisk. The cops have been called by this time.


My dd's meal was re-cooked, dropped food replaced, and the cops arrived. As we finish our meal, our waiter comes to our table with his hands secured behind his back, accompanied by an officer and says "I will be leaving for a while". My sister says "would you like your tip now because I think you are going to need it" and hands him $25.


The cook and the waiter both get hauled off to jail. Our entire meal is comped and we still say "Oh, *h*t, a whisk" as part of our family culture.

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This isn't a nickel and dimed story (although I want to mention there is a great book by that name about trying to make a living in that industry).


Years back, when I was a single mom, my dd and I went to Florida to see family. We were there with my Dad, my sisters, their husbands and my niece who was in the army at the time.


We had breakfast at a chain known for breakfasts (it wasn't Denny's but something similar).


Our waiter "got into it" with the cook. It had something to do with our order, but as you'll see, clearly there was history already. ;) We heard a mighty crash in the kitchen and yelling and our waiter appeared like magic at our table seemingly escaping something.


A few minutes later, our waiter was delivering food at our table when the cook came out after our waiter sporting a whisk/whip. This was not a whisk you have in your kitchen. This whisk was the size of a baseball bat. The waiter turned, my dd's breakfast went flying onto the lap of a patron at another table.


Now, keep in mind my family's demographics. My neice had recently served a tour in Iraq. She said "Oh *h*t, a whisk!" and began reaching for her gun (which was not there). My BIL was a retired corrections officer. He used to take life-time inmates into the woods with power tools to chop trees! He kept eating as this was going on; it was his normal.


The waiter drops the rest of our food on the floor and runs from the cook who chases him with the whisk. The cops have been called by this time.


My dd's meal was re-cooked, dropped food replaced, and the cops arrived. As we finish our meal, our waiter comes to our table with his hands secured behind his back, accompanied by an officer and says "I will be leaving for a while". My sister says "would you like your tip now because I think you are going to need it" and hands him $25.


The cook and the waiter both get hauled off to jail. Our entire meal is comped and we still say "Oh, *h*t, a whisk" as part of our family culture.



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Unless a menu or other sign specifically states that refills *are* free, I would assume I'm paying for everything I'm consuming.


This thread has been really interesting to me. We only eat at restaurants 2 or 3 times a year, so maybe I'm out of the loop. Still, I am surprised at what people feel entitled to when they are eating away from home.



It is interesting to me as well. The only places we eat where soda refills are free are fast food places. As for being asked if you want a glass of wine while you wait, of course there is a charge. They might call you a guest, but you are actually a customer.


The only posts that freak me out are the roach in a drink and the eaten ice cream. I would have left the roach and remainder of my food, and I dare them to try to charge me, as I walked out the door.

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I wonder what her problem was...it's not like she was paying for your kids free meals.


She actually made more work for herself.



The only excuse that came to my mind, is that on table with more than 6 or 8 people they sometimes automatically add 18% on to the bill for gratuity. Perhaps she was thinking her tip would be cut in half of the kids meals were all free? But still not really an excuse. If that is the case she needs to take it up with management not the patron.

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I have been to buffets where the juice is free.

A buffet is very different from a place where you order from a menu. I wonder if if the $70 juice bill mentioned was from a buffet or menu restaurant. At an expensive restaurant that has a Sunday buffet (been to one of those), I wouldn't expect the juice refills to be free. If it's a get-your-own-drink-refills buffet (some chains have this), then orange juice refills would be free.

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Someone mentioned Ruth's Chris and Morton's not doing a la carte, is that a recent thing because it sure wasn't the case when we used to go 10 years ago.


Maybe it's a regional thing? The only upscale steakhouse I've been to that did a la carte pricing was the Oak Room, which is why it sticks out in my mind.

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Really? Like what in particular?




The expectation that things from drinks to desserts should be free.

We have been given complimentary items at restaurants, and it has always been a nice surprise.

The assumption that cake or wine or an appetizer plate should have been left off the bill just seems odd to me.


I suppose it shouldn't, though. Plenty of people expect something for nothing.

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The expectation that things from drinks to desserts should be free.

We have been given complimentary items at restaurants, and it has always been a nice surprise.

The assumption that cake or wine or an appetizer plate should have been left off the bill just seems odd to me.


I suppose it shouldn't, though. Plenty of people expect something for nothing.


But you are taking this out of context. It's not the family ordered a dessert and then expected it to be free.


The cake, for example. The family was there for a birthday. Many chain restaurants provide a FREE dessert on someone's birthday. The server asked the child if he would like birthday cake. Heck, most places come to the table and SING!


Given those details, I think the family would be surprised to be charged for a dessert. I think what the server did was wrong.

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I've had a few winners!


The one that sticks out recently was a small chain - DS orders grilled chicken and broccoli. We wait. He gets his and starts eating it - and it's R.A.W. in the middle. I was ticked. Called the waiter over - he takes it back and was unconcerned about the health risk. The manager comes over... "Oh so sorry... blah." Then much later SAME chicken returns, though cooked. And we get charged for it. We were all tired, I was late for a meeting, and we live in a super small town so complaining sometimes backfires so we paid and left. DS ate at home. We won't go back.


I won't eat at one chain - food poisoning landed me in the hospital for 3 days while 6 months pregnant. I tried a few years later - ordered chicken wraps - chicken on the bottom was cold and raw in the middle. Fearing food poisoning again, I set up a plan for when I got sick (DH was traveling). I did not get sick - but I will NEVER eat there again.


Pet peeve - getting drinks wrong in the drive-through. When I order "unsweet tea" I would really like to get that not sugar-laden-syrup-tea. Or if I order "coke" I'd like a coke - not diet and not Dr. Pepper. I HATE having to drive back or being hamstrung with a drink I have to toss. Then, if you do go back, they act all irritated and I feel like a jerk. Yes, I am sweet and polite but to me it's really annoying.


That must have been terrible.

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My friends and I have a tradition of going out to dinner for Christmas every year - nice restaurant, no kids. We went to a local restaurant that we had all been to many times before. The entire evening was a disaster from beginning to end. Starting with cocktails, 2 were wrong, one had lipstick on the glass and they kept switching two beers. Appetizers were wrong. Entrees were wrong. Desserts were wrong. We ended up being there for four hours just to get through dinner. Fortunately, we were all resolved to have a good time and after a while, we had to laugh about it because it was just so ridiculous. Then, when it was all said and done, they switched up the credit cards and charged us for the wrong meals. Shortly, after this, they went out of business. None of us were surprised but it still makes us all laugh several years later.


I have two good restaurant stories though. First, dh and I were at Don Pablo's mexican restaurant one night for dinner. We had left the kids with my brother and were just enjoying a dinner out. We were in no hurry but dinner did take a very long time to get to us. We did not complain but the manager came to our table and he gave us our entire dinner including dessert for free. It was a pleasant surprise.


For the other story, we were in NYC. I was pregnant with dd9 and we had been walking all day. I was exhausted. Dh and I went into Hard Rock Cafe, noticed all of the people waiting and went to inquire about the wait since I really didn't want to wait a long time. The hostess looked at me, asked, "Ma'am, are you pregnant?". When I said yes, she said that we could go right in and she seated us immediately. It was such an act of kindness to me that day and so appreciated. I find it interesting that people talk about rude New Yorkers but I can honestly say that for the week we were there, we only encountered the nicest people, especially in the restaurants.


Those good stories are nice to read!

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I have never been asked this! I have always had servers say I'll bring you your change.


I have had servers who act like they're are too busy to be our waiter/waitress or have had them disappear for a ridiculously long time. If it's not a food issue I don't tip at that point.


The nice thing about chains us that if the store messes u and the manager on duty refuses to hel it make it better, you can go straight to the corporate office. A strongly worded letter, but still polite, to them complaining about lack of quality and lack of helpful customer service tends to work. I've gotten written apologies from the managers who initially refused to help and good coupons. I don't constantly complain, but if it's warranted I will.


That's true!

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This isn't a nickel and dimed story (although I want to mention there is a great book by that name about trying to make a living in that industry).


Years back, when I was a single mom, my dd and I went to Florida to see family. We were there with my Dad, my sisters, their husbands and my niece who was in the army at the time.


We had breakfast at a chain known for breakfasts (it wasn't Denny's but something similar).


Our waiter "got into it" with the cook. It had something to do with our order, but as you'll see, clearly there was history already. ;) We heard a mighty crash in the kitchen and yelling and our waiter appeared like magic at our table seemingly escaping something.


A few minutes later, our waiter was delivering food at our table when the cook came out after our waiter sporting a whisk/whip. This was not a whisk you have in your kitchen. This whisk was the size of a baseball bat. The waiter turned, my dd's breakfast went flying onto the lap of a patron at another table.


Now, keep in mind my family's demographics. My neice had recently served a tour in Iraq. She said "Oh *h*t, a whisk!" and began reaching for her gun (which was not there). My BIL was a retired corrections officer. He used to take life-time inmates into the woods with power tools to chop trees! He kept eating as this was going on; it was his normal.


The waiter drops the rest of our food on the floor and runs from the cook who chases him with the whisk. The cops have been called by this time.


My dd's meal was re-cooked, dropped food replaced, and the cops arrived. As we finish our meal, our waiter comes to our table with his hands secured behind his back, accompanied by an officer and says "I will be leaving for a while". My sister says "would you like your tip now because I think you are going to need it" and hands him $25.


The cook and the waiter both get hauled off to jail. Our entire meal is comped and we still say "Oh, *h*t, a whisk" as part of our family culture.[/QUOTE]


:lol: Love those family catch phrases.

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I used to work for a big beer brewer and we had to go to lots of restaurants that sell a lot of beer, one of which is Hooters. We asked the waitress the size of the wing orders and she said they came in 6, 12 & 24. My boss said, "We'll take 18." She said, "They don't come in 18." Did I mention we were in Hooters.

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a lot of people around here have one person riding in an SUV or large pickup. I only know of a few familes that actually need these vehicles. and I did not appreciate your reply I am intitled to my opinion.

:confused: Does this have something to do with restaurants? Or was this supposed to be in another thread?

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a lot of people around here have one person riding in an SUV or large pickup. I only know of a few familes that actually need these vehicles. and I did not appreciate your reply I am intitled to my opinion.


Um. . . you have one child. All RC did was ask what you would suggest for someone who has a larger family who would not fit into a small car. Perhaps a :chillpill:?

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There's a local Subway here that I will never go to again - they always skimp on the veggie toppings when I buy a sub, and it's unbelievably petty! When I ask for tomato, they put on a single tomato slice. Green peppers: Two strips, no more. If I ask for more, they select a single tiny sliver and add that.


The last time I went I requested more of the skimpy lettuce, which the new girl behind the counter happily supplied ... and then the manager walked up behind her, REACHED OVER HER SHOULDER AND PUT BACK HALF OF IT!!! Took it right off my sandwich - possibly an entire 1/2 penny's worth of shredded iceberg lettuce. ???? :001_huh:


Unreal. Needless to say, we don't go there anymore.

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But you are taking this out of context. It's not the family ordered a dessert and then expected it to be free.


The cake, for example. The family was there for a birthday. Many chain restaurants provide a FREE dessert on someone's birthday. The server asked the child if he would like birthday cake. Heck, most places come to the table and SING!


Given those details, I think the family would be surprised to be charged for a dessert. I think what the server did was wrong.


No, I understand the context. I just have different expectations.

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Found it.

Why dont they do that with gasoline. Allow less for the big trucks and van's. maybe people would get rid of them and get smaller cars. Sorry but I am a small car person. We have had one car for 22 yrs and we have survived without a suv and all the wasted gas. Sorry got off topic.


What if one car won't hold the family? Do you advocate that the family takes two (or more) cars with them everywhere they go? Would that make a big difference in the amount of gas used?


a lot of people around here have one person riding in an SUV or large pickup. I only know of a few familes that actually need these vehicles. and I did not appreciate your reply I am intitled to my opinion.


:confused: Does this have something to do with restaurants? Or was this supposed to be in another thread?


Um. . . you have one child. All RC did was ask what you would suggest for someone who has a larger family who would not fit into a small car. Perhaps a :chillpill:?

Ok, I will rant too. Linda, do you ask those people who have a large vehicle why they do? Have you considered that they may have other uses for it besides the people it can hold? (I do.) Do you want them to buy a second, smaller car for when they go out without a van load of people? Do you know if they're hauling anything in that vehicle that you can't see? (I do at times.) Do you know if they go on trips where they need more cargo space for luggage, gifts, camping gear, etc? (We do.) Do you track down all these people and ask why? Maybe you should before you judge, just because you prefer small cars.

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We went to a new place, just opened. I was pregnant with Tazzie at the time.


I ordered shrimp Alfredo. Wolf ordered lasagna. Well, the shrimp on my pasta was the teeny tiny from a can (salad shrimp?) shrimp. Literally dumped out from the can, still holding the shape. Wolf's dinner was 2 noodles with a bit of cheese btwn. Oh, and the wait for supper was well over an hour and a half.


I went into Wifezilla mode. I couldn't even eat what they placed in front of me. Supper was comped, and we never, ever went back there again.


The worst, though, was the hotel we booked for our wedding night. They over booked, and bounced us to another hotel. By the time we got to the other hotel, their kitchen was closed. We ate Cheesies, M&Ms and pop for our wedding supper, rather than the champagne, chocolate dipped strawberries and other assorted goodies that we had booked as a part of our original reservation.


Then, to top it off, they billed us for the cab ride to the other hotel, which we had been promised would be free.


I went into what Wolf still refers to as Bridezilla mode. The original hotel promised us our original pkg, plus dinner theatre for a future date.


Two months before our 1 yr anniversary, I contact the hotel. New manager has never heard of the promise. After offering to get the press involved, he tracks down the accounting info, proving the hotel pd for our stay at the other place. After 2 wks of run around, he hand delivers the promise in writing, and confirmation of the booking. I'd gotten to the point that I offered him a cpl of hours to get it to me before I contacted the press.


Talk about a gong show.

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I HATE having to drive back or being hamstrung with a drink I have to toss. Then, if you do go back, they act all irritated and I feel like a jerk. Yes, I am sweet and polite but to me it's really annoying.


Yes, I hate having to go back for an incorrect order. Thankfully our most recent experiences with this have been at the Wendy's 5 mins from home. And they were so nice about it. One time they forgot my dd's nuggets but I didn't discover this until I got home. I called and then drove back to get the nuggets. They gave me 2 orders of nuggets and a coupon for a free meal combo.


And then there's the local Panda Express where they gave me free drink because I had to wait for an entree to be cooked. It was only about 30 seconds. Really. I love that kind of service. :D

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Yes, I hate having to go back for an incorrect order. Thankfully our most recent experiences with this have been at the Wendy's 5 mins from home. And they were so nice about it. One time they forgot my dd's nuggets but I didn't discover this until I got home. I called and then drove back to get the nuggets. They gave me 2 orders of nuggets and a coupon for a free meal combo.


And then there's the local Panda Express where they gave me free drink because I had to wait for an entree to be cooked. It was only about 30 seconds. Really. I love that kind of service. :D


I spent a lot of time working in food service, and I always preferred to (and worked in places that did) offer that kind of service. From a business point of view, the cost-benefit is clearly in the establishment's favor. A happy customer is a repeat customer and a referral that will lead to other customers. It's the right way to treat people, and it makes good business sense.

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Did you ever ask to substitute?


Is the guac good? Is "worth" a dollar? I hate when I order it and it's like gushy flavorless paste.



No, I didn't because it wasn't their fault that I didn't specifically ask for no cheese. Still, who on earth covers a salad in cheese *and* puts bleu cheese all over it? Amazing to me that that would taste good to anyone. :glare:


Guac is OK. I can tell it's not just a mix like at some restaurants. But, it's kind of a rip off. When I just saved them $ by ordering basically nothing on my taco.



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The only excuse that came to my mind, is that on table with more than 6 or 8 people they sometimes automatically add 18% on to the bill for gratuity. Perhaps she was thinking her tip would be cut in half of the kids meals were all free? But still not really an excuse. If that is the case she needs to take it up with management not the patron.


That reminds me of why I constantly remind my children when we're using coupons that you always tip on the what the meal would cost if you were not using a coupon.

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This isn't a nickel and dimed story (although I want to mention there is a great book by that name about trying to make a living in that industry).


Years back, when I was a single mom, my dd and I went to Florida to see family. We were there with my Dad, my sisters, their husbands and my niece who was in the army at the time.


We had breakfast at a chain known for breakfasts (it wasn't Denny's but something similar).


Our waiter "got into it" with the cook. It had something to do with our order, but as you'll see, clearly there was history already. ;) We heard a mighty crash in the kitchen and yelling and our waiter appeared like magic at our table seemingly escaping something.


A few minutes later, our waiter was delivering food at our table when the cook came out after our waiter sporting a whisk/whip. This was not a whisk you have in your kitchen. This whisk was the size of a baseball bat. The waiter turned, my dd's breakfast went flying onto the lap of a patron at another table.


Now, keep in mind my family's demographics. My neice had recently served a tour in Iraq. She said "Oh *h*t, a whisk!" and began reaching for her gun (which was not there). My BIL was a retired corrections officer. He used to take life-time inmates into the woods with power tools to chop trees! He kept eating as this was going on; it was his normal.


The waiter drops the rest of our food on the floor and runs from the cook who chases him with the whisk. The cops have been called by this time.


My dd's meal was re-cooked, dropped food replaced, and the cops arrived. As we finish our meal, our waiter comes to our table with his hands secured behind his back, accompanied by an officer and says "I will be leaving for a while". My sister says "would you like your tip now because I think you are going to need it" and hands him $25.


The cook and the waiter both get hauled off to jail. Our entire meal is comped and we still say "Oh, *h*t, a whisk" as part of our family culture.





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Ok, I will rant too. Linda, do you ask those people who have a large vehicle why they do? Have you considered that they may have other uses for it besides the people it can hold? (I do.) Do you want them to buy a second, smaller car for when they go out without a van load of people? Do you know if they're hauling anything in that vehicle that you can't see? (I do at times.) Do you know if they go on trips where they need more cargo space for luggage, gifts, camping gear, etc? (We do.) Do you track down all these people and ask why? Maybe you should before you judge, just because you prefer small cars.



Exactly!! :iagree:

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On a positive note: tonight I went out to dinner with our family plus DH's mom & step father and his grandparents. Step father asked if there was a military discount and mentioned that he served and that grandpa was a WWII veteran. We got a 10% military discount and step-father and grandpa got coffee for free. That was on top of comped birthday desserts for MIL and me.


I'm off to write a thank you note to the manager.

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They're taught to do it that way.


It's like buyer beware.


She's right. In my former life (:tongue_smilie:), I was a waitress at Olive Garden. We never said 'Would you like to PURCHASE such and such'. Just 'Would you LIKE such and such'. Standard practice.


However, I would never, NEVER have added a charge to someone's bill AFTER they looked it over and gave me their card to pay. That's just not done. If I realized I had left something off, I'd have had the manager put it on the bill (so that it was accounted for, and I didn't get in trouble/fired for 'giving' a customer something), but then he would have comp'd the charge, so it was free.

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It is interesting to me as well. The only places we eat where soda refills are free are fast food places. As for being asked if you want a glass of wine while you wait, of course there is a charge. They might call you a guest, but you are actually a customer.


Perhaps what is normal varies by region. Dh and I eat out 1-2x a month, and I can't think of a restaurant where sodas have not been refilled for free. Granted, we don't go to black-tie restaurants, but all of the pubs & family-style restaurants have free refills. When they charge $2.19 for a glass of soda, it should definitely have free refills!


Several times I have been to the Olive Garden when they have given complimentary appetizers to the people waiting in the lobby. I've probably been there when they have offered complimentary wine.


It is definitely customary here to give the birthday person a free piece of cake or scoop of ice cream. That is such the norm that a restaurant should absolutely tell people there is a charge for it.


Once I asked the McDonalds near my house why there was a little bit of strawberry shake at the bottom of my chocolate shake last time, and the manager brought me a free chocolate shake. I was just curious!:tongue_smilie: I guess that makes up for the time I found a sticker in my burger (which they replaced without fuss).


Almost without exception, I've experienced excellent service here in the Portland area. Maybe when there is a lot of competition for business, the restaurants go the extra mile to keep customers happy.

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