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A rather un pc rant about conventions

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Ha! Now I have to experience a conference. I might have to sneak away at times...for Two and a Half Me (FaithManor --who is a temptress-- spoke of big screen TVs and whirlpool tubs...and now I am thinking whirlpool tubs with TVs in the bathroom), which is my sociology research. Yes... my sociology research. ;)


Dang, don't make me edit that...

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Hey, Southwest flies out of Norfolk! How about Reno or Sacramento?






Ya know, Southwest started in TX <hint, hint>


Flies into all the major cities in TX <hint, hint>


There aren't any major happenings in September in Austin <hint, hint>


Between South Austin [and, yes, one does capitalize this] and Georgetown there are lots of hotels <hint, hint>


Just FYI...;)

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I'll come. When shall we do it? September's pretty open for me.




P.S. Mollie from the office will design the T-shirts. She's a genius.


P.P.S. I bet I could talk a couple of other people into coming. Who should we ask?


Tulsa is really convienent for me, but dh says he would take me to Dallas.

Dh is willing to check into accommodations for the event and see what kind of costs would be required for either location.


Would anyone be interested in those locations?

Edited by Martha
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Ya know, Southwest started in TX <hint, hint>


Flies into all the major cities in TX <hint, hint>


There aren't any major happenings in September in Austin <hint, hint>


Between South Austin [and, yes, one does capitalize this] and Georgetown there are lots of hotels <hint, hint>


Just FYI...;)


That one works for me. :D

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Ya know, Southwest started in TX <hint, hint>


Flies into all the major cities in TX <hint, hint>


There aren't any major happenings in September in Austin <hint, hint>


Between South Austin [and, yes, one does capitalize this] and Georgetown there are lots of hotels <hint, hint>


Just FYI...;)

Works for me, too. :D
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I love Austin.


But am already in TX once this year...how far west would the TX people be willing to come?


Maybe contributions could be prorated by distance from the Festivus site.


In case anyone is wondering, Maryland is playing UNC and my DH and DS14 and niece are making so much noise that I'm killing time on the boards until normal life resume.

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I love Austin.


But am already in TX once this year...how far west would the TX people be willing to come?


Maybe contributions could be prorated by distance from the Festivus site.


In case anyone is wondering, Maryland is playing UNC and my DH and DS14 and niece are making so much noise that I'm killing time on the boards until normal life resume.


You don't have to state a reason for being here at HOME with us. :lol:


I'm in the OKC area and Austin is practically spitting distance from here. :001_smile:

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I would like to hear from the Art of Problem Solving guru guy.


I'd also like to hear about how to do high school. Not a my way is the only right way, but lots of different ways. Different styles of transcripts. Or even doing portfolios instead. The many ways one can work towards a degree or skilled profession.

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It's probably because I've been in bed sick for four days, but now I am envisioning a WTM fight club.


The first rule about Homeschool Festivus is that you don't talk about Homeschool Festivus. We'll just walk around with chocolate on our face, our messed up hair from staying up too late, our matching bee tatoos, and our worn out freshly autographed copies of WTM. We won't have to say a word, we'll just nod and know, we've been a part of Homeschool Festivus. :D


I was thinking that it sounded like Deadheads doing concert roadtrips, but Fight Club works too.


There could be tie dye conference shirts.


If you went all the way to CA, I wonder if you could get Barb aka Harmony Art Mom to talk about how she goes from an idea on nature study or art or music to actually putting nature/art/music study into practice.


How about a panel of moms of college students talking about the college app process?

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Hey, Southwest flies out of Norfolk! How about Reno or Sacramento?




Definitely Sacramento if you want to reach a lot of people. It's fairly inexpensive. Reno is very nice but less central to population centers.

Although now that I think about it, Stockton is less than an hour's drive from Sacramento, even more central, probably much cheaper, and far more accessible from the Bay Area population center.


Who else to invite???


Hmmmm, Memoria Press, the ARN people, maybe? I'd avoid the math wars, though. :lol:


When you were here nearby in Roseville, A Brighter Child had a great sale room. I don't know how they did, but there are so few homeschooling stores around in Northern CA that it would be a treat to have them participate.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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Bill, you are a troublemaker.


So to all of you reading this thread: I keep thinking that there must be a lecture/book tour/educational conference kind of alternative to the music-business "house tour." Does anyone know about these? One example: http://www.susanenan.com/House+Concert+Tour/History.aspx.




I've heard of similar movements for politics, mostly on the state level. Supporters have coffees or bbq's and the invite their friends to hear the candidate speak. Plus it gives people a chance to ask really pointed questions without so many layers between voter and candidate. (Probably how the shad planking tradition started.)

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I love Austin.


But am already in TX once this year...how far west would the TX people be willing to come?


Maybe contributions could be prorated by distance from the Festivus site.


In case anyone is wondering, Maryland is playing UNC and my DH and DS14 and niece are making so much noise that I'm killing time on the boards until normal life resume.


For us, it is all about drive time/cost. In September I will have a 3 month old baby in tow too. So ideally, within an 8 hour drive of here.


Looking at a map. I don't know if I could make it, but Roswell, NM sure sounds like the perfect locale for a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing clandestine homeschool festivus folks to meet up.

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I love Austin.


Who doesn't? :D


But am already in TX once this year...how far west would the TX people be willing to come?


Where and when?

Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to leave the state. My pay is such that, depending on the work week, I would lose money. I'm the worker [for pay] bee in the family. The county commissioners keep promising to fix it...you know, next year.


Maybe contributions could be prorated by distance from the Festivus site.


In case anyone is wondering, Maryland is playing UNC and my DH and DS14 and niece are making so much noise that I'm killing time on the boards until normal life resume.


I just had a thought (always a dangerous proposition) -- depending on where you will be in TX, you could justify a second trip with the excuse <ahem> reason that given the state's vastness and the varying physical and cultural geographies present in the different regions, a second trip would be like going to another state. (geez, how desperate does that sound?)

I'm on duty today and that is the only reason I'm not subjected to my household's version of "no-life-til-after-sporting-event" [aka Nascar].

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I would like to hear from the Art of Problem Solving guru guy.


I'd also like to hear about how to do high school. Not a my way is the only right way, but lots of different ways. Different styles of transcripts. Or even doing portfolios instead. The many ways one can work towards a degree or skilled profession.




Definitely more about teaching critical thinking, foreign languages, ways to get science done to help prepare our kids for a career in a health or science related field etc.


I like to see examples. I would love to see samples of different transcripts and even things you might put in a portfolio like science lab notebooks, research papers etc.


I learn a lot more quickly looking at samples than I can in ten minutes of hearing someone explain how they did it or what sort of things they included.


Oh, and do you ever come to Michigan? Not that I'd blame you if you don't. Not many of us want to be here now either. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: I just noticed the dates of the Cincinnati convention. I have a commitment that weekend or I'd totally go there. :sad:

Edited by darlasowders
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Bill, you are a troublemaker.


So to all of you reading this thread: I keep thinking that there must be a lecture/book tour/educational conference kind of alternative to the music-business "house tour." Does anyone know about these? One example: http://www.susanenan.com/House+Concert+Tour/History.aspx.




OK that is just too cool. What a great way to reach a lot of people. Different speakers, different cities; same speaker, different cites. There are just so many ways to change things up and still let those of us who want to participate go right along with you.

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Bill, you are a troublemaker.


So to all of you reading this thread: I keep thinking that there must be a lecture/book tour/educational conference kind of alternative to the music-business "house tour." Does anyone know about these? One example: http://www.susanenan.com/House+Concert+Tour/History.aspx.




Oh that sounds so neat! I would totally be open to opening my house to something like that for home schooling.


I've heard of similar movements for politics, mostly on the state level. Supporters have coffees or bbq's and the invite their friends to hear the candidate speak. Plus it gives people a chance to ask really pointed questions without so many layers between voter and candidate. (Probably how the shad planking tradition started.)


I have no idea what shad planking is.

I asked dh and he said it sounded kinky.

I said no, it's something politics related.

Dh just laughed and said that's what he said.;)

Off to google and hoping no weird pictures pop up...

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Shall we cast lots for who gets to paint Bill's toenails? :tongue_smilie:


I was with you until you got to the toenail painting thing.




I even looked up how much it would cost me to fly Southwest from RDU to Reno or Sacramento. I was thinking, "that isn't SO bad!" until I realized that was the price each way!!!:001_huh::lol:

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I like to see examples. I would love to see samples of different transcripts and even things you might put in a portfolio like science lab notebooks, research papers etc.


I learn a lot more quickly looking at samples than I can in ten minutes of hearing someone explain how they did it or what sort of things they included.


Me too. In fact, I rarely read or listen to people without paper pen. I draw pics of what they are talking about. So if they are describing a transcript, I'm drawing what they are describing. It's a pain being a visual kinetic learner.


On the other hand, I'm annoying to people bc when they ask me a question, I get up and start grabbing samples and books and materials to show them. All they want me to do is tell them in a sentence or two.


I can't convey much of anything in a few sentences and being told I need to makes my brain short circuit.:)

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study is a form of worship.



I love this thought.


I attended the anniversary conference in 2009--wow, that was epic. SWB, Jim Weiss, JW, just a few vendors but they were the ones I really wanted...perfect perfect perfect. There need to be more of those. Take that show on the road!


:iagree: It was one of the only two I've ever been to.


By why stay in the USA?

Come to Canada!


(Let's all start waving our Canadian flags :))




(I don't know how to make it appear in my post, so you'll have to click the link)


But anyway, I don't think it's going to work - the western Americans have been trying to lure her out there for awhile now... :D


Does anyone know about these? One example: http://www.susanenan.com/House+Concert+Tour/History.aspx.




Yes, we attended one a couple of weeks ago. They are popular in Canada, and we get to hear the artists up close and personal. It was a lot of fun. We have a part-time neighbour who performs for some of these house concerts, too; and we know a guy who organizes them. It would be great if there was a book/info. on doing your own homeschool conferences - I'd consider organizing a classical/academic one in my area, but I'm afraid of stepping on others' toes around here....

Edited by Colleen in NS
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Oh that sounds so neat! I would totally be open to opening my house to something like that for home schooling.



:iagree: Me, too! Although dh might have heart palpitations. Bill, you'd be there, right?


Re: shad planking -- I first thought of some ancient way of cooking/preserving fish.

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I'm a Christian and wouldn't want to go to most of the homeschooling conferences. Mostly because most of the time people are focusing on their own convictions/application of scripture as truth and this can just get/is weird. One Sunday at our fellowship they showed a video of a speaker from the homeschool conference most had just attended about college and how stupid some of the degrees were (agreed) and honestly I don't remember most of it, because I just tuned it out. I felt it this had no place in church! Just to be fair, this was was only a two time incident. If I ever go to a convention I would probably only pay to go to the curriculum hall, unless it was a conference that focused on academics.

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Dh promises not to mess with your toenails. And he has a stash of the good stuff -- aged whisky (do note the correct spelling, here).


Oh well now, if the men need a more masculine retreat, dh will give a how to home brew beer session. Samples provided.:D

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I was with you until you got to the toenail painting thing.




I even looked up how much it would cost me to fly Southwest from RDU to Reno or Sacramento. I was thinking, "that isn't SO bad!" until I realized that was the price each way!!!:001_huh::lol:


Renee, are you still in FL? If so, I'll pick you up and we can carpool. And I'm sure we can crash at Bill's house, right? We promise no toenail painting! :D

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If I understand Susan's drift she's going to be speaking at my house-convention :D




Yeah...I suggested you would fit in at CHEA before I saw that SWB had jumped in and offered her services.:D


I was just having fun since I'm certain that CHEA would definitely not be your cup of tea.:)


Now, if SWB comes to the West Coast, I'll make every effort. The only time I've seen her is my very first homeschooling convention back at the beginning when CHEA was still at the Disneyland Hotel. I didn't even know enough to make sure I went to all of her seminars.;)

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Dh promises not to mess with your toenails. And he has a stash of the good stuff -- aged whisky (do note the correct spelling, here).


Noted :D


Oh well now, if the men need a more masculine retreat, dh will give a how to home brew beer session. Samples provided.:D


Whisky and home brew, this sounds like the best home-convention ever :001_smile:



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Here's my dream conference: mainly secular (evolution, please!), hard-core academics, gifted kids, writing, math for geniuses taught by non-geniuses, a little seminar on how to keep sane, something about toddlers, talks on progressive "no-hitting children" parenting, writing, writing, writing; something about putting fun into homeschooling for the overly-serious types, foreign languages, long-range thinking about college.


We could have it here in coastal NE. People could camp in my yard. we could all eat lobsters, swim in our little lake, take a surfing lesson.


Alternately we could all give talks on what we do/know best, even if it has nothing to do with homeschooling. My DH could explain world events of the last decade, and tell you everything you (n)ever wanted to know about journalism. I could give an advanced seminar in how to avoid beach traffic.


Seriously, I'd love a (mainly) secular but academic (no tie-dying) homeschooling convention that focused on the practical, not the political.

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Yeah...I suggested you would fit in at CHEA before I saw that SWB had jumped in and offered her services.:D


I was just having fun since I'm certain that CHEA would definitely not be your cup of tea.:)



They don't serve aged whisky? :tongue_smilie:



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