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There are still nice people in this world!

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A few of you might remember that our public school chess team (my boys are on it) was denied permission to attend the state championship due to the school not wanting to finance it. It is the first time they've won their region since 1984, but alas, it's "just" chess and not football or cheerleading (the cheerleading team just got back from a competition in Orlando and the chess competition is just an hour away, but I digress). The families involved (including us) just don't have the extra $$ to send them either. The economy is just tough for many of us and paying for food and electric has to come first.


So, yesterday, we find out that some alumni from the team chipped in to pay for it - providing both transportation and the entry fees for the top 7 kids on the team. One of the guys is the coach of one of our competitors (a true sportsman IMO)!


We are incredibly thankful! I used it as a teaching moment - reminding my boys to be generous in their future when they see a need. I'm sure there will be opportunities, and somewhere down the road, someone will benefit from their learning this wonderful lesson.


And may they do well this weekend! (Assuming we can scurry to get 7 members to go at this late notice. I'll be working on that today. We have 3 currently. We need a minimum of 5.)

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I think we have 7 who can go. Two couldn't due to other weekend commitments, but we moved the next two up. Now they just have to double check with their parents, so I'll find out for absolute certain tonight.


This "Alumni Club" appears to have come into existence yesterday (but is seriously composed of some alumni who genuinely want to see the kids go). Some people are literally wonderful.


My middle son won the open division in their regional tournament (and our school won the team division for the season). My youngest finished 4th in the reserve decision. Our region winner (team) won the state competition last year. I'm excited for this year! Time will tell how they do. I do hope all 7 can come as they take the top 4 results for the "final." Having more helps. Having less hurts, though as long as you have 4, you can be competitive.


Did I mention that I no longer play chess with my boys? ;)

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A few of you might remember that our public school chess team (my boys are on it) was denied permission to attend the state championship due to the school not wanting to finance it. It is the first time they've won their region since 1984, but alas, it's "just" chess and not football or cheerleading (the cheerleading team just got back from a competition in Orlando and the chess competition is just an hour away, but I digress). The families involved (including us) just don't have the extra $$ to send them either. The economy is just tough for many of us and paying for food and electric has to come first.


So, yesterday, we find out that some alumni from the team chipped in to pay for it - providing both transportation and the entry fees for the top 7 kids on the team. One of the guys is the coach of one of our competitors (a true sportsman IMO)!


We are incredibly thankful! I used it as a teaching moment - reminding my boys to be generous in their future when they see a need. I'm sure there will be opportunities, and somewhere down the road, someone will benefit from their learning this wonderful lesson.


And may they do well this weekend! (Assuming we can scurry to get 7 members to go at this late notice. I'll be working on that today. We have 3 currently. We need a minimum of 5.)


Awesome! Keeping my fingers crossed for your team!

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This 'alumni club' deserves a medal for being such decent human beings! Best wishes for a wonderful tournament.



I agree 100%


When someone does something really nice like this... well, it not only made my whole day, it also makes me really want to do nice things for others.


I hope the team does well, not just because my boys are on the team, but also to "repay" those supporting them. The "alumni club" will be getting a nice thank you card!

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I agree 100%


When someone does something really nice like this... well, it not only made my whole day, it also makes me really want to do nice things for others.


I hope the team does well, not just because my boys are on the team, but also to "repay" those supporting them. The "alumni club" will be getting a nice thank you card!


Yes, pay it forward, however you can. :)


I'm so happy for your team, and I hope they do well!! So exciting!


I'm glad these alumni heard of the need and were able to help.

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Did you get enough players?


They have 5 going. Others had made other (unchangeable) plans when they heard they couldn't go. Fortunately, the top four players are all going, then it'll be good experience for the 5th (who hadn't gotten to go to many tournaments since he was a lower board). It's the top 4 scores that count, so I'm hoping the top 4 do well (and it wouldn't disappoint me if board 5 had a great day either!).


It would have been helpful to have had 7 - just in case - as chess is so variable pending the draw of opponents and the particular strategy chosen. In the last tournament two of the guys who can't come scored higher than a couple who are going. But, they can still be competitive and I'm hoping they do well. They leave at 6:45 tomorrow morning!

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They have 5 going. Others had made other (unchangeable) plans when they heard they couldn't go. Fortunately, the top four players are all going, then it'll be good experience for the 5th (who hadn't gotten to go to many tournaments since he was a lower board). It's the top 4 scores that count, so I'm hoping the top 4 do well (and it wouldn't disappoint me if board 5 had a great day either!).


It would have been helpful to have had 7 - just in case - as chess is so variable pending the draw of opponents and the particular strategy chosen. In the last tournament two of the guys who can't come scored higher than a couple who are going. But, they can still be competitive and I'm hoping they do well. They leave at 6:45 tomorrow morning!




Go get 'em boys!

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That is indeed wonderful news! Good luck to your champions!


I am sure this newly formed Alumni Club will continue doing good deeds. My dh recently reconnected with school friends and together formed their own alumni club. Technology can be a wonderful thing as they are spread all around the globe and reconnected through Facebook. They are already doing a lot for needy old school mates back home in Sri Lanka and wherever in the world they may be.

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They have 5 going. Others had made other (unchangeable) plans when they heard they couldn't go. Fortunately, the top four players are all going, then it'll be good experience for the 5th (who hadn't gotten to go to many tournaments since he was a lower board). It's the top 4 scores that count, so I'm hoping the top 4 do well (and it wouldn't disappoint me if board 5 had a great day either!).


It would have been helpful to have had 7 - just in case - as chess is so variable pending the draw of opponents and the particular strategy chosen. In the last tournament two of the guys who can't come scored higher than a couple who are going. But, they can still be competitive and I'm hoping they do well. They leave at 6:45 tomorrow morning!



Glad to hear you got enough to go... Go get them kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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