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S/O my cat post -- we had her euthanized today

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I am just so sad that this has all happened, and I am trying not to be upset with our son for not getting her to the vet sooner and following through with everything. I am trying to remind myself that he probably didn't understand the seriousness of her not eating. We let her go with him because he was always officially his cat. I have been crying all throughout the day and just cannot deal with the fact that I could have intervened had I known she hadn't been eating.


I made an appt. with our vet, but we had to wait a long time, and by the time they saw us, they said it was too late to draw blood because the office was closed, so they sent us to the emergency clinic. I also found out that they had discussed the liver problem with him, but he clearly didn't understand all of what they were saying.


We paid for blood work and had them keep her over the night to hydrate her and give her an appetite stimulant. That was $586.


There was no change, so they discussed a feeding tube starting at $800 and recommended an ultrasound at $400-600 (had to see an internal medicine vet for that). I would truly appreciate no flames because I am very distraught over this right now, but my dh was very firm that we were not going to spend that much more.


Things have also been very stressful the last few weeks as I had a biopsy done on my back, a uterine ultrasound this week, and a uterine biopsy to be done in April. We pay all of our medical bills out of pocket. My husband has a urologist appt. this month as well. Oh, and his seasonal work is coming full-force now, and he is in the middle of trying to hire help.



Edited by nestof3
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:grouphug: I'm so sorry!! :grouphug: I'm sure your son didn't realize how serious it was that she wasn't eating - I didn't know it was a serious issue, either, until fairly recently. No flames here - we had to put down a beloved dog about 11 years ago because she was so sick and we just didn't have the money to go through all the testing and procedures at the time (and I still have guilt over that. . .)

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I'm so sorry. :grouphug:


I know the feeling. We had to put down our beautiful tortoise shell kitty due to liver failure. We lived with her everyday and didn't notice anything wrong until it was too late.


This had been going on for about two months. ugh And, she was only four years old.


I'm sorry for your loss too.

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:grouphug::grouphug: to all of you. It's such a hard decision to make. And that's a heck of a lot of money, anyway.


We've just had our dog put down a fortnight ago, on the vet's advice, but they did say that we could have spent ££££ to get her through another month or so if we'd wanted to. I'm talking hundreds of £ here. With the kind of problems she had, we just didn't believe it was worth putting her through all the anaesthesia and surgery.


So absolutely no flames from me. You just have to make the best decision at the time with the information you have. :grouphug:

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I am so verry sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. :( I lost my 13 year old cat last July and I am still mourning her. I had her for 11 of those 13 years.


I didn't see your original post, so you may know what was causing her to not eat, etc. but I just wanted to say that Sissy's first "symptom" was weightloss. By the time she stopped eating, she was all but gone. She had cancer in her stomach...and there was no help for her at all. :( My vet was very good about bills - he was about to cut her open for exploratory surgery (he felt the mass, but thought it was in her abdomen and not her stomach, making it possibly operable) when he decided to have someone trained in ultrasounds do one of those instead. That is when he saw the tumor in her stomach and, praise GOD, he never opened her up. She lived another month after this and we had her put down. Once an older cat starts to lose weight, usually it is a downhill slope.


My 14 year old cat, Blue, had drastic weight loss a few months ago and he has a thyroid issue.We are giving him meds and he is gaining weight back, but at his age and with this problem, we know this is the beginning of the end...be that another few months or another couple of years.



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:grouphug: No flames here, Dawn. I think most people would decide the same thing. :grouphug: We had our Sneekers put down in January. We don't pay for medical anything here, but I can imagine how that would be upsetting. Praying for your and your dh's health and for peace to push out the stress. :grouphug:

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Definitely no flames from me. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how heartbreaking it is. We had to put our cat Snickers to sleep a couple of years ago. We had spent a similar amount of money and they wanted to run other tests that we simply couldn't afford at the time. She got really sick really quickly and we wanted her to be at peace also.


It sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate now medically and financially too (also your dh's business). :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Sending you good thoughts and healing prayers!



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Absolutely no flames from me either. I've been right where you are, and we did what was financially feasible for our family. Our beloved kitty was euthanized because we could not afford her long term care. I am so sorry you had to go through this. It hurts like heck, but give yourself grace. :grouphug:

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