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New World Order conspiracies???

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Let's not forget that lots of important, powerful people, such as George W. Bush and Boxcar Willie, are actually reptilian humanoids (or however they refer to their species). Google David Icke for more on that one.


As for the Mayan predictions, many say it's not actually about the end of the world, but rather the end of a particular way of living/interacting with the world. It's actually pretty interesting stuff. I look forward to Dec 2012, if for no other reason than the fun conversations in the weeks that follow. :)

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Well, everyone but us. We'll be in Garga's WTM bunker drinking wine and eating chocolate.


Oh, are we all invited? I'll bring the Patron.


Let's not forget that lots of important, powerful people, such as George W. Bush and Boxcar Willie, are actually reptilian humanoids (or however they refer to their species). Google David Icke for more on that one.

Dick Cheney is a robot. That is according to robots.net. If anyone would know, it's them.

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Oh, are we all invited? I'll bring the Patron.


ETA: My shot glass collection & Margaritaville Mixer just might come in handy here!


Dick Cheney is a robot. That is according to robots.net. If anyone would know, it's them.


While the source reported that Cheney-bot is unable to learn from experience, he also commented that "the **** thing is smart, I'll give it that much."


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I thought we'd just crash and appeal to Garga's better nature. What's she going to do, turn us out into the cold and the zombie apocalypse?


I dunno, is she an Ayn Rand fan?


I find it very tiresome.


Some of the Conspiracy people have very little interest in the truth if it doesn't further their agenda of panic.

Let's rearrange the letters in "elegantlion" to make "angelo inlet"


OMG!! She is a body of water!!! a body of water!!!


Oh, I already knew that. Clearly, you are not in the same pm gossip circle.


ps-I am totally kidding about being in a pm gossip circle, this is only a joke.

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I find it very tiresome.


Some of the Conspiracy people have very little interest in the truth if it doesn't further their agenda of panic.

Let's rearrange the letters in "elegantlion" to make "angelo inlet"


OMG!! She is a body of water!!! a body of water!!!


Sshh, you weren't supposed to tell!!! Not even your spouse. :lol: I have a new internet persona (this message will self-destruct in five seconds)




There is?!:confused:


You'd better put in your order with Garga. Maybe you should start mailing her books for the bunker...you know, to soften her up first.


You can also mail me books, I'll take care of them. I promise not to spill wine on them. :D

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I find it very tiresome.


Some of the Conspiracy people have very little interest in the truth if it doesn't further their agenda of panic.

Let's rearrange the letters in "elegantlion" to make "angelo inlet"


OMG!! She is a body of water!!! a body of water!!!




:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Now I see what happens in contraversial threads! You guys start planning a NWO bunker with wine and chocolate. If I promise to bring extra-strength governmet-mind-control-deflection devices (GMCDDs, since I think tin-foil hats are against board rules and typing tin-foil hats probably automatically puts me on a terrorist watch list), margaritas, books, and cheescake can I come too?

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Since this IS getting to the point where it is technologically possible (if it is not already)...


My dog is micro-chipped with all our information on it, so it isn't a far-fetched idea for humans.


I just read about the food stamp fraud in Missouri and Illinois--EBT (transfers) showing up in HI, AK, TX by Missouri SNAP participants.

A guy from Jordan, but living in the US (IL), scammed the government for $1.5 BILLION in food stamp/welfare cash fraud.

One family had 31 people registered to receive more than $24K a year for SNAP (food stamps)!! Channel 4 in St. Louis asked Social Security if they ever did a "head check" and they said they basically go by "word of honor". :glare:


I could see where a microchip might be useful in this situation.


I'm keeping up with news in regard to China and how much of US debt they hold. A US Gov. weblink shows how much (read this as in billions of dollars!)--> MAJOR FOREIGN HOLDERS OF TREASURY SECURITIES (in billions of dollars)-->



Could the dollar crash? Ask China. :tongue_smilie:

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While I can't confirm or deny what the OP posted I can honestly say it would not surprise me one bit.


As for the President? Just because he says something doesn't mean he means it or won't do the opposite. He is a politician! :)


I saw a bumper sticker the other day -


All politicians should be required to dress like NASCAR drivers. At least then we'd know who their corporate sponsors were.


Too true to be very funny I'm afraid!

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When my DD was about 3 months old, I did this 0-3 local school system program. It was fascinating to me because I had never really thought about education before having a child. I mean, you have a kid and the kid goes to preschool, and K, and then on at whatever school is nearby, right?


So the program was eye opening to me because you could take your baby to any school in the district and there were different programs everywhere every single day.


At one of the upper class schools, I was having a good time playing with DD and her "friend," a little boy around her age. They liked staring at each other. So the mom and I struck up a conversation. She seemed so "normal" at first. We got to stories about breastfeeding, sleeping, etc. and she asked me how it was going. Well, I mentioned that everything went awesome except for the nights when I got up to pee and fogot not to flush the toilet. (DD loved the water!! And the minute she heard water of any kind, anywhere she expected to be in it!)


So this other mom gets all agitated and says, "You HAVE to flush the toilet! What if the government comes in the night and that's your only water supply? You will all die of thirst!!"


:glare: I had a few issues with this. Number one, why would the government come in the middle of the night and make me drink out of the toilet? What would I have to do to make that happen?

Number two, why wouldn't I drink the TANK water first? Would you drink from the tank instead of the BOWL? Because unless we all sterilize our toilets before bed every night, odds are someone pooped in there at some point throughout the day, week, whatever.

Number three, if the government did come in the middle of the night, why would we all be hanging around my home? Wouldn't the goal be to get me into a jail of some sort? Why would I be house arrested and forced to drink out of my toilet?


So all this was going through my head while this seemingly normal person was ranting about the New World Order that was coming. And I was never very clear about whether or not the order that was coming were the good guys or the bad guys.


I was as polite as I can be. She told me all about armageddon for an hour and then we walked out together. She had so many "end of world" bumper stickers on her new Honda Odyssey that I had a very hard time not laughing.


DH and I laugh about it now whenever there are elections. I hope these aren't the toilet drinking Republicans/Democrats/whatever!

And I cannot help but wonder 7 years later if this poor woman has more kids and scrubs her toilets every night in case the crap goes down!! (Figuratively speaking...) :D


There are nights when parenting is so exhausting that the idea of getting up to wash my 4 toilets would bring me to tears.


That's what I know about the New World Order. We're all going to have bloodless cattle, microchips in our butts, and drink toilet water. Sounds like a party!!!


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I saw a bumper sticker the other day -


All politicians should be required to dress like NASCAR drivers. At least then we'd know who their corporate sponsors were.


Too true to be very funny I'm afraid!


It would make voting easier. :lol:


No, wait, I LIKE Nascar. I might agree they need fire retardant suits however.

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You are right, NASCAR drivers might feel sullied if politicians start dressing like them.


:D Plus they probably wouldn't feel the need to do a nice back flip after a victory like Carl Edwards.


Or running through the hallowed halls waving the American Flag like a checkered flag.


Or I doubt they do a lot of burnouts in their cars, career (oops!) maybe, cars no.

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Unfortunately I think the extreme nutcases tend to muddy the waters for seeing what might be really happening.

It doesn't take much to see that we live in changing times and our cosy sense of security of the last 50 years might be coming to an end. Many predictions are actually coming true, such as the unrest in the middle east and food shortages, and catastrophic weather. So don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I think it pays to keep your eyes open. But acting on fear is never a good idea and a lot of conspiracy stuff is so fear based and feeds fear and drama.

But amongst it all is a deep wave of change happening on the planet and I personally am watching it closely.

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We are traveling back to Monterey, CA (where we met and were married), Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore, and Disney World (my favorite place on Earth!) by Dec. 2012.... you know, just in case. ;) Actually, I plan on being IN Disney World over Christmas.... that's where I would like to be, with my family, when the poop hits the fan! ;)


Yes, I'm a nutcase. I don't stress over this stuff, but I like to be prepared, just in case, LOL!



Really?! My dh and I met and married in Monterey too! And since the 'end' is coming on MY birthday in Dec 2012----AND we actually plan to be back living in Monterey by then.......bring your stockpile of chocolate and wine and we can share. Didn't someone mention some Patron??


I knew I came to the right place to ease my mind :D

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It doesn't take much to see that we live in changing times and our cosy sense of security of the last 50 years might be coming to an end. Many predictions are actually coming true, such as the unrest in the middle east and food shortages, and catastrophic weather. So don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I think it pays to keep your eyes open. But acting on fear is never a good idea and a lot of conspiracy stuff is so fear based and feeds fear and drama.

But amongst it all is a deep wave of change happening on the planet and I personally am watching it closely.



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Really?! My dh and I met and married in Monterey too! And since the 'end' is coming on MY birthday in Dec 2012----AND we actually plan to be back living in Monterey by then.......bring your stockpile of chocolate and wine and we can share. Didn't someone mention some Patron??


I knew I came to the right place to ease my mind :D


One day at the aquarium, then I needed to go back to work. We were actually married in Ben Lomond.



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Unfortunately I think the extreme nutcases tend to muddy the waters for seeing what might be really happening.

It doesn't take much to see that we live in changing times and our cosy sense of security of the last 50 years might be coming to an end. Many predictions are actually coming true, such as the unrest in the middle east and food shortages, and catastrophic weather. So don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I think it pays to keep your eyes open. But acting on fear is never a good idea and a lot of conspiracy stuff is so fear based and feeds fear and drama.

But amongst it all is a deep wave of change happening on the planet and I personally am watching it closely.


As much as I've kidded on this thread, I agree with Peela.

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I think it pays to keep your eyes open. But acting on fear is never a good idea and a lot of conspiracy stuff is so fear based and feeds fear and drama.


The most unfortunate thing at the moment is that I think a lot of it is PROFIT-based. That's my problem with it.

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As much as I've kidded on this thread, I agree with Peela.


I agree, too, but at the same time find myself wondering if those my age in the 1960s felt the same thing... Kennedy assassinated, a cultural revolution in the US, embattled formation of the nation of Israel, start of the Cold War...


I'm thinking we're not the first generation to feel this way.

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Unfortunately I think the extreme nutcases tend to muddy the waters for seeing what might be really happening.

It doesn't take much to see that we live in changing times and our cosy sense of security of the last 50 years might be coming to an end. Many predictions are actually coming true, such as the unrest in the middle east and food shortages, and catastrophic weather. So don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

I think it pays to keep your eyes open. But acting on fear is never a good idea and a lot of conspiracy stuff is so fear based and feeds fear and drama.

But amongst it all is a deep wave of change happening on the planet and I personally am watching it closely.


:iagree: I'm definitely watching things more closely nowadays!

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I agree, too, but at the same time find myself wondering if those my age in the 1960s felt the same thing... Kennedy assassinated, a cultural revolution in the US, embattled formation of the nation of Israel, start of the Cold War...


I'm thinking we're not the first generation to feel this way.


Or the people waiting for WW 3 in 1999 because of Nostradamas... I have an old internet buddy that is still mad as heck that we're all still here. :D


I find myself more in between. I'm not "preparing" per se, but I am planting a much bigger garden and putting more of my own food by. We're getting chickens in the fall. We're looking into wind and solar power for our farm. I'd like to get off the grid as much as possible but not because I think the end times are here. I want to do it for fun, nutrition, responsilbilty, etc. But in the back of my head, I do think, "Hey, if it gets REALLY bad..."

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I agree, too, but at the same time find myself wondering if those my age in the 1960s felt the same thing... Kennedy assassinated, a cultural revolution in the US, embattled formation of the nation of Israel, start of the Cold War...


I'm thinking we're not the first generation to feel this way.


We visited one town in Germany that had been laid waste, first by plague, then by the 30 Years War. They hadn't regained their medieval population until the 1970s.


In the 1849s, there was a cholera epidemic in Cincinnati that killed 8000 people, just in that one city. (There were epidemics in various places for decades beginning in the 1830s.)


The 1918 Flu Pandemic killed around 50-100 million.


Over 400,000 Americans died in World War II. An estimated 50-70 million were died in total during the war (though that depends a lot on when you date the beginning of the conflict).


Being prepared for horrible events can take several forms. And it can help you with both the expected and unexpected. But it can also lead to a bunker mentality.


You can lose political liberties in all sorts of ways. Sometimes you see it coming and can head it off. Sometimes you can't. It doesn't hurt to be vigilant, but I think that it can be bad to obsess.

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Dumb question...what's up with Utah?:confused:


I see it referred to in other posts but I don't get it.


Obviously I'm not up on my conspiracy theories~do they originate in Utah?


The place I have lived where I heard a lot of conspiracy theories was Utah. Don't get me wrong, the majority of people I knew did not believe in conspiracy theories, but the believing minority was a lot larger in Utah than in other places I have lived.


When I saw that the OP's location was the Rocky Mountains, I wondered if she was in Utah.


Like I said in my later post, every state/area has its own brand of quirky. Conspiracy theories are part of Utah's quirkiness.

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No, you cannot.


At least not without really annoying the FBI.


Several of them are in prison.


Ah. Okay.


Note to self: Do.... not.... renounce.... citizenship.


All right. Got it. Oh Lord. I'm probably on the list with Wendilouwho now. Inquiring about renunciation of citizenship is probably right up there with talking about tin-foil hats. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, this takes me back.


My ex was into this stuff. We had a huge photocopied book that told you how to renounce your federal citizenship and become a freeman.


I have a friend who is into this! She was really hard to talk to for a few weeks there but fortunately she seems to have calmed down somewhat. There is a certain way people into conspiracy stuff talk- its kind of desperate and they want to convince you- its a sell job- I have probably done it myself at times. I like receiving the information, often, but I don't need the hype.



I think the changes that are happening have been going on for a while (decades- and the 60s were clearly a part of it) and are just getting more intense (believe it or not, that is what many predictions say will happen). You can point to various isolated incidents in the last decades....but right now there is sooo much happening in so many ways- it is global. The economy is changing globally. The weather patterns are changing globally.

I personalyl am excited by it- the old ways were not working and its an exciting time to be alive- but hard for so many, too. The old paradigms, structures, are breaking down.

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Ah. Okay.


Note to self: Do.... not.... renounce.... citizenship.


All right. Got it. Oh Lord. I'm probably on the list with Wendilouwho now. Inquiring about renunciation of citizenship is probably right up there with talking about tin-foil hats. :tongue_smilie:


I think it was actually the counterfeiting, mail fraud, threats against officials, bank fraud, robbery, ect that landed them in prison. :lol:


You *cannot* however renounce your citizenship and still plan on living in the USA tax-free.


The Internal Revenue Service has included "free born" or "sovereign" citizenship in its list of frivolous claims that may result in a $5000 penalty when used as the basis for an inaccurate tax return



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I think it was actually the counterfieting, mail fraud, threats against officials, bank fraud, robbery, ect that landed them in prison. :lol:


You *cannot* however renounce your ciutizenship and still plan on living in the USA tax-free.






I actually think that, even if I were to decide to seek citizenship elsewhere, I would prefer to retain my American citizenship as well.

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